A Question To Leftists: WTF is "unfettered capitalism"?

IT seemed that to many facts confused you to believing the corporate lies once again.

Workers in Chinese factories making Apple products continue to be poorly treated, with exhausted employees falling asleep on their 12-hour shifts, the BBC has said after an undercover investigation.

Reporters who took jobs at the Pegatron factories found workers regularly exceeded 60 hours a week – contravening the company’s guidance – and that standards on ID cards, dormitories, work meetings and juvenile workers were also breached.

The broadcaster said promises made by Apple to protect workers in the wake of a spate of suicides at supplier Foxconn in 2010 were “routinely broken”.

Apple said that it disagreed with the BBC’s conclusions.

The BBC filmed a health and safety exam at a Pegatron factory in which workers chanted out answers in unison, meaning there was little chance of failing.

The footage also appeared to show workers had no choice to opt out of doing night shifts or working while standing.

One reporter had to work 18 days in a row despite repeated requests for a day off, the BBC reported.

In response to the programme, Apple told the BBC: “We are aware of no other company doing as much as Apple to ensure fair and safe working conditions.

“We work with suppliers to address shortfalls, and we see continuous and significant improvement, but we know our work is never done.”

The company said it was common for workers to sleep during breaks but it would investigate whether they were falling asleep while working.

It said it monitored the hours worked by more than a million workers, and that staff at Taiwanese-owned Pegatron averaged 55 hours a week.
Philip Morris
Victoria’s Secret
Aeropostale, Toys ‘R’ Us, Urban Outfitters
You are to ignorant to corporate lies to believe anything else.

Oh! you mean unfettered capitalism in this country? LOL
You don't mean the corporations that have gone over seas to build manufacturing companies to " not pay high taxes" here. Or they find cheap (child labor) in these said countries.
Those unfettered capitalists!

It's when it's cheaper to hire new people in place of those who die in work related accidents than to invest in safety equipment. And when your cities are clouded by soot and smog as your kids go to work at the factory for $0.50 an hour.

Citing the era of the nascent Industrial Revolution is about the closest you can come to citing an example of "unfettered capitalism", but even then, capitalism was regulated and there were rules that everyone followed. Child labor, pollution, unsafe worker conditions, and a lack of basic workers rights are legitimate complaints, but they aren't unfettered capitalism.
Please list the US companies that use child labor overseas.
Apparently you didn't understand the request. In fact you confirmed that Apple does indeed have standards for working conditions. And yes I brush aside rumors of underage workers, requiring a higher level of proof than you Leftwats are accustomed to using to back up your idiocies.

And where you fail fantastically is not providing proof of "unfettered capitalism", thinking that less than ideal working conditions satisfies the inquiry for examples of industry not governed by laws and regulations. In fact, as the OP alludes to, no such creature exists and you haven't proved otherwise.
Do you know how to make a comparison. Stupid right wing better than thou fool.

Workers in Chinese factories making Apple products continue to be poorly treated,

now that is idiotic and liberal for sure. They must make $600 a month while Cambodia is $124 and Bangledesh is $66. Liberals are so stupid they would pass a law that businesses must end poverty and unemployment by simply hiring and paying enough. They lack the IQ to understand that real wages rise only in proportion to the amount of Republican capitalism present.
So my question is, where is this fabled beast? Where does there exist or has ever existed a pure capitalist system unencumbered by laws and by regulation?
Not yet.

A truly free market economy would have to be established through private contracts, and the government (if it does exist) would only be able to concern itself with diplomacy, though some would argue that the government should run a military too - as opposed to having privately funded armies.
It's almost endearing how the Left vouchers so much faith in mythical beasts, global warming (AKA Manbearpig), a "living wage", the Republican war on women, and finally, a very curious creature of lore, "unfettered capitalism"


Yes, even my communist Pope, bless his heart, has lent credence to this elusive creature. I opine that he ought better to have expressed belief in space aliens, more proof available and all.

And whenever Republicans suggest curtailing burdensome regulations, such as the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, they are accused of "de regulating" commerce. It's almost as if we're to believe that capitalism must be weighed down with massive regulation or it's the Wild West. Those are the only choices according to the Left.

So my question is, where is this fabled beast? Where does there exist or has ever existed a pure capitalist system unencumbered by laws and by regulation?

