A report card on the Biden administration

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On the first day that the market had an opportunity to respond to Putin's invasion of Ukraine, the Dow was up 92 points, the S&P up 63 points, and NASDAQ up 436. Go figure.
On the second day, today, the Dow is up 835 points!

Unless traders are buying stocks because they are on sale, I clearly do not know why this is happening.
“First and foremost it is worth acknowledging that the demise of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century. As for the Russian people, it became a genuine tragedy. Tens of millions of our fellow citizens and countrymen found themselves beyond the fringes of Russian territory"

Source for that ominous statement, Vladimir Putin, Russia's communist leader.

Earlier on this forum, I compared the armed forces of Afghanistan and the armed forces of Ukraine.

There is no comparison. Afghanistan's main force was the horseback propelled Mujahideen. The Ukrainian army is second in size to Russia's on the European continent. It is a sophisticated army that has been beefed up in weaponry for the past three months by NATO, including the U.S. It is an experienced army. It has been fighting the Russians for eight years in the Donbas region.

The Soviet army fought its horse driven enemy for nearly ten years in Afghanistan, eventually withdrawing in defeat.

The war was costly in bodies and cash, largely bankrupting the Soviet Union. Two years later the Soviet Union collapsed.

This is why many thought Putin would never try Afghan redux.

But Putin has become a fanatic. Putin said he was acting to prevent "genocide" against Russian-speaking people in Ukraine. “Its goal is to protect people who have been subjected to bullying and genocide. And for this we will strive for the demilitarization and de-Nazification of Ukraine.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who was democratically elected to office in 2019, is Jewish.

Fanatics do strange things, including creating their own fantasies. We are seeing that in Ukraine as we speak.
Until Putin orders his forces to stand down, the time for diplomacy and moderation is over. It is time to take off the gloves. No more Mr. Nice Guy.

NBC News reports, "The Biden administration announced Friday it would join the European Union in directly sanctioning President Vladimir Putin, as Russian forces continued a brutal invasion of Ukraine, threatening to take over the capital city of Kyiv.

"White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that following a conversation with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, the U.S. would join European allies in sanctioning Putin, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and other members of the Russian national security team."

Sanctions, no matter how severe, will not stop Putin. As shown above, Putin has become a 69-year old raving maniac.

But the Russian people and the oligarchs close to Putin may stop him.

The Russian economy is being slammed and it will only get worse as long as Putin's army is assailing the Ukrainian people who are extremely close to the Russian people. Collectively, the Russian oligarchs have lost a great deal of wealth.

Forbes estimates that Russian billionaires have lost more than $126 billion in wealth since February 16.

This war is not popular in Russia. Russia's moronic propaganda and Putin's maniacal statements can fool the people for just so long in the midst of food and cash shortages.
Until Putin orders his forces to stand down, the time for diplomacy and moderation is over. It is time to take off the gloves. No more Mr. Nice Guy.
CNN reports, "The White House, along with France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and Canada, announced Saturday evening that they would expel certain Russian banks from SWIFT, the high-security network that connects thousands of financial institutions around the world, pledging to “collectively ensure that this war is a strategic failure for (Russian President Vladimir) Putin.”

“This will ensure that these banks are disconnected from the international financial system and harm their ability to operate globally,” they wrote in a joint statement released by the White House, also pledging “restrictive measures that will prevent the Russian Central Bank from deploying its international reserves in ways that undermine the impact of our sanctions,” and restricting the sale of “golden passports” that allow Russian oligarchs to avoid the brunt of sanctions already levied."

"At a press conference Thursday, Biden was pressed on why he had avoided removing Russia from SWIFT or sanctioning Putin personally. Less than 48 hours later, he’d done both."

Biden's reluctance was explained this way. "A European diplomat said one reason for the administration’s previous reluctance to push publicly for targeting Russia’s access to SWIFT has largely centered on concerns that doing so would expose and call attention to divisions among the allies about taking the step. The envoy said the Biden administration has been trying to sell the notion that the U.S. and European allies are in total lock-step and has not wanted to get ahead of where the Europeans are at on SWIFT," NBC News.
Putin has become a fanatic. Putin said he was acting to prevent "genocide" against Russian-speaking people in Ukraine. “Its goal is to protect people who have been subjected to bullying and genocide. And for this we will strive for the demilitarization and de-Nazification of Ukraine.”

