A Question For JFK Lovers

JFK was president for less than 2 years. Hardly enough time to say he was a great President

It is only through rose colored glasses that most people see him now
By the standards set by the far left today, JFK would be a Conservative and thus would not fit into todays far left party.
That is part of what made him a great President.

More like his last name and the letter behind his name is what made him a great president to many..

It is like when the far left holds FDR to almost od like status, yet the very thing he created (the military industrial complex) the far left is hell bent on dismantling and destroying!

Just on the fact that JFK wanted to cut taxes (even for the top 1%) proves he would not be accepted by today's far left party..
bitch please! there are a whole bunch of historical conservatives that the gop no longer consider conservative

Would Ronald Reagan not be conservative enough for today's Republican party?
There is a meme being revived recently to the effect that if Ronald Reagan had run in 2012 with the same stated positions and policies that he had in the 70's and 80's he would not have been conservative enough to win nomination from today's Republican party.

What is the opinion on Quora?

"Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) [declared] that Reagan wouldn't be electable in today's Republican Party."


Cenk Uygur maintains that Reagan "took the country further right in many ways but our political spectrum has moved so far to the right that he looks left behind by comparison."


This article in Newsweek details how Reagan would not pass modern Republican litmus tests:


Example Reagan positions:
  1. Taxes. "...although the Gipper slashed taxes dramatically during his first year in office... After 1981, Reagan raised taxes nearly every year: 1982, 1983, 1984, and 1986. The 1983 payroll tax hike even helped fund Medicare and Social Security—or, in terms today’s Tea Partiers might recognize, 'government-run health care' and 'socialism.'"
  2. Federal employees. "...during the Reagan years, federal employment grew by more than 60,000 (in contrast, government payrolls shrunk by 373,000 during Bill Clinton’s presidency)..."
  3. Deficits/Debt. "The gap between the amount of money the federal government took in and the amount it spent nearly tripled. The national debt soared from $700 billion to $3 trillion, and the U.S. transformed from the world’s largest international creditor to its largest debtor."
  4. Government sponsored healthcare. "As governor of California, Reagan nurtured and eventually expanded Medi-Cal, the nation’s largest Medicaid program."
  5. Immigration. "Reagan passed the Immigration Reform and Control Act, which eventually granted amnesty to 2.7 million illegal immigrants, and he continued to speak out for immigration rights after leaving office."
  6. Gun control. "Reagan was a staunch backer of the Brady Bill, urging Congress in 1991 to 'enact it without further delay.'"
  7. Foreign policy. Negotiated with Terrorists (Traded Arms for Hostages with Iran). Negotiated with the "Evil Empire" (USSR) without Pre-conditions. Made a Decision to "Cut and Run" From Lebanon After Our Troops Were Attacked
  8. Gay rights. "In 1978, he opposed California’s Proposition 6 ballot initiative, which would’ve barred gay men and women from working in public schools, and risked what his advisers predicted would be political suicide in taking to the airwaves to denounce it. Later, Reagan would become the first president to host an openly gay couple overnight at the White House."
Would Ronald Reagan not be conservative enough for today s Republican party - Quora
What a load of crap.
true! today's gop is just that!

Should I assume the Federal Employees includes the expanded military? That so needed to be repaired?

Should I assume the Clinton drop in Fed Employees includes the military, that of course was being downsized because of the End of the Cold War he inherited?
How can you idolize that philandering POS who preyed upon mentally unstable andr/or drug addicted young women? To him, they were nothing more than meat ordered from the butcher shop. Try reading about Marilyn Monroe and then tell me she wasn't screwed by him in more ways than one.

Jack Kennedy screwed a few women...Nixon screwed 200 million men, women and children
What a load of crap.
true! today's gop is just that!

Should I assume the Federal Employees includes the expanded military? That so needed to be repaired?

Should I assume the Clinton drop in Fed Employees includes the military, that of course was being downsized because of the End of the Cold War he inherited?
ever hear the phrases: off topic, irrelevant or non sequitur?
How can you idolize that philandering POS who preyed upon mentally unstable andr/or drug addicted young women? To him, they were nothing more than meat ordered from the butcher shop. Try reading about Marilyn Monroe and then tell me she wasn't screwed by him in more ways than one.
Was Monroe forced into it? Did he rape her, many times? Is JFK the only person in this world that has had an affair? Didn't Clinton play with women also? How many others are guilty of the same thing that we don't know about? I'm not a JFK lover, but I can't see singling him out when so many are guilty of having a lover. In my opinion, it's really petty to even bring it up. Aren't there bigger fish to fry than to discuss what may have happened 55 years ago between a man and a woman? This is just petty shit, nothing more.
Indeed.He at least wasnt a rapist like Clinton.Clinton idolized JFK and that was the ONLY reason why was because of his philandering with women.Clinton took it to a whole new level though with rape.

