A Question To Leftists: WTF is "unfettered capitalism"?

The Left understands what "unfettered capitalism" means about as well as the American Right understands what "communism" means.

funny thing, the Right continues to equate labor to unfettered capitalism ... as if labor isn't regulated ... tell that to every BOSS in the country.
I'll bite. Unfettered capitalism existed in America in the second half of the 18th century, when Rockefella personally controlled 90% of petroleum production, and in concert with the railroads, which were also unfettered, drove anyone he pleased to out of the business. This was restraint of trade on a blatant basis.

John D Rockefeller and Standard Oil. The nightmare begins...
I'll give you cred for describing a time when capitalism was very under-regulated, though it was never unfettered. Monopolies, anti competitive practices, pollution, cruel working conditions, nobody pines for a return to those days.

But Leftists talk about unfettered capitalism as something that happens today right here in modern America. It's as if we have to accept increasing levels of regulation or the alternative is unfettered capitalism, the Wild West. I'm not going to entirely dismiss the example you gave, I just want an example of what Leftists say is happening today.

One word. Comcast.

Another word. FCC.

The Left understands what "unfettered capitalism" means about as well as the American Right understands what "communism" means.

funny thing, the Right continues to equate labor to unfettered capitalism ... as if labor isn't regulated ... tell that to every BOSS in the country.

I wonder where they are doing that. On this thread, it's the Left that keeps bringing up labor practices as examples of unfettered capitalism.
I'll bite. Unfettered capitalism existed in America in the second half of the 18th century, when Rockefella personally controlled 90% of petroleum production, and in concert with the railroads, which were also unfettered, drove anyone he pleased to out of the business. This was restraint of trade on a blatant basis.

John D Rockefeller and Standard Oil. The nightmare begins...
I'll give you cred for describing a time when capitalism was very under-regulated, though it was never unfettered. Monopolies, anti competitive practices, pollution, cruel working conditions, nobody pines for a return to those days.

But Leftists talk about unfettered capitalism as something that happens today right here in modern America. It's as if we have to accept increasing levels of regulation or the alternative is unfettered capitalism, the Wild West. I'm not going to entirely dismiss the example you gave, I just want an example of what Leftists say is happening today.

One word. Comcast.

Another word. FCC.


The FCC is in the process of allowing a merger of two companies with the worst customer relations records in the entire country....and those two companies are as happy as can be about it. I think of it is sort of like being in an artificial unfettered capitalistic world. Once you drive your competitors away, you can afford to live in a protected world, without regard to customer satisfaction. Sort of like Mr. Peabody telling the steel industry that if they don't like his cost for coal, they can buy it somewhere else.
It's almost endearing how the Left vouchers so much faith in mythical beasts, global warming (AKA Manbearpig), a "living wage", the Republican war on women, and finally, a very curious creature of lore, "unfettered capitalism"


Yes, even my communist Pope, bless his heart, has lent credence to this elusive creature. I opine that he ought better to have expressed belief in space aliens, more proof available and all.

And whenever Republicans suggest curtailing burdensome regulations, such as the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, they are accused of "de regulating" commerce. It's almost as if we're to believe that capitalism must be weighed down with massive regulation or it's the Wild West. Those are the only choices according to the Left.

So my question is, where is this fabled beast? Where does there exist or has ever existed a pure capitalist system unencumbered by laws and by regulation?

You are right, it is only a myth; socialism always has to bailout capitalism, sooner or later.
It's almost endearing how the Left vouchers so much faith in mythical beasts, global warming (AKA Manbearpig), a "living wage", the Republican war on women, and finally, a very curious creature of lore, "unfettered capitalism"


Yes, even my communist Pope, bless his heart, has lent credence to this elusive creature. I opine that he ought better to have expressed belief in space aliens, more proof available and all.

And whenever Republicans suggest curtailing burdensome regulations, such as the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, they are accused of "de regulating" commerce. It's almost as if we're to believe that capitalism must be weighed down with massive regulation or it's the Wild West. Those are the only choices according to the Left.

So my question is, where is this fabled beast? Where does there exist or has ever existed a pure capitalist system unencumbered by laws and by regulation?

You are right, it is only a myth; socialism always has to bailout capitalism, sooner or later.
Funny how historically the opposite has been true. The US and other nations have repeatedly sent emergency aid to the USSR and North Korea during massive food shortages that threatened millions with starvation.

Do you enjoy being wrong?
I'll bite. Unfettered capitalism existed in America in the second half of the 18th century, when Rockefella personally controlled 90% of petroleum production, and in concert with the railroads, which were also unfettered, drove anyone he pleased to out of the business. This was restraint of trade on a blatant basis.

