A Question To Leftists: WTF is "unfettered capitalism"?

It's when it's cheaper to hire new people in place of those who die in work related accidents than to invest in safety equipment. And when your cities are clouded by soot and smog as your kids go to work at the factory for $0.50 an hour.

Citing the era of the nascent Industrial Revolution is about the closest you can come to citing an example of "unfettered capitalism", but even then, capitalism was regulated and there were rules that everyone followed. Child labor, pollution, unsafe worker conditions, and a lack of basic workers rights are legitimate complaints, but they aren't unfettered capitalism.
Unfettered capitalism is whatever the fuck makes the most money. Slaves. There you go being able to own and sell slaves is the best way for someone to make money. How about that for unfettered capitalism?

Btw what do you think unfettered socialism is?

You're all over the place. We're not talking about socialism, we're talking about "unfettered capitalism" and your definition seems to suggest that it's just about making money, a nebulous concept as all businesses are driven by profit. But where does there exist a system by which businesses do so in an environment of lawlessness, unencumbered by laws, regulations, fees, and taxes? Where is the "Wild West" of capitalism?
Yeah, it's not like George Washington imposed any taxes when taking office, or tariffs....

Your one liners are inscrutible and enigmatic and you're doing this on purpose. You're having way too much fun with this thread and not taking the question seriously. I detect subtle persiflage and resent it. Stop being so damn funny!
Did you ever read of the whiskey rebellion? Old George put a tax on whiskey producers, and they revolted, but George had his whey...
If I lived in a society where unfettered capitalism was the only law of the land here's what I'd do. I'd buy a bunch of slaves. I'd have them pick cotton and farm tobacco for me. I'd advertise tobacco as having some magical properties like preventing cancer. Or helping your baby grow healthy. I'd pay off the doctors who'd claim otherwise and hire some to endorse tobacco for its health benefits.

As my riches grew I'd invest in a factory. What kind of factory? It doesn't matter because I won't have any expenses since my slaves will be operating it. Hell let's make it a steel mill. I'll cut whatever corners I can to make the steel as cheaply as possible. If it costs me $5000 to build safety rails but only $20 for a slave then fuck it I'll just stock up on slaves in case any die. As my steel business grows I'd bankrupt my competitors and take over the steel market. And so on and so on.

Slavery isn't capitalism because it involves coercion, which violates the principle of the Invisible Hand whereby goods, service, and labor are subject to supply and demand and are all voluntary items. And contrary to the shrill Left, there's no such thing as "slave wages". Nobody is forced to work for any company, nor do they have imposed upon them any salary structure they don't agree to by contract.

So everything you've said so far indicates your vision of "unfettered capitalism" is based on a world that exists only in your head, where social evils of the past have never been subject to redress and reform. Puzzling still is that Leftists talk about "unfettered capitalism" as a creature that walks about today, and not in third world nations, but in Western nations such as America. So now that we've established the context in which Leftists use the term....

WTF is "unfettered capitalism"?
It's just a slogan. Virtually all of the left's beliefs can be boiled down to cliches or slogans.
Bush lied, people died
Unfettered capitalism
War on Women
Social Darwinism
GOP Healthcare plan--Die Quickly.

None of it is true. We've had threads debunking all of them. But they continue to repeat them anyway. Because these people are impervious to logic. Impervious to facts. That is why they are liberal progressives.
Funny how you think the Papacy is liberals...
Citing the era of the nascent Industrial Revolution is about the closest you can come to citing an example of "unfettered capitalism", but even then, capitalism was regulated and there were rules that everyone followed. Child labor, pollution, unsafe worker conditions, and a lack of basic workers rights are legitimate complaints, but they aren't unfettered capitalism.
Unfettered capitalism is whatever the fuck makes the most money. Slaves. There you go being able to own and sell slaves is the best way for someone to make money. How about that for unfettered capitalism?

Btw what do you think unfettered socialism is?

You're all over the place. We're not talking about socialism, we're talking about "unfettered capitalism" and your definition seems to suggest that it's just about making money, a nebulous concept as all businesses are driven by profit. But where does there exist a system by which businesses do so in an environment of lawlessness, unencumbered by laws, regulations, fees, and taxes? Where is the "Wild West" of capitalism?
Yeah, it's not like George Washington imposed any taxes when taking office, or tariffs....

