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A Revolution is coming.

Gunny, I appreciate your service to our country, thank you. Also a former Marine/Cpl here.

Some deep moral convictions that I have always tried to carry.

"Judge not lest ye be Judged" which I think go's hand in hand with "Those without sin cast the first stone"

In saying these words, I believe a big part of society today, cannot and will not, mind their own business.

From the LEFT: We'll take your guns, We'll take your smoking, We'll take your money in social programs.

From the RIGHT: We'll take your freedom of choice, We'll take Gay marriage rights, We'll take your money in price of gas, price of health insurance, We'll take your unions.

Everyone is so busy INFRINGING on the rights of others. NO ONE just minds their business anymore. Everyone is always right, and Everyone else is always wrong.

There are no FREEDOMS anymore: Do this, and Don't do that.

Laws: Whether it be your town, city, municipal, county, state, and or federal.
Has anyone ever sat down and tried to read some of them, they are out of control.

If you are a law abiding citizen, which I am, it would not take much to break one, or get hit with a catch all law.

In America it is all about CONTROL !!!! In one form or another.

Wear your seatbelt, Wear your helmet, Political correctness, so on so forth.......

We are micro managed to death, hmmmm brings up (DEATH & TAXES).

Forms of taxes: Taxed before you get your paycheck, taxed at the store, taxed on the change that you have that makes a dollar. TAX TAX TAX

Hidden Taxes: Gas Tax, (Sin Tax = Cigarettes & Alchohol), License plates, Boat Registration, ATV Registration, Tickets, Marriage License, Hunting License, Fishing License, Insurance, Tax Levi's, Property Tax, etc so on and so forth...........TAX TAX TAX

Social programming: They don't call it TV programs, or Radio Programs for nothing. Programming is programming, no matter how you slice it.

Everyone will end up answering for the life they lived, in one way or another.

Life has become a never ending vicious circle. I remember an "AMERICA" where you once said hello to your neighbor, an America where you would not think twice about lending a helping hand to someone in need, an America that was FREE.

What happened to My America???

Whatever happened to the words "Don't tread on Me" ???

I believe that AMERICA will one day find herself !!!!

How and when, is up to each and every individual AMERICAN!!!!
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I wasn't claiming there was, only that if there was, people who spout off about it coming wouldn't be the ones you'd worry about anyway. ;)

Its already here Article, its been a soft quiet one slowly gaining steam for several years now. If the 111th congress keeps up their crap, and the president keeps shoveling it on top of us, those quiet people who surround us soft revolters will be joining in with us too.

You saw some of us come out in force to vote in Obama in 2008, those same people are now seeing obama is not delivering on his campaign rhetoric/promises and are turning against him.

We will not be silenced by the shenanigans and soon our disgust will show in voting results.

What are they going to do? Vote in republicans?

Depends on what state you're from. New Republicans and new Democrats will do the job, new blood.

I'm hoping for a real revolution with new blood that doesn't identify with party politics bullshit.

Why would anyone bother to risk organising a revolution that could fail when they have the option of voting in elections?

Look up the word revolution, it's not the same as "armed rebellion" ... a revolution can happen at the polls. ;)

and there you have it :)

It already happenend in 2008....many of us showed our disgust by kicking out the republican bums and voting in the democrats(not me in my state i voted the libertarian canidate and the democrat challengers to the democrat incumbents). In the short 3 years they have had control of the senate and 7 months they have held the white house they have shown us they are just as incompetent and corrupt as the republicans they replaced.

Its coming......its not a matter of if but when. 2010? maybe, hopefully.....

The Kick Them All Out Project - Imposing our undeniable will on the government through the power of our votes!
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president bush was shown great respect until he began beating the war drums for going to war with iraq...his approval ratings showed such. Even the few who differed with iraq...never were let on to the main stream media early on but maybe a small clip of a war protest, here or there showing 10 seconds of it....the media, all of them from fox to nbc to abc to msnbc to cnn all supported us going to war with iraq and beat the war drums as well....there WAS NO LEFT WING VOICE in the media at the time.....(but of course this is forgotten :eusa_whistle:) the left didn't even get much airing on the election being handed to bush by the supreme court...

then 9/11, all praise and glory be to God, for the president!

from the first day in office, you have shown complete disrespect for the office of the presidency...your nastier, you fabricate more, you whine more, you threaten more than any democratic movement ever did, in bush's entire presidency...and believe me, the democrats at times were pretty rude and obnoxious...there is no denying it....i saw it!

But i also see what is happening here and lets just say ''you do it better''....showing disrespect, being a whiner, fabricating concerns, calling for revolution, being as nasty as can be, and all that CRAP....

Take praise where the praise is due...''you do it better!''

So, where do we go from here?

more vengeance?

more going around coming around?

more divisiveness for the sake of being divisive?

the thing that is evident...

is that you guys really think you are justified in your actions, and the left thinks you are not.