two examples right there on how politicians get away with crimes everyday we go to jail for.Clintons raping of women and Ted murdering that woman and just a mere slap on the wrist for drunk driving.
How can you idolize that philandering POS who preyed upon mentally unstable andr/or drug addicted young women? To him, they were nothing more than meat ordered from the butcher shop. Try reading about Marilyn Monroe and then tell me she wasn't screwed by him in more ways than one.
Was Monroe forced into it? Did he rape her, many times? Is JFK the only person in this world that has had an affair? Didn't Clinton play with women also? How many others are guilty of the same thing that we don't know about? I'm not a JFK lover, but I can't see singling him out when so many are guilty of having a lover. In my opinion, it's really petty to even bring it up. Aren't there bigger fish to fry than to discuss what may have happened 55 years ago between a man and a woman? This is just petty shit, nothing more.
Indeed.He at least wasnt a rapist like Clinton.Clinton idolized JFK and that was the ONLY reason why was because of his philandering with women.Clinton took it to a whole new level though with rape.

two examples right there on how politicians get away with crimes everyday we go to jail for.Clintons raping of women and Ted murdering that woman and just a mere slap on the wrist for drunk driving.
danger will Robinson ..handjob Jfk conspiracy alert !!
What a load of crap.
true! today's gop is just that!

Should I assume the Federal Employees includes the expanded military? That so needed to be repaired?

Should I assume the Clinton drop in Fed Employees includes the military, that of course was being downsized because of the End of the Cold War he inherited?
ever hear the phrases: off topic, irrelevant or non sequitur?

Well, that's an odd response.

My post was obviously a response to number TWO of your SHotgun Fallacy argument.

Did you cut and paste that BS without even reading it?
What a load of crap.
true! today's gop is just that!

Should I assume the Federal Employees includes the expanded military? That so needed to be repaired?

Should I assume the Clinton drop in Fed Employees includes the military, that of course was being downsized because of the End of the Cold War he inherited?
ever hear the phrases: off topic, irrelevant or non sequitur?

Well, that's an odd response.

My post was obviously a response to number TWO of your SHotgun Fallacy argument.

Did you cut and paste that BS without even reading it?
denial of fact rears it's misshapen head!
What a load of crap.
true! today's gop is just that!

Should I assume the Federal Employees includes the expanded military? That so needed to be repaired?

Should I assume the Clinton drop in Fed Employees includes the military, that of course was being downsized because of the End of the Cold War he inherited?
ever hear the phrases: off topic, irrelevant or non sequitur?

Well, that's an odd response.

My post was obviously a response to number TWO of your SHotgun Fallacy argument.

Did you cut and paste that BS without even reading it?
denial of fact rears it's misshapen head!

So, you read your own post and see what I was referring to, Good.

Now, can you link to where those numbers do NOT include military personnel?

Or did you not expect anyone to call you on your shotgun fallacy argument?
JFK did not give us Vietnam. We learned a few years ago from declassified docs that JFK intended to withdraw from Vietnam after the '64 election.

JFK greatly boosted military spending, pushed for an enormous tax cut, tried to impose some sanity on our currency, and held federal spending to its smallest rate of increase since that time, among other good things.

Was JFK Bad for America?
true! today's gop is just that!

Should I assume the Federal Employees includes the expanded military? That so needed to be repaired?

Should I assume the Clinton drop in Fed Employees includes the military, that of course was being downsized because of the End of the Cold War he inherited?
ever hear the phrases: off topic, irrelevant or non sequitur?

Well, that's an odd response.

My post was obviously a response to number TWO of your SHotgun Fallacy argument.

Did you cut and paste that BS without even reading it?
denial of fact rears it's misshapen head!

So, you read your own post and see what I was referring to, Good.

Now, can you link to where those numbers do NOT include military personnel?

Or did you not expect anyone to call you on your shotgun fallacy argument?
I read it before I posted it and what you are referring to is not relevant to this discussion, it's a deflection, the point I WAS MAKING is to kosh or gash as I like to call him/her.
this is what kosh posted " Just on the fact that JFK wanted to cut taxes (even for the top 1%) proves he would not be accepted by today's far left party.."- kosh

hence my response " "Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) [declared] that Reagan wouldn't be electable in today's Republican Party"
your deflection has fuck all to do with the subject.
JFK did not give us Vietnam. We learned a few years ago from declassified docs that JFK intended to withdraw from Vietnam after the '64 election.

JFK greatly boosted military spending, pushed for an enormous tax cut, tried to impose some sanity on our currency, and held federal spending to its smallest rate of increase since that time, among other good things.

Was JFK Bad for America?
yeah thats one more thing our corrupt school system has brainwashed the american people on that JFK got us into vietnam when in reality,he inherited vietnam from Eisenhower.

Towards the end of his presidency Ike drew up plans for covert wars to take place in vietnam that were nearly implemented.Kennedy inherited Eisenhowers policys and resisted the military brass to carry out those plans. as you said,he intended to withdraw from vietnam after the 64 election.
after he was assassinated though Lyndon Johnson reversed his policys and implemented Eisenhowers covert policys. this was all declassified in documents from the Eisenhower.Kennedy and Johnson administrations.

this is a great book on it everyone should read.

