A Question To Leftists: WTF is "unfettered capitalism"?

Missing in that example is where anyone is forced to work for lower wages, missing also is the fact that Walmart has competitors and is subject to the laws of supply and demand and the natural human tendency to promote their own best interest by applying their labors where it is best compensated. Maybe that's the problem, your concept of "unfettered capitalism" is grounded in the mistaken belief that a company can slash wages with no consequences.

You kinda strange. Maybe you should start out by understanding that Walmart is an animal when it comes to cutting costs. They are the big boys in the market place and dictate what they will pay for items. They will blow out price on products till the smaller competitors can't compete. They rule their retail world cause they are the major player.

Who said (besides you) anything about forced labor?
If they (Walmart) had no constraints on labor costs, you think they give a shit if someone quits? Why would they? Like you cons say all the time, these are low skills, no account jobs. With plenty of people out looking for any job.
The job is worth what they will pay for low skill labor. I read that here all the time.

Don't you ever read on here about how bad the economy is out there? How high the UE rate is? When you are the largest employer in a market, you dictate labor costs in that field. Walmart competitor's will also cut wages to increase the bottom line. Especially low wage, no skill jobs. Why wouldn't they? It's not like their employees can quit and go work at Walmart for better wages.

Capitalism unfettered by any wage laws or union demands will ALWAYS seek to CUT labor costs. Thats what capitalists do. Especially low wage low skill jobs. This has been going on for some time.

It's just that the "fettering" part is the unions that still exist. And those pesky MW laws.

When unions are outlawed and all states are right to work and there is no more MW laws, that'll be nirvana for capitalists. Right? That's your long term objective?

It's hard to discuss broader concepts with somebody who thinks Walmart is the Boogy-man. If you don't like Walmart, don't shop there and don't work there. You fail to provide a sic example of unfettered capitalism. If to you it's nothing more than wage skirmishes at Walmart, then I have to conclude it's nothing significant and worthy of discussion.
If unfettered capitalism means no government involvement, the questions then becomes how long would have unfettered capitalism lasted in America, and what economic system would have replaced it?

Now that's an intelligent point. Under-regulated capitalism creates a strong demand for laws to establish reasonable regulations. Fire codes were passed because people were dying by the hundreds, trapped in buildings that didn't have sufficient fire escapes, exits, and suppression systems, for example. It goes to show that even if "unfettered capitalism" existed, it would be moribund because people would not long tolerate polluted rivers, children working in factories instead of going to school, or unsanitary meat processing practices. The horror stories of the early 20th century demonstrate convincingly that the pendulum cannot swing too far in the direction commercial anarchy before being sharply checked.
So you actually understand what unfettered capitalism looks like. Sort of like an Appalachian coal county of the early 20th century when families lived in squalor and where the poor lived under the unfettered capitalism thanks to corruption of the politicians and coal companies.

There's your problem. You started at the wrong place.

Case in point: THE NATION used the term "unfettered capitalism", not the Pope.

You read about the Pope through a partisan filter.


Evangelii Gaudium Apostolic Exhortation on the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today s World 24 November 2013

Get in line behind everyone else claiming it was a translation error. Considering the Pope has REPEATEDLY maintained the theme of attacking capitalism, I think his meaning is very clear.
To James Madison Fontainebleau Oct. 28 1785 The Letters of Thomas Jefferson

The property of this country is absolutely concentred in a very few hands, having revenues of from half a million of guineas a year downwards. These employ the flower of the country as servants, some of them having as many as 200 domestics, not laboring. They employ also a great number of manufacturers and tradesmen, and lastly the class of laboring husbandmen. But after all there comes the most numerous of all classes, that is, the poor who cannot find work.

I asked myself what could be the reason so many should be permitted to beg who are willing to work, in a country where there is a very considerable proportion of uncultivated lands? These lands are undisturbed only for the sake of game. It should seem then that it must be because of the enormous wealth of the proprietors which places them above attention to the increase of their revenues by permitting these lands to be labored.
I am conscious that an equal division of property is impracticable, but the consequences of this enormous inequality producing so much misery to the bulk of mankind, legislators cannot invent too many devices for subdividing property, only taking care to let their subdivisions go hand in hand with the natural affections of the human mind. The descent of property of every kind therefore to all the children, or to all the brothers and sisters, or other relations in equal degree, is a politic measure and a practicable one.
Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions or property in geometrical progression as they rise.