Fanatics do strange things, including creating their own fantasies.
Putin has placed his nuclear forces on alert!

CNN reports, "Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his country’s deterrence forces – which include nuclear arms – onto their highest state of alert on Sunday."

“Top officials in leading NATO countries have allowed themselves to make aggressive comments about our country, therefore I hereby order the Minister of Defense and the chief of the General Staff to place the Russian Army Deterrence Force on combat alert,” Putin said.

At the same time, things are not going well for the Russian forces in Ukraine, and Putin wants to talk.

"A Ukrainian delegation will meet with a Russian delegation on Monday for talks on the Ukraine-Belarus border. The announcement came Sunday as Ukrainian forces engaged in fierce fighting with Russian troops in multiple cities across Ukraine," CNN.

CNN also reports, "Russia is facing universal condemnation and increased sanctions from Western powers over Moscow’s unprovoked assault on Ukraine, now in its fourth day."

One has to wonder how the Russian people and -- more importantly -- the movers and shakers of the tiny Russian economy -- the oligarchs -- feel about their country becoming the world's pariah.

Forbes estimates that Russian billionaires have lost more than $126 billion in wealth since February 16.

More and more Putin is looking not only like a fanatic, but a fool as well.

Regarding the nuclear warning which won't make the oligarchs happy, White House press secretary Jen Psaki responded by saying, “This is really a pattern that we’ve seen from President Putin through the course of this conflict, which is manufacturing threats that don’t exist in order to justify further aggression – and the global community and the American people should look at it through that prism.”

In other words, the nuclear warning cannot be taken seriously, and the Russian billionaires see that the Russian president has made a fool of himself.
As the Russian leader prepared to invade Ukraine, the leader of the Republican Party had only praise for Vladimir Putin.

Donald Trump has a history of supporting Putin ever since the Russian helped Trump win the 2016 Presidential election. So, it is no big surprise that Trump would have high praise for what Putin is doing as the latter prepared for a European war that could rival WWII in its severity.

“I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine, of Ukraine, Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful,” Trump said.

“So Putin is now saying, ‘It’s independent,’ a large section of Ukraine. I said, ‘How smart is that?’ And he’s going to go in and be a peacekeeper. That’s the strongest peace force. We could use that on our southern border. That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. … Here’s a guy who’s very savvy. … I know him very well. Very, very well,” Trump added.

Trump's comments were made on Tuesday. Russia invaded Ukraine the next day.

Trump's comments have been endorsed by the Republican leadership by virtue of their silence.

And now there is further evidence that Trump is the undisputed leader of the Republican Party.

The New York Post reports, "Former President Donald Trump is the overwhelming favorite for the GOP nomination in the 2024 presidential election, according to the results of a straw poll announced Sunday.

"Trump got 59 percent of the vote in a straw poll conducted at the Conservative Political Action Conference‘s meeting in Orlando, Fla., beating out Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis by 31 percentage points."

Can the Republican Party sink any lower.

The forum's Republicans will not respond to the issues contained in this report. Republicans do not talk about what their party is doing, and they certainly don't talk about Trump.

Yet they want him as President again. They can't explain why because they are educationally challenged and completely uninformed. Want proof? This thread which has been highly critical of Trump on occasion.
I swear, somebody is using my material.

Are Russian oligarchs interested in what I write?

Naw, still, there is this.

Not using any prompting from a news source, I wrote this yesterday. "One has to wonder how the Russian people and -- more importantly -- the movers and shakers of the tiny Russian economy -- the oligarchs -- feel about their country becoming the world's pariah.

Forbes estimates that Russian billionaires have lost more than $126 billion in wealth since February 16.

