A scientific dissent from Darwinism

I hear it all the time. About how evolution is a confirmed fact. Well, many scientists disagree. Here is a list of over 500 scientists who have risked their careers by bucking the establishment and signing this list.

Ooh...a list!

Evolution is still a fact. All of those scientists (I'll wager that there are zero publishing biologists on that list) are welcome to publish science that contradicts evolutionary theory. Yet they aren't.

I guess they just don't feel like it, eh?
Evolution occurs
That is a fact proven by Biological, fossil, geological and DNA evidence

The how and why it occurs involve theories

God is at best a theory. A theory unsupported by any scientific evidence
You are using theory wrong. A theory is supported by facts and observation. A deity is at best a hypothesis, as there are no proven facts concerning any aspects of a deity. And no observations that can be repeated for others to observe.

By definition God is unprovable, as He is a sovereign being. To be repeatable is to be less than God.
I hear it all the time. About how evolution is a confirmed fact. Well, many scientists disagree. Here is a list of over 500 scientists who have risked their careers by bucking the establishment and signing this list.

Ooh...a list!

Evolution is still a fact. All of those scientists (I'll wager that there are zero publishing biologists on that list) are welcome to publish science that contradicts evolutionary theory. Yet they aren't.

I guess they just don't feel like it, eh?
Evolution occurs
That is a fact proven by Biological, fossil, geological and DNA evidence

The how and why it occurs involve theories

God is at best a theory. A theory unsupported by any scientific evidence
You are using theory wrong. A theory is supported by facts and observation. A deity is at best a hypothesis, as there are no proven facts concerning any aspects of a deity. And no observations that can be repeated for others to observe.

By definition God is unprovable, as He is a sovereign being. To be repeatable is to be less than God.
That made no sense on any level.
Without a Sun or Moon ??? ... Interesting berry berry interesting .... but stooopid . What do you know about the 'light' you spend too much time in the sewer

Here is an notable fact for the evangelicals. The moon is more important than the sun because the moon shines at night when light is needed. The sun only shines during the day when it's already light anyway.
I hear it all the time. About how evolution is a confirmed fact. Well, many scientists disagree. Here is a list of over 500 scientists who have risked their careers by bucking the establishment and signing this list.

Ooh...a list!

Evolution is still a fact. All of those scientists (I'll wager that there are zero publishing biologists on that list) are welcome to publish science that contradicts evolutionary theory. Yet they aren't.

I guess they just don't feel like it, eh?
Evolution occurs
That is a fact proven by Biological, fossil, geological and DNA evidence

The how and why it occurs involve theories

God is at best a theory. A theory unsupported by any scientific evidence
You are using theory wrong. A theory is supported by facts and observation. A deity is at best a hypothesis, as there are no proven facts concerning any aspects of a deity. And no observations that can be repeated for others to observe.

By definition God is unprovable, as He is a sovereign being. To be repeatable is to be less than God.
That made no sense on any level.

Think about what you're demanding. You're saying that you have to be able to repeat observations, correct? God is a sovereign being, which means He's not bound by your rules of repeatability.
Ooh...a list!

Evolution is still a fact. All of those scientists (I'll wager that there are zero publishing biologists on that list) are welcome to publish science that contradicts evolutionary theory. Yet they aren't.

I guess they just don't feel like it, eh?
Evolution occurs
That is a fact proven by Biological, fossil, geological and DNA evidence

The how and why it occurs involve theories

God is at best a theory. A theory unsupported by any scientific evidence
You are using theory wrong. A theory is supported by facts and observation. A deity is at best a hypothesis, as there are no proven facts concerning any aspects of a deity. And no observations that can be repeated for others to observe.

By definition God is unprovable, as He is a sovereign being. To be repeatable is to be less than God.
That made no sense on any level.

Think about what you're demanding. You're saying that you have to be able to repeat observations, correct? God is a sovereign being, which means He's not bound by your rules of repeatability.
Is God repeatable?

Different standards of proof?
God exists because His Holy Spirit through the Lord Jesus Christ/Messiah has changed how I perceive things. I'm assuming nothing. As a child realizes his father, or a lamb recognizes its shepherd, so I know my Lord is real and loves me.
That's nice, but this is posted on the Science and Technology forum in a thread titled A scientific dissent from Darwinism. What you are arguing is totally religious and has nothing to do with an argument involving science.