Your one liners are inscrutible and enigmatic and you're doing this on purpose. You're having way too much fun with this thread and not taking the question seriously. I detect subtle persiflage and resent it. Stop being so damn funny!
Did you ever read of the whiskey rebellion? Old George put a tax on whiskey producers, and they revolted, but George had his whey...

Which....kinda...proves the point that even in our fledgling nation business fell under taxation and regulation, hardly "unfettered", right?
If I lived in a society where unfettered capitalism was the only law of the land here's what I'd do. I'd buy a bunch of slaves. I'd have them pick cotton and farm tobacco for me. I'd advertise tobacco as having some magical properties like preventing cancer. Or helping your baby grow healthy. I'd pay off the doctors who'd claim otherwise and hire some to endorse tobacco for its health benefits.

As my riches grew I'd invest in a factory. What kind of factory? It doesn't matter because I won't have any expenses since my slaves will be operating it. Hell let's make it a steel mill. I'll cut whatever corners I can to make the steel as cheaply as possible. If it costs me $5000 to build safety rails but only $20 for a slave then fuck it I'll just stock up on slaves in case any die. As my steel business grows I'd bankrupt my competitors and take over the steel market. And so on and so on.

Slavery isn't capitalism because it involves coercion, which violates the principle of the Invisible Hand whereby goods, service, and labor are subject to supply and demand and are all voluntary items. And contrary to the shrill Left, there's no such thing as "slave wages". Nobody is forced to work for any company, nor do they have imposed upon them any salary structure they don't agree to by contract.

So everything you've said so far indicates your vision of "unfettered capitalism" is based on a world that exists only in your head, where social evils of the past have never been subject to redress and reform. Puzzling still is that Leftists talk about "unfettered capitalism" as a creature that walks about today, and not in third world nations, but in Western nations such as America. So now that we've established the context in which Leftists use the term....

WTF is "unfettered capitalism"?
Slavery is coercion? You commie. The invisible hand saw fit to allow slaves to be traded for the entirety of our history. What are you going to tell me next? That the slaves have a right to band together to stop me from being able to enslave them? You damn limp-wristed marxist.
It's just a slogan. Virtually all of the left's beliefs can be boiled down to cliches or slogans.
Bush lied, people died
Unfettered capitalism
War on Women
Social Darwinism
GOP Healthcare plan--Die Quickly.

None of it is true. We've had threads debunking all of them. But they continue to repeat them anyway. Because these people are impervious to logic. Impervious to facts. That is why they are liberal progressives.
Funny how you think the Papacy is liberals...

Talking to me? I didn't say the Pope was a liberal, I said he was a communist. Though the confusion of those two terms is more than understandable.
Unfettered capitalism is whatever the fuck makes the most money. Slaves. There you go being able to own and sell slaves is the best way for someone to make money. How about that for unfettered capitalism?

Btw what do you think unfettered socialism is?

You're all over the place. We're not talking about socialism, we're talking about "unfettered capitalism" and your definition seems to suggest that it's just about making money, a nebulous concept as all businesses are driven by profit. But where does there exist a system by which businesses do so in an environment of lawlessness, unencumbered by laws, regulations, fees, and taxes? Where is the "Wild West" of capitalism?
Yeah, it's not like George Washington imposed any taxes when taking office, or tariffs....

Your one liners are inscrutible and enigmatic and you're doing this on purpose. You're having way too much fun with this thread and not taking the question seriously. I detect subtle persiflage and resent it. Stop being so damn funny!
Did you ever read of the whiskey rebellion? Old George put a tax on whiskey producers, and they revolted, but George had his whey...

Which....kinda...proves the point that even in our fledgling nation business fell under taxation and regulation, hardly "unfettered", right?
I suppose....so it proves that it didn't hinder it, but there was a shortage of gold and silver in the US and the economy was bad until Sutter's Mill...
If I lived in a society where unfettered capitalism was the only law of the land here's what I'd do. I'd buy a bunch of slaves. I'd have them pick cotton and farm tobacco for me. I'd advertise tobacco as having some magical properties like preventing cancer. Or helping your baby grow healthy. I'd pay off the doctors who'd claim otherwise and hire some to endorse tobacco for its health benefits.

