A question for the anti-abortionists?

So just because you don't care if you had never been born, somehow that means that a woman should have the right to kill her own baby for no valid reason? "Gee, a baby doesn't fit into my life plans right now" is not a valid reason to kill him or her.

Do you think the baby wants to be killed? You would not force any woman to "bear a pregnancy against her will," which means you would not lift a finger to protect the innocent unborn baby from an undeserved, unjust death.

There are a lot of reasons but it comes down to this: no one has a right to force a woman into an unwanted pregnancy, control her body or make life changing choices for her. If you feel so strongly about it - offer to have the unwanted fetus implanted in you, or start a compaign to force the father to carry it and see how you feel about having someone who neither knows you nor cares take control of our body.

A handful of cells is nothing more than a potential baby - it has no brain, no awareness, no consciousness, no feeling.

You are about 30 years behind the science on this issue, unless you're only talking about abortion done within 1 week of pregnancy.

And, FYI, it's a biological fact that the baby is not the mother's "body." It's not "her body." The baby is a separate body in her body; he or she is not like her kidney or liver or heart.

No, I'm pretty up to date on science.

Week 1 - egg is released
Sex occurs and the sperm goes looking.

At this point - the Morning After Pill can be used to prevent pregnancy (up to 5 days post sex) - however, pro-lifers seem to consider this an abortion so I imagine that you would consider the woman homocidal at this point.

Week 2 - 3 Conception. Sperm penetrates egg and becomes a zygote. One cell. Zygote contains all the genetic information to become a baby. Potential.
It spends a week traveling, becomes a microscopic ball of cells called a Blastocyst, and embeds in the uterus if it's lucky.
75% chance of miscarriage occurs.

This is where IUD controception works - it prevents the Blastocyst from embedding. I suppose she is a serial killer now.

Week 4 - Blastocyst embeds and starts to multiply. It's still just a ball of cells. 30% chance of misscarriage.

Week 5 - it becomes an Embryo. Cells start to differentiate. It doesn't even look remotely human.

Week 7 - arm and leg buds develop, further differentiation, primitive organs, size of a lentil,

33% of abortions take place before this time.

Weeks 8 - organs continue to develop and grow. The embryo is the size of a kidney bean.

At this point if a woman is going to have an abortion, 63 % have done so.
Only 4.8 percent of all abortions occur after 15 weeks.

Brain waves don't begin to appear as intermittent bursts until 20 weeks and aren't consistent and synchronized until 27 weeks. This also means that it can not feel pain until this point.

It's a biological fact that it is not viable and entirely dependent on the mother's body for existence. It does not even have a functioning brain. Brainwaves define the existence of independent life.

LOL! Holy cow, where did you get this nonsense?

I repeat: You are way, way behind the science. Brain waves are measured as early as four to five weeks. The baby has his own blood supply, separate from the mother's and often with a different blood type. He has fingerprints in about six weeks. An older man on a kidney machine technically is not "vilable," since he needs external assistance to live. A baby in the womb is perfectly viable as long as he's not stuck with a needle and poisoned before birth. A baby's heart beat can be detected as early as four or five weeks. Etc., etc., etc. Read and learn:

Fetal Development -- From Conception to birth

Pain of the Unborn National Right to Life

Overview Fetal Development First Trimester Pregnancy.org

Abortion A Human Tragedy and a National Disgrace

I chose unbiased sources - basic pregnancy info: Your pregnancy week by week BabyCenter

As far as brain waves - there is absolutely no possibility of "brain waves" at 4-5 weeks. There isn't even a brain yet NOR is there a heart - so that is either blatent ignorance or propoganda.

Embryo: About the size of a sesame seed, the embryo is made of three layers of cells that are folded over on each other.

Neural tube: At the fold of the top layer of the embryo is the neural tube, which will develop into the baby's brain, spinal cord, nerves, and backbone.

If you define viability in terms of needing external assistance to live than an embryo is certainly not viable - remove it from it's life support system and it dies.

Hint: read and learn :)

Viability of a developing human being is dependent upon the health and protection of the Mother.

What the Leftist above is telling you is, is that the Mother is entitled to murder her child on the rationalization that without its protection the baby can't survive thus is not 'viable'.

In reality, thus in truth, the viability issue is not one which considers the early developing human life 'living outside of the mother', as the design in the earliest stages of human life is intrinsic to and an exclusive function of the utero-environment.

In short, the abortionists are simply encouraging you ladies to turn from the responsibilities that DEFINE YOU!

Now I ask ya... What's EVIL about THAT?
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Half of the women who have abortions are married or in a committed relationship. What you're suggesting is that married women shouldn't have sex with their husbands ever, unless they are prepared to increase their families.

Sex doesn't have just one function. It is the intimate expression of love between adults. A marriage isn't legal and bound until the couple has sex, and refusing to have sex with your husband is grounds for divorce in many religions and jurisdictions.

So to say that sex has only one purpose is a total fallacy.
The anti-abortionists keep throwing it into the faces of the pro-choicers saying that they are killing innocent human life.

But 99% of those same anti-abortionists cannot bring themselves to call for the appropriate punishment of women who have abortions,

which would be in most cases life in prison.

If abortion were illegal, and abortion considered murder, the women getting abortions should receive voluntary manslaughter charges. Why would it be any different than the murder of a human being of any other kind?

I think if there are complications where the choice is mother or child, the Drs. need to make that call with the input from the family (if there is time for that) - because if one person or the other is going to die, you have to save the life you can.

Women I suppose would either go back to self-aborting or maybe they would just be more careful. You have to remember, before abortions were legal, it was shameful to have children out of wedlock or as a teenager. Now, it is commonplace. I don't think you would see as many "backstreet" abortions as you did prior to abortion becoming legalized.
but an increase in sales of the morning after pill.

