A new world out there


Gold Member
Apr 23, 2011
Post coronavirus america is going to see changes. Envision restaurants with masked, gowned, and gloved servers with tables 10 feet apart. Envision warehouse workers masked and gloved. More people working from home. Imagine people in malls wearing masks, gloves, etc. People walking around with masks all over the place. When people go back to work changes in their habits at work will also change. Employers are going to reopen to a new america in a sense. Shaking hands will now become a thing of the past. Americans in general will make less shopping trips and extra spendi g will go down. It's gonna be something.
Post coronavirus america is going to see changes. Envision restaurants with masked, gowned, and gloved servers with tables 10 feet apart. Envision warehouse workers masked and gloved. More people working from home. Imagine people in malls wearing masks, gloves, etc. People walking around with masks all over the place. When people go back to work changes in their habits at work will also change. Employers are going to reopen to a new america in a sense. Shaking hands will now become a thing of the past. Americans in general will make less shopping trips and extra spendi g will go down. It's gonna be something.

I just heard 2 seconds ago people prepare to live like they do in Venezuela --------- WE HAVE BEEN SCREWED!
I believe the economy will be just fine once things somewhat normalize. The "damage" isn't going to be even close to what the doomsdayers say.
No more passing joints!

Well, you could always get one of those selfie poles with a clip on the end of it and get good passing it around. But what do you do about touching your lips to the joint? A filter that you can wipe off with some good tasting disinfectant?
Sorry, that went on a lot longer than I planned.
I believe the economy will be just fine once things somewhat normalize. The "damage" isn't going to be even close to what the doomsdayers say.

LMFAO I suggest you get extra food as the days goes by . This economy is gone you have no more than a high school understanding of the economic system if you can't grasp the impact this has had.
This virus was to wipe out the economy fruite cake.

So this is a Democrat plan now? I don't like Democrats but man that's out there. The stimulus will really help things. I don't trust Democrats or the GOP truth be told.
The economy isn't gone. It will just take a lot longer to recover than people are thinking it will. There won't be any going back to normal or a quick resurgence. Some businesses (cruise industry and public restaurants) may never be the same again. The airline industry might bounce back by Thanksgiving/Christmas. But widespread testing as well as an anti-body test will need to be available for people to feel comfortable going back out to approximate the things they used to take doing for granted.
There's going to be a lot less people flying. Again many aren't going to go into a plane full of people. Nor a church full of people nor a store full of people.
Post coronavirus america is going to see changes. Envision restaurants with masked, gowned, and gloved servers with tables 10 feet apart. Envision warehouse workers masked and gloved. More people working from home. Imagine people in malls wearing masks, gloves, etc. People walking around with masks all over the place. When people go back to work changes in their habits at work will also change. Employers are going to reopen to a new america in a sense. Shaking hands will now become a thing of the past. Americans in general will make less shopping trips and extra spendi g will go down. It's gonna be something.

For the life of me, I can't imagine conducting ourselves the way we are today in three or four years. As people recover from this, they develop an immunity. Those who did can give blood for transfusions into people not effected thus making them immune as well.

However the fat lady sings if they come out with a vaccine for this, and everybody who needs one gets it. Then things will turn back to normal.
There's going to be a lot less people flying. Again many aren't going to go into a plane full of people. Nor a church full of people nor a store full of people.

Not at first. Maybe not even in the next year. When there is a viable anti-body test and a vaccine, that will change. Until then, you may need to get used to seeing a plane, a church, or a supermarket full of people wearing N95 masks and carrying large bottles of hand sanitizer. I don't know how you pull that off in a public restaurant. Maybe a lot of them go to takeout only for the next year or two. Maybe a lot of them don't reopen at all. A new normal. For now. Until the next pandemic comes along. Which I hope we are better prepared than we were for this one.
Seriously get a does of realitiy

GOP Rep. Massie Warns US is ‘Weeks Away, Not Months,’ From Food Shortages

ripple effect dunce and the US will feel it every single thing we get here just about comes from China--
The coronavirus could cripple China's economy for longer than Wall Street wants to believe

His theory is flawed. First off, people who catch the virus and survive without hospitalization are over it in three weeks. Afterwards they can return back to work. Secondly, unemployment requires people to be looking for work. If a processing plant needs people to work, they simply contact unemployment for potential workers. If a person on unemployment refuses a job, they are cutoff from benefits.

So these plants will simply have to disinfect the place, get their workers back, or hire others to fill in until they come back.
If companies didn't just seek out dirt cheap labor those jobs could be here. American workers have a much greater work ethic also. American labor is the hardest working most productive in the world. They should be paid like it. Instead companies want basically labor done for nothing.
Yep, this is pretty much the new normal. As a single guy, I worry about how it will affect the dating scene. We gonna go out with someone new wearing gloves then kiss them goodnight with face masks on? Spend thousands of dollars on dinners prior to getting laid the first time?? Sad :(
What workers want to rush back into a germ laden place? That's going to be an issue. Perhaps increase the pay to put up with the risk. Some places may struggle to find workers. This will be interesting.
Yep, this is pretty much the new normal. As a single guy, I worry about how it will affect the dating scene. We gonna go out with someone new wearing gloves then kiss them goodnight with face masks on? Spend thousands of dollars on dinners prior to getting laid the first time?? Sad :(

It was worse in the early 80's when AIDS came out. Like this, it was altogether new, and a lot of research and experimentation needed to be done to find out how to deal with it. People were scared to F. Even with protection, nothing was guaranteed.

At least now if you catch thing thing, it's likely not going to kill ya. With AIDS, it was a death sentence.

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