Harrison Butker’s ‘extreme’ political views has made him extremely popular…the number one selling jersey. Are we watching a political movement happen?

Most people who attend church aren't bigoted fucktards. I know that. I was referring to you batch of deplorable white wing Christian nationalists specifically. I would never want decent, empathetic, Christian folk to be associated with you Bingos.
Now you're trying to wiggle off the hook.

By definition people who attend church demand, by parental rights, that schools not teach THEIR kids LGBTQ subject matter, since it violates their religious beliefs. So are they "bigoted fucktards" or not?

I'm not sure I'm a Christian Nationalist? ...wiki lookup...
"Christian nationalism is Christianity-affiliated religious nationalism. Christian nationalists primarily focus on internal politics, such as passing laws that reflect their view of Christianity and its role in political and social life. They actively promote religious and nationalistic discourses in various fields of social life, from politics and history, to culture and science."

If protecting "parental rights" from woke school boards makes me a Christian Nationalist then maybe, but that's not "nationalism". Otherwise, I'm not into combining Church and State, i.e. creating a "theocracy", but I will defend "Freedom of Religion".

Lets just say we're all "decent, empathetic, Christian folk."
Culturally irrelevant is what the fucked up city people don't realize that is what they are.
We still attend church.
We still salute the flag.
We still call deviants and perverts "deviants and perverts".

Such arrogance and stupidity, it's hard to believe you think what you posted is relevant.

You still attend church but don't "live your faith" when you vote for a person like Donald Trump and the policies he espouses. You close your borders to refugees and people in need.

James 2: 14 - 17
14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. . . ...

26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

And yet the man YOU vote for has violated at least 8 of the 10 Commandments - all quite publically, and still you vote for him! He lies. He steals. He commits adultery. He covets everything he sees and will do anything to achieve wealth and power.

You still salute the flag. That costs you NOTHING. You don't live up to the principles of truth, justice and the "American way". That would take work and sacrifice, on your part.

You're still judging people as "deviates and perverts", on the basis of what???? Certainly NOT the Bible. The 10 Commandments condemns Adultery, and only adultery. Neither Jesus nor God have condemned homosexuality, or sex before marriage.

So just stop with your hypocritical attempt to stand on the higher moral groundss here. When YOU start walking the walk, we'll believe you have morals, but until we see some evidence of your Christianity and morality in your posts, you're simply another right wing poser.
Its not only rural people that attend church, there are many city people who are moral and attend church too.
There are only 7% or so of Americans that are LGBTQ, that is a "cult", or tiny minority of deviants that whine a lot, and can go fuck themselves.

Do those church goers you refer to approve of adulterous, sexual affairs? Of stealing from a charity? Of rape? Of cheating on tax returns?
Harrison Butker is a hateful racist, bigot, and misogynist – he represents everything reprehensible and wrong with the Christo-fascist right and conservativism.
Prime example ^ of a lefty lying about peoples position

For the radical left Racism is criticism of BLM and misogyny is supporting pro life.
Do those church goers you refer to approve of adulterous, sexual affairs? Of stealing from a charity? Of rape? Of cheating on tax returns?

“JEFFRESS: Yes. And understand, much has come to light and many allegations have been made. But what I would say is this. You know, in 1980, evangelicals overwhelmingly elected a candidate who was a known womanizer when he was in Hollywood. He would be the first divorced president in U.S. history. His name was Ronald Reagan. And when evangelicals voted for Reagan, they weren't endorsing womanizing. They weren't endorsing divorce. They were endorsing Reagan's policies.
And I think that's why Donald Trump continues to enjoy evangelical support. They're not endorsing necessarily his lifestyle. What they're saying is this is a binary choice between one candidate, Donald Trump - who is pro-life, pro- religious liberty, pro- conservative justices of the Supreme Court - and another candidate, Hillary Clinton, who has an opposite view on all of those issues.”
Do those church goers you refer to approve of adulterous, sexual affairs? Of stealing from a charity? Of rape? Of cheating on tax returns?
Teaching kids it's okay to be gay is a step too far so they have to vote for the adjudicated sexual assaulter. Its what Jesus would do.
Don't try to understand his speech based on Catholic family values.
Just try to figure out how Guam can capsize and why the moon is made of gas.

