A Political Anomaly


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I've gotten so used to the weak-knee Republicans going along to get along....with the Democrats.....
...never having the blood lust, never going in for the kill.....as the Left does....
....that the Texas Congressman Conaway is that rarity among the so-called Republicans.

The actually confronts the lying inch-worm, Adam Schiff.

"Rep. Mike Conaway Confronts Adam Schiff on Russia Collusion: Resign From House Intelligence Committee Chairmanship

Rep. Mike Conaway, and all nine of the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee, called for Rep. Adam Schiff to step down as head of the committee Thursday, in the wake of the release of Attorney General Bill Barr's summary of the Mueller report showing no evidence that President Trump colluded with Russia.

REP. MIKE CONAWAY: Mr. Chairman, since prior to the inauguration of President Trump in January 2017, you've been at the center of a well-orchestrated media campaign claiming, among other things, that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government. Indeed, before the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel, you alleged during one of your frequent television interviews that there was "more than circumstantial evidence" of collusion, but you could not go into particulars.

Your repeated public statements, which implied knowledge of classified facts supporting the collusion allegations occurred at the same time that anonymous leaks of alleged intelligence and law enforcement information were appearing in the media. These leaks were often sourced to current or former administration or intelligence officials, and appeared to support the collusion allegations, and were reported to be related to ongoing investigations of President Trump and his associates.

Minority views, which you submitted, were attached to our committee's findings, and yet your views did not include any evidence to support the claim of collusion.

On March 24, 2019, the special counsel delivered his findings to the [attorney general]. The special counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 election. Special counsel Mueller's findings are consistent with those of this committee, as well as the public statements of many senators in the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

Despite these findings, you continue to proclaim to the media that there is significant evidence of collusion. You further have stated you will continue to investigate the counterintelligence issues, that is, is the president and people around him compromised in any way by a hostile foreign power?

Your willingness to continue to promote a demonstrably false narrative is alarming. The findings of the special counsel conclusively refute your past and present assertions and have exposed you as having abused your position to knowingly promote false information. Having damaged the integrity of this committee and undermined the faith in the United States government and its institutions, your actions, both past, and present are incompatible with your duty of the chairman of this committee — which alone, in the House of Representatives — has the obligation and authority to provide effective oversight of the U.S. intelligence community.

As such we have no faith in your ability to discharge your duties in a manner consistent with your Constitutional responsibility and urge your immediate resignation as chairman of the committee. Mr. Chairman, this letter is signed by all nine members of the Republican side of the committee, and I ask unanimous consent that it be entered into the record at today’s hearing."
Rep. Mike Conaway Confronts Adam Schiff on Russia Collusion: Resign From House Intelligence Committee Chairmanship

Can I get an "AMEN"!!!!!!!!
I've gotten so used to the weak-knee Republicans going along to get along....with the Democrats.....
...never having the blood lust, never going in for the kill.....as the Left does....
....that the Texas Congressman Conaway is that rarity among the so-called Republicans.

The actually confronts the lying inch-worm, Adam Schiff.

"Rep. Mike Conaway Confronts Adam Schiff on Russia Collusion: Resign From House Intelligence Committee Chairmanship

Rep. Mike Conaway, and all nine of the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee, called for Rep. Adam Schiff to step down as head of the committee Thursday, in the wake of the release of Attorney General Bill Barr's summary of the Mueller report showing no evidence that President Trump colluded with Russia.

REP. MIKE CONAWAY: Mr. Chairman, since prior to the inauguration of President Trump in January 2017, you've been at the center of a well-orchestrated media campaign claiming, among other things, that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government. Indeed, before the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel, you alleged during one of your frequent television interviews that there was "more than circumstantial evidence" of collusion, but you could not go into particulars.

Your repeated public statements, which implied knowledge of classified facts supporting the collusion allegations occurred at the same time that anonymous leaks of alleged intelligence and law enforcement information were appearing in the media. These leaks were often sourced to current or former administration or intelligence officials, and appeared to support the collusion allegations, and were reported to be related to ongoing investigations of President Trump and his associates.

Minority views, which you submitted, were attached to our committee's findings, and yet your views did not include any evidence to support the claim of collusion.

On March 24, 2019, the special counsel delivered his findings to the [attorney general]. The special counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 election. Special counsel Mueller's findings are consistent with those of this committee, as well as the public statements of many senators in the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

Despite these findings, you continue to proclaim to the media that there is significant evidence of collusion. You further have stated you will continue to investigate the counterintelligence issues, that is, is the president and people around him compromised in any way by a hostile foreign power?

Your willingness to continue to promote a demonstrably false narrative is alarming. The findings of the special counsel conclusively refute your past and present assertions and have exposed you as having abused your position to knowingly promote false information. Having damaged the integrity of this committee and undermined the faith in the United States government and its institutions, your actions, both past, and present are incompatible with your duty of the chairman of this committee — which alone, in the House of Representatives — has the obligation and authority to provide effective oversight of the U.S. intelligence community.

