A Russian Soldier who saved Polish city of Krakow in 1945 dead at 103


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2014
Alexey Botyan, a legendary Soviet-Armenian intelligence agent who rescued Krakow during the 1945 Nazi occupatiom, has died at age 103 in Russia.

At the peak of his career, Liuetenant Alyosha (the nickname he was usually referred to by the local residents) realized what he considered to be the major achievement of his lifetime. He managed to dertail the Nazi plot of exploding the dam on River Dunayets, averting a major flood calculated to bring about the city’s destruction.
Soviet-Armenian intelligence officer Alexey Botyan dies at 103

“Saving Krakow is the most important thing I ever did in my life,” said Soviet intelligence officer Alexei Botyan. Indeed, thanks to his bravery, the ancient Polish capital still enraptures residents and tourists with its pristine beauty
How one Soviet intelligence officer saved Krakow

Botyan’s diplomatic skills enabled him to establish friendly relations with the commanders of the Farmers’ Battalions, Vladislav Sokulsky and Mechislav Holeva. From them, he learned that the Germans had stockpiled ammunition and explosives in the old Jagiellonian castle in the town of Novy Sacz near Krakow.

And from one of the partisans’ captives, an engineer-cartographer by the name of Zigmund Ogarek, they discovered that the explosives would be used to blow up bridges across the river Dunajec, the historical part of Krakow, and the Rozhnov dam. The latter was to be blown up in the event that the Red Army broke into the city, causing a partial flooding of the ancient Polish capital and chaos among the Soviet troops.

At 5.20am on Jan. 18, 1945, the stone walls of the ancient castle were blown away by a powerful explosion that buried several hundred German soldiers and the plan to destroy the city. And at that very moment, troops from the 59th and 60th Armies of the 1st Ukrainian Front were preparing for an assault on Krakow, which would liberate the city the following day.
How one Soviet intelligence officer saved Krakow

RIP, dear Alexey, we'll be praying for you...
We call ours "America's greatest generation" here.

God speed, old Russian Nazi-fighter. I'll fire off a volley from my 1944 Mosin-Nagant rifle for you, if it ever warms up here.
It's a pity that today Poland has forgotten the well-known words of Winston Churchill, who said, «Without the Russian armies Poland would have been destroyed or enslaved, and the Polish nation itself would have been wiped from the face of the earth. But the valiant Russian armies are liberating Poland, and no other forces in the world could have done so».

Today they try to shy away from mentioning the fact that over 600 thousand Soviet soldiers gave their lives for liberation of Poland from Nazis.

They have forgotten that in the 1980s, so difficult for Poland, the USSR gave over 7 billion rubles in free assistance, and in the early 1990s Russia essentially forgave Poland's debt of 5.3 billion rubles, at that time not yet devalued, in foreign currency. Today Polish politicians call all this the «Soviet occupation» and permit lowlifes to desecrate the memory and graves of fallen Red Army soldiers. They do not like to recall these and other facts, like the mass deaths of Russian, Ukrainian, Belorussian and German prisoners in Polish concentration camps in modern Poland. But the Poles themselves do not mince matters with regard to their neighbors' historical memory.

Liberation of Poland: What People without Shame Would Like to Forget
Polska was always a cheap whore selling herself to anyone who pays a little bit.

Churchill indeed called Poland of the 1930s a "hyena".

Talk:History of Poland (1918–1939)

Why did Churchill call Poland the "hyena of Europe"?

Not a hyena, but KURWA - Whore

Polska was always a cheap whore selling herself to anyone who pays a little bit.

Churchill indeed called Poland of the 1930s a "hyena".

Talk:History of Poland (1918–1939)

Why did Churchill call Poland the "hyena of Europe"?

Not a hyena, but KURWA - Whore
Not only that but a dumb one.

The Polish Ambassador to Germany Andrzej Przylebsky : USSR occupied not only Poland but also Ukraine and Belarus.

It basically means that USSR had occupied itself because Ukraine and Belarus were just parts of USSR. What can be dumber than that?
the Polish leadership prefers not to recall the cooperation of the interwar authorities of the country with Hitler, the Munich agreement and the participation of Warsaw in the division of Czechoslovakia.

Also in Warsaw they do not recall the unprecedented assistance that the Soviet Union provided in restoring the country destroyed by the war, and the territorial acquisitions of Poland. Thanks to the "Soviet occupation", a significant part of the eastern regions of Germany became Polish.
Problems with historical memory: how Poland denies the role of the USSR in the victory over Nazism | tellerreport.com

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