A question for women who aborted a child in their life.

my son - who i had no 2nd thoughts of having, so your first statement is ridiculous - also believes in a woman's right to choose.

equally ridiculous is the fact that you have no idea whether my kid has any abnormalities at all - mild or severe.... btw - DS is not a severe birth defect in & of itself.
I didn't ask about your son's views on killing babies - I already assumed that he'd learned from you that babies were nothing more than a mass of cells. I asked if you told him that you didn't love him in the womb because he was just a mass of cells. Please answer the question.

So you think Downs Syndrome is not a severe birth defect but you're OK with killing babies simply because they have it? Between 67% to 85% of babies in the womb who are diagnosed with Downs Syndrome are murdered for the convenience of the parents. In other western countries the rate goes as high as from 90% to, literally 100% - each and every one is killed - in Iceland.

And you call me a hypocrite? Every post where I give you actual proven facts, you dislike because you don't care about the facts; you just care about killing babies.. I do feel so very sorry for your son and his eventual wife and the babies they will kill at your suggestion.

you do realize you're pulling crap outa yer butt to justify yer stance & i'm by passing most of what you say because it's bullshit? you bring up DS, then say I SAID IT'S OK TO 'MURDER' because of it?

i never said any such thing. so your need to lie just to make yer point.... & broadbrush - is ignorant to say the least.

& yep - you are such a hypocrite.
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Its plain none of your business, no matter how you feel about the matter, Hipaa laws do have a bearing on your healthcare. God himself causes a lot of miscarriages, so talk to him!!
HIPAA (upper case: it's an acronym) has nothing to do with this discussion. HIPAA regulates what people can do who are in possession or have access to a person's medical records. We have no access to anyone's records. I can tell women all day long what I think of abortion and it doesn't violate HIPAA.

And, I've said it over and over again, this is not a religious discussion. This is a moral/ethical discussion. A human rights discussion, even. And it is always society's business when someone's rights are violated and that person cannot defend themselves - such as the murdered child in an abortion.
Its plain none of your business, no matter how you feel about the matter, Hipaa laws do have a bearing on your healthcare. God himself causes a lot of miscarriages, so talk to him!!
HIPAA (upper case: it's an acronym) has nothing to do with this discussion. HIPAA regulates what people can do who are in possession or have access to a person's medical records. We have no access to anyone's records. I can tell women all day long what I think of abortion and it doesn't violate HIPAA.

And, I've said it over and over again, this is not a religious discussion. This is a moral/ethical discussion. A human rights discussion, even. And it is always society's business when someone's rights are violated and that person cannot defend themselves - such as the murdered child in an abortion.

You are a man and it is none of you business, you think your morals and ethical opinion is over us as women, nothing can be further from the truth.

Also hipaa is a privacy law.
Is it moral/ethical to knock up some young woman and then leave her holding the bag? No intention of paying child support, no help to her whatsoever. So she scrapes together an EBT card, public housing while American's complain they shouldn't have to pay taxes to support these types of situations. So you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. You want abortion to go away but offer no solutions. Just standing on the moral/ethical high ground calling the shots. Why don't the pro-life women drag the men in the equation into the picture. Women women women kill kill kill their child. That's all you do, scream it from the mountain tops.
Is it moral/ethical to knock up some young woman and then leave her holding the bag? No intention of paying child support, no help to her whatsoever. So she scrapes together an EBT card, public housing while American's complain they shouldn't have to pay taxes to support these types of situations. So you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. You want abortion to go away but offer no solutions. Just standing on the moral/ethical high ground calling the shots. Why don't the pro-life women drag the men in the equation into the picture. Women women women kill kill kill their child. That's all you do, scream it from the mountain tops.

Every man should have his nuts removed at birth. Should be illegal.. This way, no pegnancies can happen. Government should see to that immediately. Pass a law or something.

He has no control over his own body, see. Nope. He can bitch about it being his body and its his decision but again..nope. No balls.

See how that works? After all, balls produce innocent children. Death to all sperm swimming around in there, which is the prelude to children. So no..you guys cannot masterbate anymore either cuz you are killing all those potential babies.
you do realize you're pulling crap outa yer butt to justify yer stance &'m by passing most of what you say because it's bullshit? you bring up DS, then say I SAID IT'S OK TO 'MURDER' because of it?

i never said any such thing. so your need to lie just to make yer point.... & broadbrush is ignorant to say the least.

