A Question For JFK Lovers

That is fine, handjobs opinion matters not to me. When and if they post something with intelligence and that is well thought out and not an insult; that is when a sensible rebuttal is warranted.

Our corrupt school system. Do you have other scape goats in your bag of bullshit.

JFK did not give us Vietnam. We learned a few years ago from declassified docs that JFK intended to withdraw from Vietnam after the '64 election.

JFK greatly boosted military spending, pushed for an enormous tax cut, tried to impose some sanity on our currency, and held federal spending to its smallest rate of increase since that time, among other good things.

Was JFK Bad for America?
yeah thats one more thing our corrupt school system has brainwashed the american people on that JFK got us into vietnam when in reality,he inherited vietnam from Eisenhower.

Towards the end of his presidency Ike drew up plans for covert wars to take place in vietnam that were nearly implemented.Kennedy inherited Eisenhowers policys and resisted the military brass to carry out those plans. as you said,he intended to withdraw from vietnam after the 64 election.
after he was assassinated though Lyndon Johnson reversed his policys and implemented Eisenhowers covert policys. this was all declassified in documents from the Eisenhower.Kennedy and Johnson administrations.

this is a great book on it everyone should read.

American Tragedy is the first book to draw on complete official documentation to tell the full story of how we became involved in Vietnam--and the story it tells decisively challenges widely held assumptions about the roles of Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson. Using an enormous range of source materials from these administrations, Kaiser shows how the policies that led to the war were developed during Eisenhower's tenure and nearly implemented in the closing days of his administration in response to a crisis in Laos; how Kennedy immediately reversed course on Laos and refused for three years to follow recommendations for military action in Southeast Asia; and how Eisenhower's policies reemerged in the military intervention mounted by the Johnson administration.

American Tragedy Kennedy Johnson and the Origins of the Vietnam War - David E. Kaiser - Google Books

here is a couple of excellent articles on it as well.the second link is a REALLY good in depth read on it if you have a serious interest in the truth..

JFK s Vietnam Withdrawal Plan Is a Fact Not Speculation The Nation

The Vietnam War and the Assassination of JFK - JFK Assassination Debate - The Education Forum
if you've never encountered handjob be warned that if you contradict him, you are automatically a paid disinformation agent for the illuminati...
Personally, I do not care who JFK had an affair with
Personally, I do not care who JFK had an affair with
so the one night stand with Fidel is ok?

That wasn't Fidel, it was Liam Neeson

For years conservatives have been claiming that JFK was the kind of Democrat they liked.

Is that who the OP is asking? All the ardent conservative fans of JFK?
For years conservatives have been claiming that JFK was the kind of Democrat they liked.

Is that who the OP is asking? All the ardent conservative fans of JFK?

Yea....Conservatives loved JFK

And JFK's bravery in saving his men after his PT boat was smashed by a Japanese warship in WW II should earn the respect of all patriotic American, regardless of how they feel about his politics.
For years conservatives have been claiming that JFK was the kind of Democrat they liked.

Is that who the OP is asking? All the ardent conservative fans of JFK?
if Reagan lord god king of all republicans is considered too liberal , what are the chances that jfk is to their liking?
Our corrupt school system. Do you have other scape goats in your bag of bullshit.

JFK did not give us Vietnam. We learned a few years ago from declassified docs that JFK intended to withdraw from Vietnam after the '64 election.

JFK greatly boosted military spending, pushed for an enormous tax cut, tried to impose some sanity on our currency, and held federal spending to its smallest rate of increase since that time, among other good things.

Was JFK Bad for America?
yeah thats one more thing our corrupt school system has brainwashed the american people on that JFK got us into vietnam when in reality,he inherited vietnam from Eisenhower.

Towards the end of his presidency Ike drew up plans for covert wars to take place in vietnam that were nearly implemented.Kennedy inherited Eisenhowers policys and resisted the military brass to carry out those plans. as you said,he intended to withdraw from vietnam after the 64 election.
after he was assassinated though Lyndon Johnson reversed his policys and implemented Eisenhowers covert policys. this was all declassified in documents from the Eisenhower.Kennedy and Johnson administrations.

this is a great book on it everyone should read.

American Tragedy is the first book to draw on complete official documentation to tell the full story of how we became involved in Vietnam--and the story it tells decisively challenges widely held assumptions about the roles of Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson. Using an enormous range of source materials from these administrations, Kaiser shows how the policies that led to the war were developed during Eisenhower's tenure and nearly implemented in the closing days of his administration in response to a crisis in Laos; how Kennedy immediately reversed course on Laos and refused for three years to follow recommendations for military action in Southeast Asia; and how Eisenhower's policies reemerged in the military intervention mounted by the Johnson administration.