As my riches grew I'd invest in a factory. What kind of factory? It doesn't matter because I won't have any expenses since my slaves will be operating it. Hell let's make it a steel mill. I'll cut whatever corners I can to make the steel as cheaply as possible. If it costs me $5000 to build safety rails but only $20 for a slave then fuck it I'll just stock up on slaves in case any die. As my steel business grows I'd bankrupt my competitors and take over the steel market. And so on and so on.

Slavery isn't capitalism because it involves coercion, which violates the principle of the Invisible Hand whereby goods, service, and labor are subject to supply and demand and are all voluntary items. And contrary to the shrill Left, there's no such thing as "slave wages". Nobody is forced to work for any company, nor do they have imposed upon them any salary structure they don't agree to by contract.

So everything you've said so far indicates your vision of "unfettered capitalism" is based on a world that exists only in your head, where social evils of the past have never been subject to redress and reform. Puzzling still is that Leftists talk about "unfettered capitalism" as a creature that walks about today, and not in third world nations, but in Western nations such as America. So now that we've established the context in which Leftists use the term....

WTF is "unfettered capitalism"?
Slavery is coercion? You commie. The invisible hand saw fit to allow slaves to be traded for the entirety of our history. What are you going to tell me next? That the slaves have a right to band together to stop me from being able to enslave them? You damn limp-wristed marxist.

You're starting to bore me. I'll hold out for an intellectual Leftist to explain what unfettered capitalism is. I was hoping PaintMyHouse would have weighed in by now. He's far more intelligent than you.
It's just a slogan. Virtually all of the left's beliefs can be boiled down to cliches or slogans.
Bush lied, people died
Unfettered capitalism
War on Women
Social Darwinism
GOP Healthcare plan--Die Quickly.

None of it is true. We've had threads debunking all of them. But they continue to repeat them anyway. Because these people are impervious to logic. Impervious to facts. That is why they are liberal progressives.
Funny how you think the Papacy is liberals...

Talking to me? I didn't say the Pope was a liberal, I said he was a communist. Though the confusion of those two terms is more than understandable.
A christian communist?Why that's an oxymoron...I am guessing that Jesus was a communist also....and the Bible is the communist manifesto...
It's just a slogan. Virtually all of the left's beliefs can be boiled down to cliches or slogans.
Bush lied, people died
Unfettered capitalism
War on Women
Social Darwinism
GOP Healthcare plan--Die Quickly.

None of it is true. We've had threads debunking all of them. But they continue to repeat them anyway. Because these people are impervious to logic. Impervious to facts. That is why they are liberal progressives.
Funny how you think the Papacy is liberals...

Talking to me? I didn't say the Pope was a liberal, I said he was a communist. Though the confusion of those two terms is more than understandable.
A christian communist?Why that's an oxymoron...I am guessing that Jesus was a communist also....and the Bible is the communist manifesto...

No, the Pope being a communist would not make Jesus a communist. That's an unjustified assumption.
If I lived in a society where unfettered capitalism was the only law of the land here's what I'd do. I'd buy a bunch of slaves. I'd have them pick cotton and farm tobacco for me. I'd advertise tobacco as having some magical properties like preventing cancer. Or helping your baby grow healthy. I'd pay off the doctors who'd claim otherwise and hire some to endorse tobacco for its health benefits.

As my riches grew I'd invest in a factory. What kind of factory? It doesn't matter because I won't have any expenses since my slaves will be operating it. Hell let's make it a steel mill. I'll cut whatever corners I can to make the steel as cheaply as possible. If it costs me $5000 to build safety rails but only $20 for a slave then fuck it I'll just stock up on slaves in case any die. As my steel business grows I'd bankrupt my competitors and take over the steel market. And so on and so on.

Slavery isn't capitalism because it involves coercion, which violates the principle of the Invisible Hand whereby goods, service, and labor are subject to supply and demand and are all voluntary items. And contrary to the shrill Left, there's no such thing as "slave wages". Nobody is forced to work for any company, nor do they have imposed upon them any salary structure they don't agree to by contract.