If every woman that has sex but doesn't want a kid would wear an IUD we'd have very few unwanted pregnancies. And for the 5% that get pregnant they should have the right to have an abortion. Because it's not murder.

How many women who picket abortion clinics are murderers themselves? Why they are so guilty.
Half of the women who have abortions are married or in a committed relationship. What you're suggesting is that married women shouldn't have sex with their husbands ever, unless they are prepared to increase their families.


Uh... DUH!

Been married 35 years and let me tell ya, that was the rule around here.

Sex doesn't have just one function.

Intercourse, has ONE function. And only one function. Like a hammer, it can be used in many different ways for many different things, but that doesn't change the purpose of the hammer, does it?

It is the intimate expression of love between adults. A marriage isn't legal and bound until the couple has sex, and refusing to have sex with your husband is grounds for divorce in many religions and jurisdictions.

So to say that sex has only one purpose is a total fallacy.

You should probably do some reading. Science and most 15 year olds have found all sorts of really cool ways to express their inner-horndog, without intercourse.

And that's not an endorsement, merely a scientific fact, of the irrepressible variety.
It is true that those hostile to privacy rights are being inconsistent when trying to advance their failed 'argument' that abortion is 'murder.'

As a fact of law, of course, abortion is not 'murder,' in addition to exhibiting their ignorance of the law those hostile to privacy rights also undermine their position by not following through and advocating that women who have abortions be subject to murder charges, tried, and sentenced to the appropriate penalty – including death if so authorized by that jurisdiction.
It is true that those hostile to privacy rights are being inconsistent when trying to advance their failed 'argument' that abortion is 'murder.'

As a fact of law, of course, abortion is not 'murder,' in addition to exhibiting their ignorance of the law those hostile to privacy rights also undermine their position by not following through and advocating that women who have abortions be subject to murder charges, tried, and sentenced to the appropriate penalty – including death if so authorized by that jurisdiction.
How the fuck is killing a human a privacy right? You are a twisted fuck.
Always people so determined for babies to be freely killed so they can feel powerful....Fucking disturbing.

You are obsessed and deranged. Nobody has an abortion to feel powerful or for any of the reasons you say. You have to be one sick fuck to even come up with this stuff.
Really? You are not showing you have FULL POWER over you uterus? Women have huge inflated egos.
The anti-abortionists keep throwing it into the faces of the pro-choicers saying that they are killing innocent human life.

But 99% of those same anti-abortionists cannot bring themselves to call for the appropriate punishment of women who have abortions,

which would be in most cases life in prison.

If abortion were illegal, and abortion considered murder, the women getting abortions should receive voluntary manslaughter charges. Why would it be any different than the murder of a human being of any other kind?

I think if there are complications where the choice is mother or child, the Drs. need to make that call with the input from the family (if there is time for that) - because if one person or the other is going to die, you have to save the life you can.

Women I suppose would either go back to self-aborting or maybe they would just be more careful. You have to remember, before abortions were legal, it was shameful to have children out of wedlock or as a teenager. Now, it is commonplace. I don't think you would see as many "backstreet" abortions as you did prior to abortion becoming legalized.
but an increase in sales of the morning after pill.

If every woman that has sex but doesn't want a kid would wear an IUD we'd have very few unwanted pregnancies. And for the 5% that get pregnant they should have the right to have an abortion. Because it's not murder.

How many women who picket abortion clinics are murderers themselves? Why they are so guilty.

Huh? It's not murder just because you tried to prevent the pregnancy and it didn't work?
Wow, the entire point of this thread was I agree with NY, if abortion was illegal no one would charge harshly a woman who aborted illegally a fetus.

You couldn't....

The same as you would a woman who killed a One week old baby.

Therefore a fetus is not a baby.
More sources on the development of the baby in the womb are below (some of them include images). Some highlights in the baby's development:
  • 18 days - heart begins to beat.
  • 21 days - pumps own blood through separate closed circulatory system with own blood type.
  • 28 days - eye, ear and respiratory system begin to form.
  • 42 days - brain waves recorded, skeleton complete, reflexes present.
  • 7 weeks - photo of thumbsucking.
  • 8 weeks - all body systems present.
  • 9 weeks - squints, swallows, moves tongue, makes fist.
  • 11 weeks - spontaneous breathing movements, has fingernails, all body systems working.
  • 12 weeks - weighs one ounce. ( Catholic Pro-Life Committee )
So-called "pro-choice" people are taking a position that is more disgraceful than the pro-slavery position of the pre-Civil War days. It is not "educated"--it is barbaric and immoral. Abortion makes slavery look like child's play. And now to the sources:

The Amazing Fetal Development of Unborn Babies at 20 Weeks LifeNews.com

What Your Baby Looks Like - Stages of Fetal Development - Parents.com

Prenatal Image Gallery
Charge the mother as an accessory. Charge the baby butcher "doctor" with capital murder.

In all actuality I can't bring myself to put any effort into forcing a woman to give birth. Especially the sort of woman so self centered and calloused that she could allow her own child to be murdered because it's more convenient.

Good conservative Christian women generally don't have abortions. Libtard sociopaths do. I really don't want libtards reproducing. Let them flush or swallow all their genetic garbage. It really is better for society.
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Wow, the entire point of this thread was I agree with NY, if abortion was illegal no one would charge harshly a woman who aborted illegally a fetus.

You couldn't....

The same as you would a woman who killed a One week old baby.

Therefore a fetus is not a baby.

In some states if you harm or kill a pregnant woman and the baby dies as a result, you will be charged with murder.


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