A presidential redo...who would you now vote for?

If we had a redo of the 2016 election, would Trump win or Hillary?

  • Trump would win by a landslide if we had a redo

    Votes: 35 83.3%
  • I would vote for Hillary all the way, while holding my nose

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • I would do a write in, neither are worth my vote

    Votes: 5 11.9%

  • Total voters
Even more people would vote for trump this time around.

And the illegal vote would not happen.
If that was the case, fool, why are his ratings still below 50% and and and know for a fact that only 37% of the voting population voted for the clown. And like you, I can't wait for Trump to show proof of 300 illegals voting illegally, something he's trying very hard to defuse these days.

Trump got 46.5% of the popular vote and Bill Clinton won in 1992 with only 43% of the popular vote. Was Clinton an illegitimate President?
I did not vote for Trump, but he's actually doing what he said he'd do. Given that I thought he was totally full of shit on actually following through with what he said he'd do, I'm surprised.

Add to that to the total and ongoing idiotic meltdown on the left because the little whiners didn't get their way and I'm voting for him over Hillary.
Its one thing to say he's doing all he said he would do, but other than fuckin over immigrants, illegals are still here, the wall isn't up, the jobs aren't here....I mean, stop acting like this idiot is taking names, other than pissing off the rest of the world, how safe are you and how's that bottom line looking?
Even more people would vote for trump this time around.

And the illegal vote would not happen.
If that was the case, fool, why are his ratings still below 50% and and and know for a fact that only 37% of the voting population voted for the clown. And like you, I can't wait for Trump to show proof of 300 illegals voting illegally, something he's trying very hard to defuse these days.

Trump got 46.5% of the popular vote and Bill Clinton won in 1992 with only 43% of the popular vote. Was Clinton an illegitimate President?
I did not vote for Trump, but he's actually doing what he said he'd do. Given that I thought he was totally full of shit on actually following through with what he said he'd do, I'm surprised.

Add to that to the total and ongoing idiotic meltdown on the left because the little whiners didn't get their way and I'm voting for him over Hillary.
Its one thing to say he's doing all he said he would do, but other than fuckin over immigrants, illegals are still here, the wall isn't up, the jobs aren't here....I mean, stop acting like this idiot is taking names, other than pissing off the rest of the world, how safe are you and how's that bottom line looking?

Trump hasn't been office even two weeks. Did you expect unicorns and elves to build the wall already?
I want a primaries redo. I wasn't crazy about Trump or Hilary.

I want Bernie Sanders.
I did not vote for Trump, but he's actually doing what he said he'd do. Given that I thought he was totally full of shit on actually following through with what he said he'd do, I'm surprised.

Add to that to the total and ongoing idiotic meltdown on the left because the little whiners didn't get their way and I'm voting for him over Hillary.
Its one thing to say he's doing all he said he would do, but other than fuckin over immigrants, illegals are still here, the wall isn't up, the jobs aren't here....I mean, stop acting like this idiot is taking names, other than pissing off the rest of the world, how safe are you and how's that bottom line looking?

Trump hasn't been office even two weeks. Did you expect unicorns and elves to build the wall already?
dont know about the Unicorns but those Elves can do a fast and efficient job....but you cant trust the little fuckers....
If we had it to do all over again.....

hey, nutter.... I love the ASSumption that anyone who voted for Hillary held their nose.

try again, loon.

because she'd win by even more than the popular vote she beat the orange sociopath with
Always the puppet despite the Wasserman Shultz Donna Brazile fiasco. Are the crony Dim Establ paying you to post here Shrillian?
Even more people would vote for trump this time around.

And the illegal vote would not happen.
If that was the case, fool, why are his ratings still below 50% and and and know for a fact that only 37% of the voting population voted for the clown. And like you, I can't wait for Trump to show proof of 300 illegals voting illegally, something he's trying very hard to defuse these days.

Why......with all of the media attacking, the fake democrat press, and hollywood.... .....he is at 49%......obama had all the press...all the time......and they had to work over time to hide his screw ups...
I did not vote for Trump, but he's actually doing what he said he'd do. Given that I thought he was totally full of shit on actually following through with what he said he'd do, I'm surprised.

Add to that to the total and ongoing idiotic meltdown on the left because the little whiners didn't get their way and I'm voting for him over Hillary.
Its one thing to say he's doing all he said he would do, but other than fuckin over immigrants, illegals are still here, the wall isn't up, the jobs aren't here....I mean, stop acting like this idiot is taking names, other than pissing off the rest of the world, how safe are you and how's that bottom line looking?

I didn't expect a wall in a week or anything else. I expected him to abandon his campaign promises like most do instead of chomping down on them like a bulldog. For better or worse I see that as a somewhat welcome change.

I'm no less safe and my bottom line is fine. As I'm in manufacturing he may just help it, but the results on that aren't yet in, obviously.
Knowing what we know now, the election would have been thrown into the House, and the House would selected McMullin.

Or they could accept Trump, impeach and remove him, and let Pence step up.
The results of this poll say otherwise. The PEOPLE love Trump. The establishment and the morons who are easily led are going nuts. I love it.
:) I think he's "real," a real President for all American's finally. It's been so long, even Ronnie had his issues, but Trumps a whole different animal.

I didn't expect it from Trump honestly. I mean I know he loves his country very much as I've been watching him since I was a teen, but ya know how everyone has their own opinions on what's wrong with America? I figured he was going to just push what /he/ wanted, but he's not. He wanted to do all these things, but he defers to the experts on stuff and tells us American's flat out, like the torture thing, he says, "I disagree that it doesn't work, but I'm going to trust the experts." Even the SSM thing, homosexuality is against his religion, but the high court says this is okay and he says "okay" again deferring to the experts despite his personal opinions and beliefs[*]

(* I'd hoped he'd leave PP alone, but that's kind of a weird one for me - I don't think PP is using fed funds for abortions so de-funding them on that basis is crappy imo, but on the other hand I don't think tax payers should be paying for everyone's medical either so it's okay with me - exception made for Military who we owe a debt for our freedom and safety. Police/firemen/teachers fall into the same category in my book, but that's state/muni paid not Fed. If a /state/ wanted to fund PP that's their choice though, I hope we just ditch the Fed funding part and gives states the option to continue funding or not, preferably with a vote from the people of said states.)
Does that mean that you hate animals so we can fillet the EPA that stops people from building $70m bridges over finding a bird egg in a tree? I'm cool with that...
Dems, u mad Trump has already kept more campaign promises in 2 weeks than Obama did in 8 years?
Even more people would vote for trump this time around.

And the illegal vote would not happen.
If that was the case, fool, why are his ratings still below 50% and and and know for a fact that only 37% of the voting population voted for the clown. And like you, I can't wait for Trump to show proof of 300 illegals voting illegally, something he's trying very hard to defuse these days.
Why'd you even f**king ask?
I did not vote for Trump, but he's actually doing what he said he'd do. Given that I thought he was totally full of shit on actually following through with what he said he'd do, I'm surprised.

Add to that to the total and ongoing idiotic meltdown on the left because the little whiners didn't get their way and I'm voting for him over Hillary.
Its one thing to say he's doing all he said he would do, but other than fuckin over immigrants, illegals are still here, the wall isn't up, the jobs aren't here....I mean, stop acting like this idiot is taking names, other than pissing off the rest of the world, how safe are you and how's that bottom line looking?
Where is the STFU button?

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