A Media propaganda exercise , starring Bill Cosby


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
here's the article and video that we are analyzing.

Bill Cosby admitted he got Quaaludes to give to women - CNN.com

Right now, the media is reporting, "Bill Cosby admitted giving Quaaludes to women he wanted to have sex with" That is a calculated statement, the media is making the accusation Bill Cosby drugs women and rapes them, but what the statement means is, he was using the drug as a recreational drug , and he gave them to "people" (men and women) willingly. The article actually states this, " he has not admitted to actually drugging any of his accusers. " Here we learn Cosby's recreational drug use rationalization , taking the drugs to "cheer up"

The article then sites these women's wild accusations as some kind of proof.

"Did you ever give any of those young women the Quaaludes without their knowledge?" Troiani asked.

Cosby's attorney objected and told him not to answer the question.

Many people think that a "no comment" statement means the hiding of truth, it's simply not the case as the article tries to make it sound that way.

Cosby also says he misunderstood the question.

Later in the article , one women who claims she took Cosby's drugs says sex with him "wasn't good", which tells the reader these people are out to trash the guy any way possible.b

There are 48 accusers, and not one was able to get a rape conviction, that's amazing. Before this article was released, the last woman to accuse him was an innocent 17 year old girl at the time ...who just so happened to be hanging out at the Playboy mansion.

The article then mentions singer Jill Scott who defended Cosby. after the news report she says "About Bill Cosby. Sadly his own testimony offers PROOF of terrible deeds, which is ALL I have ever required to believe the accusations,". the media is quoting Jill Scott who they fooled into thinking there's some kind of proof of something, which makes the reader think everyone has abandoned the Bill Cosby ship, so he MUST be guilty.

The shocking part of this article is the video report from CNN, the judge says he released the court statement because Cosby "took the high road" and quotes Cosby's "pound cake" speech in which Cosby basically says, if you're a thief you deserve the police problems you get. The judge says his motivation was because Cosby took up the soap box and gave his moral views on "childrearing , family life ,education and crime"

In a rare example of truth, the judge is telling you right there why he acted against Cosby.

Right now, the media is marching on saying "he admitted it and we got him", to fool you, even though they have nothing

so far, This is the biggest factless witch hunt since Michael Jackson

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