A painless way to solve our growing debt:

Do you support such a tax

  • No new taxes!

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Hell yes!

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • NO! It's a slippery slope

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters
You stupid leftist assholes. Equity purchases are a fundamental way that large companies capitalize operations. Thus, the inverse of this asinine proposal is that you want to cut capital investment and choke off the cash flows of large companies, thereby causing them to have to borrow money, which means they spend more.

You stupid- ass leftist shitheads really get under my skin. One one hand you puss me off. On the other hand I know that you are stupid ignorant bitches who don't know any better. Being a dumbfuck is not bad in and of itself. However, when you vote it fucks things up.
tax the purchases of stocks, bonds and other financial instruments.

See and read:


Now vote:

So basically you want to go and raid everyone's 401k right?

LOL, I do! My goal is to take .25 cents from their investment in stocks, bonds and other financial transactions. And what would that make me? A thief? A crook? or a broker? Would their be a difference?

Well, in my case the money wouldn't go into my pocket, as I posted it would go into buying back treasury notes for those who hold our nations debt.

But, why would the, "I got mine, fuck the rest of you (and your kids and their kids)" set give a damn. The debt is simply a talking point.

Great, more taxes, more government. your response to everything.
I made perfectly legitimate and concise response. Audit and shrink government. Deal with that.

I have! Now explain how that impacts the economy, unemployment and the deficit. Do you really think cutting jobs or entitlements are free? The Federal Government MAY benefit some, but a I doubt it; yet, every state, county, parish, city and town, school district and special district will suffer.
Every necessary job the gov attempts can be done more efficiently in the private sector. Every gov job that is cut frees up that much more money for the private sector and that freed money grows.


Bridges and tunnels are major projects planned by governments and put out to bid. Private sector companies bid on the project and generally come in over budget and rarely on time.

I was involved in the planning and building of a jail, the private sector is no better and sometimes much worse than public sector in planning and competing projects.

Light rail, commuter rail, buses and street cars are examples of public and private collaborations, and just a few of many types of projects.

Knock of the bullshit, it's not credible with those of us who have experience working on major projects.

You know what the problem with that equation with the prison was…..a private sector company working for the government….then you have no accountability. If the private sector company is working for another private sector company, the company that hired them has incentives to make sure the work is done on time, at cost and up to specification……the government is not accountable so they have no urgency to make sure the private sector company is doing what it was hired to do.

It is government that is the problem…again.

You're have no idea how government works, and yet the broad ignorance which defines you is ever present on issues you know nothing about.

In one example, the privater contractor installed a sprinkler system with pipe too small, and the area to be protected from fire was too large for the system to operate properly.

The mistake was discovered by the County when government workers checked on the work. The Contractor was told to remove the system, at his cost, and replace it with the proper equipment designed by the architect and outlined in the drawings.

Since profit is the incentive for private companies, efforts to increase their bottom line can- and in this case - did create a life threatening situation.
And as long as government has no risk involved in expenses, a shady contractor will attempt to take advantage at the expense of the taxpayer. If the gov was not involved in the first place that opportunity for the shady contractor would not exist.
Every necessary job the gov attempts can be done more efficiently in the private sector. Every gov job that is cut frees up that much more money for the private sector and that freed money grows.


Bridges and tunnels are major projects planned by governments and put out to bid. Private sector companies bid on the project and generally come in over budget and rarely on time.

I was involved in the planning and building of a jail, the private sector is no better and sometimes much worse than public sector in planning and competing projects.

Light rail, commuter rail, buses and street cars are examples of public and private collaborations, and just a few of many types of projects.

Knock of the bullshit, it's not credible with those of us who have experience working on major projects.

You know what the problem with that equation with the prison was…..a private sector company working for the government….then you have no accountability. If the private sector company is working for another private sector company, the company that hired them has incentives to make sure the work is done on time, at cost and up to specification……the government is not accountable so they have no urgency to make sure the private sector company is doing what it was hired to do.

It is government that is the problem…again.

You're have no idea how government works, and yet the broad ignorance which defines you is ever present on issues you know nothing about.