If you do think it is a scientific argument, then as I said, "You are assuming the existence of God in order to prove the existence of God. It is no proof when you axiomatically assume the very thing you are trying to prove."
What evolutionists are presenting is anti -GOD and a humanistic belief. So sorry you cannot accept that evolutionism is distorting the facts to set the tone for their theory that works to exclude GOD and creationists on the grounds such doesn't follow the prerequisites that evolutionists themselves have established. You wanted a pile of all sorts fossils dumped together. You've been handed that. Evolutionists don't like to research this --- because the implications are disturbing. And I can see that now you have all sorts of excuses to disregard such facts. i don't disregard any evolutionists FACTS on the grounds they are not creationist, I simply try to rethink what they say from a different perspective. Evolutionists simply try to ignore and hide things they cannot deal with.
What evolutionists are presenting is an explanation of life evolving from simple creatures

What you are providing is wishful thinking based on fantasy
The "simple" creatures are NOT simple. Define "simple"! And a fantasy founded on humanism doesn't make it more "scientific" or the truth..
Evolution occurs
That is a fact proven by Biological, fossil, geological and DNA evidence

The how and why it occurs involve theories

God is at best a theory. A theory unsupported by any scientific evidence
You are using theory wrong. A theory is supported by facts and observation. A deity is at best a hypothesis, as there are no proven facts concerning any aspects of a deity. And no observations that can be repeated for others to observe.

By definition God is unprovable, as He is a sovereign being. To be repeatable is to be less than God.
That made no sense on any level.

Think about what you're demanding. You're saying that you have to be able to repeat observations, correct? God is a sovereign being, which means He's not bound by your rules of repeatability.
Is God repeatable?

Different standards of proof?
We were created in GOD's image ---- I guess that means that while not GOD we have an innate desire to be godlike and not simply exist.
God exists because His Holy Spirit through the Lord Jesus Christ/Messiah has changed how I perceive things. I'm assuming nothing. As a child realizes his father, or a lamb recognizes its shepherd, so I know my Lord is real and loves me.
That's nice, but this is posted on the Science and Technology forum in a thread titled A scientific dissent from Darwinism. What you are arguing is totally religious and has nothing to do with an argument involving science.

If you do think it is a scientific argument, then as I said, "You are assuming the existence of God in order to prove the existence of God. It is no proof when you axiomatically assume the very thing you are trying to prove."
What evolutionists are presenting is anti -GOD and a humanistic belief. So sorry you cannot accept that evolutionism is distorting the facts to set the tone for their theory that works to exclude GOD and creationists on the grounds such doesn't follow the prerequisites that evolutionists themselves have established. You wanted a pile of all sorts fossils dumped together. You've been handed that. Evolutionists don't like to research this --- because the implications are disturbing. And I can see that now you have all sorts of excuses to disregard such facts. i don't disregard any evolutionists FACTS on the grounds they are not creationist, I simply try to rethink what they say from a different perspective. Evolutionists simply try to ignore and hide things they cannot deal with.
What evolutionists are presenting is an explanation of life evolving from simple creatures

What you are providing is wishful thinking based on fantasy
The "simple" creatures are NOT simple. Define "simple"! And a fantasy founded on humanism doesn't make it more "scientific" or the truth..

No brain, primitive organs

No dinosaurs mixed in with Troglodytes
More complex creatures came in higher strata
You are using theory wrong. A theory is supported by facts and observation. A deity is at best a hypothesis, as there are no proven facts concerning any aspects of a deity. And no observations that can be repeated for others to observe.

By definition God is unprovable, as He is a sovereign being. To be repeatable is to be less than God.
That made no sense on any level.

Think about what you're demanding. You're saying that you have to be able to repeat observations, correct? God is a sovereign being, which means He's not bound by your rules of repeatability.
Is God repeatable?

Different standards of proof?
We were created in GOD's image ---- I guess that means that while not GOD we have an innate desire to be godlike and not simply exist.
You are using theory wrong. A theory is supported by facts and observation. A deity is at best a hypothesis, as there are no proven facts concerning any aspects of a deity. And no observations that can be repeated for others to observe.

