A positive view of Trump/CNN Town Hall

I am not a Fox News hound. Don't watch it. BUT, I will say this. Fox hires, on their regular payroll (not just guests), contributors including democrats and lefties to present that side of the argument. I don't see where CNN, MSNBC, or the like actually have contributors on their regular payroll who represent the other side.
I know, and why not? So when CNN hosts Trump the whole entire lefty world freaks out and squeals like little pigs.
They are just looking for ratings.
And they got them.

Tuesday night - 5-9-2023 - 8 pm EDT
Total viewers:

Fox 1,480,000 (roughly 1/3 of Tucker's ratings)
CNN 1,650,000
MSNBC 1,406,000

The Debate Wednesday 5-10-2023 - 8 pm EDT
Fox 1,349,000
CNN 3,368,000
SMNBC 1,490,000

Probably a lot of CNN's normal audience refused to watch Trump and many Patriots refused to watch on CNN. But the numbers are still telling. CNN's largest audience since 2020.

The 8 pm slot at Fox is still getting about 1/3 of its former audience before Tucker was fired. Hannity at 9 pm and Ingraham at 10 pm have roughly half or less of their former audiences.

Source: TVNewser that reports the Neilson ratings daily

And this with the worst moderators for a Town Hall I have EVER seen. She was obviously ordered to do a hatchet job on Trump and she did try. She was no match for him though.
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She was way too young, inexperienced, and arrogant to handle this. Why didn’t CNN put in a seasoned reporter?
I bet she went to an Ivy League school

She did for CNN what the horse faced Harvard grad did for Bud Light
They almost got as much as The Five did that day....Almost.

BTW.....Maybe Don Lemon was right about her.

CNN drew more viewers for the Trump Town Hall (3.37 Million) than they did in their Midterms Election Night Coverage last year (2.4 Million)


Seems to me CNN and MSNBC and Fox should all be putting all kinds of content out for viewers to choose from.....liberal, conservative, independent....controversial and not....yet whiny Anderson Cooper and all kinds of wacko Dims cried and whined about CNN allowing Trump on the air.
To me that speaks volumes about the Reich and its lockdown on free thought and speech.
I was spinning the dial last night and landed on MSLSDNC with that arrogant propagandist with the big ass forehead, Laurence O’Donnell. He devoted a big chunk of time carping and bitching about the low quality “questions” posed by the CNN reporter (which Larry blamed on the reporting staff at CNN).

It was one whine after another. He criticized the questions because Trump got to answer pretty much as he wished (unlike what happened to him at “moderated” debates).

He had some guest hacks in, too. All of his show boiled down to a complaint about the failure to rein in or otherwise prevent Trump from making his own case. Ironically, the big complaint was that journalism actually had momentarily allowed a candidate to speak a truth about which they are insanely opposed.

They don’t seek truth. They seek suppression. They don’t grasp that the very Amendment which exists in part to secure their ability to engage in reporting and speech, also allows others to engage in free speech.
Your post just made me wonder about a question I have been pondering. Did Trump set CNN up or did CNN set Trump up but just failed miserably at it?
I believe CNN knew they would get a big ratings boost no matter what....and they did. Of course they tried to ambush him, but their typical attack plan for a shrieking crazed lunatic woman to go after Trump didn't work, and it never will. If anything the Dims have given him even thicker skin and he will never stand there and take this fake abuse.
To me it just helps his candidacy as more people see how nuts the left has become.
I believe CNN knew they would get a big ratings boost no matter what....and they did. Of course they tried to ambush him, but their typical attack plan for a shrieking crazed lunatic woman to go after Trump didn't work, and it never will. If anything the Dims have given him even thicker skin and he will never stand there and take this fake abuse.
To me it just helps his candidacy as more people see how nuts the left has become.
Yes, CNN was hoping for ratings, obviously. It just seems a little crazy to me that they would host a Republican town hall event filled with half Trump supporters and half others, all of whom were planning to vote in the Republican primary, and then expect they can put a TDS infected lefty in as "moderator" and then switch her from moderator to debater and expect it was all going to go down well. It will be interesting to see how this effects ratings in the long term. I, for one, had believed and was hoping that CNN had actually wanted to be more fair, balanced, and unbiased but now I know they are the same lefty rag they have always been.
Yes, CNN was hoping for ratings, obviously. It just seems a little crazy to me that they would host a Republican town hall event filled with half Trump supporters and half others, all of whom were planning to vote in the Republican primary, and then expect they can put a TDS infected lefty in as "moderator" and then switch her from moderator to debater and expect it was all going to go down well. It will be interesting to see how this effects ratings in the long term. I, for one, had believed and was hoping that CNN had actually wanted to be more fair, balanced, and unbiased but now I know they are the same lefty rag they have always been.
Totally they are......interesting to see what happens as we move forward with what they put out next....
I am not a Fox News hound. Don't watch it. BUT, I will say this. Fox hires, on their regular payroll (not just guests), contributors including democrats and lefties to present that side of the argument. I don't see where CNN, MSNBC, or the like actually have contributors on their regular payroll who represent the other side.
That's cause you don't watch.

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