American Tragedy Kennedy Johnson and the Origins of the Vietnam War - David E. Kaiser - Google Books

here is a couple of excellent articles on it as well.the second link is a REALLY good in depth read on it if you have a serious interest in the truth..

JFK s Vietnam Withdrawal Plan Is a Fact Not Speculation The Nation

The Vietnam War and the Assassination of JFK - JFK Assassination Debate - The Education Forum
I am brainwashed?

Our corrupt school system. Do you have other scape goats in your bag of bullshit.

JFK did not give us Vietnam. We learned a few years ago from declassified docs that JFK intended to withdraw from Vietnam after the '64 election.

JFK greatly boosted military spending, pushed for an enormous tax cut, tried to impose some sanity on our currency, and held federal spending to its smallest rate of increase since that time, among other good things.

Was JFK Bad for America?
yeah thats one more thing our corrupt school system has brainwashed the american people on that JFK got us into vietnam when in reality,he inherited vietnam from Eisenhower.

Towards the end of his presidency Ike drew up plans for covert wars to take place in vietnam that were nearly implemented.Kennedy inherited Eisenhowers policys and resisted the military brass to carry out those plans. as you said,he intended to withdraw from vietnam after the 64 election.
after he was assassinated though Lyndon Johnson reversed his policys and implemented Eisenhowers covert policys. this was all declassified in documents from the Eisenhower.Kennedy and Johnson administrations.

this is a great book on it everyone should read.

American Tragedy is the first book to draw on complete official documentation to tell the full story of how we became involved in Vietnam--and the story it tells decisively challenges widely held assumptions about the roles of Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson. Using an enormous range of source materials from these administrations, Kaiser shows how the policies that led to the war were developed during Eisenhower's tenure and nearly implemented in the closing days of his administration in response to a crisis in Laos; how Kennedy immediately reversed course on Laos and refused for three years to follow recommendations for military action in Southeast Asia; and how Eisenhower's policies reemerged in the military intervention mounted by the Johnson administration.

American Tragedy Kennedy Johnson and the Origins of the Vietnam War - David E. Kaiser - Google Books

here is a couple of excellent articles on it as well.the second link is a REALLY good in depth read on it if you have a serious interest in the truth..

JFK s Vietnam Withdrawal Plan Is a Fact Not Speculation The Nation

The Vietnam War and the Assassination of JFK - JFK Assassination Debate - The Education Forum
I am brainwashed?

Our corrupt school system. Do you have other scape goats in your bag of bullshit.

JFK did not give us Vietnam. We learned a few years ago from declassified docs that JFK intended to withdraw from Vietnam after the '64 election.

JFK greatly boosted military spending, pushed for an enormous tax cut, tried to impose some sanity on our currency, and held federal spending to its smallest rate of increase since that time, among other good things.

Was JFK Bad for America?
yeah thats one more thing our corrupt school system has brainwashed the american people on that JFK got us into vietnam when in reality,he inherited vietnam from Eisenhower.

Towards the end of his presidency Ike drew up plans for covert wars to take place in vietnam that were nearly implemented.Kennedy inherited Eisenhowers policys and resisted the military brass to carry out those plans. as you said,he intended to withdraw from vietnam after the 64 election.
after he was assassinated though Lyndon Johnson reversed his policys and implemented Eisenhowers covert policys. this was all declassified in documents from the Eisenhower.Kennedy and Johnson administrations.

this is a great book on it everyone should read.

American Tragedy is the first book to draw on complete official documentation to tell the full story of how we became involved in Vietnam--and the story it tells decisively challenges widely held assumptions about the roles of Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson. Using an enormous range of source materials from these administrations, Kaiser shows how the policies that led to the war were developed during Eisenhower's tenure and nearly implemented in the closing days of his administration in response to a crisis in Laos; how Kennedy immediately reversed course on Laos and refused for three years to follow recommendations for military action in Southeast Asia; and how Eisenhower's policies reemerged in the military intervention mounted by the Johnson administration.

American Tragedy Kennedy Johnson and the Origins of the Vietnam War - David E. Kaiser - Google Books

here is a couple of excellent articles on it as well.the second link is a REALLY good in depth read on it if you have a serious interest in the truth..

JFK s Vietnam Withdrawal Plan Is a Fact Not Speculation The Nation

The Vietnam War and the Assassination of JFK - JFK Assassination Debate - The Education Forum
hand job definitely is ...

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