A REAL threat to the planet.


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
As I have been saying all along, asteroids and the impact of one on our planet is a far greater threat than any AGW BS. Even assuming the worst possible AGW scenario the planets temp would rise by 5 degrees. In other words it would get as warm as it was during the Holocene Thermal Maximum. And, to date all evidence shows that a warm world is far superior to a cold one.

But now, scientists are finally waking up to the fact that these things are out there and are a SIGNIFICANT threat. These things CAN wipe us out. THIS is what we need to spend our money on, not AGW bullshit.

"WASHINGTON (AP) — Scientists studying the terrifying meteor that exploded without warning over a Russian city last winter say the threat of space rocks smashing into Earth is bigger than they thought.

Meteors about the size of the one that streaked through the sky at 42,000 mph and burst over Chelyabinsk in February — and ones even larger and more dangerous — are probably four to five times more likely to hit the planet than scientists believed before the fireball, according to three studies published Wednesday in the journals Nature and Science.

Until Chelyabinsk, NASA had looked only for space rocks about 100 feet wide and bigger, figuring there was little danger below that.

This meteor was only 62 feet across but burst with the force of about 40 Hiroshima-type atom bombs, scientists say. Its shock wave shattered thousands of windows, and its flash temporarily blinded 70 people and caused dozens of skin-peeling sunburns just after dawn in icy Russia. More than 1,600 people in all were injured.

Up until then, scientists had figured a meteor causing an airburst like that was a once-in-150-years event, based on how many space rocks have been identified in orbit. But one of the studies now says it is likely to happen once every 30 years or so, based on how often these things are actually hitting.

By readjusting how often these rocks strike and how damaging even small ones can be, "those two things together can increase the risk by an order of magnitude," said Mark Boslough, a Sandia National Lab physicist, co-author of one of the studies.

Lindley Johnson, manager of NASA's Near Earth Object program, said the space agency is reassessing what size space rocks to look for and how often they are likely to hit."

Russian fireball shows meteor risk may be bigger
There is NO threat more ominous than AGW for the k00ks and the reason has nothing to do with climate change and has all to do with it being THE vehicle for wealth redistribution. It is in every UN playbook and embraced by every single climate nut. Space rocks the size of cities could be orbiting the earth and the attitude of the k00ks would be, "meh".
Real scientists in the business of actually making real assessments of the dangers to our civilization rank global warming far higher than the possibility of a major meteor impact. I do believe I will go with them rather than a bunch of non-entities on an internet message board.
Real scientists in the business of actually making real assessments of the dangers to our civilization rank global warming far higher than the possibility of a major meteor impact. I do believe I will go with them rather than a bunch of non-entities on an internet message board.

Of course they do. How else could a lazy jackass like Mann amass a fortune of 30 million dollars on a normal academics salary?:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
Of course they do. How else could a lazy jackass like Mann amass a fortune of 30 million dollars on a normal academics salary?

I don't see a "Dr" in front of your name (or the intellect that could earn one behind it). So, if one of you is a lazy jackass, the evidence strongly suggests his initials aren't MM.

Further evidence is this utterly pointless discussion.

There will be more asteroid strikes, some of which will be catastrophic.

The Earth's temperature will continue to rise from energy trapped by greenhouse gases.

Feel free to suggest where you'd like your taxpayer dollars spent - it's a democracy - but don't waste our time arguing that AGW isn't real without a great deal more evidence than the lot of you have produced in several years of debate now.

PS: if you think accumulating $30 million is evidence of being a lazy jackass; somehow countering the man's successful career and highly cited research papers, I'm curious what you think evidence of an outstanding intellect and hard work.

PPS: I'm curious where you read that Mann is worth $30 million. Do you have a reliable source for that information?

And, as an answer to your rhetorical question: two books, one of which has been on several non-fiction best seller lists and likely a good chunk of money from speaking engagements for which the demand has been raised by the denier camp's insane demonization of the man. Where'd yours come from?
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I want to add that I believe the unwarranted persecution of Dr Mann is the strongest piece of evidence that MANY members of the denier movement are fundamentally dishonest and profoundly amoral. You are all being driven like maddened cattle by those who value their money above humanity's well-being. When you call him a "lazy jackass" it tells us infinitely more about you than about him.
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Of course they do. How else could a lazy jackass like Mann amass a fortune of 30 million dollars on a normal academics salary?

