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A Revolution is coming.

For 8 years, your boy screwed up everything, and we had to accept the election crooked or not.

Now that you lost in a fair election, there will be a revolution.

Sounds like treason to me, Gunny.

Remember when Pogo and others told us to leave if we didn't like it. You have that choice also.:eusa_whistle:

Go ahead provide any evidence any election was stolen. THAT is the first big lie. Not a single election was stolen but you dumb asses keep claiming Bush, whom you call stupid, was smart enough to steal 2 National Elections and I guess rig 2 more for his party. Talk about delusional.

Did I mention that for 3 of those 8 years Democrats had control of one or both houses of Congress? And that they found no evidence of stolen elections or lying to the American people and they created the Housing Bust? THEY supported the war even before they claimed they did not , and while claiming they did not kept paying for it?
president bush was shown great respect until he began beating the war drums for going to war with iraq...his approval ratings showed such. Even the few who differed with iraq...never were let on to the main stream media early on but maybe a small clip of a war protest, here or there showing 10 seconds of it....the media, all of them from fox to nbc to abc to msnbc to cnn all supported us going to war with iraq and beat the war drums as well....there WAS NO LEFT WING VOICE in the media at the time.....(but of course this is forgotten :eusa_whistle:) the left didn't even get much airing on the election being handed to bush by the supreme court...

then 9/11, all praise and glory be to God, for the president!

from the first day in office, you have shown complete disrespect for the office of the presidency...your nastier, you fabricate more, you whine more, you threaten more than any democratic movement ever did, in bush's entire presidency...and believe me, the democrats at times were pretty rude and obnoxious...there is no denying it....i saw it!

But i also see what is happening here and lets just say ''you do it better''....showing disrespect, being a whiner, fabricating concerns, calling for revolution, being as nasty as can be, and all that CRAP....

Take praise where the praise is due...''you do it better!''

So, where do we go from here?

more vengeance?

more going around coming around?

more divisiveness for the sake of being divisive?

the thing that is evident...

is that you guys really think you are justified in your actions, and the left thinks you are not.

AND that the left felt justified in their actions towards president bush, and you all felt they weren't...

and before that, your relentless criticisms and actions towards clinton, you thought were justified, the left did not...

does anyone else see this never ending pattern? THIS IS WHY, vengeance lies with the Lord, or Buddha, or Allah, or the queen of the universe....WHATEVER ...i suppose?


Ohh look moron and drug addled Care is making bullshit claims again. From Day one we listened to how he stole the election, how he somehow got the Supreme Court ( 7 members) to agree to his case. Implying it was illegal. Outright lying about the judgement. 7 of 9 Justices AGREED that Bush was right in regards a recount. Last I counted 4 of the 9 were NOT conservatives. Were in fact Liberals.

He was accused of being a drug addict, a drunk and a moron, FROM DAY ONE. He was belittled for serving his Country as a fighter pilot, flying the most dangerous aircraft the Air Force had at the time. Flying it for more hours then required. He was attacked as having his daddy bribe the Guard to promote him and to even accept him. All with out a shred of credible evidence. And this all culminated 4 years later with Dan Rather and team KNOWINGLY presenting a forged paper as proof of the claims. Just days before the second election.

The left claimed, again with no evidence, that Florida some how had roadblocks up and used police and dogs to intimidate Democratic voters. They claimed that somehow the Governor fiddled with the ballots, which he had no contact with and no power to do anything with. Every recount ever conducted showed Bush won. Including those by BIASED sources trying to prove other wise after the fact.

Bush was called a monkey and a chimp from day one. Just imagine what you dumb asses would do if someone called Obama those names? He was accused of planning and executing 9/11. He was accused by others of allowing it to happen, as in he knew about it and did nothing. It still goes on today. YOU spent 8 years attacking him and suddenly want us to forget about it. PERHAPS rather then telling us how we should behave you could lead by example? Every time a Republican is accused of anything the slime, the name calling, the vicious attacks begin on the left, aided and abetted by the Press.