CNN reported today, "Russian billionaires Mikhail Fridman and Oleg Deripaska have broken ranks with the Kremlin and called for an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine.

"I am deeply attached to Ukrainian and Russian peoples and see the current conflict as a tragedy for them both. This crisis will cost lives and damage two nations who have been brothers for hundreds of years. While a solution seems frighteningly far off, I can only join those whose fervent desire is for the bloodshed to end,” wrote Fridman.

"Fridman’s call for peace was echoed by Deripaska, a billionaire who made his fortune in the aluminum business."

“Peace is very important! Negotiations need to start as soon as possible!” Deripaska said Sunday in a post on Telegram.

“I really want clarifications and intelligible comments on the economic policy for the next three months,” Deripaska said, adding that the central bank’s decision to dramatically hike interest rates and force companies to sell foreign currency are the “first test of who will actually be paying for this banquet.”

It is a start. Collectively, the oligarchs cannot be happy, and they are the ones who really run Russia.

Also, things are not going well for Putin on the battlefield. It is why Putin tossed in the nuclear gambit Sunday.
Can the Republican Party sink any lower.

The forum's Republicans will not respond to the issues contained in this report. Republicans do not talk about what their party is doing, and they certainly don't talk about Trump.
Not a single Republican responded to post #966.

Of course that is because the forum's Republicans avoid this thread. It often deals with the Republican Party and its leader.

They avoid talking about what their party is doing and they avoid the party leader, Trump. Yet the GOP is expected to win control of Congress in the November mid-terms.

No one can explain that conundrum because Republicans aren't talking.
Things are going badly for the Russian forces in Ukraine and now they are turning their guns on civilian targets, a definite sign the military is getting desperate.

However, because his forces are facing unexpected resistance and Russia is being slammed by Western sanctions, Putin placed his nuclear forces on alert.

President Biden and the West appear unconcerned. When asked in a hallway if he was concerned about the nuclear threat from Putin, Biden had a clear one word answer. "No."

The NATO chief isn't concerned, either.

ABC News reports, "NATO's chief said Tuesday that, despite Russia's threats about nuclear weapons, the alliance sees no need to change its own nuclear weapons alert level.

"The alliance’s secretary-general, Jens Stoltenberg, spoke to The Associated Press following talks on European security with Polish President Andrzej Duda at an air base in Lask, central Poland, where NATO’s Polish and U.S. fighter jets F-15 and F-16 are based."

“We will always do what is needed to protect and defend our allies, but we don’t think there is any need now to change the alert levels of NATO’s nuclear forces,” Stoltenberg said.

they need to stop posting that they stand with Ukraine but also stand by rump​

What about Russian oil and natural gas? As the leading oil and natural gas producer in the world, we don't need it but our valuable NATO allies in Europe do.

CNN reports "Russia faces the specter of a full-blown financial meltdown. Punishing sanctions leveled by the West have sent the ruble crashing to record lows, shuttered Moscow’s stock market and made Russian assets toxic on the world stage.

"The White House has even taken aim at Vladimir Putin’s financial fortress, removing access to at least a chunk of Russia’s $630 billion rainy-day fund that was designed to cushion the economic blow of this very crisis."

The big question is, how will Putin — not the most stable leader in the world today — fire back? Already he has placed his nuclear forces on alert.

CNN continued, "There is growing concern that Putin could retaliate by using not just natural gas but also crude oil as a weapon against the West."

“Russia’s energy supplies are very much at risk, either due to being withheld by Russia as a weapon or swiped off the market due to sanctions,” Louise Dickson, senior oil market analyst at Rystad Energy, wrote in a report Monday.

"The worldwide supply of oil was already failing to keep up with demand. If Russia, the world’s No. 2 oil producer, intentionally held back supply, it would likely send oil prices skyrocketing, dealing a painful blow to consumers around the world.

"JPMorgan has warned that oil would spike to $150 a barrel in the event that Russia’s exports are cut in half. That would translate to a roughly 41% increase from the recent high of nearly $106 a barrel.

