A report card on the Biden administration

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While right-wing supporters of Trump were storming the U.S. capitol building in an effort to stop Congress tallying Electoral College votes that will deliver the Presidency to Joe Biden, Trump decided this was a good time to attack Vice President Mike Pence for not doing the job for them.

As pence was fleeing for his life Trump tweeted:

Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2021
While right-wing supporters of Trump were storming the U.S. capitol building in an effort to stop Congress tallying Electoral College votes that will deliver the Presidency to Joe Biden, Trump decided this was a good time to attack Vice President Mike Pence for not doing the job for them.

As pence was fleeing for his life Trump tweeted:

An NBC analysis:

Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., the lead House impeachment manager, showed them video of the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol and recalled in emotional terms and vivid detail his effort to keep himself and his family members safe during it.

"This cannot be the future," Raskin said, his voice cracking.

It will be up to Republicans to determine whether the Senate punishes him for his role in the riot. Collectively, their individual decisions will bring into relief not just the future of the Republican Party for the next two years ahead of the 2022 midterm election, but also perhaps far beyond that.

Not only will they decide whether Trump remains their party's standard-bearer until the next presidential primary — as a possible candidate for the office he just lost — but also whether the GOP establishment wants to continue to be defined by the type of populism on which he built his political empire and then weaponized with an aim on the Capitol.

President Joe R. Biden, how refreshing that sounds. What a refreshing day. Our divisive, erratic, foolish, conspiratorial, narcissistic President is gone, replaced by a President who deeply wants to unite us. Barring ill-advised preconceived notions about President Biden, his task should be easy. We are all Americans.

That said, although I voted for Biden for obvious reasons, not unlike 81 million Americans who did the same, I am a conservative Independent. That's official. In CA, we have to declare our political posture. Until I was driven out by Trump, for over a quarter of a century I was a declared Republican. I voted for Biden, but I have some reservations concerning him, mostly having to do with taxation and spending.

I said all that because I want to be honest with readers. I want them to know where I am coming from.

Whether or not Biden will be a good President is obviously an open question, but I think he is a good man. He will do his best to unite us and adopt policies that benefit all Americans, while removing those policies that do us harm. He wants the United States to rejoin the community of nations, and the days of isolation and making unitary decisions that involve other nations, in particular our traditional allies, are over.

The European Union's top politician, Ursula von der Leyen, said it best. "After four long years, Europe has a friend in the White House."

For the first time in four years, there is optimism in America created by a popular President. 59% of Americans approve of Biden.

On day one, Trump's approval rating was 40%, and, although it went lower than that, it never got much higher. Thus the reason for American optimism.

Hey Sandy, why pretend you're a Republican in life while demonstrating you're not conservative at all, you're simply a PROG head.

One only need read your OP to know that, Biden wants to DEEPLY unite us & his report card is A+ because of you're feelings ONLY. If you used your head instead of feelings (PROG) you'd know Biden is anything but what you so desire to believe in.

Your OP is written in PROG, which is another way of saying your feelings somehow matter free of all tangibles. Claiming to be something you're not just makes it worse.
Georgia prosecutors have launched a criminal investigation into former President Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the state's election results.

NBC News reports, "Twitter will uphold its ban on former President Donald Trump, even if he were to run for office again, according to the company's chief financial officer."

“When you’re removed from the platform, you’re removed from the platform,” Twitter CFO Ned Segal told CNBC in an interview on Wednesday morning.

“Our policies are designed to make sure that people are not inciting violence,” Segal said. “He was removed when he was president and there’d be no difference for anybody who’s a public official once they’ve been removed from the service.”
Your OP is written in PROG, which is another way of saying your feelings somehow matter free of all tangibles. Claiming to be something you're not just makes it worse.

The OP was written nearly two months ago. A lot has happened since then.

Why are you focusing in on me, incorrectly, I might add? I am not a Republican. I am a conservative independent. You would be shocked to learn how many Republicans and independents sharply reject Trump and all he stands for.

