A Question of Timing: What America Can Learn From the Revolt in Europe

FDR didn't spent shat into oblivion, he inherited a mess from Hoover, get a history lesson dumbass.

FDR called Hoover a "Socialist" and then proceeded to double down on all of Hoovers Socialist ideas plunging us into an economy worse than the 7 Biblical Lean Years

Facking nuts you are, most of Americans don't know what socialism is, especially rightwingers.

Is that a woman's blouse with six breasts in your avatar?
Only intellectual elites can fathom the deep complexities and nuances of socialist aspirations..................

But hey, everyone knows it takes a village !!!
I don't think you understand because you're facking drunk and high off that rightwing pimp juice and weed, in times of low demand cutting social safety net programs is not the cure all to reverse a bad economy. Its common facking sense, cutting programs to the poor will not make them richer or more wealthy.

Just because FDR spent us into oblivion with his failed and over reaching policies, many of which were struck down by the SC, doesn't mean we should repeat that horrible mistake.

FDR didn't spent shat into oblivion, he inherited a mess from Hoover, get a history lesson dumbass.

Yeah right. So much so that FDR tromped through the poverty desert for years. FDR was completely devoid of any rational logical concept of economics other than spend, spend, spend. Dude was worthless. He also tried to stack the SC with 15 judges and was shot down.

You need to go learn some history.
Robert Reich: A Question of Timing: What America Can Learn From the Revolt in Europe

Who's an economy for? Voters in France and Greece have made it clear it's not for the bond traders.

Referring to his own electoral woes, Prime Minister David Cameron wrote Monday in an article in the conservative Daily Telegraph: "When people think about the economy they don't see it through the dry numbers of the deficit figures, trade balances or inflation forecasts -- but instead the things that make the difference between a life that's worth living and a daily grind that drags them down."

Cameron, whose own economic policies have worsened the daily grind dragging down most Brits, may be sobered by what happened over the weekend in France and Greece -- as well as his own poll numbers. Britain's conservatives have been taking a beating.

In truth, the choice isn't simply between budget-cutting austerity, on the one hand, and growth and jobs on the other.

It's really a question of timing. And it's the same issue on this side of the pond. If government slices spending too early, when unemployment is high and growth is slowing, it makes the debt situation far worse.

That's because public spending is a critical component of total demand. If demand is already lagging, spending cuts further slow the economy -- and thereby increase the size of the public debt relative to the size of the overall economy.

You end up with the worst of both worlds -- a growing ratio of debt to the gross domestic product, coupled with high unemployment and a public that's furious about losing safety nets when they're most needed

This is why the GOP's "just cut spending and social programs" will bite them in their own ass and make the country and its people far worse.

"things that make a life worth living and a daily grind that grinds them down."

Here's a concept that is not visited enough. It should be the fundamental building block in building an economy.
FDR didn't spent shat into oblivion, he inherited a mess from Hoover, get a history lesson dumbass.

FDR called Hoover a "Socialist" and then proceeded to double down on all of Hoovers Socialist ideas plunging us into an economy worse than the 7 Biblical Lean Years

Facking nuts you are, most of Americans don't know what socialism is, especially rightwingers.

You are the prototype for a drone.
Just because FDR spent us into oblivion with his failed and over reaching policies, many of which were struck down by the SC, doesn't mean we should repeat that horrible mistake.

FDR didn't spent shat into oblivion, he inherited a mess from Hoover, get a history lesson dumbass.

Yeah right. So much so that FDR tromped through the poverty desert for years. FDR was completely devoid of any rational logical concept of economics other than spend, spend, spend. Dude was worthless. He also tried to stack the SC with 15 judges and was shot down.

You need to go learn some history.

Yup. Google is his friend.

All he needs to do is Google FDR and the Great Depression.

Good thing WW II came along or we might still be in that GD. FDR's policies didn't do jack.

Google is Barry's friend as well.

Oh and as for the revolt in Europe. Apparantly the folks don't like it when the free ride threatens to come to a screeching halt. Will be watching this Summer to see how many European countries topple from the weight of nannyism.
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What we can learn from Europe is that Keynesian economics never works, has never worked and will never work. All is does is make bankers rich, it destroys economies. It was responsible for the worst US economy in history, the FDR Depression which eclipsed the 7 Biblical lean Years. Think of it, we had an economy WORSE than a bad economy that was talked about for 5,000 years

European nations need to read how America lifted itself out of the 1920 Depression: all assets and liabilities and costs need to be repriced.