So everything you've said so far indicates your vision of "unfettered capitalism" is based on a world that exists only in your head, where social evils of the past have never been subject to redress and reform. Puzzling still is that Leftists talk about "unfettered capitalism" as a creature that walks about today, and not in third world nations, but in Western nations such as America. So now that we've established the context in which Leftists use the term....

WTF is "unfettered capitalism"?
Slavery is coercion? You commie. The invisible hand saw fit to allow slaves to be traded for the entirety of our history. What are you going to tell me next? That the slaves have a right to band together to stop me from being able to enslave them? You damn limp-wristed marxist.

You're starting to bore me. I'll hold out for an intellectual Leftist to explain what unfettered capitalism is. I was hoping PaintMyHouse would have weighed in by now. He's far more intelligent than you.
Why would you start a thread about asking about something, and then plug your ears and scream when someone explains it to you? :cuckoo:
It's just a slogan. Virtually all of the left's beliefs can be boiled down to cliches or slogans.
Bush lied, people died
Unfettered capitalism
War on Women
Social Darwinism
GOP Healthcare plan--Die Quickly.

None of it is true. We've had threads debunking all of them. But they continue to repeat them anyway. Because these people are impervious to logic. Impervious to facts. That is why they are liberal progressives.
Funny how you think the Papacy is liberals...

Talking to me? I didn't say the Pope was a liberal, I said he was a communist. Though the confusion of those two terms is more than understandable.
A christian communist?Why that's an oxymoron...I am guessing that Jesus was a communist also....and the Bible is the communist manifesto...

No, the Pope being a communist would not make Jesus a communist. That's an unjustified assumption.
Funny thing is Jesus said the same about accumulation of wealth....It's bad.....No wealthy human can enter the kingdom of heaven...and that the wealthy person must give away the riches to the poor...If they do want God, more than accumulated wealth.....
It's just a slogan. Virtually all of the left's beliefs can be boiled down to cliches or slogans.
Bush lied, people died
Unfettered capitalism
War on Women
Social Darwinism
GOP Healthcare plan--Die Quickly.

None of it is true. We've had threads debunking all of them. But they continue to repeat them anyway. Because these people are impervious to logic. Impervious to facts. That is why they are liberal progressives.
Funny how you think the Papacy is liberals...

Talking to me? I didn't say the Pope was a liberal, I said he was a communist. Though the confusion of those two terms is more than understandable.
A christian communist?Why that's an oxymoron...I am guessing that Jesus was a communist also....and the Bible is the communist manifesto...
regardless what it means, RW's will bitch about it.

So you admit you have no idea what it means, even though you Leftwats bandy the word about as if it were a viable entity.

I know exactly what unfetter means. I admit you're an idiot if you don't. and apparently you don't

It doesn't exist. I don't have to define something that doesn't exist.

You're not very good at this, are you?

much better than you ... your stupidity remains unfettered.
It's just a slogan. Virtually all of the left's beliefs can be boiled down to cliches or slogans.
Bush lied, people died
Unfettered capitalism
War on Women
Social Darwinism
GOP Healthcare plan--Die Quickly.

None of it is true. We've had threads debunking all of them. But they continue to repeat them anyway. Because these people are impervious to logic. Impervious to facts. That is why they are liberal progressives.
Funny how you think the Papacy is liberals...

Talking to me? I didn't say the Pope was a liberal, I said he was a communist. Though the confusion of those two terms is more than understandable.
A christian communist?Why that's an oxymoron...I am guessing that Jesus was a communist also....and the Bible is the communist manifesto...

Your confusion of charity and communism still doesn't address the question.
It's just a slogan. Virtually all of the left's beliefs can be boiled down to cliches or slogans.
Bush lied, people died
Unfettered capitalism
War on Women
Social Darwinism
GOP Healthcare plan--Die Quickly.

None of it is true. We've had threads debunking all of them. But they continue to repeat them anyway. Because these people are impervious to logic. Impervious to facts. That is why they are liberal progressives.
Funny how you think the Papacy is liberals...

Talking to me? I didn't say the Pope was a liberal, I said he was a communist. Though the confusion of those two terms is more than understandable.
A christian communist?Why that's an oxymoron...I am guessing that Jesus was a communist also....and the Bible is the communist manifesto...

Your confusion of charity and communism still doesn't address the question.
Never heard the parable of the workers in the field?

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