John D Rockefeller and Standard Oil. The nightmare begins...
I'll give you cred for describing a time when capitalism was very under-regulated, though it was never unfettered. Monopolies, anti competitive practices, pollution, cruel working conditions, nobody pines for a return to those days.

But Leftists talk about unfettered capitalism as something that happens today right here in modern America. It's as if we have to accept increasing levels of regulation or the alternative is unfettered capitalism, the Wild West. I'm not going to entirely dismiss the example you gave, I just want an example of what Leftists say is happening today.

One word. Comcast.

Another word. FCC.


The FCC is in the process of allowing a merger of two companies with the worst customer relations records in the entire country....and those two companies are as happy as can be about it. I think of it is sort of like being in an artificial unfettered capitalistic world. Once you drive your competitors away, you can afford to live in a protected world, without regard to customer satisfaction. Sort of like Mr. Peabody telling the steel industry that if they don't like his cost for coal, they can buy it somewhere else.
I don't know about this deal, but I was under the impression the Supreme Court had the final say on such a merger. They certainly stopped T-mobile from merging with its competitors. Correct me if I'm wrong.
If I lived in a society where unfettered capitalism was the only law of the land here's what I'd do. I'd buy a bunch of slaves. I'd have them pick cotton and farm tobacco for me. I'd advertise tobacco as having some magical properties like preventing cancer. Or helping your baby grow healthy. I'd pay off the doctors who'd claim otherwise and hire some to endorse tobacco for its health benefits.

As my riches grew I'd invest in a factory. What kind of factory? It doesn't matter because I won't have any expenses since my slaves will be operating it. Hell let's make it a steel mill. I'll cut whatever corners I can to make the steel as cheaply as possible. If it costs me $5000 to build safety rails but only $20 for a slave then fuck it I'll just stock up on slaves in case any die. As my steel business grows I'd bankrupt my competitors and take over the steel market. And so on and so on.

Slavery isn't capitalism because it involves coercion, which violates the principle of the Invisible Hand whereby goods, service, and labor are subject to supply and demand and are all voluntary items. And contrary to the shrill Left, there's no such thing as "slave wages". Nobody is forced to work for any company, nor do they have imposed upon them any salary structure they don't agree to by contract.

So everything you've said so far indicates your vision of "unfettered capitalism" is based on a world that exists only in your head, where social evils of the past have never been subject to redress and reform. Puzzling still is that Leftists talk about "unfettered capitalism" as a creature that walks about today, and not in third world nations, but in Western nations such as America. So now that we've established the context in which Leftists use the term....

WTF is "unfettered capitalism"?
Slavery is coercion? You commie. The invisible hand saw fit to allow slaves to be traded for the entirety of our history. What are you going to tell me next? That the slaves have a right to band together to stop me from being able to enslave them? You damn limp-wristed marxist.

You're starting to bore me. I'll hold out for an intellectual Leftist to explain what unfettered capitalism is. I was hoping PaintMyHouse would have weighed in by now. He's far more intelligent than you.
hahahaha Dumb and Dumber
It's almost endearing how the Left vouchers so much faith in mythical beasts, global warming (AKA Manbearpig), a "living wage", the Republican war on women, and finally, a very curious creature of lore, "unfettered capitalism"


Yes, even my communist Pope, bless his heart, has lent credence to this elusive creature. I opine that he ought better to have expressed belief in space aliens, more proof available and all.

And whenever Republicans suggest curtailing burdensome regulations, such as the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, they are accused of "de regulating" commerce. It's almost as if we're to believe that capitalism must be weighed down with massive regulation or it's the Wild West. Those are the only choices according to the Left.

So my question is, where is this fabled beast? Where does there exist or has ever existed a pure capitalist system unencumbered by laws and by regulation?

You are right, it is only a myth; socialism always has to bailout capitalism, sooner or later.
Funny how historically the opposite has been true. The US and other nations have repeatedly sent emergency aid to the USSR and North Korea during massive food shortages that threatened millions with starvation.

Do you enjoy being wrong?

No. but then, I am not wrong. Socialism has to bailout capitalism with States and statism; only the right appeals to ignorance of socialism, like usual.
It's almost endearing how the Left vouchers so much faith in mythical beasts, global warming (AKA Manbearpig), a "living wage", the Republican war on women, and finally, a very curious creature of lore, "unfettered capitalism"


Yes, even my communist Pope, bless his heart, has lent credence to this elusive creature. I opine that he ought better to have expressed belief in space aliens, more proof available and all.

And whenever Republicans suggest curtailing burdensome regulations, such as the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, they are accused of "de regulating" commerce. It's almost as if we're to believe that capitalism must be weighed down with massive regulation or it's the Wild West. Those are the only choices according to the Left.