And we are supposed to just forget. We are supposed to ignore our core beliefs, ignore our morals, ignore our belief in the Constitution and just quietly sit by while Obama and the Democrats tear it all up. Not gonna happen, and that you actually think you can sell this bullshit shows me JUST how bereft of sanity and intelligence you all are.

You froth at the mouth screaming obscenities, calling vile names, attacking even the children of those you hate and then try to tell us to be respectful? That you can even say that with a fucking straight face is what alarms me. You all dropped your brains on the floor for Obama. Jillian is a PERFECT example, she went from being a person that could be counted on to at least look at both sides and make reasonable arguments for her side, to a troll that blindly supports Obama.

LEAD BY EXAMPLE, go ahead show us this respectful manner we should present. Quit LYING about what happened in the past and is now a matter of the Historical record.

You can start with Palin and follow through with all the other Republicans and Conservatives you blindly lash out at while demanding we behave.
RGS, won't you have to give up your military pension and health care when you take up arms against a democratically elected government?

It may be a soft one or a hard one, but with the delusional Liberals in charge it is coming. Right now as the signs increase and the warnings are out there, what are the liberals doing? They are calling those upset and opposed to more liberal socialism, astro turf and liars, they are calling them fakes and crazies.

When the breaking point comes, the left will remain just as delusional as it is now and in denial. It won't be their fault it will be the vast secret Right wing conspiracy. The simple fact is only about 30 percent are Republicans and only about 30 percent are Democrats, the majority is that 40 percent that decide each election who to vote for. And THEY are the ones getting upset, they are the ones that find the plans and policies of this Administration are wrong. THEY are questioning Obama and the Congress, only to be ignored and labeled as astro turf and other stupid names.

All one need do is open their eyes and pay attention. But that will not happen. The Liberals live in a dream world, they are to delusional to see the writing on the wall right in front of them.

Way back in 1997 I read this website and posted it once on a message board a few years later and everyone laughed at me. I think you will enjoy the read but keep it in mind that this was written back in 1996.

Is Communism Really Dead?

His other writings:

People called Ray Thomas a crazy Nut back then. I say he was pretty spot on back then.


Nikita Kruschev said something similar with his "…we won't need to attack the U. S. It will fall into our hands like a ripe plum" crack.
Is all this true? Is it actually happening before our eyes? Check this out: Cleon Skoussen, the former FBI agent, wrote in his book, "The Naked Communist" (published in 1958), the long-term goals of the communist agenda (beginning on page 259). This information also was printed in the August, 1963 edition of the Congressional Record and in the Communist Manifesto. There were many goals listed, but for the purpose of this report I will list only a few:

  • U. S. acceptance of co-existence as the only alternative to atomic war. No one should have to tell anyone whose head has not been in the sand for years that "peaceful co-existence" is the rule this country lived by for years, and is the rule that allowed many dangerous concessions to be agreed to by gullible politicians and by socialists within our government who knew exactly what they were doing.
  • U. S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war. Done. See above.
  • Develop the illusion that total disarmament by the U. S. would be a demonstration of moral strength. They didn't quite attain that one. But the promotion of this idea caused us to make many disastrous concessions in arms talks over the years, even if we didn't bite the big one.
  • Permit free trade between all nations regardless of communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war. This has been a difficult one for them. So long as the cold war was going on, free trade between us and communist countries was severely limited. Now, since communism has "died," these restrictions have largely been lifted, and we have NAFTA and GATT. You decide whether or not they've attained this goal.
  • Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites. Done. A long time ago. And now since the collapse of communism, more money, and a lot faster.
  • Provide American aid to all nations regardless of communist domination. Under the "rule" of the liberals, we have provided foreign aid for many countries, for years, many of them communist dominated even before the "fall of communism." Foreign Aid has been one of the largest items in our budget. Has this goal been won?
  • Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U. N. Done. Nixon took care of that one.
  • Allow all Soviet satellite countries individual representation in the United Nations. This is another one they didn't quite make under "cold war" conditions. Their goal in this instance is obvious. If every formerly sovereign state in their circle could wield a vote in the U. N., they would then have complete and total control instead of the "behind-the-scenes" and "voting control" they now have. With the "collapse" of communism, and all the former Soviet satellites becoming "independent," (even though still ruled by the same wolves who have put on their sheep's outfits) they will all be eligible for independent membership in the United Nations. Have they attained this one?
  • Promote the United Nations as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. This has been being done for years. Today, top American politicians are "believers" in this concept. Former President George Bush is just one of the gullible politicians who have bought this lie. He proved it when he said in New York, in 1991, "My vision of a New World Order foresees a United Nations with a revitalized peacekeeping function." And in February, 1992, at the UN Building: "It is the sacred principles enshrined in the UN Charter to which we will henceforth pledge our allegiance." This is a former President of the United States talking. The United Nations' World Constitution says: "The age of nations must end… The governments of the nations have decided to order their separate sovereignties into one government to which they surrender their arms." This is in place. It is ready to go, just as soon as they can con all the governments of the world into signing it. How about this one?
  • Do away with all loyalty oaths. This is another "head-in-the-sand issue." Unless you've had your head in the sand, you will know that there has been a concerted effort in this country to eliminate all loyalty oaths as unnecessary and an insult to those whose oath is required. They haven't yet managed to do away with all of them, but they're far down that road.
  • Capture one or both of the political parties of the U. S. You might not agree with this, but I think this one has been won. Just look at what the Democratic Party has been fostering and working like beavers to accomplish during the last 30 to 50 years. The people running things in this party are, for the most part, avowed socialists, and don't even attempt to hide it. Many are well-known Marxists. The basic aims of the dems are simple: the implementation of the altruist's creed:

Warning it is a long read but worth it.
RGS, won't you have to give up your military pension and health care when you take up arms against a democratically elected government?


You and the rest that keep claiming I am going to do that are going to be the most surprised when it is the 40 percent of the undecided that revolt at the ballot box and if needed else where.

Laugh and ignore reality all you want. Editec has a little idea of what may come, as Obama and the democrats left unchecked spend us so deep into debt that Government can not afford to provide basic needs of a society. I see a ballot revolt though and if that does not wake up BOTH sides of the political elite then worse will come.
Gee RGS, a Revolution is coming?

What's next? America's chickens are coming home to roost? ;) :eusa_whistle:

I understand, you're mad you lost but that is no reason to pick up your ball and go home. It'd be like losing a ship in Battleship and flipping over the game.

By the way, have fun trying to convince the Republicans to not vote for a decent candidate who isn't either batshit crazy or full of scandals.
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RGS, won't you have to give up your military pension and health care when you take up arms against a democratically elected government?


You and the rest that keep claiming I am going to do that are going to be the most surprised when it is the 40 percent of the undecided that revolt at the ballot box and if needed else where.

Laugh and ignore reality all you want. Editec has a little idea of what may come, as Obama and the democrats left unchecked spend us so deep into debt that Government can not afford to provide basic needs of a society. I see a ballot revolt though and if that does not wake up BOTH sides of the political elite then worse will come.
A ballot box revolt is fine but that isn't exactly what you are advocating. Talking up a revolution against an elected government is stupid coward's talk. If anyone in power uses force to remain in power then get back to us...until then you have nothing but sour grapes and whispers of an invalid revolution.
president bush was shown great respect until he began beating the war drums for going to war with iraq...his approval ratings showed such. Even the few who differed with iraq...never were let on to the main stream media early on but maybe a small clip of a war protest, here or there showing 10 seconds of it....the media, all of them from fox to nbc to abc to msnbc to cnn all supported us going to war with iraq and beat the war drums as well....there WAS NO LEFT WING VOICE in the media at the time.....(but of course this is forgotten :eusa_whistle:) the left didn't even get much airing on the election being handed to bush by the supreme court...

then 9/11, all praise and glory be to God, for the president!

from the first day in office, you have shown complete disrespect for the office of the presidency...your nastier, you fabricate more, you whine more, you threaten more than any democratic movement ever did, in bush's entire presidency...and believe me, the democrats at times were pretty rude and obnoxious...there is no denying it....i saw it!