Debts need to be wiped down to their real value, they cannot borrow their way out of a borrowing crisis
Thank god THIS Pub cronyism World Depression, the Dems got in FAST while there was an economy left to stimulate- costs about 4-5 trillion to avoid a true GREAT depression pubs would have had. FDR saved lives and THAT Pub depression WAS ending, with a hiccup when he tried Pub austerity in 1937.

MORON Pub dupes! Isolationism worked great too, a-hole running dogs! Thanks for ruining the League of Nations, starting the Great Depression that gave rise to militarists in Germany and Japan, and letting them run wild- If not for PearlHarbor, Pubs would have been happy to have them control the world.LOL
Frank you're a GD idiot. The lesson of Europe is too much austerity brings recession. Thank God, Obama is practising Keynesianism, keeping spending up. Rehire those teachers and rebuild our mess of a Reaganist infrastructure, and we'll finish this recovery faster, without another Pub cronyism boom for the rich and bust for the country..
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Frank you're a GD idiot. The lesson of Europe is too much austerity brings recession. Thank God, Obama is practising Keynesianism, keeping spending up. Rehire those teachers and rebuild our mess of a Reaganist infrastructure, and we'll finish this recovery faster, without another Pub cronyism boom for the rich and bust for the country..

You should show your posts to your doctors and ask them to adjust your meds. It looks like you and reality had a bad break up, probably irreconcilable differences

You're just making shit up and if you were capable of being embarrassed, you'd feel shame now
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Ran out of talking point already? LOL!

Every country that tries too much austerity has gone into recession. Conservatives are ideological chumps everywhere...especially the savage capitalists in US and UK that got us in this mess in the first place.: greedy, myopic PUBS, Tories, and banking a-holes on Wall St. and in the city. Like my cousin, a lawyer/investment banker un London, I'm afraid.
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Thank god THIS Pub cronyism World Depression, the Dems got in FAST while there was an economy left to stimulate- costs about 4-5 trillion to avoid a true GREAT depression pubs would have had. FDR saved lives and THAT Pub depression WAS ending, with a hiccup when he tried Pub austerity in 1937.

MORON Pub dupes! Isolationism worked great too, a-hole running dogs! Thanks for ruining the League of Nations, starting the Great Depression that gave rise to militarists in Germany and Japan, and letting them run wild- If not for PearlHarbor, Pubs would have been happy to have them control the world.LOL

We need an orderlie to the day room to change frank and beans drool cup STAT! :eusa_drool:
If the deranged person know as FrancoWTF is talking about the European economies, they were already in the crapper BEFORE they tried "austerity" which in Europe means "we'll talk a lot but not really do any spending cuts"

It's hard to make sense of him and I'm hopeful the nurse on his floor will see him posting on the Internet and translate from Jibberish into English so we'll have a chance of understanding him
In 1937 FDR doubled down on his business crushing ideas and went for an "Undistributed profits tax", he was an economic jihadist who strapped his failed ideas to the US economy and hit the detonator
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Ran out of talking point already? LOL!

Every country that tries too much austerity has gone into recession. Conservatives are ideological chumps everywhere...especially the savage capitalists in US and UK that got us in this mess in the first place.: greedy, myopic PUBS, Tories, and banking a-holes on Wall St. and in the city. Like my cousin, a lawyer/investment banker un London, I'm afraid.

Hey assclown, you're getting the cart before the horse. Those nations attempting austerity were careening into recession and realized "TOO LATE" that they had to stem the flow of socialist spending. Unfurtunately, at the point they finally woke up and decided they had to do something, it was like putting a bandaid on an amputation.
Yup and it looks like the French voters decided the heck with it. They like the nanny State. Wonder what happens when they run out of other peoples money??
What we can learn is that we have to stop evil commies and nazis like you.
Yup and it looks like the French voters decided the heck with it. They like the nanny State. Wonder what happens when they run out of other peoples money??

listen you disgusting ape, I live in France, what the hell do you know about what the French people want? Take your rightwing, armchair monkey politic antics and shove them. Its not about wanting a nanny state, its about the French people protesting austerity measures brought by greedy rightwing policies, when you let rich bankers and investors screw up the country's finances then try to pass the brunt of hard times everyone but those who screwed it up they have ever right to protest austerity measures. We do the same BS back in America, let the corrupt in the financial sectors screw up the country economically and financially they try to sell that cuts to social programs is the only way to fix the problem while simultaneously giving more tax cuts to the wealth, its an exercise in retardology.

Don't make a jackass out of yourself talking what the French people want when your lazy, no knowledge having self knows nothing about France.

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