Thomas Jefferson...communist?
And since worker compensation is merely one facet of industry,

What a dipshit you are. Hey, just what part in the cost structure do you think wages are to the capitalist? You think it's just a "little thing" eh? LMAO.

When I felt an employer wasn't paying me enough, I looked for work elsewhere or acquired more marketable skills. I didn't bitch, whine and moan about it. I didn't scream "unfair!", I didn't join a picket line, and I didn't vote Democrat. All things considered, my solution was far less stressful.

There's your problem. You started at the wrong place.

Case in point: THE NATION used the term "unfettered capitalism", not the Pope.

You read about the Pope through a partisan filter.


Evangelii Gaudium Apostolic Exhortation on the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today s World 24 November 2013

Get in line behind everyone else claiming it was a translation error. Considering the Pope has REPEATEDLY maintained the theme of attacking capitalism, I think his meaning is very clear.
READ THE SOURCE. I provided it to you. Twice.

You speak down from a high and mighty Catholic username, and you don't actually read the Pope's words for yourself?!?!

WTF is "unfettered capitalism"?

You clearly saw this expression somewhere. Why don't you provide us a quote which contains the full context of where you saw it, and then we can explain it to you in words you can hopefully understand.

Let's start here: The Pope Versus Unfettered Capitalism The Nation

Then we can move on to Democrats insisting the financial meltdown was due to deregulation of banks

Then we can discuss how every time a regulation is relaxed, it's characterized as "deregulation". As if no reprieve can be granted without abandoning all effort to impose reasonable standards.

the financial crash was from derivative markets, which had NO regulation.
It's hard to discuss broader concepts with somebody who thinks Walmart is the Boogy-man. If you don't like Walmart, don't shop there and don't work there. You fail to provide a sic example of unfettered capitalism. If to you it's nothing more than wage skirmishes at Walmart, then I have to conclude it's nothing significant and worthy of discussion.

They (Walmart) are the largest employer in the USA. They are the largest retailer in the world. They are the largest grocer in the world. They are the largest purchaser of finished goods. The (Walmart family) are some of the richest capitalists in the world.

I can see why you wouldn't want to talk about them, they don't represent enough capitalism for you eh? LMAO.

You are a fucking idiot that can't argue why I am wrong about how Walmart would treat wages if unfettered by MW laws. Even though wages are a huge cost to Walmart, they wouldn't cut those costs cause they are just so fair. Is that what you think capitalists are? Fair.

You are an idiot.

So you wanna quit talking about Walmart? I don't blame you.
There are special interests who have bought and own our Congress. They bribe our legislatures with campaign cash to provide them special breaks in our tax code that must be paid for by everyone who is excluded from those breaks, and by massive deficit spending.

This is not capitalism. If you need a government prop for your business to survive (TARP, ZIRP, QE Infinity), then you have a seriously broken business model that should be replaced by someone who has a better model, not protected by the government and allowed to continue to exist at the exclusion of your betters so you can keep ripping off your clients through unadulterated fraud.

Our capitalist system is broken. It is one thing to accumulate wealth because you built a better mousetrap; quite another to accumulate wealth because you have paid for the playing field to be tilted in your favor while you rob and pillage the countryside.
When I felt an employer wasn't paying me enough, I looked for work elsewhere or acquired more marketable skills. I didn't bitch, whine and moan about it. I didn't scream "unfair!", I didn't join a picket line, and I didn't vote Democrat. All things considered, my solution was far less stressful.

What in the fuck did your "answer" have to do with "unfettered capitalism"? Do you know what "unfettered" means?
When I felt an employer wasn't paying me enough, I looked for work elsewhere or acquired more marketable skills. I didn't bitch, whine and moan about it. I didn't scream "unfair!", I didn't join a picket line, and I didn't vote Democrat. All things considered, my solution was far less stressful.

