A newly surfaced video shows Donald Trump grabbing and kissing a former Miss Universe onstage:

Maybe rightists want to elect Trump because they think they'll finally be able to get away with groping women?
. Only in your leftist mind could you come up with that statement.

I noticed you didn't deny it....
. No one wants to play your demon word games.

Either you're going to condemn the piece of shit known as Donald Trump, or you are just as much of a scumbag as he is. Your choice, cretin.
The desperation... when a prison sentence looms near.

The problem with false rape accusations is that you should not say that it all happened on stage in front of 10 million cameras. Because... people can actually check. What amateur regressives we have here.
WATCH: Trump Teaches Audience to ‘Get Even’ by Humiliating Miss Universe
Source: Mediaite

So, remember Donald Trump repeatedly humiliating former Miss Universe Alicia Machado for her weight — both in the 1990s and today? Well, here’s a video of him going after a different Miss Universe as a way to teach an audience to “Get even with people. If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard.”

The speech took place in Sydney in 2011 and featured Trump calling Jennifer Hawkins, the 2004 winner of his pageant, to the stage so he could publicly berate her for almost not introducing him that night. He even made a sexual joke at her expense and revealed the nasty things he was going to say had she actually not introduced him.

After explaining that a person should screw anyone who screws them, he said, “I’ll give you an example: Jennifer Hawkins. Where’s Jennifer? Where’s she sitting? Get over here, Jennifer. First of all, how beautiful is Jennifer? This is about getting even. I was so angry at her yesterday. Seriously, as I said, I thought that she dissed me. I thought that my Jennifer ― I’m going around saying she’s my favorite Miss Universe, but I think I like the new one better, Jennifer. So I go around saying she’s the greatest … then when I came here, there was no Jennifer Hawkins to introduce me.”

She tried to explain that it hadn’t gone down quite like that and Trump seemed conflicted over whether or not to give her the mic. Ultimately, he chose to move forward with his insults. He said this:


Read more: WATCH: Trump Teaches Audience to ‘Get Even’ by Humiliating Miss Universe

Video at the link, and also at this Huffington Post article:

Video Shows Donald Trump Sexually Humiliating Woman Before Large Audience

Video Shows Donald Trump Sexually Humiliating Woman Before Large Audience | Huffington Post
Maybe rightists want to elect Trump because they think they'll finally be able to get away with groping women?
. Only in your leftist mind could you come up with that statement.

I noticed you didn't deny it....
. No one wants to play your demon word games.

Either you're going to condemn the piece of shit known as Donald Trump, or you are just as much of a scumbag as he is. Your choice, cretin.
. Well we are already deplorables according to your den mother Hillary, and we all do wear it proud.
Former Miss Utah: ‘I Am Not Afraid of You, Mr. Trump’
Former Miss Utah: ‘I Am Not Afraid of You, Mr. Trump’
“I am not afraid of you Mr. Trump,” Ms. Taggart said Friday during a news conference in Salt Lake City. “I am ready for this battle, but there shouldn’t be one. Instead, you should have the decency to admit what you did to me and you should take responsibility for what you have done to the other women.”

Ms. Taggart has accused Mr. Trump of kissing her on the lips during a rehearsal for the 1997 Miss USA competition, which the Utah resident initially dismissed as an East Coast custom. She said he did it again when she visited him at Trump Tower, where he had lined up meetings with modeling agencies.

Ms. Taggart said she is a Republican, but unlikely to support either Mr. Trump or Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Instead, she said she’ll probably vote for Evan McMullin, a former House of Representatives staffer running for the White House as an independent candidate. Several recent polls show Mr. McMullin’s candidacy is leading or near the lead in Utah.
Yeah but we know that Hillary's husband inserted a cigar into an intern's ****** and argued with the freaking Country about the definition of the word "sodomy". Is the desperate left trying to make a ludicrous case that Trump is as bad as the Clintons?
What Clinton did with the intern was with her consent, you confused retard.

What's with the excuses a five year old makes? "Billy did it, too!"

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger™.
. You people can run all the dam smut you want, but if there were no charges pressed by the alledged victim, then it's because the alledged victim isn't some poor dansal in distress you all want her so badly to be, and that at anytime this women could defend herself if she wanted to. You speak of these grown up situations as if they are illegal interactions between an adult and a minor. Everyone is adults in these situations, and if anyone feels threatened, insulted, belittled, humiliated or any such things as that, then they can take appropriate actions quickly. To not do so means that they figured they handled the alledged situation good enough, and that it needed to not go any farther than it did. Of course the libs with a political agenda will try and push an issue for political reasons, just like the Clinton campaign did concerning Eric Garner, but only that they felt his story didn't have enough impact on the topic of gun control, so they left it alone. wow.
Yeah, you go with that. You tell all the women out there who for one reason or another never reported abuse by someone with power over them they are full of shit.

As it so happens, one of Groper Don's victims did sue him for attempted rape. Donald "I Never Settle" Trump settled that case out of court.

This was during the same period Slick Willy was being accused of accosting women, which is why Groper Don rushed to his friend's defense.

Yeah. That's right. Donald "Paula Jones Is A Loser" Trump backed his friend Billy. So he's got a lot of nerve whining that "Billy did it, too!" nowadays.

This is a guy who bragged about abusing his authority to barge into beauty contestant dressing rooms to catch them naked. Some of them were underaged girls. He also bragged he liked these women to be as stupid as possible.

This is a guy who letched after a ten year old and said he'd be dating her one day.