So my question is, where is this fabled beast? Where does there exist or has ever existed a pure capitalist system unencumbered by laws and by regulation?

Fettered means restrained. Unfettered means unrestrained.

It's a term of degrees not absolutes.
It's almost endearing how the Left vouchers so much faith in mythical beasts, global warming (AKA Manbearpig), a "living wage", the Republican war on women, and finally, a very curious creature of lore, "unfettered capitalism"


Yes, even my communist Pope, bless his heart, has lent credence to this elusive creature. I opine that he ought better to have expressed belief in space aliens, more proof available and all.

And whenever Republicans suggest curtailing burdensome regulations, such as the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, they are accused of "de regulating" commerce. It's almost as if we're to believe that capitalism must be weighed down with massive regulation or it's the Wild West. Those are the only choices according to the Left.

So my question is, where is this fabled beast? Where does there exist or has ever existed a pure capitalist system unencumbered by laws and by regulation?

Fettered means restrained. Unfettered means unrestrained.

It's a term of degrees not absolutes.

Actually they are absolutes. Hence this thread.
It's almost endearing how the Left vouchers so much faith in mythical beasts, global warming (AKA Manbearpig), a "living wage", the Republican war on women, and finally, a very curious creature of lore, "unfettered capitalism"


Yes, even my communist Pope, bless his heart, has lent credence to this elusive creature. I opine that he ought better to have expressed belief in space aliens, more proof available and all.

And whenever Republicans suggest curtailing burdensome regulations, such as the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, they are accused of "de regulating" commerce. It's almost as if we're to believe that capitalism must be weighed down with massive regulation or it's the Wild West. Those are the only choices according to the Left.

So my question is, where is this fabled beast? Where does there exist or has ever existed a pure capitalist system unencumbered by laws and by regulation?

Fettered means restrained. Unfettered means unrestrained.

It's a term of degrees not absolutes.

Actually they are absolutes. Hence this thread.

No they aren't. I could fetter your mobility by attaching irons to your feet; I could fetter your mobility by chaining you to a wall.
It's almost endearing how the Left vouchers so much faith in mythical beasts, global warming (AKA Manbearpig), a "living wage", the Republican war on women, and finally, a very curious creature of lore, "unfettered capitalism"


Yes, even my communist Pope, bless his heart, has lent credence to this elusive creature. I opine that he ought better to have expressed belief in space aliens, more proof available and all.

And whenever Republicans suggest curtailing burdensome regulations, such as the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, they are accused of "de regulating" commerce. It's almost as if we're to believe that capitalism must be weighed down with massive regulation or it's the Wild West. Those are the only choices according to the Left.

So my question is, where is this fabled beast? Where does there exist or has ever existed a pure capitalist system unencumbered by laws and by regulation?

You are right, it is only a myth; socialism always has to bailout capitalism, sooner or later.
Funny how historically the opposite has been true. The US and other nations have repeatedly sent emergency aid to the USSR and North Korea during massive food shortages that threatened millions with starvation.

Do you enjoy being wrong?

No. but then, I am not wrong. Socialism has to bailout capitalism with States and statism; only the right appeals to ignorance of socialism, like usual.

You're wrong again. More socialist leaning states in this country run deficits while red states run balanced budgets, often by constitutional requirement as it is here in Idaho. When California finally goes bankrupt, every other state will be forced to bail it out. Such a thing will never happen to Idaho, Montana, Texas, or New Hampshire.
I'll bite. Unfettered capitalism existed in America in the second half of the 18th century, when Rockefella personally controlled 90% of petroleum production, and in concert with the railroads, which were also unfettered, drove anyone he pleased to out of the business. This was restraint of trade on a blatant basis.

John D Rockefeller and Standard Oil. The nightmare begins...
I'll give you cred for describing a time when capitalism was very under-regulated, though it was never unfettered. Monopolies, anti competitive practices, pollution, cruel working conditions, nobody pines for a return to those days.

But Leftists talk about unfettered capitalism as something that happens today right here in modern America. It's as if we have to accept increasing levels of regulation or the alternative is unfettered capitalism, the Wild West. I'm not going to entirely dismiss the example you gave, I just want an example of what Leftists say is happening today.

One word. Comcast.

Comcast is a government enforced monopoly. That's hardly an example of "unfettered" capitalism.
It's almost endearing how the Left vouchers so much faith in mythical beasts, global warming (AKA Manbearpig), a "living wage", the Republican war on women, and finally, a very curious creature of lore, "unfettered capitalism"


Yes, even my communist Pope, bless his heart, has lent credence to this elusive creature. I opine that he ought better to have expressed belief in space aliens, more proof available and all.