In one example, the privater contractor installed a sprinkler system with pipe too small, and the area to be protected from fire was too large for the system to operate properly.

The mistake was discovered by the County when government workers checked on the work. The Contractor was told to remove the system, at his cost, and replace it with the proper equipment designed by the architect and outlined in the drawings.

Since profit is the incentive for private companies, efforts to increase their bottom line can- and in this case - did create a life threatening situation.

I know exactly how government works….and a rare occurrence is not something to brag about…..look at any government construction project and the waste, fraud and theft and then get back to me.

Once again you are posting an uninformed opinion. You are a liar and ignorant.
There's a pointed, analytical response -- not.
tax the purchases of stocks, bonds and other financial instruments.

See and read:


Now vote:

So basically you want to go and raid everyone's 401k right?

LOL, I do! My goal is to take .25 cents from their investment in stocks, bonds and other financial transactions. And what would that make me? A thief? A crook? or a broker? Would their be a difference?

Well, in my case the money wouldn't go into my pocket, as I posted it would go into buying back treasury notes for those who hold our nations debt.

But, why would the, "I got mine, fuck the rest of you (and your kids and their kids)" set give a damn. The debt is simply a talking point.

Great, more taxes, more government. your response to everything.

Why is cutting everything the answer for everything? I could see cutting welfare and bail-outs,,,but why our infrastructure and science programs? Seems kind of short sighted.

Bridges and tunnels are major projects planned by governments and put out to bid. Private sector companies bid on the project and generally come in over budget and rarely on time.

I was involved in the planning and building of a jail, the private sector is no better and sometimes much worse than public sector in planning and competing projects.

Light rail, commuter rail, buses and street cars are examples of public and private collaborations, and just a few of many types of projects.

Knock of the bullshit, it's not credible with those of us who have experience working on major projects.

You know what the problem with that equation with the prison was…..a private sector company working for the government….then you have no accountability. If the private sector company is working for another private sector company, the company that hired them has incentives to make sure the work is done on time, at cost and up to specification……the government is not accountable so they have no urgency to make sure the private sector company is doing what it was hired to do.

It is government that is the problem…again.

You're have no idea how government works, and yet the broad ignorance which defines you is ever present on issues you know nothing about.

In one example, the privater contractor installed a sprinkler system with pipe too small, and the area to be protected from fire was too large for the system to operate properly.

The mistake was discovered by the County when government workers checked on the work. The Contractor was told to remove the system, at his cost, and replace it with the proper equipment designed by the architect and outlined in the drawings.

Since profit is the incentive for private companies, efforts to increase their bottom line can- and in this case - did create a life threatening situation.

I know exactly how government works….and a rare occurrence is not something to brag about…..look at any government construction project and the waste, fraud and theft and then get back to me.

Once again you are posting an uninformed opinion. You are a liar and ignorant.

Allow me to retort…fuck you asshole….I know how government works and how much they waste, steal and lose……and how much less they take care of the tax payers money vs. the way a private business would watch the money they spend. If a private business makes it a habit to waste money they go out of business, if the government hires private contractors and gets screwed…they ask for more tax money.

Want an easy way to see this…go to your local school district……go to the DMV……go to the post office…see what happens there…..

Whatever. Tell us, what did you do to earn a living. Oh, and provide some examples of your experience in said career as I have.

Bridges and tunnels are major projects planned by governments and put out to bid. Private sector companies bid on the project and generally come in over budget and rarely on time.

I was involved in the planning and building of a jail, the private sector is no better and sometimes much worse than public sector in planning and competing projects.

Light rail, commuter rail, buses and street cars are examples of public and private collaborations, and just a few of many types of projects.

Knock of the bullshit, it's not credible with those of us who have experience working on major projects.

You know what the problem with that equation with the prison was…..a private sector company working for the government….then you have no accountability. If the private sector company is working for another private sector company, the company that hired them has incentives to make sure the work is done on time, at cost and up to specification……the government is not accountable so they have no urgency to make sure the private sector company is doing what it was hired to do.

It is government that is the problem…again.

