A real election reform bill


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
We need a real election reform bill not the Democrat HR1 bill that only codifies the the Democrat Party's voter fraud scams.
The Republicans should have an election reform bill that protects everyone's Right to Vote from the Democrat Party's election rigging crimes.
Mail-in Ballots should be banned.
Voter ID laws should be required in all 50 states.
All ballot counting should be done with on-line video surveillance so everyone can watch.
The chain of custody of ballots should be strictly enforced and there should be video surveillance.
Voting machines should never be allowed to be connected to the internet.
Dominion should be banned.
All election software should have the same standards and be tested and approved before elections.
Unelected bureaucrats should not be allowed to change election laws.
States should use test ballots that prove that good ballots are counted and that bogus ballots are rejected.


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