I don't see a "Dr" in front of your name (or the intellect that could earn one behind it). So, if one of you is a lazy jackass, the evidence strongly suggests his initials aren't MM.

Further evidence is this utterly pointless discussion.

There will be more asteroid strikes, some of which will be catastrophic.

The Earth's temperature will continue to rise from energy trapped by greenhouse gases.

Feel free to suggest where you'd like your taxpayer dollars spent - it's a democracy - but don't waste our time arguing that AGW isn't real without a great deal more evidence than the lot of you have produced in several years of debate now.

PS: if you think accumulating $30 million is evidence of being a lazy jackass; somehow countering the man's successful career and highly cited research papers, I'm curious what you think evidence of an outstanding intellect and hard work.

PPS: I'm curious where you read that Mann is worth $30 million. Do you have a reliable source for that information?

And, as an answer to your rhetorical question: two books, one of which has been on several non-fiction best seller lists and likely a good chunk of money from speaking engagements for which the demand has been raised by the denier camp's insane demonization of the man. Where'd yours come from?

The point mr. propagandist, is mankind is the first creature on THIS planet to have the ability to PREVENT an asteroid strike. We absolutely KNOW that asteroids are possible of wiping out life on this planet because they have nearly done so in the past.

There is ZERO evidence that a warm world is a bad one. In fact all evidence we have shows just the opposite. Earth has been MUCH warmer (provably so) for 75% of its history. This cool period IS THE ABERATION. No "extinction event" has ever been connected to a warm world with any empirical evidence. Cold yes, but not warm (see fact that Earth has been much warmer for vast majority of its life) save in the pathetic computer models that you clowns rely on.

I will get you a link to his net worth but I am taking my little one to school so don't have the time to look it up right now.
I want to add that I believe the unwarranted persecution of Dr Mann is the strongest piece of evidence that MANY members of the denier movement are fundamentally dishonest and profoundly amoral. You are all being driven like maddened cattle by those who value their money above humanity's well-being. When you call him a "lazy jackass" it tells us infinitely more about you than about him.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Sure we are. He's the one who concocts his bullshit graph, then when he's called on it he whines and snivels and sues Dr. ball and now that he's losing the suit against Dr. Ball he is probably going to be placed in Contempt Of Court for refusal to release Discovery documents.

And then there's his claim to be a Nobel recipient (since removed:lol: when we all laughed at him for making such a ridiculous assertion) and of course his lawsuit here in the US which he will lose.

Yeah we're the maddened cattle when it's us who actually want to do research and it's you who try and prevent it like the Lysenkoists of the Soviet Union.

You pathetic lemmings....
Real scientists in the business of actually making real assessments of the dangers to our civilization rank global warming far higher than the possibility of a major meteor impact. I do believe I will go with them rather than a bunch of non-entities on an internet message board.

Of course they do. How else could a lazy jackass like Mann amass a fortune of 30 million dollars on a normal academics salary?:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

There's a lot of money to be made in that AGW modeling
The point mr. propagandist

PROPAGANDA: information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.

Show us where I have spread propaganda or take this comment and put it where the sun don't shine.

is mankind is the first creature on THIS planet to have the ability to PREVENT an asteroid strike. We absolutely KNOW that asteroids are possible of wiping out life on this planet because they have nearly done so in the past.

Fine. I support US and international funding of programs to identify and track dangerous asteroids and to develop techniques to deflect or destroy them. Big whoop.

There is ZERO evidence that a warm world is a bad one.

Bullshit. Rising sea levels are bad. An acidic ocean is bad. Shifts in growing cycles are bad. Losses of drinking water reserves are bad.

In fact all evidence we have shows just the opposite.


Earth has been MUCH warmer (provably so) for 75% of its history.

Bullshit. It has NOT been warmer DURING HUMAN HISTORY and it has not changed temperatures as quickly as this last 150 years at any time since the KT Impact.

