A Question To Leftists: WTF is "unfettered capitalism"?

That's one of the many problems with some on the left.
They can't stay focused on one topic and always have to add extras to anything.
Most of them can't even read without adding and assuming things, let alone something like defining their one liner slogans.
They don't know, it just sounds good to them and they don't care.

and that's exactly what you just did.


Not many were staying on topic.
I just made a comment on it.

nobody can produce a direct quote from the Pope where he specifically uses "unfettered capitalism" .. so IMO the "topic" is made up by something the OP read ... I addressed unregulated markets on post #69 .. then was ignored for being "on topic"

It was regulations in the housing market that caused the derivative markets to crash.
This is not capitalism. If you need a government prop for your business to survive (TARP, ZIRP, QE Infinity), then you have a seriously broken business model that should be replaced by someone who has a better model, not protected by the government and allowed to continue to exist at the exclusion of your betters so you can keep ripping off your clients through unadulterated fraud.

Our capitalist system is broken. It is one thing to accumulate wealth because you built a better mousetrap; quite another to accumulate wealth because you have paid for the playing field to be tilted in your favor while you rob and pillage the countryside.
When I felt an employer wasn't paying me enough, I looked for work elsewhere or acquired more marketable skills. I didn't bitch, whine and moan about it. I didn't scream "unfair!", I didn't join a picket line, and I didn't vote Democrat. All things considered, my solution was far less stressful.

What in the fuck did your "answer" have to do with "unfettered capitalism"? Do you know what "unfettered" means?

It's part of what would be unrestrained "unfettered" capitalism.
If your employer was not treating you right you look for another job that does.
It does not need to be regulated by the Feds or States.

Do you know the difference between "capital" and "labor"? Not a trick question.
You are describing what "labor" can do. Go look for another job.
That is not the same as "unfettered capitalism".

Capitalist's seek to control costs, including the cost of labor and material.
Labor tends to try and raise costs by advocating for higher wages. Or even seeking higher wages somewhere else.
But labor seeking higher wages is not an example of "unfettered capitalism." So sorry.

Capitalist's also seek good workers and will pay a good wage to keep them as well as bonuses for staying on the job.
That's one of the many problems with some on the left.
They can't stay focused on one topic and always have to add extras to anything.
Most of them can't even read without adding and assuming things, let alone something like defining their one liner slogans.
They don't know, it just sounds good to them and they don't care.

and that's exactly what you just did.


Not many were staying on topic.
I just made a comment on it.

nobody can produce a direct quote from the Pope where he specifically uses "unfettered capitalism" .. so IMO the "topic" is made up by something the OP read ... I addressed unregulated markets on post #69 .. then was ignored for being "on topic"

It was regulations in the housing market that caused the derivative markets to crash.

huh? ... that's putting the cart before the horse isn't it?

sure it is
Oh! you mean unfettered capitalism in this country? LOL
You don't mean the corporations that have gone over seas to build manufacturing companies to " not pay high taxes" here. Or they find cheap (child labor) in these said countries.
Those unfettered capitalists!

It's when it's cheaper to hire new people in place of those who die in work related accidents than to invest in safety equipment. And when your cities are clouded by soot and smog as your kids go to work at the factory for $0.50 an hour.

Citing the era of the nascent Industrial Revolution is about the closest you can come to citing an example of "unfettered capitalism", but even then, capitalism was regulated and there were rules that everyone followed. Child labor, pollution, unsafe worker conditions, and a lack of basic workers rights are legitimate complaints, but they aren't unfettered capitalism.
WTF is "unfettered capitalism"?

You clearly saw this expression somewhere. Why don't you provide us a quote which contains the full context of where you saw it, and then we can explain it to you in words you can hopefully understand.

Let's start here: The Pope Versus Unfettered Capitalism The Nation

Then we can move on to Democrats insisting the financial meltdown was due to deregulation of banks

Then we can discuss how every time a regulation is relaxed, it's characterized as "deregulation". As if no reprieve can be granted without abandoning all effort to impose reasonable standards.

the financial crash was from derivative markets, which had NO regulation.

You're the one that said this.
So I said that it was the housing regulations that caused the derivative markets to do what they had to do, that caused the crash.
WTF is "unfettered capitalism"?