American Tragedy is the first book to draw on complete official documentation to tell the full story of how we became involved in Vietnam--and the story it tells decisively challenges widely held assumptions about the roles of Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson. Using an enormous range of source materials from these administrations, Kaiser shows how the policies that led to the war were developed during Eisenhower's tenure and nearly implemented in the closing days of his administration in response to a crisis in Laos; how Kennedy immediately reversed course on Laos and refused for three years to follow recommendations for military action in Southeast Asia; and how Eisenhower's policies reemerged in the military intervention mounted by the Johnson administration.

American Tragedy Kennedy Johnson and the Origins of the Vietnam War - David E. Kaiser - Google Books

here is a couple of excellent articles on it as well.the second link is a REALLY good in depth read on it if you have a serious interest in the truth..

JFK s Vietnam Withdrawal Plan Is a Fact Not Speculation The Nation

The Vietnam War and the Assassination of JFK - JFK Assassination Debate - The Education Forum
Last edited:
Our corrupt school system. Do you have other scape goats in your bag of bullshit.

JFK did not give us Vietnam. We learned a few years ago from declassified docs that JFK intended to withdraw from Vietnam after the '64 election.

JFK greatly boosted military spending, pushed for an enormous tax cut, tried to impose some sanity on our currency, and held federal spending to its smallest rate of increase since that time, among other good things.

Was JFK Bad for America?
yeah thats one more thing our corrupt school system has brainwashed the american people on that JFK got us into vietnam when in reality,he inherited vietnam from Eisenhower.

Towards the end of his presidency Ike drew up plans for covert wars to take place in vietnam that were nearly implemented.Kennedy inherited Eisenhowers policys and resisted the military brass to carry out those plans. as you said,he intended to withdraw from vietnam after the 64 election.
after he was assassinated though Lyndon Johnson reversed his policys and implemented Eisenhowers covert policys. this was all declassified in documents from the Eisenhower.Kennedy and Johnson administrations.

this is a great book on it everyone should read.

American Tragedy is the first book to draw on complete official documentation to tell the full story of how we became involved in Vietnam--and the story it tells decisively challenges widely held assumptions about the roles of Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson. Using an enormous range of source materials from these administrations, Kaiser shows how the policies that led to the war were developed during Eisenhower's tenure and nearly implemented in the closing days of his administration in response to a crisis in Laos; how Kennedy immediately reversed course on Laos and refused for three years to follow recommendations for military action in Southeast Asia; and how Eisenhower's policies reemerged in the military intervention mounted by the Johnson administration.

American Tragedy Kennedy Johnson and the Origins of the Vietnam War - David E. Kaiser - Google Books

here is a couple of excellent articles on it as well.the second link is a REALLY good in depth read on it if you have a serious interest in the truth..

JFK s Vietnam Withdrawal Plan Is a Fact Not Speculation The Nation

The Vietnam War and the Assassination of JFK - JFK Assassination Debate - The Education Forum
Our corrupt school system. Do you have other scape goats in your bag of bullshit.

JFK did not give us Vietnam. We learned a few years ago from declassified docs that JFK intended to withdraw from Vietnam after the '64 election.

JFK greatly boosted military spending, pushed for an enormous tax cut, tried to impose some sanity on our currency, and held federal spending to its smallest rate of increase since that time, among other good things.

Was JFK Bad for America?
yeah thats one more thing our corrupt school system has brainwashed the american people on that JFK got us into vietnam when in reality,he inherited vietnam from Eisenhower.

Towards the end of his presidency Ike drew up plans for covert wars to take place in vietnam that were nearly implemented.Kennedy inherited Eisenhowers policys and resisted the military brass to carry out those plans. as you said,he intended to withdraw from vietnam after the 64 election.
after he was assassinated though Lyndon Johnson reversed his policys and implemented Eisenhowers covert policys. this was all declassified in documents from the Eisenhower.Kennedy and Johnson administrations.

this is a great book on it everyone should read.

American Tragedy is the first book to draw on complete official documentation to tell the full story of how we became involved in Vietnam--and the story it tells decisively challenges widely held assumptions about the roles of Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson. Using an enormous range of source materials from these administrations, Kaiser shows how the policies that led to the war were developed during Eisenhower's tenure and nearly implemented in the closing days of his administration in response to a crisis in Laos; how Kennedy immediately reversed course on Laos and refused for three years to follow recommendations for military action in Southeast Asia; and how Eisenhower's policies reemerged in the military intervention mounted by the Johnson administration.

American Tragedy Kennedy Johnson and the Origins of the Vietnam War - David E. Kaiser - Google Books

here is a couple of excellent articles on it as well.the second link is a REALLY good in depth read on it if you have a serious interest in the truth..

JFK s Vietnam Withdrawal Plan Is a Fact Not Speculation The Nation

The Vietnam War and the Assassination of JFK - JFK Assassination Debate - The Education Forum
if you've never encountered handjob be warned that if you contradict him, you are automatically a paid disinformation agent for the illuminati...

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