A Question For JFK Lovers

How can you idolize that philandering POS who preyed upon mentally unstable andr/or drug addicted young women? To him, they were nothing more than meat ordered from the butcher shop. Try reading about Marilyn Monroe and then tell me she wasn't screwed by him in more ways than one.

There is evidence that JFK was beginning to reconsider his ways after the death of his baby. Plus, I don't think you can judge anyone by one aspect of their life (unless they commit murder or some other serious crime, of course).

JFK did many good things and was more fiscally conservative than any president since then.
How can you idolize that philandering POS who preyed upon mentally unstable andr/or drug addicted young women? To him, they were nothing more than meat ordered from the butcher shop. Try reading about Marilyn Monroe and then tell me she wasn't screwed by him in more ways than one.
Tell me, if Albert Einstein beat his kids, he was a lousy father BTW, did that make him a bad scientist? Learn to separate the man from the role the man had and how well he did it.

JFK might have been a lousy husband, and he was, but he was a good President at a time when we needed a man like him in the Oval Office. The fact that he was fucking Frick and Frack in the White House pool matters not at all in this case, he was just a man at those times and he was a dog that needed both a fence and a chain.

Character matters.

Those of poor character should not be held in high esteem
How can you idolize that philandering POS who preyed upon mentally unstable andr/or drug addicted young women? To him, they were nothing more than meat ordered from the butcher shop. Try reading about Marilyn Monroe and then tell me she wasn't screwed by him in more ways than one.
Tell me, if Albert Einstein beat his kids, he was a lousy father BTW, did that make him a bad scientist? Learn to separate the man from the role the man had and how well he did it.

JFK might have been a lousy husband, and he was, but he was a good President at a time when we needed a man like him in the Oval Office. The fact that he was fucking Frick and Frack in the White House pool matters not at all in this case, he was just a man at those times and he was a dog that needed both a fence and a chain.

Character matters.

Those of poor character should not be held in high esteem
Well, that would leave, roughly, no one, or at least no one who ever mattered. Nice idea, but wrong. Just because the first guy to walk on the moon was a dick doesn't mean he wasn't the first guy to walk on the moon. For that you can applaud, it doesn't mean to have to want to marry the guy or give him a blowjob.
How can you idolize that philandering POS who preyed upon mentally unstable andr/or drug addicted young women? To him, they were nothing more than meat ordered from the butcher shop. Try reading about Marilyn Monroe and then tell me she wasn't screwed by him in more ways than one.
Tell me, if Albert Einstein beat his kids, he was a lousy father BTW, did that make him a bad scientist? Learn to separate the man from the role the man had and how well he did it.

JFK might have been a lousy husband, and he was, but he was a good President at a time when we needed a man like him in the Oval Office. The fact that he was fucking Frick and Frack in the White House pool matters not at all in this case, he was just a man at those times and he was a dog that needed both a fence and a chain.

Character matters.

Those of poor character should not be held in high esteem
Well, that would leave, roughly, no one, or at least no one who ever mattered. Nice idea, but wrong. Just because the first guy to walk on the moon was a dick doesn't mean he wasn't the first guy to walk on the moon.

A physical accomplishment has nothing to do with the character of one who wishes to lead.

If I know someone can't control themselves in the simplest of things like then why should I look up to him?

I have no respect for adulterers and philanderers you might aspire to such lowly behavior but I don't
How can you idolize that philandering POS who preyed upon mentally unstable andr/or drug addicted young women? To him, they were nothing more than meat ordered from the butcher shop. Try reading about Marilyn Monroe and then tell me she wasn't screwed by him in more ways than one.
....as the cons try to defend their pedophile House leader, hypocrite.
How can you idolize that philandering POS who preyed upon mentally unstable andr/or drug addicted young women? To him, they were nothing more than meat ordered from the butcher shop. Try reading about Marilyn Monroe and then tell me she wasn't screwed by him in more ways than one.
Tell me, if Albert Einstein beat his kids, he was a lousy father BTW, did that make him a bad scientist? Learn to separate the man from the role the man had and how well he did it.

JFK might have been a lousy husband, and he was, but he was a good President at a time when we needed a man like him in the Oval Office. The fact that he was fucking Frick and Frack in the White House pool matters not at all in this case, he was just a man at those times and he was a dog that needed both a fence and a chain.