Why didn't you deal with the issues? Was attacking me easier? Are you avoiding what Trump has done and said? Nearly all of Trump's followers are doing just that. Trump is an embarrassment.
Your OP is written in PROG, which is another way of saying your feelings somehow matter free of all tangibles. Claiming to be something you're not just makes it worse.

The OP was written nearly two months ago. A lot has happened since then.

Why are you focusing in on me, incorrectly, I might add? I am not a Republican. I am a conservative independent. You would be shocked to learn how many Republicans and independents sharply reject Trump and all he stands for.

Why didn't you deal with the issues? Was attacking me easier? Are you avoiding what Trump has done and said? Nearly all of Trump's followers are doing just that. Trump is an embarrassment.

Shucks PROG, I didn't deal with the "issues" which is code for your post. Let's do just that, okay?

resident Joe R. Biden, how refreshing that sounds. What a refreshing day. Our divisive, erratic, foolish, conspiratorial, narcissistic President is gone, replaced by a President who deeply wants to unite us. Barring ill-advised preconceived notions about President Biden, his task should be easy. We are all Americans. As I pointed out this is BS. ILMAO at Biden wants to UNITE us. Perhaps you should watch and listen instead of soaking in only what you want to.

That said, although I voted for Biden for obvious reasons Written in PROG. The obvious reasons reside in your head only and you seek validation.

not unlike 81 million Americans who did the same, I am a conservative Independent. A contradiction and 81 million is BS anyway.

That's official. In CA, we have to declare our political posture. Until I was driven out by Trump, for over a quarter of a century I was a declared Republican. I voted for Biden, but I have some reservations concerning him, mostly having to do with taxation and spending. Neat

I said all that because I want to be honest with readers. I want them to know where I am coming from. Neat, these are the "issues" I guess.

Whether or not Biden will be a good President is obviously an open question, but I think he is a good man. He will do his best to unite us and adopt policies that benefit all Americans :auiqs.jpg:

, while removing those policies that do us harm. Like what, is this supposed to be the issues?

He wants the United States to rejoin the community of nations, and the days of isolation and making unitary decisions that involve other nations, in particular our traditional allies, are over. In real terms you desire the establishment. Why pretend we were in isolation, because it sounds cool?

The European Union's top politician, Ursula von der Leyen, said it best. "After four long years, Europe has a friend in the White House." Code for she was missing her money and the power she had under the establishment.

For the first time in four years, there is optimism in America created by a popular President. 59% of Americans approve of Biden.

On day one, Trump's approval rating was 40%, and, although it went lower than that, it never got much higher. Thus the reason for American optimism. :abgg2q.jpg:

So, the issues are your feelings, that of the establishment's and polls. Really?
While right-wing supporters of Trump were storming the U.S. capitol building in an effort to stop Congress tallying Electoral College votes that will deliver the Presidency to Joe Biden, Trump decided this was a good time to attack Vice President Mike Pence for not doing the job for them.

Trump is not the only one on trial in the Senate. Republicans in the Senate are also on trial, and they will not render the final judgment upon Trump. The American people will.

All reports still indicate that getting 17 Republicans to convict is a stretch. After watching the presentations by the House managers for two days, one can easily conclude that using the argument that the trial is unconstitutional as an excuse to acquit is absolutely ludicrous. No one in the country will believe that, including Senate Republicans.

Using such an argument equates to rejecting reality to support the absolutely worst President this country has had in modern times.

If Senate Republicans acquit, the American people will ensure the GOP pays heavily for the grievance.

Proof of that is this thread. Trump's followers -- the few that are left -- are smart enough to remain silent. Attempting to challenge reality is not a wise course of action.
Now this could prove interesting.

Politico reports, "Few Trump-era mysteries are as intriguing as what the 45th president said to Vladimir Putin in at least a dozen rambling, off-the-cuff calls and meetings over four years. Understanding what was said between the two could help illuminate whether Trump ever revealed sensitive information or struck any deals with the Kremlin leader that could take the new administration by surprise.