And whenever Republicans suggest curtailing burdensome regulations, such as the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, they are accused of "de regulating" commerce. It's almost as if we're to believe that capitalism must be weighed down with massive regulation or it's the Wild West. Those are the only choices according to the Left.

So my question is, where is this fabled beast? Where does there exist or has ever existed a pure capitalist system unencumbered by laws and by regulation?

You are right, it is only a myth; socialism always has to bailout capitalism, sooner or later.
Funny how historically the opposite has been true. The US and other nations have repeatedly sent emergency aid to the USSR and North Korea during massive food shortages that threatened millions with starvation.

Do you enjoy being wrong?

No. but then, I am not wrong. Socialism has to bailout capitalism with States and statism; only the right appeals to ignorance of socialism, like usual.

You're wrong again. More socialist leaning states in this country run deficits while red states run balanced budgets, often by constitutional requirement as it is here in Idaho. When California finally goes bankrupt, every other state will be forced to bail it out. Such a thing will never happen to Idaho, Montana, Texas, or New Hampshire.

I can't be wrong that socialism can only start with a social contract--or, a Constitution for a Body politic and social.
It's almost endearing how the Left vouchers so much faith in mythical beasts, global warming (AKA Manbearpig), a "living wage", the Republican war on women, and finally, a very curious creature of lore, "unfettered capitalism"


Yes, even my communist Pope, bless his heart, has lent credence to this elusive creature. I opine that he ought better to have expressed belief in space aliens, more proof available and all.

And whenever Republicans suggest curtailing burdensome regulations, such as the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, they are accused of "de regulating" commerce. It's almost as if we're to believe that capitalism must be weighed down with massive regulation or it's the Wild West. Those are the only choices according to the Left.

So my question is, where is this fabled beast? Where does there exist or has ever existed a pure capitalist system unencumbered by laws and by regulation?

You are right, it is only a myth; socialism always has to bailout capitalism, sooner or later.
Funny how historically the opposite has been true. The US and other nations have repeatedly sent emergency aid to the USSR and North Korea during massive food shortages that threatened millions with starvation.

Do you enjoy being wrong?

No. but then, I am not wrong. Socialism has to bailout capitalism with States and statism; only the right appeals to ignorance of socialism, like usual.

You're wrong again. More socialist leaning states in this country run deficits while red states run balanced budgets, often by constitutional requirement as it is here in Idaho. When California finally goes bankrupt, every other state will be forced to bail it out. Such a thing will never happen to Idaho, Montana, Texas, or New Hampshire.

I can't be wrong that socialism can only start with a social contract--or, a Constitution for a Body politic and social.

And yet every socialist regime started with a bloody and violent revolution and the seizing of power by communists.

Wrong again. You're on a roll.
You are right, it is only a myth; socialism always has to bailout capitalism, sooner or later.
Funny how historically the opposite has been true. The US and other nations have repeatedly sent emergency aid to the USSR and North Korea during massive food shortages that threatened millions with starvation.

Do you enjoy being wrong?

No. but then, I am not wrong. Socialism has to bailout capitalism with States and statism; only the right appeals to ignorance of socialism, like usual.

You're wrong again. More socialist leaning states in this country run deficits while red states run balanced budgets, often by constitutional requirement as it is here in Idaho. When California finally goes bankrupt, every other state will be forced to bail it out. Such a thing will never happen to Idaho, Montana, Texas, or New Hampshire.

I can't be wrong that socialism can only start with a social contract--or, a Constitution for a Body politic and social.

And yet every socialist regime started with a bloody and violent revolution and the seizing of power by communists.

Wrong again. You're on a roll.

There was a violent revolution in Sweden? When?
You are right, it is only a myth; socialism always has to bailout capitalism, sooner or later.
Funny how historically the opposite has been true. The US and other nations have repeatedly sent emergency aid to the USSR and North Korea during massive food shortages that threatened millions with starvation.

Do you enjoy being wrong?

No. but then, I am not wrong. Socialism has to bailout capitalism with States and statism; only the right appeals to ignorance of socialism, like usual.

You're wrong again. More socialist leaning states in this country run deficits while red states run balanced budgets, often by constitutional requirement as it is here in Idaho. When California finally goes bankrupt, every other state will be forced to bail it out. Such a thing will never happen to Idaho, Montana, Texas, or New Hampshire.

I can't be wrong that socialism can only start with a social contract--or, a Constitution for a Body politic and social.

And yet every socialist regime started with a bloody and violent revolution and the seizing of power by communists.

Wrong again. You're on a roll.
Not at all; you merely need a clue and a Cause; our Founding Fathers did revolt and did establish the socialism enumerated in the Constitution of our Body politic.

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