But i also see what is happening here and lets just say ''you do it better''....showing disrespect, being a whiner, fabricating concerns, calling for revolution, being as nasty as can be, and all that CRAP....

Take praise where the praise is due...''you do it better!''

So, where do we go from here?

more vengeance?

more going around coming around?

more divisiveness for the sake of being divisive?

the thing that is evident...

is that you guys really think you are justified in your actions, and the left thinks you are not.

AND that the left felt justified in their actions towards president bush, and you all felt they weren't...

and before that, your relentless criticisms and actions towards clinton, you thought were justified, the left did not...

does anyone else see this never ending pattern? THIS IS WHY, vengeance lies with the Lord, or Buddha, or Allah, or the queen of the universe....WHATEVER ...i suppose?


Ohh look moron and drug addled Care is making bullshit claims again. From Day one we listened to how he stole the election, how he somehow got the Supreme Court ( 7 members) to agree to his case. Implying it was illegal. Outright lying about the judgement. 7 of 9 Justices AGREED that Bush was right in regards a recount. Last I counted 4 of the 9 were NOT conservatives. Were in fact Liberals.

He was accused of being a drug addict, a drunk and a moron, FROM DAY ONE. He was belittled for serving his Country as a fighter pilot, flying the most dangerous aircraft the Air Force had at the time. Flying it for more hours then required. He was attacked as having his daddy bribe the Guard to promote him and to even accept him. All with out a shred of credible evidence. And this all culminated 4 years later with Dan Rather and team KNOWINGLY presenting a forged paper as proof of the claims. Just days before the second election.

The left claimed, again with no evidence, that Florida some how had roadblocks up and used police and dogs to intimidate Democratic voters. They claimed that somehow the Governor fiddled with the ballots, which he had no contact with and no power to do anything with. Every recount ever conducted showed Bush won. Including those by BIASED sources trying to prove other wise after the fact.

Bush was called a monkey and a chimp from day one. Just imagine what you dumb asses would do if someone called Obama those names? He was accused of planning and executing 9/11. He was accused by others of allowing it to happen, as in he knew about it and did nothing. It still goes on today. YOU spent 8 years attacking him and suddenly want us to forget about it. PERHAPS rather then telling us how we should behave you could lead by example? Every time a Republican is accused of anything the slime, the name calling, the vicious attacks begin on the left, aided and abetted by the Press.

And we are supposed to just forget. We are supposed to ignore our core beliefs, ignore our morals, ignore our belief in the Constitution and just quietly sit by while Obama and the Democrats tear it all up. Not gonna happen, and that you actually think you can sell this bullshit shows me JUST how bereft of sanity and intelligence you all are.

You froth at the mouth screaming obscenities, calling vile names, attacking even the children of those you hate and then try to tell us to be respectful? That you can even say that with a fucking straight face is what alarms me. You all dropped your brains on the floor for Obama. Jillian is a PERFECT example, she went from being a person that could be counted on to at least look at both sides and make reasonable arguments for her side, to a troll that blindly supports Obama.

LEAD BY EXAMPLE, go ahead show us this respectful manner we should present. Quit LYING about what happened in the past and is now a matter of the Historical record.

You can start with Palin and follow through with all the other Republicans and Conservatives you blindly lash out at while demanding we behave.

It was a 5 to 4 decision to STOP the recount instead of returning it back to the florida supreme court to find a remedy....on partisan lines. This decision by the supreme court, remains as one of the MOST controversial decisions they have ever made, right along side of roe v wade.

