Harrison Butker’s ‘extreme’ political views has made him extremely popular…the number one selling jersey. Are we watching a political movement happen?

Neat…I bet you can’t expand on WTF that means…right?
Are you that dense. You fuckers never prove anything. You don’t need to. Once the accusation is made it just keeps swirling around the toilet bowl of right wing media and social media
Are you that dense. You fuckers never prove anything. You don’t need to. Once the accusation is made it just keeps swirling around the toilet bowl of right wing media and social media
In this case…what are you asking to be proven? I take great pride in enlightening weirdos and fools.
Try me.
In this case…what are you asking to be proven? I take great pride in enlightening weirdos and fools.
Try me.
Prove that Biden should be impeached moron. That’s what the thread is about.

Comer has given up on it
Quote the relevent part of the speech you say is "misogynist" so we can judge for ourselves. Why should I take your word for it?

The notion that a woman's "primary function" is as wife and mother. I stopped reading right there.

What happens to the woman when her husband dumps her for another woman, or just because he's bored, and she's "not the woman he married" after being stuck home with no one but toddlers to talk to? Suddenly she's expected to support herself with no working experience and no work history.

My daughter faced that when her marriaged ended. She had 2 kids and no recent work history because she had helped her husband build his business. With 50% of all first marriages ending in divorce, unless a woman has her own wealth, or her own income, trusting in her husband to always be there for her, is foolish indeed.

When I realized that my first marriage was not likely to last, and that I couldn't afford to support my children on my current income, I spent the next two years making sure that when the day came that I was on my own, that I would be able to support my family.

The rates of infidelity for rise when the man reaches 50, and decline for women. She as women are least equipped to return to the work force.
In this case…what are you asking to be proven? I take great pride in enlightening weirdos and fools.
Try me.

That Clinton, Biden, or Obama committed ANY crimes whatsoever.

You've never enlightened anyone in your entire life. You just regurgitate hate, racism and lies.
Is a Hip To Be Conservative movement taking root right before our eyes?
A celebrity speaks out in public, shits all over leftism in a commencement speech, gains national attention for it and doesn’t get cancelled….his popularity skyrockets as jersey sales blow up…..Trump is winning the 18-29 age bracket….dark people in New York seem to be pumped on Trump….Is something happening?
It has occurred to them that 60 years of great society has become a slavery of its own.
It was hardly fine... Company I worked for laid off a bunch of people during late 2019. I was out job hunting at that time and it was pathetic.
As opposed to now, where I get calls from recruiters every day.

Sounds like a good reason to properly staff asylum courts to vet people. But Trump gutted them.

Not my type, I can tell fake boobs and airbrushing when I see it. So it's okay to cheat on your pregnant wife if she's Hot? Just like Jesus would do.

You've made your choice. Jesus doesn't validate your bigotries.
1. I was fine, more than fine, during Trump's term before covid hit.

2. Biden is a traitor, letting in 100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russians, and who knows how many criminals.

3. Karen is a fine looking woman. Melania spoke on the subject:

4. Jesus will punish abortionists, the unclean, and those who corrupt children...like "Gender Queer" books in schools.
"It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones."
You obviously don’t know the data….Fags are far more likely to be criminals, more likely to use drugs, more likely to commit suicide, more likely to be taxpayer dependent. They are liabilities, parasites, human cockroaches.
What kind of a fucked in head society would embrace and or encourage faggotry?

Wow, did you hear about the study that proves severely homophobic people are often latently gay?

I think it shows here.
1. I was fine, more than fine, during Trump's term before covid hit.

2. Biden is a traitor, letting in 100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russians, and who knows how many criminals.

3. Karen is a fine looking woman. Melania spoke on the subject:
1> I was fine before Trump got into office. Then he fucked up everything. I'm much better now that Joe has fixed things.

2) Eek, there's a scary Chinese person under your bed.

3) I think that witch wore that coat when she was visiting Trump's concentration camp.

4. Jesus will punish abortionists, the unclean, and those who corrupt children...like "Gender Queer" books in schools.
"It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones."

Yes, it's kind of sad that you want God to avenge you on people who don't share your values.
Its not only rural people that attend church, there are many city people who are moral and attend church too.
There are only 7% or so of Americans that are LGBTQ, that is a "cult", or tiny minority of deviants that whine a lot, and can go fuck themselves.

Define "moral".

I don't consider church attendance as a sign of "morality", nor do I base my version of "morality" on a person's sexual behaviour. I base their "morality" on Jesus' commandments: Love the Lord thy God with all your might, and Treat others as you would like to be treated.
You obviously don’t know the data….Fags are far more likely to be criminals, more likely to use drugs, more likely to commit suicide, more likely to be taxpayer dependent. They are liabilities, parasites, human cockroaches.
What kind of a fucked in head society would embrace and or encourage faggotry?

What kind of a fucked in the head society would embrace racism, misogyny or xenophobia?

What kind of a fucked in the head society would elect a man who admits to raping and abusing women, bribery, corruption, tax evasion and fraud, as President???
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Yes, it's kind of sad that you want God to avenge you on people who don't share your values.
OMG. Best example of "cognitive dissonance" ever, dumbass.

The main point is; "They are God's values".
Is a Hip To Be Conservative movement taking root right before our eyes?
A celebrity speaks out in public, shits all over leftism in a commencement speech, gains national attention for it and doesn’t get cancelled….his popularity skyrockets as jersey sales blow up…..Trump is winning the 18-29 age bracket….dark people in New York seem to be pumped on Trump….Is something happening?
  • Thanks
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1. I was fine, more than fine, during Trump's term before covid hit.
A Presidents main job is to handle a crisis. Trump failed in his most important task. The 3 years before that he was living on work done by the prior administration.

2. Biden is a traitor, letting in 100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russians, and who knows how many criminals.

Biden is no traitor. And where did you get those numbers?

4. Jesus will punish abortionists, the unclean, and those who corrupt children...like "Gender Queer" books in schools.
"It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones."

Your name isn't Jesus.
What kind of a fucked in the head society would embrace racism, misogyny or xenophobia?

What kind of a fucked in the head society would elect a man who admits to raping and abusing women, bribery, corruption, tax evasion and fraud, as President???
Actually gay men are primarily white high earning citizens who pay taxes. Broke loser can't answer your question because he's fucked in the head. But the recird shows that the answer to your question is America.
What kind of a fucked in the head society would embrace racism, misogyny or xenophobia?
Umm…the one that built the richest, greatest most powerful nation on the planet in a short 150 years?
What kind of a fucked in the head society would elect a man who admits to raping and abusing women, bribery, corruption, tax evasion and fraud, as President???
He never “admitted” any of that…you mention nothing but purple hair concocted talking points and propaganda.

Actually gay men are primarily white high earning citizens who pay taxes. Broke loser can't answer your question because he's fucked in the head. But the recird shows that the answer to your question is America.

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