Sure, right after you knock out those Jewish Space Lasers, and start drinking bleach to end covid.
Now you're trying to wiggle off the hook.

By definition people who attend church demand, by parental rights, that schools not teach THEIR kids LGBTQ subject matter, since it violates their religious beliefs. So are they "bigoted fucktards" or not?

I'm not sure I'm a Christian Nationalist? ...wiki lookup...
"Christian nationalism is Christianity-affiliated religious nationalism. Christian nationalists primarily focus on internal politics, such as passing laws that reflect their view of Christianity and its role in political and social life. They actively promote religious and nationalistic discourses in various fields of social life, from politics and history, to culture and science."

If protecting "parental rights" from woke school boards makes me a Christian Nationalist then maybe, but that's not "nationalism". Otherwise, I'm not into combining Church and State, i.e. creating a "theocracy", but I will defend "Freedom of Religion".

Lets just say we're all "decent, empathetic, Christian folk."
Why stop at LGBTQ rights?

What if they want to teach kids about evolution? Does that offend their Christian values?

What if they want to teach Girl's STEM subject matter? Does that offend your Christian beliefs that a woman's primary function is as mother and home-maker?
Such arrogance and stupidity, it's hard to believe you think what you posted is relevant.

You still attend church but don't "live your faith" when you vote for a person like Donald Trump and the policies he espouses. You close your borders to refugees and people in need.

And yet the man YOU vote for has violated at least 8 of the 10 Commandments - all quite publicly, and still you vote for him! He lies. He steals. He commits adultery. He covets everything he sees and will do anything to achieve wealth and power.

You still salute the flag. That costs you NOTHING. You don't live up to the principles of truth, justice and the "American way". That would take work and sacrifice, on your part.

You're still judging people as "deviates and perverts", on the basis of what???? Certainly NOT the Bible. The 10 Commandments condemns Adultery, and only adultery. Neither Jesus nor God have condemned homosexuality, or sex before marriage.

So just stop with your hypocritical attempt to stand on the higher moral grounds here. When YOU start walking the walk, we'll believe you have morals, but until we see some evidence of your Christianity and morality in your posts, you're simply another right wing poser.
1. I believe in separation of Church and State. Voting for Trump's policies is in the best interest of the USA.

2. Open borders is a national security threat. Legal "merit based" immigration with proper vetting is what is required.

3. Trump is a "very flawed man" as general Kelly describes him. I voted for Nikki Haley in the primary, but my party prefers Trump. Trump is 1,000,000x better and holier than Biden.

4. You can stop lying any time. You have no clue what I live up to.

5. Stop misquoting the bible.
1. I believe in separation of Church and State. Voting for Trump's policies is in the best interest of the USA.

Because they turned out so well last time... except for the plauge. and the recession... and the riots...

2. Open borders is a national security threat. Legal "merit based" immigration with proper vetting is what is required.

Too bad Trump and human reptile Stephen Miller dismantled the legal immigration apparatus.

3. Trump is a "very flawed man" as general Kelly describes him. I voted for Nikki Haley in the primary, but my party prefers Trump. Trump is 1,000,000x better and holier than Biden.
Yup, because Jesus would have totally fucked Porn Stars and Playboy Models.

4. You can stop lying any time. You have no clue what I live up to.
Oh, I think your hypocrisy speaks for itself.
I thought all you MAGA types were boycotting the NFL.

Damn, I wish you could make up your minds, so hard to keep track of who you are worshiping and who you hate

He was giving a speech not kicking a field goal​

Do those church goers you refer to approve of adulterous, sexual affairs? Of stealing from a charity? Of rape? Of cheating on tax returns?
"Let those without sin cast the first stone."

No Trump stole from a charity, Eric moved money from St. Jude to less known, but well deserving charities.
Tax returns (Hunter?)
1. This Butker fellow has a right to his opinions.