Obama's election was a win with certainty, no matter the 'ifs' present....mccain could not win...there is no disputing such no matter how much spin you want to put on it with Acorn or the black panthers etc.... Obama won....the majority voted for him.

And, willow has shown that people were pissed about it... (and i have had to acknowledge such with her proof) and then were gated off, by the bush administration early on.... in caged in zones away from the president.

hmmmmm, is that taking their free speech of dissent away, as you claim obama is doing, but Bush actually did, with no complaint from you, but support of it?

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Hi Retired:

Miracles do happen, because we finally agree on one of these Conspiracy Topics! :0)

It (New Revolution) may be a soft one or a hard one, but with the delusional Liberals in charge it is coming. Right now as the signs increase and the warnings are out there, what are the liberals doing? They are calling those upset and opposed to more liberal socialism, astro turf and liars, they are calling them fakes and crazies.

The New Revolution is coming to the USA for many reasons:

1. 20 Million Illegal Aliens are waltzing around EVERYWHERE and our corrupt bought-and-paid-for politicians are trying to figure a way to hand out U.S. Citizenship as a reward for coming here in the middle of the night to steal American identities and JOBS. Bush and Obama allow Illegal Aliens to 'displace' U.S. Workers from JOBS, which is the underlying cause of the current Mortgage/Foreclosure Unemployment Crisis that is destroying the U.S. Consumer Base as we speak.

2. The Obama Administration is allowing far too much Outsourcing of JOBS and the offshoring of the U.S. Manufacturing Base and the importation of far too many Foreign Nationals (legal and illegal), which is destroying the U.S. Consumer Base and ultimately the entire U.S. Economy.

3. The Obama Administration and our corrupt Congress are inflating the Stimulus Bailout Bubble, by allowing the privately-owned FED to print up far too many dollars, which will lead the USA into Hyperinflation (my Topic).

4. America is waking up to the fact that the corrupt U.S. Government is destroying the USA and selling We The Sheeple into poverty.

5. The real National Debt has surpassed 100 Trillion Dollars (story) and is heading towards 200 Trillion Dollars, which is leading to the world dumping the US Dollar as a reserve currency. Our corrupt politicians are destroying the USA very much on purpose, which Americans are figuring out; until We The Sheeple demand their collective heads be on sticks!

6. Congress had their 'secret meeting' (March 13, 2008) where the plans were laid out for placing We The Sheeple under Martial Law and in Rex 84 FEMA Death Camps (link). The current H1N1 Bio-Weapon Flu is going to mutate (my Topic) into a Genocidal MONSTER and your corrupt govt officials will find themselves in the cross hairs of a new breed of American Revolutionary.

When the breaking point comes, the left will remain just as delusional as it is now and in denial. It won't be their fault it will be the vast secret Right wing conspiracy. The simple fact is only about 30 percent are Republicans and only about 30 percent are Democrats, the majority is that 40 percent that decide each election who to vote for. And THEY are the ones getting upset, they are the ones that find the plans and policies of this Administration are wrong. THEY are questioning Obama and the Congress, only to be ignored and labeled as astro turf and other stupid names.

There will be no 'left' or 'right,' when millions and millions of Americans start dying from this H1N1 Bio-Weapon Virus that your bought-and-paid-for politicians know will kill more than 90 percent of the U.S. population. They do not care what We The Sheeple have to say about anything, because most of you will be dead from the coming H1N1 Pandemic.

All one need do is open their eyes and pay attention. But that will not happen. The Liberals live in a dream world, they are to delusional to see the writing on the wall right in front of them.

Good grief, Retired, wake up and smell the rotting bodies of the right and left wing radicals without one clue (USA is worthy of destruction) . . . like you . . .


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For 8 years, your boy screwed up everything, and we had to accept the election crooked or not.

Now that you lost in a fair election, there will be a revolution.

