A Question of Timing: What America Can Learn From the Revolt in Europe

Pubs/dupes vomit all the "communist!" talking points and don't even mention the PUB financial melt down and depression. Unbelievable tools.

If Pubs manage to blow health reform, I may check out France and India for a few years.... Where are you in France, mon vieux? I'm planning an urban camping tour soon. Love the bains/douches municipales!
Pubs/dupes vomit all the "communist!" talking points and don't even mention the PUB financial melt down and depression. Unbelievable tools.

If Pubs manage to blow health reform, I may check out France and India for a few years.... Where are you in France, mon vieux? I'm planning an urban camping tour soon. Love the bains/douches municipales!

I live in a quite suburb just outside of Paris, nice snug little area. It amazes me how a retard like Claudette, who doesn't even live in France, claims to know what French people based on right wing retardology she's been brainwashed with.
A new French president was elected a couple of days ago and little neo-socialist Bobby Reich thinks we should take a lesson from the quiche eating surrender monkeys? What a jerk.
I did some urban camping and the best hostel anywhere in Chatenay-Malabry,sw of Paris, and next to the bif fontaine at Lux. Gardens, Observatoire. My Uncle the CBE lives just off the Champs, also destroyed a JuniorYear Abroad Program there with a pal...35-40 years ago. haven't been there since '96, way overdue...
A new French president was elected a couple of days ago and little neo-socialist Bobby Reich thinks we should take a lesson from the quiche eating surrender monkeys? What a jerk.

Shut up monkey, learn economics, not rightwing failure policies before you speak up.
Austerity would go over fine if the rich were somehow sharing in the pain. Regular people go broke everyday but it seems that no really rich person ever goes flat busted broke no matter how deep any depression or how badly they manage things. It's a world filled with golden parachutes for the wealthy ruling class of any country.
I don't think you understand because you're facking drunk and high off that rightwing pimp juice and weed, in times of low demand cutting social safety net programs is not the cure all to reverse a bad economy. Its common facking sense, cutting programs to the poor will not make them richer or more wealthy.

Just because FDR spent us into oblivion with his failed and over reaching policies, many of which were struck down by the SC, doesn't mean we should repeat that horrible mistake.

FDR didn't spent shat into oblivion, he inherited a mess from Hoover, get a history lesson dumbass.

shat,fack?.....should it not be dumbARSE?
Anybody ever notice that it is only the real hyper-k00ks on this board that actually reference shit with links from uber hyper-partisans? And this bozo Failyo is one of about a 1/2 dozen nutter crack heads duped enough to think its relevant ( Shaman, franco, Truthmatters, Rdean, Dr Smith et. al.).

All this lefty shit is about to be mothballed no matter what kind of spin goofballs like Reich, Krugman and others put out there.

But it sure does make this place THE place to go for entertainment................:2up:
sorry about facts, dupes, too much austerity and fear mongering makes you and your German friends A-holes LOL. Pub dupe savage capitalist running dogs! LOL.

huh?....who?.....what?......Germans?.....a hole?......pub?.....a bar?.....your dog got out.....:eusa_eh:
Anybody ever notice that it is only the real hyper-k00ks on this board that actually reference shit with links from uber hyper-partisans? And this bozo Failyo is one of about a 1/2 dozen nutter crack heads duped enough to think its relevant ( Shaman, franco, Truthmatters, Rdean, Dr Smith et. al.).

All this lefty shit is about to be mothballed no matter what kind of spin goofballs like Reich, Krugman and others put out there.

But it sure does make this place THE place to go for entertainment................:2up:

Anyone every notice that when austerity cuts come up and or are discussed it always never involves the rich having to share the pain of it and its always supposed to be cuts to social programs and all the people affected by it are always demonized?
Anybody ever notice that it is only the real hyper-k00ks on this board that actually reference shit with links from uber hyper-partisans? And this bozo Failyo is one of about a 1/2 dozen nutter crack heads duped enough to think its relevant ( Shaman, franco, Truthmatters, Rdean, Dr Smith et. al.).

All this lefty shit is about to be mothballed no matter what kind of spin goofballs like Reich, Krugman and others put out there.

But it sure does make this place THE place to go for entertainment................:2up:

Anyone every notice that when austerity cuts come up and or are discussed it always never involves the rich having to share the pain of it and its always supposed to be cuts to social programs and all the people affected by it are always demonized?

When a government announces to its citizens "You people have become too expensive to help" it's usually tar and feather time, or a least it used to be before western civilization got so wussified.
Robert Reich is a communist.

What we can learn from Europe is that once benefit takers out number producers there is no way to stop the spiral down the drain.

Typical rightwing response when too uneducated about economics and politics to give an answer.

Real clear answer,simple concise,and to the point ,whats uneducated is defection.

Takers always resort to this
Anybody ever notice that it is only the real hyper-k00ks on this board that actually reference shit with links from uber hyper-partisans? And this bozo Failyo is one of about a 1/2 dozen nutter crack heads duped enough to think its relevant ( Shaman, franco, Truthmatters, Rdean, Dr Smith et. al.).

All this lefty shit is about to be mothballed no matter what kind of spin goofballs like Reich, Krugman and others put out there.

But it sure does make this place THE place to go for entertainment................:2up:

Anyone every notice that when austerity cuts come up and or are discussed it always never involves the rich having to share the pain of it and its always supposed to be cuts to social programs and all the people affected by it are always demonized?

Could it be that's where the money pit is??
Robert Reich is a communist.

What we can learn from Europe is that once benefit takers out number producers there is no way to stop the spiral down the drain.

Typical rightwing response when too uneducated about economics and politics to give an answer.

Real clear answer,simple concise,and to the point ,whats uneducated is defection.

Takers always resort to this
Takers are knee-jerk reactionaries that respond when thier 'free ride' on the backs of others is in jepoardy.
Anybody ever notice that it is only the real hyper-k00ks on this board that actually reference shit with links from uber hyper-partisans? And this bozo Failyo is one of about a 1/2 dozen nutter crack heads duped enough to think its relevant ( Shaman, franco, Truthmatters, Rdean, Dr Smith et. al.).

All this lefty shit is about to be mothballed no matter what kind of spin goofballs like Reich, Krugman and others put out there.

But it sure does make this place THE place to go for entertainment................:2up:

Anyone every notice that when austerity cuts come up and or are discussed it always never involves the rich having to share the pain of it and its always supposed to be cuts to social programs and all the people affected by it are always demonized?

Could it be that's where the money pit is??

No, That's where the money factory is, nothing stimulates an economy like money spent and re-spent immediately at home, giving it to someone who is just going to hoard it is like throwing it away.
The US is better off than much of Europe, because Obama didn't follow the strict austerity that they have, in spite of pressure from the GOP to do so.
Anyone every notice that when austerity cuts come up and or are discussed it always never involves the rich having to share the pain of it and its always supposed to be cuts to social programs and all the people affected by it are always demonized?

Could it be that's where the money pit is??

No, That's where the money factory is, nothing stimulates an economy like money spent and re-spent immediately at home, giving it to someone who is just going to hoard it is like throwing it away.
IF YOU were unsure of whether or not the Government was going to demand more of YOU personally through taxation...?

WHAT would YOU DO if it meant they were going to take more of what didn't belong to government?

YOU would do the same as companies with the uncertainty.

And don't deny it.

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