You clearly saw this expression somewhere. Why don't you provide us a quote which contains the full context of where you saw it, and then we can explain it to you in words you can hopefully understand.

Let's start here: The Pope Versus Unfettered Capitalism The Nation

Then we can move on to Democrats insisting the financial meltdown was due to deregulation of banks

Then we can discuss how every time a regulation is relaxed, it's characterized as "deregulation". As if no reprieve can be granted without abandoning all effort to impose reasonable standards.

the financial crash was from derivative markets, which had NO regulation.

You're the one that said this.
So I said that it was the housing regulations that caused the derivative markets to do what they had to do, that caused the crash.

OTC Markets stood at 220$$ Trillion dollars in 2004 ...
It's just a slogan. Virtually all of the left's beliefs can be boiled down to cliches or slogans.
Bush lied, people died
Unfettered capitalism
War on Women
Social Darwinism
GOP Healthcare plan--Die Quickly.

None of it is true. We've had threads debunking all of them. But they continue to repeat them anyway. Because these people are impervious to logic. Impervious to facts. That is why they are liberal progressives.
Funny how you think the Papacy is liberals...
Were you just trying to boost your post count?
Exploitation and slavery are not mutually exclusive.

If I lived in a society where unfettered capitalism was the only law of the land here's what I'd do. I'd buy a bunch of slaves. I'd have them pick cotton and farm tobacco for me. I'd advertise tobacco as having some magical properties like preventing cancer. Or helping your baby grow healthy. I'd pay off the doctors who'd claim otherwise and hire some to endorse tobacco for its health benefits.

As my riches grew I'd invest in a factory. What kind of factory? It doesn't matter because I won't have any expenses since my slaves will be operating it. Hell let's make it a steel mill. I'll cut whatever corners I can to make the steel as cheaply as possible. If it costs me $5000 to build safety rails but only $20 for a slave then fuck it I'll just stock up on slaves in case any die. As my steel business grows I'd bankrupt my competitors and take over the steel market. And so on and so on.

Slavery isn't capitalism because it involves coercion, which violates the principle of the Invisible Hand whereby goods, service, and labor are subject to supply and demand and are all voluntary items. And contrary to the shrill Left, there's no such thing as "slave wages". Nobody is forced to work for any company, nor do they have imposed upon them any salary structure they don't agree to by contract.

So everything you've said so far indicates your vision of "unfettered capitalism" is based on a world that exists only in your head, where social evils of the past have never been subject to redress and reform. Puzzling still is that Leftists talk about "unfettered capitalism" as a creature that walks about today, and not in third world nations, but in Western nations such as America. So now that we've established the context in which Leftists use the term....

WTF is "unfettered capitalism"?
WTF is "unfettered capitalism"?

You clearly saw this expression somewhere. Why don't you provide us a quote which contains the full context of where you saw it, and then we can explain it to you in words you can hopefully understand.

Let's start here: The Pope Versus Unfettered Capitalism The Nation

Then we can move on to Democrats insisting the financial meltdown was due to deregulation of banks

Then we can discuss how every time a regulation is relaxed, it's characterized as "deregulation". As if no reprieve can be granted without abandoning all effort to impose reasonable standards.

the financial crash was from derivative markets, which had NO regulation.
Really? There's no laws that govern the trading of financial instruments. I'm sure the SEC is going to be shocked at hearing this. Were you serious about that or were you trying out for the stupidest post of the thread contest?
If unfettered capitalism means no government involvement, the questions then becomes how long would have unfettered capitalism lasted in America, and what economic system would have replaced it?

Now that's an intelligent point. Under-regulated capitalism creates a strong demand for laws to establish reasonable regulations. Fire codes were passed because people were dying by the hundreds, trapped in buildings that didn't have sufficient fire escapes, exits, and suppression systems, for example. It goes to show that even if "unfettered capitalism" existed, it would be moribund because people would not long tolerate polluted rivers, children working in factories instead of going to school, or unsanitary meat processing practices. The horror stories of the early 20th century demonstrate convincingly that the pendulum cannot swing too far in the direction commercial anarchy before being sharply checked.
So you actually understand what unfettered capitalism looks like. Sort of like an Appalachian coal county of the early 20th century when families lived in squalor and where the poor lived under the unfettered capitalism thanks to corruption of the politicians and coal companies.
I didn't say that was unfettered capitalism. In fact I was making the argument that it's impossible for such a thing to exist because people won't abide lawlessness in industry.
Or the koch boys and their exploitation of workers and environment.

