Walked into a House of Worship and killed 11 members of that synagogue and shot four law enforcement officers...and our "President" was upset NOT that this horrific event occurred...but that it upset his political momentum!

Are ya kidding?


So tell us, if Rump is as Hitler to what lengths will you go to stop him?
There's only 1 way doc IF we're law biding citizens ,,,,VOTE against the moronic scum
But you aren't law abiding, you are liars and criminal scum.
Take a good look at your master in the WH if you really want to see liars and criminal scum,, and he was those way before you elected him
You're an emotional hyperbolic child.

pointing out that the guy who killed 11 Jews in a synagogue is a nazi makes me an "emotional hyperbolic child"?

You're as cynical as you Orange Leader

No...saying that Trump is a supporter of the left wing socialist makes you an idiot.......considering his daughter, son in law and grand children are Jewish, he is close, good friends with Bibi Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, and he is the only President who made the promise to move the American embassy to Jerusalem....and actually did it while left wingers like yourself bitched about the move.....

You are a left wing socialist...the shooter was a left wing socialist....he hated Trump, you hate Trump, he hated Israel, you hate Israel...

Look in the mirror....
guess all those trump pictures on his truck meant he hated him?? Any of trump in the x hairs?

That was the guy sending the inoperative bombs in the mail, not the screwball who shot up the synagogue...
thanks my error
He did more than that...he stated that those who would destroy Jewish people will be destroyed instead....

And then whined about losing his momentum...
Walked into a House of Worship and killed 11 members of that synagogue and shot four law enforcement officers...and our "President" was upset NOT that this horrific event occurred...but that it upset his political momentum!

Are ya kidding?

That's not fair. Trump denounced the shooting. Stop being a moron.

He did more than that...he stated that those who would destroy Jewish people will be destroyed instead....
I agree. OP is an idiot. Trump responded appropriately. This isn't on him. Trump does need to relax with his crazy rhetoric a bit, hopefully he will after the midterms.
The media is our enemy??? Who is the fat piece of crap trying to fool??? Oh yeah,,republican dotards
You're an emotional hyperbolic child.

pointing out that the guy who killed 11 Jews in a synagogue is a nazi makes me an "emotional hyperbolic child"?

You're as cynical as you Orange Leader

No...saying that Trump is a supporter of the left wing socialist makes you an idiot.......considering his daughter, son in law and grand children are Jewish, he is close, good friends with Bibi Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, and he is the only President who made the promise to move the American embassy to Jerusalem....and actually did it while left wingers like yourself bitched about the move.....

You are a left wing socialist...the shooter was a left wing socialist....he hated Trump, you hate Trump, he hated Israel, you hate Israel...

Look in the mirror....
guess all those trump pictures on his truck meant he hated him?? Any of trump in the x hairs?

That was the guy sending the inoperative bombs in the mail, not the screwball who shot up the synagogue...
thanks my error
Yes HM with all the republican voter suppression in many states going on ,with all the blatant lies coming from trumps mouth one can get a little confused
That's not fair. Trump denounced the shooting. Stop being a moron.

He made some obligatory remarks and then whined that this horrific event got in the way of his "momentum"

Yes he did. That is what trump is. He did denounce the shooting like he should and even traveled there. There is plenty to gripe about trump his response to this shooting isn't it, he did what a president is supposed to do.
Walked into a House of Worship and killed 11 members of that synagogue and shot four law enforcement officers...and our "President" was upset NOT that this horrific event occurred...but that it upset his political momentum!

Are ya kidding?


So tell us, if Rump is as Hitler to what lengths will you go to stop him?
There's only 1 way doc IF we're law biding citizens ,,,,VOTE against the moronic scum
Trumps approval rating is above 50%, good luck with that.
What is your intent with this thread?

To mourn the dead? Or to score a partisan point against your enemy?

HOw is what you are doing any different than what you are complaining about?
I'm thinking the point is to express irritation with the self centered selfishness of Cheeto Jesus.

Surely you don't deny that.
Walked into a House of Worship and killed 11 members of that synagogue and shot four law enforcement officers...and our "President" was upset NOT that this horrific event occurred...but that it upset his political momentum!

Are ya kidding?


So tell us, if Rump is as Hitler to what lengths will you go to stop him?
There's only 1 way doc IF we're law biding citizens ,,,,VOTE against the moronic scum
Trumps approval rating is above 50%, good luck with that.

And that is with 95% of the democrat press and media giving him negative coverage.......imagine if they were fair....?
Walked into a House of Worship and killed 11 members of that synagogue and shot four law enforcement officers...and our "President" was upset NOT that this horrific event occurred...but that it upset his political momentum!

Are ya kidding?


So tell us, if Rump is as Hitler to what lengths will you go to stop him?
There's only 1 way doc IF we're law biding citizens ,,,,VOTE against the moronic scum
Trumps approval rating is above 50%, good luck with that.
So tell us, if Rump is as Hitler to what lengths will you go to stop him?

Don't mischaracterize my words. I did NOT make that claim...but "stop him" we must

He will be YOUR president till 2024, get over it.
BITE your tongue
One way you say Trump is a nazi is the way he wants to protect our border.View attachment 226422
So i guess Obama is a nazi, huh?
NOgood is here Now they have enough for a bund meeting
6 Things You May Not Have Known About Nazis ... - The History Reader

www.thehistoryreader.com › Modern History

Oct 7, 2013 - Many Jewish organizations, including community groups and veterans associations, protested at Bund meetings. They weren't alone in the ...
But i seem to have enraged the "Trump Mobs" here huh?


Because I pointed out Trump's naked partisanship?

His unconcern for anything that doesn't directly affect him?

Or because I called the killer of 11 Jews in their synagogue a Nazi...

Because I did NOT call Trump that nor conflate him with that in any way
Walked into a House of Worship and killed 11 members of that synagogue and shot four law enforcement officers...and our "President" was upset NOT that this horrific event occurred...but that it upset his political momentum!

Are ya kidding?



Walked into a Synagogue and killed 11 members...and Lesh can only think making political hay from it.

Are ya kidding?


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