When the government is taken over by the rich and then they rig the rules in their favor that's unfettered capitalism.
You are so blind with corporate propaganda its hilarious.
Greed before liveable wages . Thank you

"unfettered capitalism"

An example.

The Heirs of Walmart pay enough money to Congress to get them (Congress) to eliminate minimum wage laws and make every state a right to work state. That happens first.

Then the Heirs as Owners of Walmart dictate that every employee will have their wages cut by 2.00 dollars an hour. Or maybe the largest employer in the US decides that employees need to work for the Chinese equivalent wages.

Walmarts bottom line just increased by hundreds of millions of dollars by "controlling" labor costs, which is their right and obligation as a capitalist. The unfettered part is that there is no one to stop my actions. Right there is unfettered capitalism.

It would work till the employees burnt the store down.

Missing in that example is where anyone is forced to work for lower wages, missing also is the fact that Walmart has competitors and is subject to the laws of supply and demand and the natural human tendency to promote their own best interest by applying their labors where it is best compensated. Maybe that's the problem, your concept of "unfettered capitalism" is grounded in the mistaken belief that a company can slash wages with no consequences. And since worker compensation is merely one facet of industry, your example is woefully insufficient to address the broader question of what "unfettered capitalism" is.
I guess you're unaware that Walmart's business model includes using their gigantic buying network to run the mom and pop stores out of business in an area so that whatever labor force is left is basically forced to work for them.

Yeah, I know. They should move.

dear, Walmart has saved America $1 trillion dollars in lower prices so is saintly for sure. We need to help them since they are probably doomed by continued internet competition that builds no stores and hires few workers. Its so horrible the way Amazon is threatening Walmart! Do the libturds want to make the internet illegal?
"unfettered capitalism"

An example.

The Heirs of Walmart pay enough money to Congress to get them (Congress) to eliminate minimum wage laws and make every state a right to work state. That happens first.

Then the Heirs as Owners of Walmart dictate that every employee will have their wages cut by 2.00 dollars an hour. Or maybe the largest employer in the US decides that employees need to work for the Chinese equivalent wages.

Walmarts bottom line just increased by hundreds of millions of dollars by "controlling" labor costs, which is their right and obligation as a capitalist. The unfettered part is that there is no one to stop my actions. Right there is unfettered capitalism.

It would work till the employees burnt the store down.

Missing in that example is where anyone is forced to work for lower wages, missing also is the fact that Walmart has competitors and is subject to the laws of supply and demand and the natural human tendency to promote their own best interest by applying their labors where it is best compensated. Maybe that's the problem, your concept of "unfettered capitalism" is grounded in the mistaken belief that a company can slash wages with no consequences. And since worker compensation is merely one facet of industry, your example is woefully insufficient to address the broader question of what "unfettered capitalism" is.
I guess you're unaware that Walmart's business model includes using their gigantic buying network to run the mom and pop stores out of business in an area so that whatever labor force is left is basically forced to work for them.

Yeah, I know. They should move.
Sounds like an idiot axiom. If you're no smarter than the masses, it's small wonder you believe in fictional creatures like unfettered capitalism.
It's almost endearing how the Left vouchers so much faith in mythical beasts, global warming (AKA Manbearpig), a "living wage", the Republican war on women, and finally, a very curious creature of lore, "unfettered capitalism"


Yes, even my communist Pope, bless his heart, has lent credence to this elusive creature. I opine that he ought better to have expressed belief in space aliens, more proof available and all.

And whenever Republicans suggest curtailing burdensome regulations, such as the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, they are accused of "de regulating" commerce. It's almost as if we're to believe that capitalism must be weighed down with massive regulation or it's the Wild West. Those are the only choices according to the Left.

So my question is, where is this fabled beast? Where does there exist or has ever existed a pure capitalist system unencumbered by laws and by regulation?

Unfettered capitalism would be, just as an example, allowing your supermarket to legally sell you a pound of hamburger without having to in any way reveal what kind of meat it was,

if in fact it was meat at all. And do so with no chance of any legal liability of any kind.

If you want to live in that world, you must be a conservative.
And a unicorn would be a white horse with a single, long, cone shaped horn. Describing mythical beasts is easy, proving they exist, not so much. Because grocery stores are regulated and required to disclose the content of their food, you unwittingly proved the OP's point that unfettered capitalism doesn't exist IRL.