You're have no idea how government works, and yet the broad ignorance which defines you is ever present on issues you know nothing about.

In one example, the privater contractor installed a sprinkler system with pipe too small, and the area to be protected from fire was too large for the system to operate properly.

The mistake was discovered by the County when government workers checked on the work. The Contractor was told to remove the system, at his cost, and replace it with the proper equipment designed by the architect and outlined in the drawings.

Since profit is the incentive for private companies, efforts to increase their bottom line can- and in this case - did create a life threatening situation.

I know exactly how government works….and a rare occurrence is not something to brag about…..look at any government construction project and the waste, fraud and theft and then get back to me.

Once again you are posting an uninformed opinion. You are a liar and ignorant.
There's a pointed, analytical response -- not.

It is an observation from experience. Nice try though, sarcasm befits you.
tax the purchases of stocks, bonds and other financial instruments.

See and read:


Now vote:

So basically you want to go and raid everyone's 401k right?

LOL, I do! My goal is to take .25 cents from their investment in stocks, bonds and other financial transactions. And what would that make me? A thief? A crook? or a broker? Would their be a difference?

Well, in my case the money wouldn't go into my pocket, as I posted it would go into buying back treasury notes for those who hold our nations debt.

But, why would the, "I got mine, fuck the rest of you (and your kids and their kids)" set give a damn. The debt is simply a talking point.
Great, more taxes, more government. your response to everything.
Why is cutting everything the answer for everything? I could see cutting welfare and bail-outs,,,but why our infrastructure and science programs? Seems kind of short sighted.
Honestly, cutting is meaningless unless it cones from entitlements, as entitlement spending is the only category large enough to meaningfully cut from.
FY2013, we had a $719B deficit
Total entitlement spending $2338B (66% total spending)
Total budgeted spending: $1201B (34% total spending)
Total defense spending: $624B
We could have spend $0 on defense and still run an almost $100B deficit.
You know what the problem with that equation with the prison was…..a private sector company working for the government….then you have no accountability. If the private sector company is working for another private sector company, the company that hired them has incentives to make sure the work is done on time, at cost and up to specification……the government is not accountable so they have no urgency to make sure the private sector company is doing what it was hired to do.

It is government that is the problem…again.

You're have no idea how government works, and yet the broad ignorance which defines you is ever present on issues you know nothing about.

In one example, the privater contractor installed a sprinkler system with pipe too small, and the area to be protected from fire was too large for the system to operate properly.

The mistake was discovered by the County when government workers checked on the work. The Contractor was told to remove the system, at his cost, and replace it with the proper equipment designed by the architect and outlined in the drawings.

Since profit is the incentive for private companies, efforts to increase their bottom line can- and in this case - did create a life threatening situation.

I know exactly how government works….and a rare occurrence is not something to brag about…..look at any government construction project and the waste, fraud and theft and then get back to me.

Once again you are posting an uninformed opinion. You are a liar and ignorant.
There's a pointed, analytical response -- not.

It is an observation from experience. Nice try though, sarcasm befits you.
But you still haven't explained it. Just a troll response.
tax the purchases of stocks, bonds and other financial instruments.

See and read:


Now vote:

So basically you want to go and raid everyone's 401k right?

LOL, I do! My goal is to take .25 cents from their investment in stocks, bonds and other financial transactions. And what would that make me? A thief? A crook? or a broker? Would their be a difference?

Well, in my case the money wouldn't go into my pocket, as I posted it would go into buying back treasury notes for those who hold our nations debt.

But, why would the, "I got mine, fuck the rest of you (and your kids and their kids)" set give a damn. The debt is simply a talking point.
Great, more taxes, more government. your response to everything.
Why is cutting everything the answer for everything? I could see cutting welfare and bail-outs,,,but why our infrastructure and science programs? Seems kind of short sighted.
Honestly, cutting is meaningless unless it cones from entitlements, as entitlement spending is the only category large enough to meaningfully cut from.
FY2013, we had a $719B deficit
Total entitlement spending $2338B (66% total spending)
Total budgeted spending: $1201B (34% total spending)
Total defense spending: $624B
We could have spend $0 on defense and still run an almost $100B deficit.