As such we have no faith in your ability to discharge your duties in a manner consistent with your Constitutional responsibility and urge your immediate resignation as chairman of the committee. Mr. Chairman, this letter is signed by all nine members of the Republican side of the committee, and I ask unanimous consent that it be entered into the record at today’s hearing."
Rep. Mike Conaway Confronts Adam Schiff on Russia Collusion: Resign From House Intelligence Committee Chairmanship

Can I get an "AMEN"!!!!!!!!

mmmmmmmmmm no.
"It's time to relentlessly demand justice.

It's time to play the Democrats' game. If it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander. Barr must name special counsels to investigate the endless scandals of the Democrats. It's time to investigate Russiagate, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act scandal, the unmasking scandal and the FBI and DOJ officials who perpetrated this collusion hoax on the American people. But why stop there?

Name special counsels to investigate Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, the Uranium One deal and the Barack Obama IRS scandal. It's time for Clinton, Obama, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Loretta Lynch, John Brennan, James Clapper, Ben Rhodes and so many others to pay for their awful crimes.

It's time to turn the hunters into the hunted. It's time to relentlessly special counsel the Democratic Party into oblivion."
It's Time to Turn the Hunters Into the Hunted
"It's time to relentlessly demand justice.

It's time to play the Democrats' game. If it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander. Barr must name special counsels to investigate the endless scandals of the Democrats. It's time to investigate Russiagate, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act scandal, the unmasking scandal and the FBI and DOJ officials who perpetrated this collusion hoax on the American people. But why stop there?

Name special counsels to investigate Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, the Uranium One deal and the Barack Obama IRS scandal. It's time for Clinton, Obama, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Loretta Lynch, John Brennan, James Clapper, Ben Rhodes and so many others to pay for their awful crimes.

It's time to turn the hunters into the hunted. It's time to relentlessly special counsel the Democratic Party into oblivion."
It's Time to Turn the Hunters Into the Hunted

It's time that Conway realized that Texas is no longer as ruby red as it has been for so long, and he won't be able to make such ridiculous remarks and keep his seat for much linger. Texas has a distinct purple tint, and the change is getting faster.
"Schiff has received a new wave of criticism after Robert Mueller’s investigation, according to a summary by Attorney General William Barr, cleared President Donald Trump and his campaign on any collusion with Russia.

Schiff has said in the past he had conclusive evidence that Trump did collude with Russia."
Veteran Congressmen Fire Back After Dem. Rep. Says Schiff Has More Integrity Than Them


Democrats and their voters are amazed.....astounded, in act.......that some Republicans are actually calling them on their lies!!!!!!

They took it as their birthright to lie and simply continue on.

Lies are their way of life.

It is essential to recognize that the word has 'lie' has two different meaning to the Left and to the Right.
When applied to the Right, it is taken as an insult, to be responded to, to be proven incorrect.
To the Left it is to be shrugged at, an acceptable mode of debate.
They don't care if they are known to be liars. You'll see that time and again in their posts.
"Schiff has received a new wave of criticism after Robert Mueller’s investigation, according to a summary by Attorney General William Barr, cleared President Donald Trump and his campaign on any collusion with Russia.

Schiff has said in the past he had conclusive evidence that Trump did collude with Russia."
Veteran Congressmen Fire Back After Dem. Rep. Says Schiff Has More Integrity Than Them


Democrats and their voters are amazed.....astounded, in act.......that some Republicans are actually calling them on their lies!!!!!!

They took it as their birthright to lie and simply continue on.

Lies are their way of life.

It is essential to recognize that the word has 'lie' has two different meaning to the Left and to the Right.
When applied to the Right, it is taken as an insult, to be responded to, to be proven incorrect.
To the Left it is to be shrugged at, an acceptable mode of debate.
They don't care if they are known to be liars. You'll see that time and again in their posts.

You understand Barr's little note means nothing, don't you?
Considering Shiff's actions, and his options.....after careful consideration, seppuku is his only course of action.


Bye, bye, Schiffy.....
"It's time to relentlessly demand justice.

It's time to play the Democrats' game. If it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander. Barr must name special counsels to investigate the endless scandals of the Democrats. It's time to investigate Russiagate, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act scandal, the unmasking scandal and the FBI and DOJ officials who perpetrated this collusion hoax on the American people. But why stop there?

Name special counsels to investigate Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, the Uranium One deal and the Barack Obama IRS scandal. It's time for Clinton, Obama, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Loretta Lynch, John Brennan, James Clapper, Ben Rhodes and so many others to pay for their awful crimes.

It's time to turn the hunters into the hunted. It's time to relentlessly special counsel the Democratic Party into oblivion."
It's Time to Turn the Hunters Into the Hunted


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