This cool period IS THE ABERATION. No "extinction event" has ever been connected to a warm world with any empirical evidence. Cold yes, but not warm (see fact that Earth has been much warmer for vast majority of its life) save in the pathetic computer models that you clowns rely on.

No one is predicting an extinction event, though I'm quite certain some species will be lost to the warming we've created. That it hasn't happened before is just as irrelevant as the MWP and the Holocene Thermal Maximum. It's happening now and for the reasons determined and accepted by the vast majority of the experts in the field. AGW is real and we will suffer harm from the warming.

I will get you a link to his net worth but I am taking my little one to school so don't have the time to look it up right now.

Bullshit. Mann isn't worth $30 million dollars and you have no such link. I suspect when you looked for it you realized you had been looking at information about Michael Mann, the TV and film director. Right? Dr Mann may well be a millionaire but I think it extremely unlikely he has accumulated that sort of wealth. And your decision to attack him on this basis is simply irrational bigotry. Disgusting and pathetic.
The point mr. propagandist

PROPAGANDA: information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.

Show us where I have spread propaganda or take this comment and put it where the sun don't shine.

is mankind is the first creature on THIS planet to have the ability to PREVENT an asteroid strike. We absolutely KNOW that asteroids are possible of wiping out life on this planet because they have nearly done so in the past.

Fine. I support US and international funding of programs to identify and track dangerous asteroids and to develop techniques to deflect or destroy them. Big whoop.

Bullshit. Rising sea levels are bad. An acidic ocean is bad. Shifts in growing cycles are bad. Losses of drinking water reserves are bad.


Bullshit. It has NOT been warmer DURING HUMAN HISTORY and it has not changed temperatures as quickly as this last 150 years at any time since the KT Impact.

This cool period IS THE ABERATION. No "extinction event" has ever been connected to a warm world with any empirical evidence. Cold yes, but not warm (see fact that Earth has been much warmer for vast majority of its life) save in the pathetic computer models that you clowns rely on.

No one is predicting an extinction event, though I'm quite certain some species will be lost to the warming we've created. That it hasn't happened before is just as irrelevant as the MWP and the Holocene Thermal Maximum. It's happening now and for the reasons determined and accepted by the vast majority of the experts in the field. AGW is real and we will suffer harm from the warming.

I will get you a link to his net worth but I am taking my little one to school so don't have the time to look it up right now.

Bullshit. Mann isn't worth $30 million dollars and you have no such link. I suspect when you looked for it you realized you had been looking at information about Michael Mann, the TV and film director. Right? Dr Mann may well be a millionaire but I think it extremely unlikely he has accumulated that sort of wealth. And your decision to attack him on this basis is simply irrational bigotry. Disgusting and pathetic.

You're wrong on all counts. As far as Mann's net worth it was here...but has now mysteriously disappeared. I will find it again though and link to it for you...


And no, it's not the director Michael Mann, his net worth is estimated at 75 million, but he actually produces good stuff for his wealth.
Dr. Mann is like many of your fave "scientists".. THey are not really famous for their breakthru work, but for their activism, controversy and opinions..

You like polls Abe -- dontcha?
Mann's "work" is probably a primary reason for the following "consensus" amongst the Climate community.


Only 29% express a “great deal of confidence” that scientists understand the size and extent of anthropogenic [human] sources of greenhouse gases,” and only 32% are confident about our understanding of the archeological climate evidence.

I'm certain that if asteroid impact had a convienient political "power" angle to it --- that there would be similiar media stars out there embellishing and exaggerating the evidence and hogging the media headlines with doomsday predictions. Hmmmmm .. What political leverage could "death by asteroid" give me?

I guess I could revive the REAL Star Wars concept of blowing stuff in space instead of just hitting it with a projectile that DOESN'T go boom. Maybe the Pentagon should start the campaign tomorrow.
You're babbling.

AGW is real. A huge majority of the world's experts accept it. GHGs are a far larger source of warming than the utterly trivial TSI. This ongoing effort to suggest it's not by finding periods of high temperatures in the past is just disinformational bullshit and if you've got an ounce of intelligence you'll accept that. If you've got an ounce of moral fiber, you'll reject the strategy.

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