A Question To Leftists: WTF is "unfettered capitalism"?

It's just a slogan. Virtually all of the left's beliefs can be boiled down to cliches or slogans.
Bush lied, people died
Unfettered capitalism
War on Women
Social Darwinism
GOP Healthcare plan--Die Quickly.

None of it is true. We've had threads debunking all of them. But they continue to repeat them anyway. Because these people are impervious to logic. Impervious to facts. That is why they are liberal progressives.
Funny how you think the Papacy is liberals...

Talking to me? I didn't say the Pope was a liberal, I said he was a communist. Though the confusion of those two terms is more than understandable.
A christian communist?Why that's an oxymoron...I am guessing that Jesus was a communist also....and the Bible is the communist manifesto...

No, the Pope being a communist would not make Jesus a communist. That's an unjustified assumption.
Funny thing is Jesus said the same about accumulation of wealth....It's bad.....No wealthy human can enter the kingdom of heaven...and that the wealthy person must give away the riches to the poor...If they do want God, more than accumulated wealth.....

Can you show me where Jesus said any of that?

It's the love of wealth and the neglect of the poor that condemns people.

Jesus was buried in the tomb of a rich man. Riches themselves are not evil.
Funny how you think the Papacy is liberals...

Talking to me? I didn't say the Pope was a liberal, I said he was a communist. Though the confusion of those two terms is more than understandable.
A christian communist?Why that's an oxymoron...I am guessing that Jesus was a communist also....and the Bible is the communist manifesto...

Your confusion of charity and communism still doesn't address the question.
Never heard the parable of the workers in the field?

If it's the one I'm thinking of, it's one of the best example of Jesus promoting laissez-faire capitalism in the gospels. An employer pays an employee exactly what he agreed to.
Talking to me? I didn't say the Pope was a liberal, I said he was a communist. Though the confusion of those two terms is more than understandable.
A christian communist?Why that's an oxymoron...I am guessing that Jesus was a communist also....and the Bible is the communist manifesto...

Your confusion of charity and communism still doesn't address the question.
Never heard the parable of the workers in the field?

If it's the one I'm thinking of, it's one of the best example of Jesus promoting laissez-faire capitalism in the gospels. An employer pays an employee exactly what he agreed to.
The workers were paid the same, no matter what time they started, even if they worked only a half a day, they were paid the same as the ones that worked all day...
"unfettered capitalism"

An example.

The Heirs of Walmart pay enough money to Congress to get them (Congress) to eliminate minimum wage laws and make every state a right to work state. That happens first.

Then the Heirs as Owners of Walmart dictate that every employee will have their wages cut by 2.00 dollars an hour. Or maybe the largest employer in the US decides that employees need to work for the Chinese equivalent wages.

Walmarts bottom line just increased by hundreds of millions of dollars by "controlling" labor costs, which is their right and obligation as a capitalist. The unfettered part is that there is no one to stop my actions. Right there is unfettered capitalism.

It would work till the employees burnt the store down.

[QUOTE="saintmichaeldefendthem, post: 10733683, member: 52097"]Where does there exist or has ever existed a pure capitalist system unencumbered by laws and by regulation?[/QUOTE]

That's a good question. Not sure you meant to ask it quite like you did though.
"unfettered capitalism"

An example.

The Heirs of Walmart pay enough money to Congress to get them (Congress) to eliminate minimum wage laws and make every state a right to work state. That happens first.

Then the Heirs as Owners of Walmart dictate that every employee will have their wages cut by 2.00 dollars an hour. Or maybe the largest employer in the US decides that employees need to work for the Chinese equivalent wages.

Walmarts bottom line just increased by hundreds of millions of dollars by "controlling" labor costs, which is their right and obligation as a capitalist. The unfettered part is that there is no one to stop my actions. Right there is unfettered capitalism.

It would work till the employees burnt the store down.

[QUOTE="saintmichaeldefendthem, post: 10733683, member: 52097"]Where does there exist or has ever existed a pure capitalist system unencumbered by laws and by regulation?

That's a good question. Not sure you meant to ask it quite like you did though.[/QUOTE]

Missing in that example is where anyone is forced to work for lower wages, missing also is the fact that Walmart has competitors and is subject to the laws of supply and demand and the natural human tendency to promote their own best interest by applying their labors where it is best compensated. Maybe that's the problem, your concept of "unfettered capitalism" is grounded in the mistaken belief that a company can slash wages with no consequences. And since worker compensation is merely one facet of industry, your example is woefully insufficient to address the broader question of what "unfettered capitalism" is.
A christian communist?Why that's an oxymoron...I am guessing that Jesus was a communist also....and the Bible is the communist manifesto...