Thank you kindly, sir.
I'll bite. Unfettered capitalism existed in America in the second half of the 18th century, when Rockefella personally controlled 90% of petroleum production, and in concert with the railroads, which were also unfettered, drove anyone he pleased to out of the business. This was restraint of trade on a blatant basis.

John D Rockefeller and Standard Oil. The nightmare begins...
I'll give you cred for describing a time when capitalism was very under-regulated, though it was never unfettered. Monopolies, anti competitive practices, pollution, cruel working conditions, nobody pines for a return to those days.

But Leftists talk about unfettered capitalism as something that happens today right here in modern America. It's as if we have to accept increasing levels of regulation or the alternative is unfettered capitalism, the Wild West. I'm not going to entirely dismiss the example you gave, I just want an example of what Leftists say is happening today.
I'll bite. Unfettered capitalism existed in America in the second half of the 18th century, when Rockefella personally controlled 90% of petroleum production, and in concert with the railroads, which were also unfettered, drove anyone he pleased to out of the business. This was restraint of trade on a blatant basis.

John D Rockefeller and Standard Oil. The nightmare begins...
I'll give you cred for describing a time when capitalism was very under-regulated, though it was never unfettered. Monopolies, anti competitive practices, pollution, cruel working conditions, nobody pines for a return to those days.

But Leftists talk about unfettered capitalism as something that happens today right here in modern America. It's as if we have to accept increasing levels of regulation or the alternative is unfettered capitalism, the Wild West. I'm not going to entirely dismiss the example you gave, I just want an example of what Leftists say is happening today.
North Dakota has zero oil pipeline inspectors.
I'll bite. Unfettered capitalism existed in America in the second half of the 18th century, when Rockefella personally controlled 90% of petroleum production, and in concert with the railroads, which were also unfettered, drove anyone he pleased to out of the business. This was restraint of trade on a blatant basis.

John D Rockefeller and Standard Oil. The nightmare begins...
I'll give you cred for describing a time when capitalism was very under-regulated, though it was never unfettered. Monopolies, anti competitive practices, pollution, cruel working conditions, nobody pines for a return to those days.

But Leftists talk about unfettered capitalism as something that happens today right here in modern America. It's as if we have to accept increasing levels of regulation or the alternative is unfettered capitalism, the Wild West. I'm not going to entirely dismiss the example you gave, I just want an example of what Leftists say is happening today.
North Dakota has zero oil pipeline inspectors.

Good night.
I'll bite. Unfettered capitalism existed in America in the second half of the 18th century, when Rockefella personally controlled 90% of petroleum production, and in concert with the railroads, which were also unfettered, drove anyone he pleased to out of the business. This was restraint of trade on a blatant basis.

John D Rockefeller and Standard Oil. The nightmare begins...
I'll give you cred for describing a time when capitalism was very under-regulated, though it was never unfettered. Monopolies, anti competitive practices, pollution, cruel working conditions, nobody pines for a return to those days.

But Leftists talk about unfettered capitalism as something that happens today right here in modern America. It's as if we have to accept increasing levels of regulation or the alternative is unfettered capitalism, the Wild West. I'm not going to entirely dismiss the example you gave, I just want an example of what Leftists say is happening today.
North Dakota has zero oil pipeline inspectors.

Good night.
Pipeline not state-inspected before 3M-gallon saltwater leak CNS News
I'll bite. Unfettered capitalism existed in America in the second half of the 18th century, when Rockefella personally controlled 90% of petroleum production, and in concert with the railroads, which were also unfettered, drove anyone he pleased to out of the business. This was restraint of trade on a blatant basis.

John D Rockefeller and Standard Oil. The nightmare begins...
I'll give you cred for describing a time when capitalism was very under-regulated, though it was never unfettered. Monopolies, anti competitive practices, pollution, cruel working conditions, nobody pines for a return to those days.

But Leftists talk about unfettered capitalism as something that happens today right here in modern America. It's as if we have to accept increasing levels of regulation or the alternative is unfettered capitalism, the Wild West. I'm not going to entirely dismiss the example you gave, I just want an example of what Leftists say is happening today.
North Dakota has zero oil pipeline inspectors.