Putin's actions will hurt millions of people and hundreds -- maybe thousands -- will die. The Russian people, the oligarchs, the military (?) have to stop this insanity.
One has to wonder how the Russian people and -- more importantly -- the movers and shakers of the tiny Russian economy -- the oligarchs -- feel about their country becoming the world's pariah.

Forbes estimates that Russian billionaires have lost more than $126 billion in wealth since February 16.
That was as of Monday. No doubt there is a few billion more today.

The newspaper editorial demanded President Vladimir Putin “stop this war.”

"As Russian forces pound Ukraine’s cities, the sentiments might not be surprising. Their source is — they come from rich Russians, including billionaires close to the Kremlin," ABC reported.

ABC continued, "Russia’s war on Ukraine has sent shockwaves through the global community of wealthy Russians, who face sanctions that threaten their London mansions, Mediterranean yachts and children’s places at elite European private schools.

"Some have begun, albeit tentatively, to speak out — though it may be too little to end the war, or to protect their Western fortunes."

President Joe Biden told oligarchs in Tuesday’s State of the Union address that “we are joining with our European allies to find and seize your yachts, your luxury apartments, your private jets. We are coming for you."

“President Putin, please stop this war,” ran the headline, beside a photo of a young Ukrainian girl killed by shelling. "As a Russian citizen I plead with you to stop Russians killing their Ukrainian brothers and sisters. I ask you to save Europe from war,” wrote Lebedev, who is the son of oligarch and former KGB agent Alexander Lebedev.

According to ABC, "Three other Russian business tycoons — metals magnate Oleg Deripaska, Alfa Bank founder Mikhail Fridman and banker Oleg Tinkov — also urged an end to the war."

On another front, Reuters reports, "Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Wednesday that if a third World War were to take place, it would involve nuclear weapons and be destructive, the RIA (Russian state) news agency reported.

Lavrov said that Russia, which launched what it calls a special military operation against Ukraine last week, would face a "real danger" if Kyiv acquired nuclear weapons.

That is very funny -- funny and tragic at the same time. It is hard to believe that the foreign minister of a major power would say thing. Furthermore, it is hard to believe that same foreign minister would lie to the entire world to justify making such a bizarre statement.

This leaves little doubt in the minds of most that Russia's leadership is losing it. In their world truth is an unwanted commodity.
Russia defaulting on its bonds would be catastrophic -- for Russia that is. According to experts, it is entirely possible.

CNN explains, "Russia’s stock market remains shut down. The ruble is worth less than a penny. And Western businesses are fleeing. JPMorgan warns a Russian default could be next."

“Sanctions imposed on Russia have significantly increased the likelihood of a Russia government hard currency bond default,” JPMorgan emerging markets strategists wrote in a note to clients on Wednesday.

CNN continued, "Russia may have the cash to make its debt payments. The Central Bank of Russia lists a staggering $643 billion of international reserves. However, JPMorgan said sanctions leveled by the United States on Russian government entities, countermeasures within Russia to restrict foreign payments and the disruption of payment chains “present high hurdles for Russia to make a bond payment abroad.”

"Sanctions on Russia’s central bank and the ousting of Russian banks from SWIFT will impact Russia’s ability to access foreign currency to pay down debt, according to Capital Economics. That includes Russia’s stockpile of reserves as well as cash from export revenue."

What does Putin hope to gain by invading Ukraine? Whatever it is, Russia will pay a very steep price.

Perhaps some in Russia are pondering if it is worth it.

A Pyrrhic victory is a victory that is not worth winning because so much is lost to achieve it.
President Joe R. Biden, how refreshing that sounds. What a refreshing day. Our divisive, erratic, foolish, conspiratorial, narcissistic President is gone, replaced by a President who deeply wants to unite us. Barring ill-advised preconceived notions about President Biden, his task should be easy. We are all Americans.

That said, although I voted for Biden for obvious reasons, not unlike 81 million Americans who did the same, I am a conservative Independent. That's official. In CA, we have to declare our political posture. Until I was driven out by Trump, for over a quarter of a century I was a declared Republican. I voted for Biden, but I have some reservations concerning him, mostly having to do with taxation and spending.