What in the fuck did your "answer" have to do with "unfettered capitalism"? Do you know what "unfettered" means?

Like your exploitation of illegal slave labor? Being bought and paid for to support Obama's illegal wars..
When I felt an employer wasn't paying me enough, I looked for work elsewhere or acquired more marketable skills. I didn't bitch, whine and moan about it. I didn't scream "unfair!", I didn't join a picket line, and I didn't vote Democrat. All things considered, my solution was far less stressful.

What in the fuck did your "answer" have to do with "unfettered capitalism"? Do you know what "unfettered" means?

stmoron isn't very good at this ...
That's one of the many problems with some on the left.
They can't stay focused on one topic and always have to add extras to anything.
Most of them can't even read without adding and assuming things, let alone something like defining their one liner slogans.
They don't know, it just sounds good to them and they don't care.
That's one of the many problems with some on the left.
They can't stay focused on one topic and always have to add extras to anything.
Most of them can't even read without adding and assuming things, let alone something like defining their one liner slogans.
They don't know, it just sounds good to them and they don't care.

and that's exactly what you just did.

That's one of the many problems with some on the left.
They can't stay focused on one topic and always have to add extras to anything.
Most of them can't even read without adding and assuming things, let alone something like defining their one liner slogans.
They don't know, it just sounds good to them and they don't care.

and that's exactly what you just did.


Not many were staying on topic.
I just made a comment on it.
When I felt an employer wasn't paying me enough, I looked for work elsewhere or acquired more marketable skills. I didn't bitch, whine and moan about it. I didn't scream "unfair!", I didn't join a picket line, and I didn't vote Democrat. All things considered, my solution was far less stressful.

What in the fuck did your "answer" have to do with "unfettered capitalism"? Do you know what "unfettered" means?

It's part of what would be unrestrained "unfettered" capitalism.
If your employer was not treating you right you look for another job that does.
It does not need to be regulated by the Feds or States.
That's one of the many problems with some on the left.
They can't stay focused on one topic and always have to add extras to anything.
Most of them can't even read without adding and assuming things, let alone something like defining their one liner slogans.
They don't know, it just sounds good to them and they don't care.

and that's exactly what you just did.


Not many were staying on topic.
I just made a comment on it.

nobody can produce a direct quote from the Pope where he specifically uses "unfettered capitalism" .. so IMO the "topic" is made up by something the OP read ... I addressed unregulated markets on post #69 .. then was ignored for being "on topic"

StMoron dug up an article from 2013, the Pope is never quoted saying "unfettered"

Factbox - Key quotes Pope Francis condemns unfettered capitalism Reuters

ergo, there's no need to stay on topic because there is no topic.
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This is not capitalism. If you need a government prop for your business to survive (TARP, ZIRP, QE Infinity), then you have a seriously broken business model that should be replaced by someone who has a better model, not protected by the government and allowed to continue to exist at the exclusion of your betters so you can keep ripping off your clients through unadulterated fraud.

Our capitalist system is broken. It is one thing to accumulate wealth because you built a better mousetrap; quite another to accumulate wealth because you have paid for the playing field to be tilted in your favor while you rob and pillage the countryside.
When I felt an employer wasn't paying me enough, I looked for work elsewhere or acquired more marketable skills. I didn't bitch, whine and moan about it. I didn't scream "unfair!", I didn't join a picket line, and I didn't vote Democrat. All things considered, my solution was far less stressful.

What in the fuck did your "answer" have to do with "unfettered capitalism"? Do you know what "unfettered" means?

It's part of what would be unrestrained "unfettered" capitalism.
If your employer was not treating you right you look for another job that does.
It does not need to be regulated by the Feds or States.

Do you know the difference between "capital" and "labor"? Not a trick question.
You are describing what "labor" can do. Go look for another job.
That is not the same as "unfettered capitalism".

Capitalist's seek to control costs, including the cost of labor and material.
Labor tends to try and raise costs by advocating for higher wages. Or even seeking higher wages somewhere else.
But labor seeking higher wages is not an example of "unfettered capitalism." So sorry.

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