AND that the left felt justified in their actions towards president bush, and you all felt they weren't...

and before that, your relentless criticisms and actions towards clinton, you thought were justified, the left did not...

does anyone else see this never ending pattern? THIS IS WHY, vengeance lies with the Lord, or Buddha, or Allah, or the queen of the universe....WHATEVER ...i suppose?


Ohh look moron and drug addled Care is making bullshit claims again. From Day one we listened to how he stole the election, how he somehow got the Supreme Court ( 7 members) to agree to his case. Implying it was illegal. Outright lying about the judgement. 7 of 9 Justices AGREED that Bush was right in regards a recount. Last I counted 4 of the 9 were NOT conservatives. Were in fact Liberals.

He was accused of being a drug addict, a drunk and a moron, FROM DAY ONE. He was belittled for serving his Country as a fighter pilot, flying the most dangerous aircraft the Air Force had at the time. Flying it for more hours then required. He was attacked as having his daddy bribe the Guard to promote him and to even accept him. All with out a shred of credible evidence. And this all culminated 4 years later with Dan Rather and team KNOWINGLY presenting a forged paper as proof of the claims. Just days before the second election.

The left claimed, again with no evidence, that Florida some how had roadblocks up and used police and dogs to intimidate Democratic voters. They claimed that somehow the Governor fiddled with the ballots, which he had no contact with and no power to do anything with. Every recount ever conducted showed Bush won. Including those by BIASED sources trying to prove other wise after the fact.

Bush was called a monkey and a chimp from day one. Just imagine what you dumb asses would do if someone called Obama those names? He was accused of planning and executing 9/11. He was accused by others of allowing it to happen, as in he knew about it and did nothing. It still goes on today. YOU spent 8 years attacking him and suddenly want us to forget about it. PERHAPS rather then telling us how we should behave you could lead by example? Every time a Republican is accused of anything the slime, the name calling, the vicious attacks begin on the left, aided and abetted by the Press.

And we are supposed to just forget. We are supposed to ignore our core beliefs, ignore our morals, ignore our belief in the Constitution and just quietly sit by while Obama and the Democrats tear it all up. Not gonna happen, and that you actually think you can sell this bullshit shows me JUST how bereft of sanity and intelligence you all are.

You froth at the mouth screaming obscenities, calling vile names, attacking even the children of those you hate and then try to tell us to be respectful? That you can even say that with a fucking straight face is what alarms me. You all dropped your brains on the floor for Obama. Jillian is a PERFECT example, she went from being a person that could be counted on to at least look at both sides and make reasonable arguments for her side, to a troll that blindly supports Obama.

LEAD BY EXAMPLE, go ahead show us this respectful manner we should present. Quit LYING about what happened in the past and is now a matter of the Historical record.

You can start with Palin and follow through with all the other Republicans and Conservatives you blindly lash out at while demanding we behave.

I would forget easily enough if the left weren't so hypocritical when they say it's "treason" and should somehow be "stopped" when they did it, with much less cause, for decades. And they continue to do it. The smear campaign against Palin, which focuses ENTIRELY on her sex, her religion, and her geographical location, is bigotry pure and simple, and they have the balls to imply that anyone who criticizes Obama is a racist.
I'm hoping for a real revolution with new blood that doesn't identify with party politics bullshit.

I really like that. I'm so sick of the irrational taking of sides, ........ just because they are sides and those taking them are conditioned to do so.

In the FEMA deception thread I talk about an infiltration being responsible for 9-11. I also, historically attribute the infiltration with the creation of party politics.

The infiltrated elements of the US government have been around since a majority of the founders expressed that they prefer the nation not have political parties. And, ...... if it were to have parties, to have only 2.

The reason for this is that they saw that if there were more than 2, the most powerful of the 2 would control the others and use their numbers to defeat the weaker of the 2.

The idea was that the elections would be an opportunity for the candidates for office to describe their perceptions of the principles of the Constitution and best paradigm to use in leadership to help those principles manifest in the people lives. It was in essence a pragmatic spiritual challenge that would be tested in the future lives of the citizens.

Each and every election would be a "new experiment", hopefully providing better results in practice as far as the new, tangible manifestation of the sacred principles carried in the Constitution, than previous elections.

The infiltration has been one of psychology corrupting the people as much as anything else. It was conducted by what came over as old, unreasoned fears, held in the hearts and minds of immigrants on the ships arriving here.

Those fears, played as musical instruments inside us, over generations, by the infiltrators, created the very divisions we can read in the thinking expressed in this thread that still divide us and empower the infiltrators to dispose of our Consitution.

The question is; can we confront those fears and understand them, conquer them, separate from them what might be a reasonable fear and what is not so. Then can we dispel the false and non functional forms of thought and feeling the infiltrators have promoted to divide us, confuse us, then control us and enslave us, and effectively dispel them to protect our rights and freedoms?
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