A question for the pro-life conservatives of the board

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
Could you accept socialism if it meant less abortions were performed? Think about it. That unplanned pregnancy could have been prevented had the couple been provided sufficient contraception and the comprehensive sexual education to encourage its effective use. That woman wouldn't have went cold with terror when she saw the positive and knew she could barely support herself on her meager wage. She wouldn't have went to Planned Parenthood for advice if there were accessible trustworthy medical services in her area. She wouldn't have scheduled the appointment if she knew she wasn't going to get fired or have to take a second or third job just to make ends meet. Her child wouldn't have been another tally towards the clinic's quota if her society had been a positive, safe place to have and raise him. Now think of how her story could have been different had she been given the tools and resources to do so.
Conservatives LOVE Israel, where the government pays for abortions.

Go figure.
Conservatives LOVE Israel, where the government pays for abortions.

Go figure.

See how the far left drones chime in and do not understand what they post.

Even insurance companies will pay for abortions, if the circumstances meet certain criteria.
You have to remember that to a far left, a fetus is a cancer that must be eradicated..
Labeling something as a talking point IS a talking point itself.

Try thinking about that sometime.
It didn't really contribute to the thread itself nor help answer the question I put to a group of people you're emphatically not part of. You just saw a cheap opportunity to bash your tribe's enemy and took it.
Conservatives LOVE Israel, where the government pays for abortions.

Go figure.
1. I agree.
2. I've never seen you post something that wasn't a tribalist talking point.

WOW! A far left drone agreeing with another far left drone..

Do you support Israel's policy of government funding of abortions? Or as you would call it, the murder of innocent human beings?

When you can post a question based on reality then I will answer it, but until you need to understand you post was in error and a far left talking point..
Sorry after what you posted you showed that you are a far left drone..
So what you're saying is that your opposition to an economic system trumps your dedication to human life? That's what this question was for: determining which you're more serious about. Will you sooner abandon capitalism or the pro-life label?
"A question for the pro-life conservatives of the board"

Everyone is pro-life, liberal and conservative, everyone is opposed to abortion, liberal and conservative – the conflict concerns how to end the practice, where most on the right advocate 'banning' abortion in violation of the Constitution, thus increasing the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

If conservatives would propose a solution to the problem of abortion that comports with the Constitution and its case law, they would receive 100 percent support from across the political spectrum.

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