Your confusion of charity and communism still doesn't address the question.
Never heard the parable of the workers in the field?

If it's the one I'm thinking of, it's one of the best example of Jesus promoting laissez-faire capitalism in the gospels. An employer pays an employee exactly what he agreed to.
The workers were paid the same, no matter what time they started, even if they worked only a half a day, they were paid the same as the ones that worked all day...

Jesus pointed out two things in that parable:

1. An employer has the right to compensate employees as he thinks is right

2. Each employee got the wages he agreed to and was subject to no injustice whatsoever

And so, the parable rejects the Left's covetousness, compensation envy, and the idea that workers can scream "unfair!" after being given the remuneration they agreed to. This and every parable Jesus taught militates against communism. But if you like, I would endlessly enjoy playing WWJD? with you.

Your confusion of charity and communism still doesn't address the question.
Never heard the parable of the workers in the field?

If it's the one I'm thinking of, it's one of the best example of Jesus promoting laissez-faire capitalism in the gospels. An employer pays an employee exactly what he agreed to.
The workers were paid the same, no matter what time they started, even if they worked only a half a day, they were paid the same as the ones that worked all day...

Jesus pointed out two things in that parable:

1. An employer has the right to compensate employees as he thinks is right

2. Each employee got the wages he agreed to and was subject to no injustice whatsoever

And so, the parable rejects the Left's covetousness, compensation envy, and the idea that workers can scream "unfair!" after being given the remuneration they agreed to. This and every parable Jesus taught militates against communism. But if you like, I would endlessly enjoy playing WWJD? with you.
Actually the parable was about God's gifts of eternal life through Christ...
If unfettered capitalism means no government involvement, the questions then becomes how long would have unfettered capitalism lasted in America, and what economic system would have replaced it?
Your confusion of charity and communism still doesn't address the question.
Never heard the parable of the workers in the field?

If it's the one I'm thinking of, it's one of the best example of Jesus promoting laissez-faire capitalism in the gospels. An employer pays an employee exactly what he agreed to.
The workers were paid the same, no matter what time they started, even if they worked only a half a day, they were paid the same as the ones that worked all day...

Jesus pointed out two things in that parable:

1. An employer has the right to compensate employees as he thinks is right

2. Each employee got the wages he agreed to and was subject to no injustice whatsoever

And so, the parable rejects the Left's covetousness, compensation envy, and the idea that workers can scream "unfair!" after being given the remuneration they agreed to. This and every parable Jesus taught militates against communism. But if you like, I would endlessly enjoy playing WWJD? with you.
Actually the parable was about God's gifts of eternal life through Christ...

Or it's both. You cited it as particular in addressing the economic issue that governs this thread. That was the door you opened, not me.
It's when it's cheaper to hire new people in place of those who die in work related accidents than to invest in safety equipment. And when your cities are clouded by soot and smog as your kids go to work at the factory for $0.50 an hour.

Citing the era of the nascent Industrial Revolution is about the closest you can come to citing an example of "unfettered capitalism", but even then, capitalism was regulated and there were rules that everyone followed. Child labor, pollution, unsafe worker conditions, and a lack of basic workers rights are legitimate complaints, but they aren't unfettered capitalism.
Unfettered capitalism is whatever the fuck makes the most money. Slaves. There you go being able to own and sell slaves is the best way for someone to make money. How about that for unfettered capitalism?

Btw what do you think unfettered socialism is?

You're all over the place. We're not talking about socialism, we're talking about "unfettered capitalism" and your definition seems to suggest that it's just about making money, a nebulous concept as all businesses are driven by profit. But where does there exist a system by which businesses do so in an environment of lawlessness, unencumbered by laws, regulations, fees, and taxes? Where is the "Wild West" of capitalism?
Yeah, it's not like George Washington imposed any taxes when taking office, or tariffs....

Your one liners are inscrutible and enigmatic and you're doing this on purpose. You're having way too much fun with this thread and not taking the question seriously. I detect subtle persiflage and resent it. Stop being so damn funny!
Well what did you expect when you created the stupid thread?
There has never been any society that has existed that is unfettered capitalism....except maybe bartering..
If unfettered capitalism means no government involvement, the questions then becomes how long would have unfettered capitalism lasted in America, and what economic system would have replaced it?

