Harrison Butker’s ‘extreme’ political views has made him extremely popular…the number one selling jersey. Are we watching a political movement happen?

Where? Can you prove that? Hahaha. Compliant cuck parrot’s masters plan! Stay away compliant cuck
I don't do Ebonics. Let me know if you figure out why Guam can capsize, or why the moon is made of gas.
your fellow MAGA heads tell me I will be dead in just a few years because I took it.

All need to get your stories straight.
My cousin didn't take and died a horrible death. I took it and am doing fine.
My story is that it works fine for most people, but if you don't want to take it you shouldn't have to, some people develop myocarditis. There are risks either way.
And you are a left wing extremist….it seems like only yesterday it was “extreme” for men to want to pound other men in their ass….for chicks to have dicks, for men to play in womens sports, for men in dresses to shit next to our teen daughters….and for ANY faction of a decent society to support or embrace such lunacy.
Remember those days Harpy Eagle initforme ?

I have never given a shit how people had sex as long as it was between consenting adults, but then I have never had the fascination of ass sex as you people do. It is uncanny how often you people post about it.

But I do agree with you as far as men in women's sports and dressing rooms
your fellow MAGA heads tell me I will be dead in just a few years because I took it.

All need to get your stories striaght.

My cousin didn't take and died a horrible death. I took it and am doing fine.
My story is that it works fine for most people, but if you don't want to take it you shouldn't have to, some people develop myocarditis. There are risks either way.
I’m not vaxxed…nobody in my family is, we all got the Democrat flu and kicked it’s ass without issue. I don’t know what to make of the experimental medicine but here’s what I know…Fewer died under Trump with no vaccines available and while extremely ill prepared…more died on the crypt keepers watch while he was armed with multiple vaccines, a plethora of other shit and more data on the Democrat Flu.
It’s awfully peculiar. I suppose time will tell….we’ll have to wait for more super healthy soccer players and children to experience cardiac arrest before we can make a real determination.
And you are a left wing extremist….it seems like only yesterday it was “extreme” for men to want to pound other men in their ass….for chicks to have dicks, for men to play in womens sports, for men in dresses to shit next to our teen daughters….and for ANY faction of a decent society to support or embrace such lunacy.
Remember those days Harpy Eagle initforme ?
Nah, I'm no left wing extremist and you don't need to repeat the same bigotry you posted yesterday.

It wasn't too extreme since white men were fucking back men in the ass during slavery and if the black man didn't consent he could get killed. White women were doing the lesbian thing with slave women under the same conditions. I wasn't extreme for white men to walk into a female slaves room and rape her, even of she was a child. It wasn't extreme to make 11 and 12 year old slave girls girls have children to sell, so why in the fuck are you suddenly concerned about something being "extreme"?

Women in jeans can shit next to our sons idiot, but you guys don't seem too worried about that. Why aren't you concerned with a female coming in to mems bathrooms, or women dressed as men taking showers with little boys?

Dumb white right wing extremist. Women transition into men and play sports. But if we do things your way, testosterone filled females wil compete against other women.
I have never given a shit how people had sex as long as it was between consenting adults, but then I have never had the fascination of ass sex as you people do. It is uncanny how often you people post about it.

But I do agree with you as far as men in women's sports and dressing rooms
Remember….most without standards don’t really notice the cause for decay and degradation of society…they are usually very much a part of it.
Remember….most without standards don’t really notice the cause for decay and degradation of society…they are usually very much a part of it.

I have standards, my standard is live and let live unless it is harming someone.

I am not like you, I will never be like you. I will never want everyone to think and act and look just like me, I will never want the Fed Govt to try and make everyone think and act and look just like me.

By the way, you never did answer if it was natural for a males penis to be in a mouth of a female. Why is that?
Dumb white right wing extremist. Women transition into men and play sports. But if we do things your way, testosterone filled females wil compete against other women.

Give us some examples of women transitioning to men and competing in men's sports.
I have standards, my standard is live and let live unless it is harming someone.
Hahaha…that’s what all people too lazy to preserve and protect America say.
I am not like you, I will never be like you. I will never want everyone to think and act and look just like me
Yeah, likeminded, like-kind societies are terrible, I’m sure you’d hate how safe, productive and united they are.
I will never want the Fed Govt to try and make everyone think and act and look just like me.
Yeah, the federal government shouldn’t be responsible for our border policy…says you globalists.
By the way, you never did answer if it was natural for a males penis to be in a mouth of a female. Why is that?
Of course…ALL sexual activity between a man and woman is natural. Are you really confused about that?

Hahaha…that’s what all people too lazy to preserve and protect America say.

Yeah, likeminded, like-kind societies are terrible, I’m sure you’d hate how safe, productive and united they are.

Yeah, the federal government shouldn’t be responsible for our border policy…says you globalists.

Of course…ALL sexual activity between a man and woman is natural. Are you really confused about that?

What exactly am I supposed to respond to?
Hahaha…that’s what all people too lazy to preserve and protect America say.

spoken like someone too lazy to ever defend their country.

Yeah, likeminded, like-kind societies are terrible, I’m sure you’d hate how safe, productive and united they are.

I know you will never understand this, but people can be like-minded and not all think 100% the same. Gay people and straight people can be like-minded. Brown and black and white people can all be like-minded.

Yeah, the federal government shouldn’t be responsible for our border policy…says you globalists.

I said nothing about the border policy. You are grasping for straws yet again.
spoken like someone too lazy to ever defend their country.
That’s the saddest part about your situation….you did defend our nation because your father government forced you to while you were enlisted, then you became a civilian and contributed to fucking it all up by not protecting and preserving united and likeminded 1980 America. Now you want to flee to a filthy shithole…All you had to do was find the balls to fight to preserve the America you inherited so you could hand your children the same. You fucked us and your children.
I know you will never understand this, but people can be like-minded and not all think 100% the same. Gay people and straight people can be like-minded. Brown and black and white people can all be like-minded.
Sure they can…and Lions can live with Gazelles…It doesn’t fucking happen.
I said nothing about the border policy. You are grasping for straws yet again.
Why do you think the culture and dynamic of America has morphed into the disgusting bullshit it has? Inorganic, unauthorized immigration…please tell me you knew that?
spoken like someone too lazy to ever defend their country.

I know you will never understand this, but people can be like-minded and not all think 100% the same. Gay people and straight people can be like-minded. Brown and black and white people can all be like-minded.

I said nothing about the border policy. You are grasping for straws yet again.
No retractions, don’t be a pussy…I smash my wifes ass every chance I get. Again, ANY kind of sex between a man and a woman is natural sex.

Thousands Sign Christian Petition Condemning Harrison Butker's Remarks​

Apetition created by Faithful America on Friday is condemning Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker's controversial commencement speech as they call for him to apologize.

In its petition from Friday, with a goal of 15,000 signatures, Faithful America, an organization of Christians supporting social justice causes while opposing "Christian nationalism," wrote that the views expressed in Butker's speech were "a distortion of our Christian faith, and would be considered harmful in any context," adding that it was "wicked" he took the once-in-a-lifetime moment for young graduates "twisting it into yet another platform for sexism and anti-LGBTQ hatred."

You made the claim.

Now back it up.

Show examples of women transitioning and competing against men.
Fuck you. Go look it up. If you don't think womenm transition into men, and all thats happening is men transitioning into women just to play sports, you're a dumb ass. I didn't make a claim, I stated a fact. So if you don't believe me, go look it up. I'm not going to do your work for you. Especially when you MAGATS are asked to show proof and never do.

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