a question for anti Zionists ..


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
a lot of leftists claim they are anti Zionist and they are not anti Semitic ... but they never say whether or not they are anti Hamas ... so the question I have for them is are they anti Hamas and do they believe Hamas is a terrorist org ?
a lot of leftists claim they are anti Zionist and they are not anti Semitic ... but they never say whether or not they are anti Hamas ... so the question I have for them is are they anti Hamas and do they believe Hamas is a terrorist org ?
Yes, Hamas is a terrorist organization. However, there is no indication that those starving children are Hamas. You don't seem to get that distinction. I suspect that most that you are ranting against agree with me.
Yes, Hamas is a terrorist organization. However, there is no indication that those starving children are Hamas. You don't seem to get that distinction. I suspect that most that you are ranting against agree with me.

and Hamas has no problem hiding behind them. Considering Hamas's charter states their goal is to kill Jews, and OCT 7th was evidence of what their future actions will be, Israel has no choice but to protect their people.
Let HAMAS protect their people, the Palestinians, by immediately giving up the hostages and surrendering.
The fighting would stop tomorrow and there would be no calls of genocide. Israel has no reason to go after civilians
But Israel is going after civilians eagle, in record numbers

This is a far cry from mere defense

Pointing this out is not advocating hamas

Yes, Hamas is a terrorist organization. However, there is no indication that those starving children are Hamas. You don't seem to get that distinction. I suspect that most that you are ranting against agree with me.
the Hamas people are eating---the tunnels are well stocked. Their familes
are living in luxury hotels in Qatar. Gazans voted them into power and
Mothers and Fathers still kiss their asses as they watch their children starve
to death &/or get blown up because Hamas shoots off rockets from the bedrooms of kids and themselves just jump into their tunnels and eat,
sing and celebrate---yet the mothers and fathers of those kids have
their answer------blame da jooooos.
Yes, Hamas is a terrorist organization. However, there is no indication that those starving children are Hamas. You don't seem to get that distinction. I suspect that most that you are ranting against agree with me.
Israel and the west are sending aid ... Hamas is stealing said aid ..

Israel and the west are sending aid ... Hamas is stealing said aid ..

Hamas also bombed KEREN SHALOM (vineyard of peace---believe it or not) which is a passage way for the purpose of trucking aid into Gaza----yesterday---killing at last count three Israelis----others are dying. Hamas is an organization devoted to the promulgation of Islam and does confiscate aid, thus demands that no Israelis be around to counter their efforts
Yes, Hamas is a terrorist organization. However, there is no indication that those starving children are Hamas. You don't seem to get that distinction. I suspect that most that you are ranting against agree with me.
But those children are starving because of Hamas.
Hamas started this recent renewal of war with their vicious and genocidal attack of Oct. 7, 2023.
Hamas needs to be exterminated.
Screw any ceasefire agreement!
There will be a ceasefire when the last Hamas is DEAD!
But Israel is going after civilians eagle, in record numbers

This is a far cry from mere defense

Pointing this out is not advocating hamas

Hamas hiding within civilian community and using them as human shields are causing the death of those civilians.
If Hamas had guts, integrity, and were true Islamic Jihadists, they would come out in the open to become martyrs to Islam rather than making civilians become the unwilling martyrs.

Pointing it out, "Israel is going after civilians" IS parroting the Hamas propaganda bullshit and is providing "moral" support to Hamas' genocide agenda against Jews/Israelis.

Don't recall any similar real outrage from you and the other Leftist enablers of Islamic Jihad after the butchery by Hamas on Oct. 7, 2023.
Instead you all are just being disgusting neo-nazis wanting to let Hamas get away with it's crimes/genocide and hold Israel ONLY to blame for those whom Hamas has placed in the crossfires.
Will the real Hitler please stand up???

But those children are starving because of Hamas.
Hamas started this recent renewal of war with their vicious and genocidal attack of Oct. 7, 2023.
Hamas needs to be exterminated.
Screw any ceasefire agreement!
There will be a ceasefire when the last Hamas is DEAD!
Yes, Hamas started it. The starving children didn't.
and Hamas has no problem hiding behind them. Considering Hamas's charter states their goal is to kill Jews, and OCT 7th was evidence of what their future actions will be, Israel has no choice but to protect their people.
Let HAMAS protect their people, the Palestinians, by immediately giving up the hostages and surrendering.
The fighting would stop tomorrow and there would be no calls of genocide. Israel has no reason to go after civilians


That is only one of the differences. The meme would be more realistic if the Palestinian woman was holding the Palestinian baby.
Pointing out the brutal truth is not without consequence Stryder,,,,,S~
Then you could start with the brutal truth of the Hamas massacre and genocide of Oct. 7, 2024 against Israeli citizens, women and children especially.

You might also review the perspective that the Jews/Hebrews have sought to live in peace and without expansion outside of the Levant for 4,000 + years. Yet they have often been displaced, to Egypt, Babylon, and then dispersed by the Roman Empire nearly 2,000 years ago.

Yet still through that time and to the present some Jews have remained in the Levant (Israel/"Palestine") continuously and it was by decree of the United Nations that a "Two State" "solution" was imposed in 1948. An international settlement of the issue quickly denounce by several neighboring Islamic/Arab nations who then sought to eliminate Israel and exterminate the Jews there.

This situation and the hostility of neighboring nations towards Israel has continued to the present. With Israel being a nation on constantly ready alert for attacks, and receiving a steady rain of minor attacks punctuated by occasion flares ups into major conflicts.

There remain some nations still hostile to Israel's existence and seeking their extinction, noticeably Iran and it's proxies of militias like Hamas and Hezbollah.

When an aggressor like Hamas hides within civilian communities and builds underground installations beneath those communities, and conducts attacks from within those communities towards Israel, it is very difficult to target only the Hamas attackers and not incur added damage and casualties in close proximity to Hamas, which is using them as shields.

The brutal truth is that Hamas could place itself away from innocent civilians but it is too coward to do so and part of it's strategy is to see that Israel will have no way to retaliate without hitting the innocent that Hamas uses as shields.
You really do like to bend history to your liking Stryder, and you're far from alone

But i've rung the truth bell in yet another thread, always brings you zionists stampeding on in

As such, i;ll ask you to field the same Q i've asked multiple times here

Describe how the country of Israel is an ally to the USA?


a lot of leftists claim they are anti Zionist and they are not anti Semitic ... but they never say whether or not they are anti Hamas ... so the question I have for them is are they anti Hamas and do they believe Hamas is a terrorist org ?

Many leftist now support Hamas

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