Harrison Butker’s ‘extreme’ political views has made him extremely popular…the number one selling jersey. Are we watching a political movement happen?

He told college educated women to bow and serve their man.
enjoy your shared misogyny.
He confirmed his Catholic upbringing as the best way to live.
He was speaking to like-minded Catholics dumbass.
Decadent democrats can keep trying to play the victim card, since you are obviously inferior, that's all you have.
Catholic women can have a career AND become mothers, duh.
Patently untrue....nothing more needs to be said.

Your dismissal is meaningless. I posted facts. In 1981 Ronald Reagan said the war on poverty is over.
1. Reading, writing, and arithmetic and a few STEM subjects are what schools should teach. Subject matter needs to avoid conflicting with students' religious beliefs.

2. Mormons can keep doing what they do. Utah is the best (highest rated) state. (saw that on TV)

The subject matter should NEVER cater the curriculum to anyone’s religious beliefs because public schools aren’t teaching religion.

School is where are you go to learn History, science, civics, biology, and to study art, and literature.

What isn’t needed is political dogma, or religion, neither of which is helpful in becoming a productive human, being capable of contributing to GDP.

Schools are not indoctrinations centres for right wing thinking.
He confirmed his Catholic upbringing as the best way to live.
He was speaking to like-minded Catholics dumbass.
Decadent democrats can keep trying to play the victim card, since you are obviously inferior, that's all you have.
Catholic women can have a career AND become mothers, duh.

“Catholic thinking” Is responsible for most of the wars of the last 1000 years.

In case you haven’t noticed, Catholic priests, have problems with pedophilia.

It is a church where women have no authority whatsoever other than to serve. The Catholic Church is one of the most corrupt bodies in the entire world.

Yes, let’s teach Catholic thinking to another generation of men because it’s worked so well these past 2000 years.
Your dismissal is meaningless. I posted facts. In 1981 Ronald Reagan said the war on poverty is over.

The subject matter should NEVER cater the curriculum to anyone’s religious beliefs because public schools aren’t teaching religion.

School is where are you go to learn History, science, civics, biology, and to study art, and literature.

What isn’t needed is political dogma, or religion, neither of which is helpful in becoming a productive human, being capable of contributing to GDP.

Schools are not indoctrinations centres for right wing thinking.
No. My dismissal of your over-trumpeted nonsense is spot on.

Reaganomics is not something that ever really existed, it was simply supply side strategy which has its own merits. I don't expect you to use that type of terminology because you're speaking from a position of bias and political hatred and not from the position of knowledge which is pretty obvious.

The supply side response to the Ford era stagflation was necessary for the economy to recover. Experts today still disagree on whether or not it was the correct move but it did produce some of the expected results.

The absolutely ridiculous statement that the government stopped spending on infrastructure is a typical inflated overstatement couched in left wing terminology and a familiar attempt to twist the real facts.

Did Reagan chase down the pork factor yes he did.... Was he completely successful? Nobody ever is.

What's all this nonsense about school? Public schools today are the servant of the political party in power. I would never have allowed my children to have just a public education for fear that they would grow up to be ignoramuses groping about with the standard misconceptions pressed upon them by those interested only in the prosperity of the elite.

If you're going to make an attempt to lecture someone about education I think you should educate yourself first rather than to continue to make a complete fool of yourself based on partisam politics.

OMG. Best example of "cognitive dissonance" ever, dumbass.

The main point is; "They are God's values".
Burning witches and stoning people who work on Sunday are "God's Values"... but I don't see you doing any of that.

Because we live in a civilized society, not one of Bronze Age savages trying to appease sky pixies.
Burning witches and stoning people who work on Sunday are "God's Values"... but I don't see you doing any of that.

Because we live in a civilized society, not one of Bronze Age savages trying to appease sky pixies.
Religion has never gone away It has only changed names and faces. One only needs to look at the dedication of the political parties and their cause to realize that man will never be free from religious zeal.
Enjoy your shared misogyny.
The women who settle for you deserve you.
The woman who chooses me (no settling necessary) knows they are getting someone who is independent and admires that virtue in a woman. What you call "misogyny" is repsect for personal preference and admiration for traditional values at a time when some folks politicize and demonize that preference. Some women want to be modern and others traditional. I have no negative judgments for either one.. unlike some of the pretend "liberals".
The woman who chooses me (no settling necessary) knows they are getting someone who is independent and admires that virtue in a woman. What you call "misogyny" is repsect for personal preference and admiration for traditional values at a time when some folks politicize and demonize that preference. Some women want to be modern and others traditional. I have no negative judgments for either one.. unlike some of the pretend "liberals".