"Now that President Joe Biden is in the White House, he can see for himself."
While right-wing supporters of Trump were storming the U.S. capitol building in an effort to stop Congress tallying Electoral College votes that will deliver the Presidency to Joe Biden, Trump decided this was a good time to attack Vice President Mike Pence for not doing the job for them.

Trump is not the only one on trial in the Senate. Republicans in the Senate are also on trial, and they will not render the final judgment upon Trump. The American people will.

All reports still indicate that getting 17 Republicans to convict is a stretch. After watching the presentations by the House managers for two days, one can easily conclude that using the argument that the trial is unconstitutional as an excuse to acquit is absolutely ludicrous. No one in the country will believe that, including Senate Republicans.

Using such an argument equates to rejecting reality to support the absolutely worst President this country has had in modern times.

If Senate Republicans acquit, the American people will ensure the GOP pays heavily for the grievance.

Proof of that is this thread. Trump's followers -- the few that are left -- are smart enough to remain silent. Attempting to challenge reality is not a wise course of action.

Of course it is rejecting reality to support the worst president this country has ever had. Repubs already did that several times, most recently, when so many voted to disallow vote certification, even after the attack on the capitol. I have to believe that at some point they will have to explain why they chose trump over facts and the constitution, but I'm not sure that will even hurt many of them.
As expected, the House managers' presentation of the impeachment charge and its constitutionality was impressive and compelling.
As expected, the presentation by Trump's lawyers was not impressive and not compelling. Despite the lack of proof of the unconstitutionality of the trial, 44 Republicans voted it was unconstitutional.

I have absolutely no idea how Trump's "B" team of lawyers are going to defend him when their turn comes up.

Are they going to argue that Presidents are not responsible for what they do during their last 30 days in office, meaning from a Congressional point of view his impeachment is unconstitutional. That concept is ludicrous, but so is the assertion that Trump is innocent.

Are they going to argue that telling an armed mob of right wing extremists that the rules have changed, it's okay march down to the capitol to fight for Trump's election success, and that the vice-president failed in his duty is an example of free speech?

That argument is equally ludicrous.

We won't get any answers from Trump's followers. They are not saying a thing about this issue. They just want it to go away.

Of course, this begs a question. Does Trump still have a following of substance? There are many who doubt it. A following of only right wing extremists is not a following of substance. His supporters in the Senate are a quiet bunch. One would think they would vocalize their defense of Trump, but they are not doing that.
I have absolutely no idea how Trump's "B" team of lawyers are going to defend him when their turn comes up.

Are they going to argue that Presidents are not responsible for what they do during their last 30 days in office, meaning from a Congressional point of view his impeachment is unconstitutional. That concept is ludicrous, but so is the assertion that Trump is innocent.

Are they going to argue that telling an armed mob of right wing extremists that the rules have changed, it's okay march down to the capitol to fight for Trump's election success, and that the vice-president failed in his duty is an example of free speech?

That argument is equally ludicrous.

We won't get any answers from Trump's followers. They are not saying a thing about this issue. They just want it to go away.

Of course, this begs a question. Does Trump still have a following of substance? There are many who doubt it. A following of only right wing extremists is not a following of substance. His supporters in the Senate are a quiet bunch. One would think they would vocalize their defense of Trump, but they are not doing that.

The arguments are obvious. First of all Benedict Roberts didn't even preside due to the Constitution requires him to do so only for a sitting President, not a citizen of our country. One of their strategies is to put a video of how many times Democrats have said "we have to fight" along with much more caustic and evil things than Trump ever said. You know, like when Shoemaker screamed outside of the courthouse "Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, you have started a whirlwind, and you will pay the price!!"

In any case, we have fallen to Nazism. When you have a bunch of Nazis trying to impeach a President for exercising his constitutional rights, our country has drifted from what our founders envisioned. They never thought we would get this stupid. Every commie that voted to impeach Trump should be forcibly removed for violating their oath of office which includes they vow to defend and protect the Constitution. These anti-American traitors did just the opposite.

Next or course is that Trump never told people to get violent or destructive. His exact words were "I know you are going to march to the Capital to have your voices heard peacefully and patriotically, something the Nazis conveniently left out of their arguments, but Republicans will bring up.