I agree that we should cut welfare, foreign aid and end the wars, but leave the investment that makes our country powerful alone.
You're have no idea how government works, and yet the broad ignorance which defines you is ever present on issues you know nothing about.

In one example, the privater contractor installed a sprinkler system with pipe too small, and the area to be protected from fire was too large for the system to operate properly.

The mistake was discovered by the County when government workers checked on the work. The Contractor was told to remove the system, at his cost, and replace it with the proper equipment designed by the architect and outlined in the drawings.

Since profit is the incentive for private companies, efforts to increase their bottom line can- and in this case - did create a life threatening situation.

I know exactly how government works….and a rare occurrence is not something to brag about…..look at any government construction project and the waste, fraud and theft and then get back to me.

Once again you are posting an uninformed opinion. You are a liar and ignorant.
There's a pointed, analytical response -- not.

It is an observation from experience. Nice try though, sarcasm befits you.
But you still haven't explained it. Just a troll response.

I haven't explained "it"? Which it do you not comprehend?
So basically you want to go and raid everyone's 401k right?

LOL, I do! My goal is to take .25 cents from their investment in stocks, bonds and other financial transactions. And what would that make me? A thief? A crook? or a broker? Would their be a difference?

Well, in my case the money wouldn't go into my pocket, as I posted it would go into buying back treasury notes for those who hold our nations debt.

But, why would the, "I got mine, fuck the rest of you (and your kids and their kids)" set give a damn. The debt is simply a talking point.
Great, more taxes, more government. your response to everything.
Why is cutting everything the answer for everything? I could see cutting welfare and bail-outs,,,but why our infrastructure and science programs? Seems kind of short sighted.
Honestly, cutting is meaningless unless it cones from entitlements, as entitlement spending is the only category large enough to meaningfully cut from.
FY2013, we had a $719B deficit
Total entitlement spending $2338B (66% total spending)
Total budgeted spending: $1201B (34% total spending)
Total defense spending: $624B
We could have spend $0 on defense and still run an almost $100B deficit.

I agree that we should cut welfare, foreign aid and end the wars, but leave the investment that makes our country powerful alone.

Have either of you thought of what might be the consequences of cutting welfare and foreign aid? Unnecessary wars I fully understand.
I know exactly how government works….and a rare occurrence is not something to brag about…..look at any government construction project and the waste, fraud and theft and then get back to me.

Once again you are posting an uninformed opinion. You are a liar and ignorant.
There's a pointed, analytical response -- not.

It is an observation from experience. Nice try though, sarcasm befits you.
But you still haven't explained it. Just a troll response.

I haven't explained "it"? Which it do you not comprehend?
The one you failed to list and address.
I support this, but it would not solve the debt. We're talking 175 billion compared to 4 trillion in spending.
LOL, I do! My goal is to take .25 cents from their investment in stocks, bonds and other financial transactions. And what would that make me? A thief? A crook? or a broker? Would their be a difference?

Well, in my case the money wouldn't go into my pocket, as I posted it would go into buying back treasury notes for those who hold our nations debt.

But, why would the, "I got mine, fuck the rest of you (and your kids and their kids)" set give a damn. The debt is simply a talking point.
Great, more taxes, more government. your response to everything.
Why is cutting everything the answer for everything? I could see cutting welfare and bail-outs,,,but why our infrastructure and science programs? Seems kind of short sighted.
Honestly, cutting is meaningless unless it cones from entitlements, as entitlement spending is the only category large enough to meaningfully cut from.
FY2013, we had a $719B deficit
Total entitlement spending $2338B (66% total spending)
Total budgeted spending: $1201B (34% total spending)
Total defense spending: $624B
We could have spend $0 on defense and still run an almost $100B deficit.

