A Man Of Pure Grace.

seems clearer now than ever that bush was looking for any excuse to invade iraq..when the saudis were directly involved...i do not wish to rehash the bush admin. nor will i see it glorified.

Might you stop already and at least follow the theme of the thread.
Though I think invading Iraq was a mistake it does appear to be better off for it. The man has moved on and so should we. He is showing grace in his support of Haiti and refrained from even a hint of political divide preferring to show unity in the face of a task of great magnitude. Any credit for that?

Why does he DESERVE anything for doing the RIGHT thing for the FIRST TIME in his life? I don't see anybody giving CLINTON props for being seen with such a BUFFOON and not COMPLETELY over shadowing him. I'll give credit to Bush Sr but Jr I don't think so.
Hey Willow do you have a life sized cut out of Bush that you pray to every night?

Front row...

Bush left the blacks of New Orleans to fend for themselves.

But, he is leading the charge to rescue the Haitians.

Go figure?? :cuckoo:

They did pretty well too:

Whether it was beer, water, or juice, the guy was carrying.

It makes no difference.

People had to have something to drink.

Right now they ain't getting much of that in Haiti.

Shaul Schwarz, a photographer for TIME magazine, said he saw at least two downtown roadblocks formed with bodies of earthquake victims and rocks.

"They are starting to block the roads with bodies, it's getting ugly out there, people are fed up with getting no help," he told Reuters.
Angry Haitians block roads with corpses: witness | Reuters
President George W. Bush,, standing side by side with the people who have demonized him for eight years.. He doesn't have to but he is. Standing side by side with the people who would like to try him as a war criminal. Standing side by side with the people who cannot bring themselves to try terrorists as war criminals, Standing side by side with the Perfect People.

Is this the same George w Bush who's campaign dragged a U.S. war hero through the mud in the 2000 Republican primary and sunk so low as to prey on the racist sentiments in South Carolina by making illusions about John Mccain's adopted black daughter? I guess that's what Conservative Republicans consider to be a man of grace.
You know what? You're right. If he had said, "Screw you. I'm staying in Dallas. To hell with the Haitians!" he could not possibly be more vilified than he already has. He will likely gain nothing for answering the call.

oh pooh! bush wasn't "vilified". he was called out for the incompetent he was.

personally, i never thought he was evil. i always said i'm sure he's charming to have a drink with.... as did most people who are left of center.

but i know that the right likes to do the whole drama queen thing by saying the left was "mean" to him... "mean" to palin...yadda, yadda.

it's pretty funny, actually.

but man of grace? come on. lol..

I like you, J. I don't wanna fight, but Dub has been vilified by many on the left, and not for being incompetent. "Bush lied, people died"? That's pretty damn vilifying.

Good thing the right treated President Clinton with kid gloves though.
President George W. Bush,, standing side by side with the people who have demonized him for eight years.. He doesn't have to but he is. Standing side by side with the people who would like to try him as a war criminal. Standing side by side with the people who cannot bring themselves to try terrorists as war criminals, Standing side by side with the Perfect People.

I think the right called it 'legacy rescue' whenever Clinton did anything of the sort.
President George W. Bush,, standing side by side with the people who have demonized him for eight years.. He doesn't have to but he is. Standing side by side with the people who would like to try him as a war criminal. Standing side by side with the people who cannot bring themselves to try terrorists as war criminals, Standing side by side with the Perfect People.

Is this the same George w Bush who's campaign dragged a U.S. war hero through the mud in the 2000 Republican primary and sunk so low as to prey on the racist sentiments in South Carolina by making illusions about John Mccain's adopted black daughter? I guess that's what Conservative Republicans consider to be a man of grace.

Conservatives had to lower the minimum test score for 'grace' qualification so at least some of their heroes could get in.
Bush left the blacks of New Orleans to fend for themselves.

But, he is leading the charge to rescue the Haitians.

Go figure?? :cuckoo:

Obama left the lives of the 'Black' people of Haiti in Hillary's hands. If she fucks it up he'll blame her.

He's not involved. He in MA as we speak trying to bail out the idiot they want to replace Teddy with.

And Condoleezza Rice was in NY buying shoes and attending 'Spamalot' during Katrina.

oh, and a big FYI...

...Haiti is a foreign country. Don't be shocked, you're not the first winger who can't grasp this.
It's so Perfectly Gratifying to see the Perfect People show up in force each and every time President Bush is paid a compliment... now tomorrow they will all beg and grovel, scream and moan and rent their clothes cause their dude don't get no R E S P E C T.

Bush, Junior should be brought to justice. The man lied about WMD's in Iraq and as a result of those lies thousands of American soldiers and hundred of thousands of Iraqi citizens were killed. Bush, Junior is a murderer. He deserves to be executed, in Texas, by lethal injection.
Bush, Junior should be brought to justice. The man lied about WMD's in Iraq and as a result of those lies thousands of American soldiers and hundred of thousands of Iraqi citizens were killed. Bush, Junior is a murderer. He deserves to be executed, in Texas, by lethal injection.

I'd love to see you publicly bow down and kiss castro's bare naked ass.. that would be so perfect. maybe if you are good at it he could teabag ya! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Willow Tree,

What connection does Mr. Castro have with Bush, Junior other than both men are war criminals?
Willow Tree,

What connection does Mr. Castro have with Bush, Junior other than both men are war criminals?

do you like your castro teabags warm and stanky? or aired out a little?
President George W. Bush,, standing side by side with the people who have demonized him for eight years.. He doesn't have to but he is. Standing side by side with the people who would like to try him as a war criminal. Standing side by side with the people who cannot bring themselves to try terrorists as war criminals, Standing side by side with the Perfect People.

I think probably by now, even George W. Bush hates people like you who would attempt to politicize dog shit just to see yourself in print on some message board.
Bush, Junior should be brought to justice. The man lied about WMD's in Iraq and as a result of those lies thousands of American soldiers and hundred of thousands of Iraqi citizens were killed. Bush, Junior is a murderer. He deserves to be executed, in Texas, by lethal injection.

I'd love to see you publicly bow down and kiss castro's bare naked ass.. that would be so perfect. maybe if you are good at it he could teabag ya! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

It looks like you have more than one window running on your monitor. In the future it may be helpful if you close those other windows before accidentally posting your darkest sexual fantasies on USMB.

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