They should call the FBI agents that warned the Capital police to testify to the Senate that indeed, their investigation proves it was planned well in advance, and had nothing to do with what Trump said that day. Then bring up the timeline, which was the attack began 20 minutes before Trump even ended his speech.

Finally is the motivation factor. This fake impeachment is because the commies are scared to death of Donald Trump. Donald Trump is not just a man, he's a movement. The snowflakes cower that he will return in four years to beat the living hell out of Dementia Joe, and the plight our country will be in by then.

That's their defense.
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I have absolutely no idea how Trump's "B" team of lawyers are going to defend him when their turn comes up.

Are they going to argue that Presidents are not responsible for what they do during their last 30 days in office, meaning from a Congressional point of view his impeachment is unconstitutional.
Are they going to argue that telling an armed mob of right wing extremists that the rules have changed, it's okay march down to the capitol to fight for Trump's election success, and that the vice-president failed in his duty is an example of free speech?

House managers ended their presentation today. Trump's lawyers will be present their case on Friday, their entire case. They will be brief.

Why is that? Is it because Senate Republicans are going to ignore a mountain of evidence and vote to acquit? Is it because the mountain of evidence leaves Trump's second rate team of lawyers with very little to say? Is it because both reasons are in play?

Republicans just want this to end.

Trump told members of the far right like the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, and Turning Point USA for two months that the election was stolen from him, and that he won by a landslide. Are Trump's lawyers going to argue that was an example of free speech?

Trump used the lie as a motivational tool on Jan. 6 to get his mob to sack the capitol. Was his call to arms another example of free speech?

Trump's lawyers may offer videos of Democrats using fighting metaphors at political rallies. Unfortunately for Trump their are two major differences. First, the Democratic speakers had no intention of starting a riot; obviously, Trump did on the sixth. Second, no riots followed the rallies. There is a great deal of difference between a political rally and the events on Jan. 6. Will Trump's "B" team try to equate the two?
When insurrectionists occupied the US Capitol on Wednesday, they did not alter the outcome of the presidential election, but they did ransack the offices of lawmakers, rifle through computer files and emails, and steal personal electronics and documents.

Those actions could pose serious harm to the United States.

A full accounting has yet to be completed, but US Attorney Michael Sherwin said during a news briefing Thursday that materials were stolen. “We have to identify what was done, mitigate that, and it could have potential national security equities.” Sherwin said, adding that “a large amount of pilfering at the Capitol” had occurred. On Thursday evening, CBS News reported that a laptop possibly containing sensitive national security information was among the objects stolen.

Trump played golf today.

That is exactly what his lawyers and advisors want him to do, play golf and keep a very or non-existent profile. In other words, Trump should keep his mouth shut for once.

Thank God for small miracles his lawyers are saying. Twitter banned him for life.

We are being told that the only reason why Senate Republicans are going to ignore all the evidence and acquit Trump is their fear of Trump's base and their Senate longevity.

That is very confusing. The kind of voters Trump has attracted were on full display in our capital on Jan. 6. One would think that the GOP would love to get rid of such voters.

Also, Senate Republicans have very low opinion of the American Republican voter. No doubt many of them favor convicting a President who led an insurrection against our government.

On the other hand, we will never know. Trump's followers aren't saying about his issue. Their silence is deafening.
I have absolutely no idea how Trump's "B" team of lawyers are going to defend him when their turn comes up.

Are they going to argue that Presidents are not responsible for what they do during their last 30 days in office, meaning from a Congressional point of view his impeachment is unconstitutional. That concept is ludicrous, but so is the assertion that Trump is innocent.

Are they going to argue that telling an armed mob of right wing extremists that the rules have changed, it's okay march down to the capitol to fight for Trump's election success, and that the vice-president failed in his duty is an example of free speech?

That argument is equally ludicrous.

We won't get any answers from Trump's followers. They are not saying a thing about this issue. They just want it to go away.

