A New Day Dawning


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
A very good piece that puts this election into a clear perspective. Here's the lead:

Wherein I will attempt to explain a few things to the whining, crying, sorely butthurt Trump-haters out there, many of whom are currently rioting, looting, and viciously assaulting passersby because for the first time in the last eight years, they didn’t get their way.

They took and took and demanded that those who work support the lazy and idle. In the end, it wasn't so much pie in the sky promises of a great future, but a fundamental change to the socialism creeping into our representative republic. Here's another excerpt:

You have been arrogant, obnoxious, over-entitled, smug, supercilious, dismissive, insulting, and ultimately, insufferable. And you have been proven to be dead wrong about every last bit of nonsense you so hatefully spew at us, every ass-backwards idea you promulgate. In the end, what you really are is inadequate, incompetent, intolerable, unnecessary, and entirely dispensable.

Much more of this good essay @ Cold Fury » New day dawning
. . . while Trump is surely and certainly turning away from the far right forever.

He no longer needs them or their nuttiness.
A very good piece that puts this election into a clear perspective. Here's the lead:

Wherein I will attempt to explain a few things to the whining, crying, sorely butthurt Trump-haters out there, many of whom are currently rioting, looting, and viciously assaulting passersby because for the first time in the last eight years, they didn’t get their way.

They took and took and demanded that those who work support the lazy and idle. In the end, it wasn't so much pie in the sky promises of a great future, but a fundamental change to the socialism creeping into our representative republic. Here's another excerpt:

You have been arrogant, obnoxious, over-entitled, smug, supercilious, dismissive, insulting, and ultimately, insufferable. And you have been proven to be dead wrong about every last bit of nonsense you so hatefully spew at us, every ass-backwards idea you promulgate. In the end, what you really are is inadequate, incompetent, intolerable, unnecessary, and entirely dispensable.

Much more of this good essay @ Cold Fury » New day dawning
I don't need the perspective of someone else. I need results. That's all that matters.
Right coast and left coast liberals and the their axis of indoctrination (media, academia, and Hollywood....geez, Larry Elder was right, all along!) live in a bubble that has been burst, but, at the same time, remains intact; and, by 2020 they are doomed to repeat the same mistakes because they have learned nothing as to how Trump got elected!
They took and took and demanded that those who work support the lazy and idle.

What a nice job of labeling. Right up there with the "deplorables" and the "47 percenters".
. . . while Trump is surely and certainly turning away from the far right forever.

He no longer needs them or their nuttiness.

Can I write those sage words down, Jakey Boy? You have been so right-on in all your predictions. I don't want to miss any of your intelligent comments.
. . . while Trump is surely and certainly turning away from the far right forever.

He no longer needs them or their nuttiness.

Can I write those sage words down, Jakey Boy? You have been so right-on in all your predictions. I don't want to miss any of your intelligent comments.
Write them down. No mass deportation. No wall. LGBT marriage continues. PP continues. Roe stands. Yep, you all are in the catbird seat: not.

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