You gullible fucks really need to stop drinking this creep's piss, you know?
. When you stop drinking Hillary's piss, then everyone might give you the time of day. Until then it's just politics and agenda you have going.
Why do you tards always bring a basket of red herrings to a Trump topic?


"B-b-b-b-but Hillary!" :crybaby:
Damn, are you people grasping at straws!

Actually...it was Drumpf's campaign to portray himself as a womanizer...and double down on it....
[QUOTE="SYTFE]Either you're going to condemn the piece of shit known as Donald Trump, or you are just as much of a scumbag as he is. Your choice, cretin.[/QUOTE]
Either you're going to condemn the piece of shit known as Hillary, or you are just as much of a scumbag a s he is. Your choice, cretin.
A newly surfaced video shows Donald Trump grabbing and kissing a former Miss Universe onstage:

A disturbing video from a 2011 corporate speech shows Donald Trump sexually humiliating a woman in front of thousands of people and going in for what appears to be a nonconsensual kiss, the Huffington Post reports.

The woman is Jennifer Hawkins, the 2004 Miss Universe winner from Australia. In the video, Trump calls Hawkins onstage to join him after telling the audience his philosophy on using revenge to succeed in business: "Get even with people," he says. "If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard. I really believe that."

Link from Vox: A newly surfaced video shows Donald Trump grabbing and kissing a former Miss Universe onstage

Trump is a liar and a fraud....The guy really should drop out.
Maybe rightists want to elect Trump because they think they'll finally be able to get away with groping women?
. Only in your leftist mind could you come up with that statement.

I noticed you didn't deny it....
. No one wants to play your demon word games.

Either you're going to condemn the piece of shit known as Donald Trump, or you are just as much of a scumbag as he is. Your choice, cretin.
Your judgement is devastating, I'm sure.
Who gives a shit about Trump grabbing a pussy now and then? Crooked Hillary is going to jail.
Yeah but we know that Hillary's husband inserted a cigar into an intern's ****** and argued with the freaking Country about the definition of the word "sodomy". Is the desperate left trying to make a ludicrous case that Trump is as bad as the Clintons?
What Clinton did with the intern was with her consent, you confused retard.

What's with the excuses a five year old makes? "Billy did it, too!"

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger™.
. You people can run all the dam smut you want, but if there were no charges pressed by the alledged victim, then it's because the alledged victim isn't some poor dansal in distress you all want her so badly to be, and that at anytime this women could defend herself if she wanted to. You speak of these grown up situations as if they are illegal interactions between an adult and a minor. Everyone is adults in these situations, and if anyone feels threatened, insulted, belittled, humiliated or any such things as that, then they can take appropriate actions quickly. To not do so means that they figured they handled the alledged situation good enough, and that it needed to not go any farther than it did. Of course the libs with a political agenda will try and push an issue for political reasons, just like the Clinton campaign did concerning Eric Garner, but only that they felt his story didn't have enough impact on the topic of gun control, so they left it alone. wow.
Yeah, you go with that. You tell all the women out there who for one reason or another never reported abuse by someone with power over them they are full of shit.

As it so happens, one of Groper Don's victims did sue him for attempted rape. Donald "I Never Settle" Trump settled that case out of court.

This was during the same period Slick Willy was being accused of accosting women, which is why Groper Don rushed to his friend's defense.

Yeah. That's right. Donald "Paula Jones Is A Loser" Trump backed his friend Billy. So he's got a lot of nerve whining that "Billy did it, too!" nowadays.

This is a guy who bragged about abusing his authority to barge into beauty contestant dressing rooms to catch them naked. Some of them were underaged girls. He also bragged he liked these women to be as stupid as possible.

This is a guy who letched after a ten year old and said he'd be dating her one day.

You gullible fucks really need to stop drinking this creep's piss, you know?
. When you stop drinking Hillary's piss, then everyone might give you the time of day. Until then it's just politics and agenda you have going.
Why do you tards always bring a basket of red herrings to a Trump topic?


"B-b-b-b-but Hillary!" :crybaby:
. For the reason upon how you just expressed yourself that's why... Too funny.
A newly surfaced video shows Donald Trump grabbing and kissing a former Miss Universe onstage:

A disturbing video from a 2011 corporate speech shows Donald Trump sexually humiliating a woman in front of thousands of people and going in for what appears to be a nonconsensual kiss, the Huffington Post reports.

The woman is Jennifer Hawkins, the 2004 Miss Universe winner from Australia. In the video, Trump calls Hawkins onstage to join him after telling the audience his philosophy on using revenge to succeed in business: "Get even with people," he says. "If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard. I really believe that."

Link from Vox: A newly surfaced video shows Donald Trump grabbing and kissing a former Miss Universe onstage

Trump is a liar and a fraud....The guy really should drop out.
A newly surfaced video shows Donald Trump grabbing and kissing a former Miss Universe onstage:

A disturbing video from a 2011 corporate speech shows Donald Trump sexually humiliating a woman in front of thousands of people and going in for what appears to be a nonconsensual kiss, the Huffington Post reports.

The woman is Jennifer Hawkins, the 2004 Miss Universe winner from Australia. In the video, Trump calls Hawkins onstage to join him after telling the audience his philosophy on using revenge to succeed in business: "Get even with people," he says. "If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard. I really believe that."

Link from Vox: A newly surfaced video shows Donald Trump grabbing and kissing a former Miss Universe onstage

Trump is a liar and a fraud....The guy really should drop out.
That poor woman must be scarred for life!
I think his humour wasn't appropriate (simulating her orgasm is not very polished) but calling this sexual assault is a little too much...
He kissed her but not even in her mouth (or maybe he did but honestly I didn't see that!) :)

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