Of course, this begs a question. Does Trump still have a following of substance? There are many who doubt it. A following of only right wing extremists is not a following of substance. His supporters in the Senate are a quiet bunch. One would think they would vocalize their defense of Trump, but they are not doing that.

The arguments are obvious. First of all Benedict Roberts didn't even preside due to the Constitution requires him to do so only for a sitting President, not a citizen of our country. One of their strategies is to put a video of how many times Democrats have said "we have to fight" along with much more caustic and evil things than Trump ever said. You know, like when Shoemaker screamed outside of the courthouse "Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, you have started a whirlwind, and you will pay the price!!"

In any case, we have fallen to Nazism. When you have a bunch of Nazis trying to impeach a President for exercising his constitutional rights, our country has drifted from what our founders envisioned. They never thought we would get this stupid. Every commie that voted to impeach Trump should be forcibly removed for violating their oath of office which includes they vow to defend and protect the Constitution. These anti-American traitors did just the opposite.

Next or course is that Trump never told people to get violent or destructive. His exact words were "I know you are going to march to the Capital to have your voices heard peacefully and patriotically, something the Nazis conveniently left out of their arguments, but Republicans will bring up.

They should call the FBI agents that warned the Capital police to testify to the Senate that indeed, their investigation proves it was planned well in advance, and had nothing to do with what Trump said that day. Then bring up the timeline, which was the attack began 20 minutes before Trump even ended his speech.

Finally is the motivation factor. This fake impeachment is because the commies are scared to death of Donald Trump. Donald Trump is not just a man, he's a movement. The snowflakes cower that he will return in four years to beat the living hell out of Dementia Joe, and the plight our country will be in by then.

That's their defense.
The nazis were evil. The same with trump and his bringing his goon admirers to the Capitol to raise hell, death, and destruction. I see no evil in what the democrats are doing.
On the other hand, we will never know. Trump's followers aren't saying anything about this issue. Their silence is deafening.

Trump's lawyers may offer videos of Democrats using fighting metaphors at political rallies. Unfortunately for Trump their are two major differences. First, the Democratic speakers had no intention of starting a riot; obviously, Trump did on the sixth. Second, no riots followed the rallies. There is a great deal of difference between a political rally and the events on Jan. 6. Will Trump's "B" team try to equate the two?

Trump's defense is so shallow that his followers on this forum will not repeat them for fear of being laughed at.

Defense team to argue that Trump's rhetoric is no different to that used by Democrats
Trump's defense is so shallow that his followers on this forum will not repeat them for fear of being laughed at.

See, I told you so.

Can lawyers do this? Trump's lawyers lied, obfuscated, and created an alternate reality. Their primary weapon in their defense of Trump was to attack opposing counsel personally. That is a typical Trumpian tactic.

Notwithstanding disbarment because of the many lies, one should give the lawyers some slack. Trump didn't give them much to work with. Indeed, they largely pretended the real Trump didn't exist and, heaven forbid, actually dealing with the evidence provided by opposing council. It's far easier focus directly on opposing counsel.

Besides, they did not have to come up with any miracles of jurisprudence. If Hitler was a former Republican President, Republicans would vote to acquit despite the existence of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
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This has really gotten old.

The Post reports, "Defense attorneys, seeking to downplay the former president’s role in the violent attack, accused House impeachment managers of being motivated by hatred of Trump." That statement came directly from Trump.

For four years his followers have completely ignored what Trump did or said and accused his critics of being motivated by hatred. It is a farcical argument used by the guilty so they can avoid what Trump did or said.

Such is the case with Trump's lawyers in his second impeachment trial.

For three days House managers presented overwhelming evidence of Trump's guilt, using Trump's own statements and videos of the consequences of those statements. Five were killed in the capitol riot and a national security threat was created by the theft of documents and at least one computer with sensitive information.

Trump's lawyers used three hours to defend Trump. 16 hours were allocated to them.

Can you blame them? Anyone defending Trump wants to get out of there as quickly as possible.

What do we get from Trump's followers on this forum as it relates to these issues? I have no idea why Congressional Republicans are afraid of them. They don't talk.
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