It's hard to discuss broader concepts with somebody who thinks Walmart is the Boogy-man. If you don't like Walmart, don't shop there and don't work there. You fail to provide a sic example of unfettered capitalism. If to you it's nothing more than wage skirmishes at Walmart, then I have to conclude it's nothing significant and worthy of discussion.

They (Walmart) are the largest employer in the USA. They are the largest retailer in the world. They are the largest grocer in the world. They are the largest purchaser of finished goods. The (Walmart family) are some of the richest capitalists in the world.

I can see why you wouldn't want to talk about them, they don't represent enough capitalism for you eh? LMAO.

You are a fucking idiot that can't argue why I am wrong about how Walmart would treat wages if unfettered by MW laws. Even though wages are a huge cost to Walmart, they wouldn't cut those costs cause they are just so fair. Is that what you think capitalists are? Fair.

You are an idiot.

So you wanna quit talking about Walmart? I don't blame you.
Exploitation and slavery are not mutually exclusive.

If I lived in a society where unfettered capitalism was the only law of the land here's what I'd do. I'd buy a bunch of slaves. I'd have them pick cotton and farm tobacco for me. I'd advertise tobacco as having some magical properties like preventing cancer. Or helping your baby grow healthy. I'd pay off the doctors who'd claim otherwise and hire some to endorse tobacco for its health benefits.

As my riches grew I'd invest in a factory. What kind of factory? It doesn't matter because I won't have any expenses since my slaves will be operating it. Hell let's make it a steel mill. I'll cut whatever corners I can to make the steel as cheaply as possible. If it costs me $5000 to build safety rails but only $20 for a slave then fuck it I'll just stock up on slaves in case any die. As my steel business grows I'd bankrupt my competitors and take over the steel market. And so on and so on.

Slavery isn't capitalism because it involves coercion, which violates the principle of the Invisible Hand whereby goods, service, and labor are subject to supply and demand and are all voluntary items. And contrary to the shrill Left, there's no such thing as "slave wages". Nobody is forced to work for any company, nor do they have imposed upon them any salary structure they don't agree to by contract.

So everything you've said so far indicates your vision of "unfettered capitalism" is based on a world that exists only in your head, where social evils of the past have never been subject to redress and reform. Puzzling still is that Leftists talk about "unfettered capitalism" as a creature that walks about today, and not in third world nations, but in Western nations such as America. So now that we've established the context in which Leftists use the term....

WTF is "unfettered capitalism"?
Nobody who is paid the remuneration they agreed to by contact is exploited and slaves aren't paid at all, so no, the two have nothing in common.
This is the only real comment to your post.

It is absolutely laughable that you find what is happening in today's world as unfettered.

If unfettered capitalism means no government involvement, the questions then becomes how long would have unfettered capitalism lasted in America, and what economic system would have replaced it?

Now that's an intelligent point. Under-regulated capitalism creates a strong demand for laws to establish reasonable regulations. Fire codes were passed because people were dying by the hundreds, trapped in buildings that didn't have sufficient fire escapes, exits, and suppression systems, for example. It goes to show that even if "unfettered capitalism" existed, it would be moribund because people would not long tolerate polluted rivers, children working in factories instead of going to school, or unsanitary meat processing practices. The horror stories of the early 20th century demonstrate convincingly that the pendulum cannot swing too far in the direction commercial anarchy before being sharply checked.
So you actually understand what unfettered capitalism looks like. Sort of like an Appalachian coal county of the early 20th century when families lived in squalor and where the poor lived under the unfettered capitalism thanks to corruption of the politicians and coal companies.
I didn't say that was unfettered capitalism. In fact I was making the argument that it's impossible for such a thing to exist because people won't abide lawlessness in industry.
regardless what it means, RW's will bitch about it.

So you admit you have no idea what it means, even though you Leftwats bandy the word about as if it were a viable entity.

I know exactly what unfetter means. I admit you're an idiot if you don't. and apparently you don't
Then you wont have any trouble explaiing it, I'm sure.

to idiots like you?

I won't even begin to try, and could care less what you think about anything.