& yep - you are such a hypocrite.
You're bypassing most of what I say because you know it is true and you can't argue against it.

Do you support killing Downs' Syndrome babies just because they have Down Syndrome? You said it's often not a severe physical defect yet you insist it's the right of the mother to choose to kill them anyway. Do you oppose aborting Down Syndrome babies, then? Do you oppose aborting any physical handicap?

Do you watch the commercials for Shriners and see those handicapped kids? Clearly you think that their mothers had a choice, a legitimate choice, whether to let them live or to kill them in the womb - up until birth (giving you credit that you might actually object to the post-partem abortions that the Democratic Party in Virginia supports).

So, no, I didn't lie. You claim that it's the right of the mother to choose to murder Down Syndrome and other children just for the convenience of the parents.
Every man should have his nuts removed at birth. Should be illegal.. This way, no pegnancies can happen. Government should see to that immediately. Pass a law or something.

He has no control over his own body, see. Nope. He can bitch about it being his body and its his decision but again..nope. No balls.

See how that works? After all, balls produce innocent children. Death to all sperm swimming around in there, with is the prelude to children. So no..you guys cannot masterbate anymore either cuz you are killing all those potential babies.

Yet another idiot that doesn't know how the human reproductive system works. Sperm is not a human.
Every man should have his nuts removed at birth. Should be illegal.. This way, no pegnancies can happen. Government should see to that immediately. Pass a law or something.

He has no control over his own body, see. Nope. He can bitch about it being his body and its his decision but again..nope. No balls.

See how that works? After all, balls produce innocent children. Death to all sperm swimming around in there, with is the prelude to children. So no..you guys cannot masterbate anymore either cuz you are killing all those potential babies.


every male becomes an abortionist from the time they hit puberty & discover their favorite past time.
Every man should have his nuts removed at birth. Should be illegal.. This way, no pegnancies can happen. Government should see to that immediately. Pass a law or something.

He has no control over his own body, see. Nope. He can bitch about it being his body and its his decision but again..nope. No balls.

See how that works? After all, balls produce innocent children. Death to all sperm swimming around in there, with is the prelude to children. So no..you guys cannot masterbate anymore either cuz you are killing all those potential babies.

Yet another idiot that doesn't know how the human reproductive system works. Sperm is not a human.

but but but it takes them to create. you have murdered millions of potential 'humans'.

Every man should have his nuts removed at birth. Should be illegal.. This way, no pegnancies can happen. Government should see to that immediately. Pass a law or something.

He has no control over his own body, see. Nope. He can bitch about it being his body and its his decision but again..nope. No balls.

See how that works? After all, balls produce innocent children. Death to all sperm swimming around in there, with is the prelude to children. So no..you guys cannot masterbate anymore either cuz you are killing all those potential babies.


every male becomes an abortionist from the time they hit puberty & discover their favorite past time.
Every child? Nah. Not in MY body. Do what you want with yours. Leave your mitts off mine. (Addressed to Levant)
Is it moral/ethical to knock up some young woman and then leave her holding the bag? No intention of paying child support, no help to her whatsoever. So she scrapes together an EBT card, public housing while American's complain they shouldn't have to pay taxes to support these types of situations. So you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. You want abortion to go away but offer no solutions. Just standing on the moral/ethical high ground calling the shots. Why don't the pro-life women drag the men in the equation into the picture. Women women women kill kill kill their child. That's all you do, scream it from the mountain tops.

I have a great solution and I already posted it. Women, keep your legs closed. Don't have sex with a man that isn't father material and you're not prepared to commit to raising a child with. Men, same thing. Don't have sex with a woman that you wouldn't want to be the mother of your children - because when you have sex, that's the possibility.

If a baby is made then man and woman become father and mother - they move in together and commit to stay together to raise the child to adulthood. I don't particularly care if they marry or not as long as they're committed to fulfilling the obligation they have to their child.

If you're not willing to have sex responsibly then don't have sex. Get a battery toy.
Levant is a murderer. Without sperm...no babies. He kills hundreds every time he spanks his monkey.
Also hipaa is a privacy law.

