A new bill in New York requires hairstylists to be trained in all hair textures

I believe all hairstylists wannabe are trained to cut hair in general, not specific to any ethnic group. This state senator wants hairstylists to train specifically to style black people's hair. Doesn't sound equality to me.
It's new York. So therefore has no effect on the rest of the nation.

be that as it may, it is still a very stupid fucking law that will do nothing but raise the cost of getting a hair cut.
Im not the one who is upset over a law that makes hairstylist better educated I’m dealing jus fine
Of course. You like laws. The more control over people's lives the better. Too bad that they haven't passed a law prohibiting white hairstylists all together. This might be a step in that direction.
Of course. You like laws. The more control over people's lives the better. Too bad that they haven't passed a law prohibiting white hairstylists all together. This might be a step in that direction.
Even for you this is a stupid post and that is saying something. Are you seriously trying to suggest you are don’t like laws? You know like the laws that prevent people from stealing your stuff, raping your loved ones, heck even just random knocking you the hell out. Is that controlling people’s lives you don’t like? It’s ok we all know you’ll reply with a but but but that’s different, because even your dumbass ass now realizes that was a stupid post
Even for you this is a stupid post and that is saying something. Are you seriously trying to suggest you are don’t like laws? You know like the laws that prevent people from stealing your stuff, raping your loved ones, heck even just random knocking you the hell out. Is that controlling people’s lives you don’t like? It’s ok we all know you’ll reply with a but but but that’s different, because even your dumbass ass now realizes that was a stupid post
This is what makes you a raving democrat, if you don't like laws micromanaging people's lives you must want people stealing your stuff.
Democrat. Just another democrat.
And yet the left argue that conservatives are being too invasive in our personal lives when we regulate abortion. Give me a F-ing break.
Is there a supposed issue with this? What’s wrong with someone who wants to be a licensed hair stylist to be familiar with all types of hair? Why would anyone be against this ?
You always misuse language. You are not against being familiar with all types of hair just because you aren't familiar with all types of hair.

Anboyd home in there ??

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