Lefty: "Do as I command you!"

Conservative: " Um.....fuck off!"

Lefty: " I'm being persecuted!"

Religion has never gone away It has only changed names and faces. One only needs to look at the dedication of the political parties and their cause to realize that man will never be free from religious zeal.
Um, no. Sorry, politics is not like religion. It just isn't.

“JEFFRESS: Yes. And understand, much has come to light and many allegations have been made. But what I would say is this. You know, in 1980, evangelicals overwhelmingly elected a candidate who was a known womanizer when he was in Hollywood. He would be the first divorced president in U.S. history. His name was Ronald Reagan. And when evangelicals voted for Reagan, they weren't endorsing womanizing. They weren't endorsing divorce. They were endorsing Reagan's policies.
And I think that's why Donald Trump continues to enjoy evangelical support. They're not endorsing necessarily his lifestyle. What they're saying is this is a binary choice between one candidate, Donald Trump - who is pro-life, pro- religious liberty, pro- conservative justices of the Supreme Court - and another candidate, Hillary Clinton, who has an opposite view on all of those issues.”

I already knew they sold their souls to the devil in order to elect someone who flipped his position on abortion to get their votes. Someone who has no problem with the government forcing a woman to have a baby against her will. But thanks anyway.
Burning witches and stoning people who work on Sunday are "God's Values"... but I don't see you doing any of that.

Because we live in a civilized society, not one of Bronze Age savages trying to appease sky pixies.
1, Bullshit.
2. More bullshit.

Low-IQ responses.
Your dismissal is meaningless. I posted facts. In 1981 Ronald Reagan said the war on poverty is over.
The subject matter should NEVER cater the curriculum to anyone’s religious beliefs because public schools aren’t teaching religion.
School is where are you go to learn History, science, civics, biology, and to study art, and literature.
What isn’t needed is political dogma, or religion, neither of which is helpful in becoming a productive human, being capable of contributing to GDP. Schools are not indoctrination centres for right wing thinking.
So having grade school kids read "Gender Queer" is what you approve of?
So having grade school kids read "Gender Queer" is what you approve of?

The NEA didn’t recommend the ‘Gender Queer’ book for elementary schools. They recommended it for educators​

You've been duped again.
The woman who chooses me (no settling necessary) knows they are getting someone who is independent and admires that virtue in a woman. What you call "misogyny" is repsect for personal preference and admiration for traditional values at a time when some folks politicize and demonize that preference. Some women want to be modern and others traditional. I have no negative judgments for either one.. unlike some of the pretend "liberals".
So you want a woman to serve your every need.
I got it.


I'm pretty sure you ain't gonna get it.

Ahhhh..... The fresh smell of latent fear of the truth! Good way to start the day.
I'm sorry, when you say stupid things like "Politics are a religion", you just come off as stupid.

Even though you have never posted anything that wasn't stupid.

I've never seen anyone burned at the stake for not accepting Supply Side.
I'm sorry, when you say stupid things like "Politics are a religion", you just come off as stupid.

Even though you have never posted anything that wasn't stupid.

I've never seen anyone burned at the stake for not accepting Supply Side.
It's not my fault that your cognitive abilities are as limited as an old wineskin. Politics and religion are the very same thing. They both have gods and worshipers and zealots. You are a perfect example in fact. You have made hundreds of posts accusing people of worshiping Trump and being dedicated followers. Every time you did this you confirmed the fact that politics is in fact just another form of religion and vice versa.
He told college educated women to bow and serve their man.
enjoy your shared misogyny.

View attachment 948873

Your dismissal is meaningless. I posted facts. In 1981 Ronald Reagan said the war on poverty is over.

The subject matter should NEVER cater the curriculum to anyone’s religious beliefs because public schools aren’t teaching religion.

School is where are you go to learn History, science, civics, biology, and to study art, and literature.

What isn’t needed is political dogma, or religion, neither of which is helpful in becoming a productive human, being capable of contributing to GDP.

Schools are not indoctrinations centres for right wing thinking.

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