Character matters.

Those of poor character should not be held in high esteem
Well, that would leave, roughly, no one, or at least no one who ever mattered. Nice idea, but wrong. Just because the first guy to walk on the moon was a dick doesn't mean he wasn't the first guy to walk on the moon.

A physical accomplishment has nothing to do with the character of one who wishes to lead.

If I know someone can't control themselves in the simplest of things like then why should I look up to him?

I have no respect for adulterers and philanderers you might aspire to such lowly behavior but I don't
Finding men who matter who haven't fucked around on their wives isn't going to be easy, and it doesn't matter a damn when it comes to what they did that you might look up to them for. I admire Einstein for his physics and humanitarian work, not the fact that he sucked as a father and married his cousin. He was a lousy husband as well and that matters not a damn to me.

E=MC2, that matters, the rest is just the normal bullshit of men and their fuckups in life.
How can you idolize that philandering POS who preyed upon mentally unstable andr/or drug addicted young women? To him, they were nothing more than meat ordered from the butcher shop. Try reading about Marilyn Monroe and then tell me she wasn't screwed by him in more ways than one.
Tell me, if Albert Einstein beat his kids, he was a lousy father BTW, did that make him a bad scientist? Learn to separate the man from the role the man had and how well he did it.

JFK might have been a lousy husband, and he was, but he was a good President at a time when we needed a man like him in the Oval Office. The fact that he was fucking Frick and Frack in the White House pool matters not at all in this case, he was just a man at those times and he was a dog that needed both a fence and a chain.

Character matters.

Those of poor character should not be held in high esteem
Well, that would leave, roughly, no one, or at least no one who ever mattered. Nice idea, but wrong. Just because the first guy to walk on the moon was a dick doesn't mean he wasn't the first guy to walk on the moon.

A physical accomplishment has nothing to do with the character of one who wishes to lead.

If I know someone can't control themselves in the simplest of things like then why should I look up to him?

I have no respect for adulterers and philanderers you might aspire to such lowly behavior but I don't
Finding men who matter who haven't fucked around on their wives isn't going to be easy, and it doesn't matter a damn when it comes to what they did that you might look up to them for. I admire Einstein for his physics and humanitarian work, not the fact that he sucked as a father and married his cousin. He was a lousy husband as well and that matters not a damn to me.

E=MC2, that matters, the rest is just the normal bullshit of men and their fuckups in life.
When he married his cousin, he discovered the Law of Relative Titty...
In my opinion, it's really petty to even bring it up. Aren't there bigger fish to fry than to discuss what may have happened 55 years ago between a man and a woman? This is just petty shit, nothing more.

Still living in Camelot?
Meaning what ??
the op is attempting and failing to throw more shit at the Kennedy legacy

read this The Camelot Presidency of John F. Kennedy
First they assassinated him and blamed a lefty for the deed. Now they try to assassinate his legacy. Their disrespect and hatred for American continues.
By the standards set by the far left today, JFK would be a Conservative and thus would not fit into todays far left party.
He was assassinated by con because he was going to end the Vietnam war. A true liberal, for which the war monger right could not tolerate.
By the standards set by the far left today, JFK would be a Conservative and thus would not fit into todays far left party.
That is part of what made him a great President.

More like his last name and the letter behind his name is what made him a great president to many..

It is like when the far left holds FDR to almost od like status, yet the very thing he created (the military industrial complex) the far left is hell bent on dismantling and destroying!

Just on the fact that JFK wanted to cut taxes (even for the top 1%) proves he would not be accepted by today's far left party..
By the standards set by the far left today, JFK would be a Conservative and thus would not fit into todays far left party.
He was assassinated by con because he was going to end the Vietnam war. A true liberal, for which the war monger right could not tolerate.

Far left religious dogma alert!
Extremist right alert....claiming a lefty killed JFK. The cons really took America for a bunch of chumps with that one.
By the standards set by the far left today, JFK would be a Conservative and thus would not fit into todays far left party.
He was assassinated by con because he was going to end the Vietnam war. A true liberal, for which the war monger right could not tolerate.

Far left religious dogma alert!
Extremist right alert....claiming a lefty killed JFK. The cons really took America for a bunch of chumps with that one.

More far left propaganda!

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