I agree that we should cut welfare, foreign aid and end the wars, but leave the investment that makes our country powerful alone.
Have either of you thought of what might be the consequences of cutting welfare and foreign aid? Unnecessary wars I fully understand.
Have you thought about of what might be the consequences of cutting what you think is OK to cut.
Of coruse not.
Great, more taxes, more government. your response to everything.
Why is cutting everything the answer for everything? I could see cutting welfare and bail-outs,,,but why our infrastructure and science programs? Seems kind of short sighted.
Honestly, cutting is meaningless unless it cones from entitlements, as entitlement spending is the only category large enough to meaningfully cut from.
FY2013, we had a $719B deficit
Total entitlement spending $2338B (66% total spending)
Total budgeted spending: $1201B (34% total spending)
Total defense spending: $624B
We could have spend $0 on defense and still run an almost $100B deficit.

I agree that we should cut welfare, foreign aid and end the wars, but leave the investment that makes our country powerful alone.
Have either of you thought of what might be the consequences of cutting welfare and foreign aid? Unnecessary wars I fully understand.
Have you thought about of what might be the consequences of cutting what you think is OK to cut.
Of coruse not.

You're not smart enough to be a smart ass. You do well simply to be an ass all of the time.

Explore | ForeignAssistance.gov

compare to:

Iraq war costs U.S. more than $2 trillion: study


Foreign aid goes with diplomacy, costs less than preparing for and going to war in terms of dollars and human misery.

This is a simplified summary for the dim of wit, myopic and members of the crazy right wing. Consider Foreign aid to be an insurance policy, protecting our borders from pandemics and creating positive relationships even as US corporations exploit the resources of foreign nations as well as their labor.
Why is cutting everything the answer for everything? I could see cutting welfare and bail-outs,,,but why our infrastructure and science programs? Seems kind of short sighted.
Honestly, cutting is meaningless unless it cones from entitlements, as entitlement spending is the only category large enough to meaningfully cut from.
FY2013, we had a $719B deficit
Total entitlement spending $2338B (66% total spending)
Total budgeted spending: $1201B (34% total spending)
Total defense spending: $624B
We could have spend $0 on defense and still run an almost $100B deficit.

I agree that we should cut welfare, foreign aid and end the wars, but leave the investment that makes our country powerful alone.
Have either of you thought of what might be the consequences of cutting welfare and foreign aid? Unnecessary wars I fully understand.
Have you thought about of what might be the consequences of cutting what you think is OK to cut.
Of coruse not.
You're not smart enough to be a smart ass.
Translation: You understand you do not have a sound response to what I said.
As per the norm.
Great, more taxes, more government. your response to everything.
Why is cutting everything the answer for everything? I could see cutting welfare and bail-outs,,,but why our infrastructure and science programs? Seems kind of short sighted.
Honestly, cutting is meaningless unless it cones from entitlements, as entitlement spending is the only category large enough to meaningfully cut from.
FY2013, we had a $719B deficit
Total entitlement spending $2338B (66% total spending)
Total budgeted spending: $1201B (34% total spending)
Total defense spending: $624B
We could have spend $0 on defense and still run an almost $100B deficit.

I agree that we should cut welfare, foreign aid and end the wars, but leave the investment that makes our country powerful alone.
Have either of you thought of what might be the consequences of cutting welfare and foreign aid? Unnecessary wars I fully understand.
Have you thought about of what might be the consequences of cutting what you think is OK to cut.
Of coruse not.
Cutting waste and redundancy is never a bad thing.
Why is cutting everything the answer for everything? I could see cutting welfare and bail-outs,,,but why our infrastructure and science programs? Seems kind of short sighted.
Honestly, cutting is meaningless unless it cones from entitlements, as entitlement spending is the only category large enough to meaningfully cut from.
FY2013, we had a $719B deficit
Total entitlement spending $2338B (66% total spending)
Total budgeted spending: $1201B (34% total spending)
Total defense spending: $624B
We could have spend $0 on defense and still run an almost $100B deficit.

I agree that we should cut welfare, foreign aid and end the wars, but leave the investment that makes our country powerful alone.
Have either of you thought of what might be the consequences of cutting welfare and foreign aid? Unnecessary wars I fully understand.
Have you thought about of what might be the consequences of cutting what you think is OK to cut.
Of coruse not.
Cutting waste and redundancy is never a bad thing.
Including waste and redundancy our of the entitlement system.

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