Sounds like treason to me, Gunny.

Remember when Pogo and others told us to leave if we didn't like it. You have that choice also.:eusa_whistle:

Treason is the word for Gunny and his like. When faced with a political system they don't like, rather than work within a system that has worked for over 200 years they look for revolution, intimidation, denial of first amendment rights and secession as their solutions.

Their solution when they are no longer winning the game is to take their ball and go home

Good point. Heres a video that totally shows what you're talking about in terms of those darn rightists wanting to deny first amendment rights:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YtcmmYOesk]YouTube - HCAN organizer explains how to block opposing views[/ame]

Generalizations are fun, arent they you fucking moron?
All one need do is open their eyes and pay attention. But that will not happen. The Liberals live in a dream world, they are to delusional to see the writing on the wall right in front of them.

Speaking of delusional... the right wing likes to call Obama a far leftist, socialist, Nazi, communist, grandma killer, etc... he ran as a moderate, and is governing to the middle-right of the isle. If you could pull your head out of your butt, and start actually looking at what he's doing, instead of being told how to think you'd understand this a little better.

Look at his health care plan as an example. And I'll spell this out as simply as I can for you.

Liberal position = single payer / Conservative = status quo, with tort reform and removal of state inter-commerce insurance restrictions.

The middle position is status quo with reform and public option. A hybrid approach of private and government plans.

So where is Obama's current plan... it NEVER put singly payer on the table. And it started with the middle position, and is now doing away with the public option and will have only private industry reform. <---- this is the middle right position.

It's you brainwashed pawns that don't have any clue or idea how you're being used. I mean, you don't even have one logical position to your beliefs. And I will gladly demonstrate to you why you don't.
There is no revolution coming, RGS.

You are projecting your own butthurt.

Nothing more.
rev&#8901;o&#8901;lu&#8901;tion&#8194;&#8194;/&#716;r&#603;v&#601;&#712;lu&#643;&#601;n/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [rev-uh-loo-shuhn] Show IPA

&#8211;noun 1. an overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed.

2. Sociology. a radical and pervasive change in society and the social structure, esp. one made suddenly and often accompanied by violence. Compare social evolution.

3. a sudden, complete or marked change in something: the present revolution in church architecture.
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There is no revolution coming, RGS.

You are projecting your own butthurt.

Nothing more.

We've been hearing it since last November. They can't even get organized enough to help Texas secede. We haven't heard that lame threat in awhile.
There is no revolution coming, RGS.

You are projecting your own butthurt.

Nothing more.

We've been hearing it since last November. They can't even get organized enough to help Texas secede. We haven't heard that lame threat in awhile.

Who says the revolutionaries are not getting organized.

Not going to happen, they don't have near enough support. The extremists are a small faction of the Republican party just as they are a small minorty of the Democratic party.

Stop with the lame threats already. Piss or get off the pot.
We've been hearing it since last November. They can't even get organized enough to help Texas secede. We haven't heard that lame threat in awhile.

Who says the revolutionaries are not getting organized.

Not going to happen, they don't have near enough support. The extremists are a small faction of the Republican party just as they are a small minorty of the Democratic party.

Stop with the lame threats already. Piss or get off the pot.

Is your idea of revolutionaries gun toting, parade marching, ragtag warriors? A war can be fought on many fronts, even online, in the media, even ... poetry. ;)
Who says the revolutionaries are not getting organized.

Not going to happen, they don't have near enough support. The extremists are a small faction of the Republican party just as they are a small minorty of the Democratic party.

Stop with the lame threats already. Piss or get off the pot.

Is your idea of revolutionaries gun toting, parade marching, ragtag warriors? A war can be fought on many fronts, even online, in the media, even ... poetry. ;)

If you read my post, it's about getting organized and making it happen. You seem to think this bunch of lame extremists are getting organized quietly, yes?

I say they're just a bunch of blowhards and all talk.

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