Obama lied. That's all you need to remember and repeat for the next decade or two.
Oh! you mean unfettered capitalism in this country? LOL
You don't mean the corporations that have gone over seas to build manufacturing companies to " not pay high taxes" here. Or they find cheap (child labor) in these said countries.
Those unfettered capitalists!

It's when it's cheaper to hire new people in place of those who die in work related accidents than to invest in safety equipment. And when your cities are clouded by soot and smog as your kids go to work at the factory for $0.50 an hour.

Citing the era of the nascent Industrial Revolution is about the closest you can come to citing an example of "unfettered capitalism", but even then, capitalism was regulated and there were rules that everyone followed. Child labor, pollution, unsafe worker conditions, and a lack of basic workers rights are legitimate complaints, but they aren't unfettered capitalism.
Please list the US companies that use child labor overseas.
Seriously! You need to think about your statement.
Slaves are given a place to live, or some. They are fed... but its so unreal you think exploitation is not slavery.

Exploitation and slavery are not mutually exclusive.

If I lived in a society where unfettered capitalism was the only law of the land here's what I'd do. I'd buy a bunch of slaves. I'd have them pick cotton and farm tobacco for me. I'd advertise tobacco as having some magical properties like preventing cancer. Or helping your baby grow healthy. I'd pay off the doctors who'd claim otherwise and hire some to endorse tobacco for its health benefits.

As my riches grew I'd invest in a factory. What kind of factory? It doesn't matter because I won't have any expenses since my slaves will be operating it. Hell let's make it a steel mill. I'll cut whatever corners I can to make the steel as cheaply as possible. If it costs me $5000 to build safety rails but only $20 for a slave then fuck it I'll just stock up on slaves in case any die. As my steel business grows I'd bankrupt my competitors and take over the steel market. And so on and so on.

Slavery isn't capitalism because it involves coercion, which violates the principle of the Invisible Hand whereby goods, service, and labor are subject to supply and demand and are all voluntary items. And contrary to the shrill Left, there's no such thing as "slave wages". Nobody is forced to work for any company, nor do they have imposed upon them any salary structure they don't agree to by contract.

So everything you've said so far indicates your vision of "unfettered capitalism" is based on a world that exists only in your head, where social evils of the past have never been subject to redress and reform. Puzzling still is that Leftists talk about "unfettered capitalism" as a creature that walks about today, and not in third world nations, but in Western nations such as America. So now that we've established the context in which Leftists use the term....

WTF is "unfettered capitalism"?
Nobody who is paid the remuneration they agreed to by contact is exploited and slaves aren't paid at all, so no, the two have nothing in common.
regardless what it means, RW's will bitch about it.

So you admit you have no idea what it means, even though you Leftwats bandy the word about as if it were a viable entity.

I know exactly what unfetter means. I admit you're an idiot if you don't. and apparently you don't
Then you wont have any trouble explaiing it, I'm sure.

to idiots like you?

I won't even begin to try, and could care less what you think about anything.

Obama lied. That's all you need to remember and repeat for the next decade or two.
Translation: No, I cant.
Thought so.
A better question:

What is "fettered" capitalism, and why would it be preferable to the unfettered version?
This is the only real comment to your post.

It is absolutely laughable that you find what is happening in today's world as unfettered.

If unfettered capitalism means no government involvement, the questions then becomes how long would have unfettered capitalism lasted in America, and what economic system would have replaced it?

Now that's an intelligent point. Under-regulated capitalism creates a strong demand for laws to establish reasonable regulations. Fire codes were passed because people were dying by the hundreds, trapped in buildings that didn't have sufficient fire escapes, exits, and suppression systems, for example. It goes to show that even if "unfettered capitalism" existed, it would be moribund because people would not long tolerate polluted rivers, children working in factories instead of going to school, or unsanitary meat processing practices. The horror stories of the early 20th century demonstrate convincingly that the pendulum cannot swing too far in the direction commercial anarchy before being sharply checked.
So you actually understand what unfettered capitalism looks like. Sort of like an Appalachian coal county of the early 20th century when families lived in squalor and where the poor lived under the unfettered capitalism thanks to corruption of the politicians and coal companies.
I didn't say that was unfettered capitalism. In fact I was making the argument that it's impossible for such a thing to exist because people won't abide lawlessness in industry.
You clearly don't know what fettered or unfettered means.

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