Now that's an intelligent point. Under-regulated capitalism creates a strong demand for laws to establish reasonable regulations. Fire codes were passed because people were dying by the hundreds, trapped in buildings that didn't have sufficient fire escapes, exits, and suppression systems, for example. It goes to show that even if "unfettered capitalism" existed, it would be moribund because people would not long tolerate polluted rivers, children working in factories instead of going to school, or unsanitary meat processing practices. The horror stories of the early 20th century demonstrate convincingly that the pendulum cannot swing too far in the direction commercial anarchy before being sharply checked.
Missing in that example is where anyone is forced to work for lower wages, missing also is the fact that Walmart has competitors and is subject to the laws of supply and demand and the natural human tendency to promote their own best interest by applying their labors where it is best compensated. Maybe that's the problem, your concept of "unfettered capitalism" is grounded in the mistaken belief that a company can slash wages with no consequences.

You kinda strange. Maybe you should start out by understanding that Walmart is an animal when it comes to cutting costs. They are the big boys in the market place and dictate what they will pay for items. They will blow out price on products till the smaller competitors can't compete. They rule their retail world cause they are the major player.

Who said (besides you) anything about forced labor?
If they (Walmart) had no constraints on labor costs, you think they give a shit if someone quits? Why would they? Like you cons say all the time, these are low skills, no account jobs. With plenty of people out looking for any job.
The job is worth what they will pay for low skill labor. I read that here all the time.

Don't you ever read on here about how bad the economy is out there? How high the UE rate is? When you are the largest employer in a market, you dictate labor costs in that field. Walmart competitor's will also cut wages to increase the bottom line. Especially low wage, no skill jobs. Why wouldn't they? It's not like their employees can quit and go work at Walmart for better wages.

Capitalism unfettered by any wage laws or union demands will ALWAYS seek to CUT labor costs. Thats what capitalists do. Especially low wage low skill jobs. This has been going on for some time.

It's just that the "fettering" part is the unions that still exist. And those pesky MW laws.

When unions are outlawed and all states are right to work and there is no more MW laws, that'll be nirvana for capitalists. Right? That's your long term objective?
It's almost endearing how the Left vouchers so much faith in mythical beasts, global warming (AKA Manbearpig), a "living wage", the Republican war on women, and finally, a very curious creature of lore, "unfettered capitalism"

Yes, even my communist Pope, bless his heart, has lent credence to this elusive creature. I opine that he ought better to have expressed belief in space aliens, more proof available and all.

And whenever Republicans suggest curtailing burdensome regulations, such as the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, they are accused of "de regulating" commerce. It's almost as if we're to believe that capitalism must be weighed down with massive regulation or it's the Wild West. Those are the only choices according to the Left.

So my question is, where is this fabled beast? Where does there exist or has ever existed a pure capitalist system unencumbered by laws and by regulation?
Satan is sure using YOU!
WTF is "unfettered capitalism"?

You clearly saw this expression somewhere. Why don't you provide us a quote which contains the full context of where you saw it, and then we can explain it to you in words you can hopefully understand.

Let's start here: The Pope Versus Unfettered Capitalism The Nation

Then we can move on to Democrats insisting the financial meltdown was due to deregulation of banks

Then we can discuss how every time a regulation is relaxed, it's characterized as "deregulation". As if no reprieve can be granted without abandoning all effort to impose reasonable standards.
It's almost endearing how the Left vouchers so much faith in mythical beasts, global warming (AKA Manbearpig), a "living wage", the Republican war on women, and finally, a very curious creature of lore, "unfettered capitalism"

Yes, even my communist Pope, bless his heart, has lent credence to this elusive creature.

Pope Francis has never used the term "unfettered capitalism".
It goes to show that even if "unfettered capitalism" existed, it would be moribund because people would not long tolerate polluted rivers, children working in factories instead of going to school, or unsanitary meat processing practices. The horror stories of the early 20th century demonstrate convincingly that the pendulum cannot swing too far in the direction commercial anarchy before being sharply checked.

We had everything you just mentioned here in America not 100 years ago. And it was the fucking unions and communists that organized the people/workers to demand better treatment. UNIONS.

I thought you hated unions? I thought you claimed there was no "unfettered capitalism"? WTF are you trying to say here?

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