Good night.
Pipeline not state-inspected before 3M-gallon saltwater leak CNS News

Yes we know the associated press is far left. and still does not fit your religious dogma.

Then this drone will deny that warren buffet and his train system stands to benefit from the pipeline not being completed..
It's almost endearing how the Left vouchers so much faith in mythical beasts, global warming (AKA Manbearpig), a "living wage", the Republican war on women, and finally, a very curious creature of lore, "unfettered capitalism"


Yes, even my communist Pope, bless his heart, has lent credence to this elusive creature. I opine that he ought better to have expressed belief in space aliens, more proof available and all.

And whenever Republicans suggest curtailing burdensome regulations, such as the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, they are accused of "de regulating" commerce. It's almost as if we're to believe that capitalism must be weighed down with massive regulation or it's the Wild West. Those are the only choices according to the Left.

So my question is, where is this fabled beast? Where does there exist or has ever existed a pure capitalist system unencumbered by laws and by regulation?

Unfettered capitalism would be, just as an example, allowing your supermarket to legally sell you a pound of hamburger without having to in any way reveal what kind of meat it was,

if in fact it was meat at all. And do so with no chance of any legal liability of any kind.

If you want to live in that world, you must be a conservative.

Actually, no it doesn't. That would be fraud, the the supermarket would be sued for doing that. Furthermore, with and USDA supposedly guaranteeing our food safety, private companies like consumer reports would analyse the products on sale at various supermarkets and provide reports on the quality and any dangerous substances they might contain.

It's so pathetic how turds like you can't imagine any alternatives to the grossly overpriced and ineffective "services" the government provides.
I'll bite. Unfettered capitalism existed in America in the second half of the 18th century, when Rockefella personally controlled 90% of petroleum production, and in concert with the railroads, which were also unfettered, drove anyone he pleased to out of the business. This was restraint of trade on a blatant basis.

John D Rockefeller and Standard Oil. The nightmare begins...
I'll give you cred for describing a time when capitalism was very under-regulated, though it was never unfettered. Monopolies, anti competitive practices, pollution, cruel working conditions, nobody pines for a return to those days.

But Leftists talk about unfettered capitalism as something that happens today right here in modern America. It's as if we have to accept increasing levels of regulation or the alternative is unfettered capitalism, the Wild West. I'm not going to entirely dismiss the example you gave, I just want an example of what Leftists say is happening today.
North Dakota has zero oil pipeline inspectors.

Good night.
Pipeline not state-inspected before 3M-gallon saltwater leak CNS News

And your example of the failure of government regulation proves what?
I'll bite. Unfettered capitalism existed in America in the second half of the 18th century, when Rockefella personally controlled 90% of petroleum production, and in concert with the railroads, which were also unfettered, drove anyone he pleased to out of the business. This was restraint of trade on a blatant basis.

John D Rockefeller and Standard Oil. The nightmare begins...
I'll give you cred for describing a time when capitalism was very under-regulated, though it was never unfettered. Monopolies, anti competitive practices, pollution, cruel working conditions, nobody pines for a return to those days.

But Leftists talk about unfettered capitalism as something that happens today right here in modern America. It's as if we have to accept increasing levels of regulation or the alternative is unfettered capitalism, the Wild West. I'm not going to entirely dismiss the example you gave, I just want an example of what Leftists say is happening today.
North Dakota has zero oil pipeline inspectors.

Good night.
Pipeline not state-inspected before 3M-gallon saltwater leak CNS News
Unfortunately your link proves your statement is a lie. This is because you are a liar.
I'll bite. Unfettered capitalism existed in America in the second half of the 18th century, when Rockefella personally controlled 90% of petroleum production, and in concert with the railroads, which were also unfettered, drove anyone he pleased to out of the business. This was restraint of trade on a blatant basis.

John D Rockefeller and Standard Oil. The nightmare begins...
I'll give you cred for describing a time when capitalism was very under-regulated, though it was never unfettered. Monopolies, anti competitive practices, pollution, cruel working conditions, nobody pines for a return to those days.

But Leftists talk about unfettered capitalism as something that happens today right here in modern America. It's as if we have to accept increasing levels of regulation or the alternative is unfettered capitalism, the Wild West. I'm not going to entirely dismiss the example you gave, I just want an example of what Leftists say is happening today.

One word. Comcast.

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