I said all that because I want to be honest with readers. I want them to know where I am coming from.

Whether or not Biden will be a good President is obviously an open question, but I think he is a good man. He will do his best to unite us and adopt policies that benefit all Americans, while removing those policies that do us harm. He wants the United States to rejoin the community of nations, and the days of isolation and making unitary decisions that involve other nations, in particular our traditional allies, are over.

The European Union's top politician, Ursula von der Leyen, said it best. "After four long years, Europe has a friend in the White House."

For the first time in four years, there is optimism in America created by a popular President. 59% of Americans approve of Biden.

On day one, Trump's approval rating was 40%, and, although it went lower than that, it never got much higher. Thus the reason for American optimism.
the guy is a fuckstick
President Joe Biden told oligarchs in Tuesday’s State of the Union address that “we are joining with our European allies to find and seize your yachts, your luxury apartments, your private jets. We are coming for you."
NBC reports, "The Biden administration on Thursday announced new sanctions against additional Russian oligarchs and their families, as U.S. officials prepare for the invasion of Ukraine to intensify in the coming days.

"The sanctions are the latest move by President Joe Biden and European allies to pressure Russian President Vladimir Putin to de-escalate the situation in Ukraine after he launched an invasion last week.

"The Biden administration said in a statement that the new sanctions would seize yachts, luxury apartments, money and other assets belonging to Russian oligarchs in U.S. jurisdiction."

I would love to be listening in on conversations within Putin's inner circle.

That is, if he has an inner circle any longer. Is Putin listening to anyone?
This is what it is all about.

Most Americans believe Donald Trump, as President, committed treason by attacking our government on January Six, 2021, and the days leading up to that sorrowful day. He and his associates attempted to overthrow the elected government.

Even Trump's followers feel that way. While they support Trump, they avoid talking about him, defending him, and discussing the events of Jan. 6. They know he is guilty as hell.

The Times reports, "The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol said on Wednesday that there was enough evidence to conclude that former President Donald J. Trump and some of his allies might have conspired to commit fraud and obstruction by misleading Americans about the outcome of the 2020 election and attempting to overturn the result.

"In a court filing in a civil case in California, the committee’s lawyers for the first time laid out their theory of a potential criminal case against the former president. They said they had accumulated evidence demonstrating that Mr. Trump, the conservative lawyer John Eastman and other allies could potentially be charged with criminal violations including obstructing an official proceeding of Congress and conspiracy to defraud the American people.

"The filing also said there was evidence that Mr. Trump’s repeated lies that the election had been stolen amounted to common law fraud."

“We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”

“When you catch somebody in a fraud, you are allowed to go by very different rules."

“We fight like hell and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

"Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you. We are going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.”
************************************************************************Donald J. Trump, January Six, 2021
Biden is experiencing a career-low 37% approval rating on his job performance overall, with 55% disapproving. I understand inflation is a problem, but there is a war on. I honestly don't know what people are complaining about.

ABC News reports, "In a buoyant sign for the U.S. economy, businesses stepped up their hiring last month as omicron faded and more Americans ventured out to spend at restaurants, shops and hotels despite surging inflation.

"Employers added a robust 678,000 jobs in February, the largest monthly total since July, the Labor Department reported Friday. The unemployment rate dropped to 3.8%, from 4% in January, extending a sharp decline in joblessness to its lowest level since before the pandemic erupted two years ago."

Unemployment at 3.8% is virtual full employment.

For those who think Biden is responsible for inflation, I would like to hear from you. Please explain how Biden is responsible for inflation. If someone thinks Biden could do more to fight inflation, please explain what he should do.

The fact is, Presidents have very little control over the economy. Biden isn't responsible for inflation, and Trump isn't responsible for the recession that occurred on his watch.

For those who think Biden should do more about the war in Ukraine, I would like to hear from you as well. What do you suggest? Declare war on Russia? BTW, establishing a no-fly zone over Ukraine is virtually the same thing as going to war against Russia.
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