A man freed after spending 25 years for rape he may not have comitted


VIP Member
Oct 15, 2016
Ex-Fort Worth officer who spent 21 years in prison for rape is found not guilty in new trial | Courts | Dallas News

I think 21 years is a very long time even if he really did it.

Can't the cop check that the girl is not a virgin?

If a girl is not a virgin, the amount of damage is minimal. We no longer live in a society where a non virgin will never get a husband or that sex and pregnancy is inseparable.

$100k fine or 2-3 years should be enough. Any men would see that it's much cheaper to pay a hoe instead.
She was 13 freaking years old for crying out loud!

What do you mean ''can't the cop check that the girl is not a virgin''??? Kidding right.

Virgin or not it is NEVER okay to rape....ever.

Of course it's not okay. However, virginity can worth millions in ebay while regular whore cost less.

So the economic value, and everything is economical, of raping a virgin is of course different than economic value of raping a non virgin.

So the penalty must be different.

Neither stealing a bike nor stealing a car is okay. But you don't expect punishment to be the same right?
Neither stealing a bike nor stealing a car is okay. But you don't expect punishment to be the same right?

I do. You've taken someone's form of transportation. Why should the punishment be less just because you stole from a rider vs. a driver? This assumes we're talking about adults here.

Anyway, an argument can be made.
Virgin or not it is NEVER okay to rape....ever.
Amen to this.

God bless you and the man always!!!


P.S. And may the guy get something good to make up for all of the time that was taken from him.
Neither stealing a bike nor stealing a car is okay. But you don't expect punishment to be the same right?

I do. You've taken someone's form of transportation. Why should the punishment be less just because you stole from a rider vs. a driver? This assumes we're talking about adults here.

Anyway, an argument can be made.
I don't follow your argument.

Maybe bike and car is not a good sample.

Say someone steal 1kg of silver for you, should punishment be the same with stealing 1kg of gold? I think it should be different because gold is more expensive.

The same way sex with virgin is more expensive than regular whore. So the penalty should be higher. Something that's proportionate to actual damage.

‘It’s my decision’: This woman is auctioning off her virginity to help her family

It's $450k dollar.

Actually, biblical solution for rape is quite reasonable if we adjust for inflation. Yes penalty of rape is just "fine". However, the fine is the market price of bride price which is quite a lot. A man that can't pay will become slave, like prison. He he he he. $450k fine.

Of course under current justice system, poor people do not fear fine and the rich only fear jail. But that's a different story.

Just an idea.
Neither stealing a bike nor stealing a car is okay. But you don't expect punishment to be the same right?

I do. You've taken someone's form of transportation. Why should the punishment be less just because you stole from a rider vs. a driver? This assumes we're talking about adults here.

Anyway, an argument can be made.
I don't follow your argument.

Maybe bike and car is not a good sample.

Say someone steal 1kg of silver for you, should punishment be the same with stealing 1kg of gold? I think it should be different because gold is more expensive.

The same way sex with virgin is more expensive than regular whore. So the penalty should be higher. Something that's proportionate to actual damage.

‘It’s my decision’: This woman is auctioning off her virginity to help her family

It's $450k dollar.

Actually, biblical solution for rape is quite reasonable if we adjust for inflation. Yes penalty of rape is just "fine". However, the fine is the market price of bride price which is quite a lot. A man that can't pay will become slave, like prison. He he he he. $450k fine.

Of course under current justice system, poor people do not fear fine and the rich only fear jail. But that's a different story.

Just an idea.

I would separate punishment into two distinct areas. One is confinement or other restriction of freedom. The other is monetary restitution due to the criminal activity (not talking contract law). In the case of the latter, I concur that punishment should equal actual damage. However, with regard to prison, I argue in favor of a much simpler to understand system of law, one where actual infringement of another's rights acts as a litmus test before government can incarcerate you.

Under such a system, non-consensual acts like taking what doesn't belong to you become one of the few things everyone knows is against the law. I would argue that it would be beneficial to the notion of crime prevention if everyone also knew the punishment for such crimes. It would also make the courts extremely efficient, which is good for taxpayers and the idea of the right to a speedy trial.

I think laws should be simple and few and when monetary restitution due to criminal activity is called for, rigorously enforced.

Is this a libertarian's wet dream of a criminal justice system that in no way reflects reality?

Yes it is.

Lastly, I do not disagree with you assessment of our current justice system.
About poor people not fearing fine, I may be wrong. May be it's the other way around. The rich do not fear fine. The poor does not fear jail.

And the poor also do not fear being sued in private court.

It's just basic economy.

The problem about rape is that sometimes, the act is the same, fucking. However, a whole lot of different comes on whether the woman is consenting or not. And whether a woman is consenting or not is often grey area.

For example, in night club, it's usual to grope women's breast and then pay her. The women know that's what's going to happen. They want it. They want the money.

Trump may say that they let you grab them by the pussy. I think he means it con sensually. But somehow it's controversial.

Then we have that NBA player that think she wants it and latter she claim she is not.

Then we have cases where a couple got drunk and they fondle each other. Are they sexually assaulting each other? What about if they know all along that they will fondle each other but too shy and they want to get drunk first? Based on the letter of the law, both are guilty of sexual assault. Then you got to see context. Did they have sex before. Bla bla. That's not simple.

To make matter worse, buying sex is illegal most of the time.

Imagine if someone takes a burger or a car without permission and latter claim he thought he had permission. Well, usually that sort of thing can be solved easily. We know that car has economic value and has market price. We know that it's not "normal" for people to just let others grab the car.

Not so with sex. We know sex have value. We would think that it's not normal for men to just have sex without paying. Well guess what. It is normal in western civilization. Why? Because you can't pay for it.

I suspected that the real reason why people oppose prostitution is so it's good for them. Why? Well, many men are more likely to get free sex if prostitution is illegal. It's kartel.

Now, if prostitution were legal and selling virginity is common, and a man have sex with women, and not paying, we know it's most likely non consensual. Why would anyone give something for free for something she can get money for it? Why would you give free car if we all know you can get money for it. If the girl want to consent anyway she'll do something to make it more clear, like sign an agreement, or something.

However, selling sex is illegal. People commonly get sex for free. And difference between ah ah ah, and uh uh uh can mean 30 years in prison for the man.

Here is the problem. If I am very drunk and that super beautiful girl have sex with me. And I forget of consenting. If nothing else happens. She doesn't have aids. Doesn't get pregnant and latter sue for child support, bla bla. I would say, I owe her a dinner. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Of course, by the law, she is a rapist that can go to jail for 50 years. You kidding me? No girl would want to get near me if the government has his way.

As with the other way around, I can understand misunderstanding happens.
What? My last post is a joke. That never really happens.

I got it from 9 gag. Everyone says yap it's rape. I was like what?
If nothing else happens. She doesn't have aids. Doesn't get pregnant and latter sue for child support, bla bla. I would say, I owe her a dinner. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
No moron. You're responsible for that child.

Good Allah, you should be fined for your stupidity!
Than THAT is a problem.

Something that is NOT addressed in western civilization. A woman can put hole in a condom, get pregnant and sue you for child support.

If anything the law makes it worse because government make child support proportional to the man's wealth.

However, THAT is the problem. Having a child without your consent is a BIG problem. Having sex without your consent, or some grey area isn't a big problem. Sex is a small issue. Having children and paying child support is the big issue.

Western countries see the other way around. It's so easy for a man to be forced to pay huge child support even for kids that's not his. Yet, sex is such a big thing that a mere fondling of tits can land years in prizon.

That being said, if the child support amount is reasonable and the girl is very pretty and smart, I may think it's not a bad deal.

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