2. He was speaking to a Catholic school that had invited him.

3. So what he said was not that astonishing.

4. He believes a woman is happiest as a homemaker, that abortion is wrong, and that the idea of Pride Month is silly.

5. He was, however, smart enough not to touch the racial issue in this nation. After all, he could have antagonized some of his team members.
Maybe he should lecture his own mother who had a career as a physicist.
Teaching kids it's okay to be gay is a step too far so they have to vote for the adjudicated sexual assaulter. Its what Jesus would do.

I don't know how you can call gays "deviates and perverts", and then vote for a man who cavorts with sex trade workers, likes to watch women piss on each other, and pays extortion for their silence, so he can lie to the American people.

Trump's misogyny towards women is reflected in his policies. Women are dying because he overturned Roe v. Wade, and now he says "The states can do what they want with women". That's because women have never voted for him. Women are dying and Trump doesn't fucking care.

When the Republicans impeached Bill Clinton, they said "Morality matters". Of course, when Newt Gingerich said this he was having an affair with his assistant while his wife was in hospital having cancer treatments.

The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Democrats don't legislate against women's rights or women's best interests.
Why stop at LGBTQ rights?

What if they want to teach kids about evolution? Does that offend their Christian values?

What if they want to teach Girl's STEM subject matter? Does that offend your Christian beliefs that a woman's primary function is as mother and home-maker?
1. The school boards should know what subject matter to teach, as opposed to religious beliefs. As I said before, I believe in separation of Church and State. Teaching "Evolution" is science based. Teaching "Atheism" or "homosexuality" is not science based. That's why states rights and local control of schools with state supervision is need to protect everyone's rights and beliefs.

2. Even if a woman's primary function is as a mother and home-maker, there is nothing in that statement that precludes a woman from having a successful career, i.e. "having it all".
"Let those without sin cast the first stone."

No Trump stole from a charity, Eric moved money from St. Jude to less known, but well deserving charities.
Tax returns (Hunter?)

You're equating Trump's admission that he sexually assaults women he deems "attractive", and this has been confirmed, not only by Trump, but by more than 25 women who have confirmed that he sexually assaulted, with Hunter Biden filing his tax returns late.

When was Hunter Biden elected to anything, and why are you even bringing him up?
Because they turned out so well last time... except for the plague. and the recession... and the riots...

Too bad Trump and human reptile Stephen Miller dismantled the legal immigration apparatus.

Yup, because Jesus would have totally fucked Porn Stars and Playboy Models

Oh, I think your hypocrisy speaks for itself.
1. Fau-Chi started the Covid plague. Trump's policies were fine until Covid hit, they were way better than Biden's moronic policies.

2. We're going back to the optimum legal immigration apparatus.

3. Trump enjoyed an active sex life. Its a free country.

4. I have no hypocrisy?! WTF are you whining about?
You're equating Trump's admission that he sexually assaults women he deems "attractive", and this has been confirmed, not only by Trump, but by more than 25 women who have confirmed that he sexually assaulted, with Hunter Biden filing his tax returns late.

When was Hunter Biden elected to anything, and why are you even bringing him up?
1. If Trump sexually assaulted 25 women why is he not in prison? Total bullshit.
2. We'll see soon how Hunter fares in court. I brought him up since his are the only illegal tax returns I'm aware of. I'm sure Joe Biden has Hunter's pardons ready to go if he wins in November.
"Traditional values"???? Misogyny and controlling women's lives are now considered to be "traditional values"??? How are families supposed to live or eat on one income????
Can somebody.. anybody.. quote from Butker's speech where he calls on men to control their women.. or on women to be strictly house wives?
1. The school boards should know what subject matter to teach, as opposed to religious beliefs. As I said before, I believe in separation of Church and State. Teaching "Evolution" is science based. Teaching "Atheism" or "homosexuality" is not science based. That's why states rights and local control of schools with state supervision is need to protect everyone's rights and beliefs.

2. Even if a woman's primary function is as a mother and home-maker, there is nothing in that statement that precludes a woman from having a successful career, i.e. "having it all".

1. Gay people exist. They don't choose to be gay. Therefore, teaching them that there's nothing wrong with them is SCIENCE based.
1a. Local control of schools would be fine, as long as a few loons don't try to impose their beliefs on everyone else.

2. The Mormons would like to have a word with you about a woman's proper place.

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