Zone1 a "not alone" event (?) at the Vatican draws little interest, not surprisingly


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

I am still reading through this but basically, the Vatican wanted to expound on their ... I dunno... anti-Catholicism..

by having this event

and few showed up

People are on to Francis.. needless to say


Imagine it’s the first-ever World Meeting on Human Fraternity and nobody cares.

That is exactly what happened on Saturday, June 10, in Rome. Under the ironic motto #NotAlone, the event’s organizers and contributors found themselves very much alone as they put on a nearly 5-hour long spectacle in St. Peter’s Square that almost nobody cared to attend.


Highlighting by Nomadic5


Alas, it seems there can be no Vatican entertainment anymore without some performance by a topless man. You can see him pictured below. His name is Roberto Bolle, and he is well known in Italy. His choreography can be viewed here starting at the 1:05:20 time stamp.


Not surprisingly, Bolle is a sodomite, and the Italian press knows that his “charming boyfriend” is one Daniel Lee. Notice, too, that he is wearing a red string around his right wrist. We do not profess to know its significance, but it could be a Kabbalah bracelet, though that is typically worn on the left.

I am still reading through this but basically, the Vatican wanted to expound on their ... I dunno... anti-Catholicism..

by having this event

and few showed up

People are on to Francis.. needless to say


Imagine it’s the first-ever World Meeting on Human Fraternity and nobody cares.

That is exactly what happened on Saturday, June 10, in Rome. Under the ironic motto #NotAlone, the event’s organizers and contributors found themselves very much alone as they put on a nearly 5-hour long spectacle in St. Peter’s Square that almost nobody cared to attend.


Not sure that no one cares. What seems to be happening is that people are not into "wokeism" as the Vatican thinks. Even though religion has become less and less important to people, there are enough that the place should have been packed. But, as with other Christian churches, leaders are caving to the LGBTQ crowd and losing followers over it. We hear that it's the opposite. That people are leaving churches that preach against the LGBTQ sins because they think that isn't what Jesus would want. But, people are leaving because churches are now preaching against the Bible's take on LGBTQ. Can it be any more clear than in Duet. 22:5 about transgenders are an abomination to God? Yet, it's the trans movement that is fueling all the noise politically and in the churches now. Even Gay and Lesbian organizations are against the push for acceptance of trans activism.
Not sure that no one cares. What seems to be happening is that people are not into "wokeism" as the Vatican thinks. Even though religion has become less and less important to people, there are enough that the place should have been packed. But, as with other Christian churches, leaders are caving to the LGBTQ crowd and losing followers over it. We hear that it's the opposite. That people are leaving churches that preach against the LGBTQ sins because they think that isn't what Jesus would want. But, people are leaving because churches are now preaching against the Bible's take on LGBTQ. Can it be any more clear than in Duet. 22:5 about transgenders are an abomination to God? Yet, it's the trans movement that is fueling all the noise politically and in the churches now. Even Gay and Lesbian organizations are against the push for acceptance of trans activism.

no argument here
It was nice seeing all those old beautiful Churches and buildings at the Vatican, once the home of the Catholic Church... sigh

nostalgia hits
It was nice seeing all those old beautiful Churches and buildings at the Vatican, once the home of the Catholic Church... sigh

nostalgia hits
So, where is the new home? Or, has the Catholic Church committed apostasy, again...
So, where is the new home? Or, has the Catholic Church committed apostasy, again...

The Catholic Church was founded by Christ (cannot apostatize)... sorry to see you don't get that.. Most people don't.

Also, most people end up in Hell according to Jesus (which lasts forever, also according to Jesus.. Mt 25:31 etc)
The Catholic Church was founded by Christ (cannot apostatize)... sorry to see you don't get that.. Most people don't.

Also, most people end up in Hell according to Jesus (which lasts forever, also according to Jesus.. Mt 25:31 etc)
Can’t apostatize. LOL Liar
Can’t apostatize. LOL Liar

you are the liar, knowingly or otherwise.

and I have little respect for people who don't even investigate such things as: when did the real Church begin?

but we know that cults teach their people not to...
you are the liar, knowingly or otherwise.

and I have little respect for people who don't even investigate such things as: when did the real Church begin?

but we know that cults teach their people not to...
I have little respect for people that assume things of other people that are not true. Jesus Christ started His Church. The apostles continued it until there were no apostles due to apostasy of the bishops of the individual churches. How do I know? Because no new apostles were called after John until 1820. The Catholic Church polluted the doctrines and ordinances losing all power and authority to act in the name of Jesus Christ.
I have little respect for those who refuse to read and accept all of the Bible.

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