A Real Whistleblower Complaint Could Help Gen. Flynn And Blow The Doors Off Deep State Corruption


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
House Democrats would love to keep your attention on an impeachment inquiry-based of information from a fake whistleblower that didn’t even have firsthand knowledge. However, an overlooked whistleblower complaint from 2018 could help General Flynn and have a huge impact on Attorney General Barr’s investigation into the Russia collusion hoax.

In 2017 Adam Lovinger who was then an analyst for the Office of Net Assessment at the Pentagon (ONA) had his security clearance revoked. The reason for his clearance being revoked was because he questioned his boss Director of ONA Col. James Baker why politically connected contractors like FBI-informant Stefan Halper who spied on President Trump during his campaign were receiving lucrative contracts doing “inherently governmental functions.” Col. Baker who regularly met with the Washington Post is being blamed by Flynn attorneys that he was the one that leaked the classified phone calls to the press. According to reports Baker met with Washinton Post reporter David Ignatius often and in 2017 Ignatius published a report about the Flynn phone calls.

One specific contractor was the Long-Term Strategy Group (LTSG) which is owned by Chelsea Clinton’s “best friend” Jackie Newmyer-Deal.

A Real Whistleblower Complaint Could Help Gen. Flynn And Blow The Doors Off Deep State Corruption – Red Right Daily
House Democrats would love to keep your attention on an impeachment inquiry-based of information from a fake whistleblower that didn’t even have firsthand knowledge. However, an overlooked whistleblower complaint from 2018 could help General Flynn and have a huge impact on Attorney General Barr’s investigation into the Russia collusion hoax.

In 2017 Adam Lovinger who was then an analyst for the Office of Net Assessment at the Pentagon (ONA) had his security clearance revoked. The reason for his clearance being revoked was because he questioned his boss Director of ONA Col. James Baker why politically connected contractors like FBI-informant Stefan Halper who spied on President Trump during his campaign were receiving lucrative contracts doing “inherently governmental functions.” Col. Baker who regularly met with the Washington Post is being blamed by Flynn attorneys that he was the one that leaked the classified phone calls to the press. According to reports Baker met with Washinton Post reporter David Ignatius often and in 2017 Ignatius published a report about the Flynn phone calls.

One specific contractor was the Long-Term Strategy Group (LTSG) which is owned by Chelsea Clinton’s “best friend” Jackie Newmyer-Deal.

A Real Whistleblower Complaint Could Help Gen. Flynn And Blow The Doors Off Deep State Corruption – Red Right Daily

Politically connected people getting government contracts can be a problem. Consider the big 33 million dollar contract Trump just gave to his brother for security, even though the company has never had a physical security contract with anyone before.. You don't think that contract was granted on anything but the fact he is Trump's brother, do you?
House Democrats would love to keep your attention on an impeachment inquiry-based of information from a fake whistleblower that didn’t even have firsthand knowledge. However, an overlooked whistleblower complaint from 2018 could help General Flynn and have a huge impact on Attorney General Barr’s investigation into the Russia collusion hoax.

In 2017 Adam Lovinger who was then an analyst for the Office of Net Assessment at the Pentagon (ONA) had his security clearance revoked. The reason for his clearance being revoked was because he questioned his boss Director of ONA Col. James Baker why politically connected contractors like FBI-informant Stefan Halper who spied on President Trump during his campaign were receiving lucrative contracts doing “inherently governmental functions.” Col. Baker who regularly met with the Washington Post is being blamed by Flynn attorneys that he was the one that leaked the classified phone calls to the press. According to reports Baker met with Washinton Post reporter David Ignatius often and in 2017 Ignatius published a report about the Flynn phone calls.

One specific contractor was the Long-Term Strategy Group (LTSG) which is owned by Chelsea Clinton’s “best friend” Jackie Newmyer-Deal.

A Real Whistleblower Complaint Could Help Gen. Flynn And Blow The Doors Off Deep State Corruption – Red Right Daily

Uh-huh..... Sure it will.......
House Democrats would love to keep your attention on an impeachment inquiry-based of information from a fake whistleblower that didn’t even have firsthand knowledge. However, an overlooked whistleblower complaint from 2018 could help General Flynn and have a huge impact on Attorney General Barr’s investigation into the Russia collusion hoax.

In 2017 Adam Lovinger who was then an analyst for the Office of Net Assessment at the Pentagon (ONA) had his security clearance revoked. The reason for his clearance being revoked was because he questioned his boss Director of ONA Col. James Baker why politically connected contractors like FBI-informant Stefan Halper who spied on President Trump during his campaign were receiving lucrative contracts doing “inherently governmental functions.” Col. Baker who regularly met with the Washington Post is being blamed by Flynn attorneys that he was the one that leaked the classified phone calls to the press. According to reports Baker met with Washinton Post reporter David Ignatius often and in 2017 Ignatius published a report about the Flynn phone calls.

One specific contractor was the Long-Term Strategy Group (LTSG) which is owned by Chelsea Clinton’s “best friend” Jackie Newmyer-Deal.

A Real Whistleblower Complaint Could Help Gen. Flynn And Blow The Doors Off Deep State Corruption – Red Right Daily

You kids are so desperate for a distraction!!
Andrew Wiesman and others have been recommended for criminal investigation by the Judge in the Flynn case. John Durham has the referral and is investigating as the judge permanently delays all sentencing activities. Looks to me like there is clear evidence of criminal misconduct.

The deep state collusion with democrats is blowing up in their faces... Just a matter of time for this to get tossed in the garbage with prejudice.
Andrew Wiesman and others have been recommended for criminal investigation by the Judge in the Flynn case. John Durham has the referral and is investigating as the judge permanently delays all sentencing activities. Looks to me like there is clear evidence of criminal misconduct.

The deep state collusion with democrats is blowing up in their faces... Just a matter of time for this to get tossed in the garbage with prejudice.

Weismann may be the most corrupt prosecutor in the USA.
He certainly has been one of the most overturned by higher courts.
His time to be held accountable is well past.
Flynn was railroaded to make Trump bad. But that's a hell of a piss poor excuse to undermine our justice system. Democrats think the ends justify the means as long as Trump is eliminated. Democrats suck.

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