Please take 5 minutes and Google it and read at least the Wikipedia page. You just keep saying stupid shit and I keep trying to help you not look more stupid than you might otherwise but you're not paying attention. Nothing in HIPAA keeps me from telling you that if you have an abortion you murdered your child.
A question for Republicans who say let their grandparents die:

oh never mind, I don’t want to hear from those awful people.
you do realize you're pulling crap outa yer butt to justify yer stance &'m by passing most of what you say because it's bullshit? you bring up DS, then say I SAID IT'S OK TO 'MURDER' because of it?

i never said any such thing. so your need to lie just to make yer point.... & broadbrush is ignorant to say the least.

& yep - you are such a hypocrite.
You're bypassing most of what I say because you know it is true and you can't argue against it.

Do you support killing Downs' Syndrome babies just because they have Down Syndrome? You said it's often not a severe physical defect yet you insist it's the right of the mother to choose to kill them anyway. Do you oppose aborting Down Syndrome babies, then? Do you oppose aborting any physical handicap?

Do you watch the commercials for Shriners and see those handicapped kids? Clearly you think that their mothers had a choice, a legitimate choice, whether to let them live or to kill them in the womb - up until birth (giving you credit that you might actually object to the post-partem abortions that the Democratic Party in Virginia supports).

So, no, I didn't lie. You claim that it's the right of the mother to choose to murder Down Syndrome and other children just for the convenience of the parents.

' Do you support killing Downs' Syndrome babies just because they have Down Syndrome?'

i don't support the killing of any baby. a zygote nor an embryo is a baby.

' You said it's often not a severe physical defect yet you insist it's the right of the mother to choose to kill them anyway. '

i said that that it's not my place to determine the destiny of the female whose uterus is hers & hers alone to decide what to do.

' Do you oppose aborting Down Syndrome babies, then? Do you oppose aborting any physical handicap?'

depending on what defects/abnormality it is, i can't say whether i would or not. personally i think it's more humane to terminate a pregnancy where, if left to continue - would subject a post born baby to a 'lifetime' (however long that may be) of pain & suffering. a 'physical handicap' is such a broad based spectrum - like i said DS isn't & of itself is not a SEVERE defect. but DS coupled with other maladies could be. as for anybody else - - - not my uterus, not my decision.

'Do you watch the commercials for Shriners and see those handicapped kids?'


'Clearly you think that their mothers had a choice, a legitimate choice, whether to let them live or to kill them in the womb'

their uterus - their choice. you shackling women & forcing them against their will - to be reduced to nothing but incubaters is not taking the moral ethical high ground - - - so save that little bit of yer cray cray diatribe.

- up until birth (giving you credit that you might actually object to the post-partem abortions that the Democratic Party in Virginia supports).

a 'post partum abortion' is murder. how many children born into severe poverty, hunger, & are forced to live in rat/roach infested dwellings where they can be shot & murdered just for going to school have the (R)s cared about?

you say it's the parent's responsibility.... babbling about sneakers etc... so you really don't care. it's obvious.

'So, no, I didn't lie.'

ya you did.

'You claim that it's the right of the mother to choose to murder Down Syndrome and other children just for the convenience of the parents.'

i said it's not my biz'nez - - - whatever the reason. most abortions take place in the first trimester. they aren't babies, they aren't 'children'. & there are very very few women who 'choose' to terminate later than that for many reasons ... but it's usually not for 'convenience' - because the later it happens, the more dangerous it is & costly.
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Also hipaa is a privacy law.

Please take 5 minutes and Google it and read at least the Wikipedia page. You just keep saying stupid shit and I keep trying to help you not look more stupid than you might otherwise but you're not paying attention. Nothing in HIPAA keeps me from telling you that if you have an abortion you murdered your child.
No nothing in Hipaa keeps me from telling you if I had an abortion IF I wanted you to know, but the privacy act states you can't find out if I had an abortion by searching my med. records if I didn't give you permission to.

So by law its none of you business who has an abortion. But I think all abortions should be counted, by numbers only, and not the name, for instance how many illegal abortions did Texas have this year?? (since they are bound and determined to make abortion illegal.)
A question for Republicans who say let their grandparents die:

oh never mind, I don’t want to hear from those awful people.

Really? Republicans? No; that's Democrats. Cuomo killed thousands of elderly in New York. Intentionally. He planned it years ago when he chose not to purchase ventilators and, instead, said to plan how to prioritize the use of what they already had in a pandemic. The left has always been about death panels. No Republican has ever supported letting their grandparents die.

You've all given up on defending abortion - because you know you can't, and now you're just throwing red herrings around like confetti.

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