A photograph

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011

Regina Walters, moments before being murdered – Robert Ben Rhoades was a truck driver/serial killer that liked to pick up hitchhikers and torture them for a while in his truck before killing them. One of his victims was a 14 year old runaway from Texas named Regina Walters. Walters’ remains were found in an abandoned barn in Illinois. However, her disappearance wasn’t connected to Rhoades until after Rhoades was arrested for abducting another woman. When police searched Rhoades’ home they found this photo. - See more at: Regina Walters, Moments Before Being Murdered ? Robert Ben Rhoades Was A Truck Driver/serial Killer That Liked To Pick Up Hitchhikers And Torture Them For A While In His Truck Before Killing Them. One Of His Victims Was A 14 Year Old Runaway From Tex

This one is #6 of 20 photos worth looking at. See the link.

Like this one -


Ignorance is bliss – Homeless man sleeps outside a diner in Milwaukee. - See more at: http://www.thestupidstation.com/hom...h-one.There-are-no-words#sthash.1HdQh3oe.dpuf

Not all are as heart wrenching as these two. Check out the sunrise on mars photo.
Looks like Ke$ha has a penis...

I prefer the before photo of Jennifer Lawrence.
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Yes, another satanist serial killer. I looked up some other photos of him and you can see it in the countenance and the eyes although in several of the photos he attempts to hide his eyes and in at least a few he is hiding his left one ( which reveals the deadness in his soul - classic sign you are looking at a satanist ) He's a satanist alright.

Robert Ben Rhoades | Photos | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers

It is not difficult to see it once you know what you are looking for. I did a thread on serial killers and their stories the media never reported concerning the satanic ritual material found at scene of crimes etc. In fact, I believe every single serial killer ( over 50 of the most famous? ) I put up was proven to be involved in satanism!

The reason the State officials tell the news media not to report anything about the satanic element in any of these stories is because they are afraid of copycat killers. That is the excuse the FBI and other officials gave Father Malachi Martin - author of Windswept house which exposed Satanism in the Vatican.

He was interested in learning about the satanic crimes in America and was told we do not report the satanic element of such murders as a general rule. He asked why and they said, copycat killers. Best not to ever mention Satanism as the reason for a crime. I've got the youtube video of Father Martins testimony if you want to see it. I had no idea of the reason satanism was never mentioned in these crimes in news reports even though it was the motive. Quite astonishing really how it is covered up.

In the case of the Craigslist killer they couldn't stop her as she was telling them even as she was arrested that she murdered over 20 people before she lost count due to participation in satanic rituals. It's under 100 people she said, she lost count. Nothing to see there folks! .........Interesting the FBI never did follow up and interview her about those locations. She said so in a news report a few days ago. Now how could they follow up and investigate the gravesites if they refused to even go to see her and find out where they were? You see this story has been buried and it isn't because they fear a copycat killing. Highly doubt it.

I would be interested to know if there was ever a serial killer who didn't turn out to be a satanist! Wouldn't that be a surprise? Satanists are serial killers, folks. They have to keep killing to keep sacrificing to their god, Satan. This is what they do! They kill other people. From one end of the country to the other end. By truck, by car, by craigslist they just do what they do. Kill for Satan. Oh. I almost forgot. The photos.

Robert Ben Rhoades | Photos | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers

The amazing thing about satanists is how fearful they are! They are in great fear of the demons they are obeying - turning on them. That is what keeps them in the occult. Fear. If only they knew they could have authority over that realm the fear would be gone and they could be delivered of this insanity!
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