By definition God is unprovable, as He is a sovereign being. To be repeatable is to be less than God.
That made no sense on any level.

Think about what you're demanding. You're saying that you have to be able to repeat observations, correct? God is a sovereign being, which means He's not bound by your rules of repeatability.
Is God repeatable?

Different standards of proof?
We were created in GOD's image ---- I guess that means that while not GOD we have an innate desire to be godlike and not simply exist.
We were created in God’s image?

Does God have a penis?
This is a scientific board

Show where god is repeatable
Provide ANY evidence of God
What evolutionists are presenting is anti -GOD

Not neccesarily .... Bible states it took 6 days but it doesn't say how long those days were ... just the evening and the morniong were the first day and so forth and so on. The 24 hr. time period didn't come about till later [theoretically]

On the fourth day, God commanded that there be lights in the sky to separate day and night. He made the sun, moon and stars to separate light from darkness (Gen. 1:14-18). But we are told in verse 4 that God had separated light from darkness on the first day; and the words "evening and morning" show that there was already a separation between night and day. So what really happened on the fourth day of creation?

On the fourth day, God called for the sun and moon to separate day and night — something seemingly unnecessary, for day and night already existed. And God commanded that the sun and moon "give light on the earth" — another thing that had already been done on day one. Part of the stated purpose is puzzling if we interpret the account literally — and these questions about sequence exist no matter how long the "days" were.
Once God created the earth.....a 24 hour day was established

Without a Sun or Moon ??? ... Interesting berry berry interesting .... but stooopid . What do you know about the 'light' you spend too much time in the sewer
Seems like you spend too much time hanging around boobs. Jesus said He was the light of the world. God created light and then designed the lamps to illuminate it. While HE accomplished this HE was all that was necessary.
Evolution is a FACT

God is a theory

Just to clue you knuckleheads in Neither is a Fact. Evolution is the THEORY of evolution and God is part of a belief system -
Hmm, no , evolution is a fact. It is as well known a fact as the fact that the Earth revolves about the Sun.
No, CREATON is a FACT. Diversity within individual species kinds is fact. One species developing into all the various kinds of organisms that exist today is the fantasy.
Evolution is a FACT

God is a theory

Just to clue you knuckleheads in Neither is a Fact. Evolution is the THEORY of evolution and God is part of a belief system -
Hmm, no , evolution is a fact. It is as well known a fact as the fact that the Earth revolves about the Sun.
No, CREATON is a FACT. Diversity within individual species kinds is fact. One species developing into all the various kinds of organisms that exist today is the fantasy.
God is a fantasy

There is no proof of creation. Plenty of proof it never happened
Evolution is a FACT

God is a theory

Just to clue you knuckleheads in Neither is a Fact. Evolution is the THEORY of evolution and God is part of a belief system -
Hmm, no , evolution is a fact. It is as well known a fact as the fact that the Earth revolves about the Sun.
No, CREATON is a FACT. Diversity within individual species kinds is fact. One species developing into all the various kinds of organisms that exist today is the fantasy.
God is a fantasy

There is no proof of creation. Plenty of proof it never happened
No, there is plenty of proof something happened. You just believe nature is capable of spontaneously erupting and flowering all by itself because it wanted to or had to. But you have no real rational reason why!
Evolution is a FACT

God is a theory

Just to clue you knuckleheads in Neither is a Fact. Evolution is the THEORY of evolution and God is part of a belief system -
Hmm, no , evolution is a fact. It is as well known a fact as the fact that the Earth revolves about the Sun.
No, CREATON is a FACT. Diversity within individual species kinds is fact. One species developing into all the various kinds of organisms that exist today is the fantasy.
God is a fantasy

There is no proof of creation. Plenty of proof it never happened
No, there is plenty of proof something happened. You just believe nature is capable of spontaneously erupting and flowering all by itself because it wanted to or had to. But you have no real rational reason why!
Show scientific proof
Evolution occurs
That is a fact proven by Biological, fossil, geological and DNA evidence

The how and why it occurs involve theories

God is at best a theory. A theory unsupported by any scientific evidence
You are using theory wrong. A theory is supported by facts and observation. A deity is at best a hypothesis, as there are no proven facts concerning any aspects of a deity. And no observations that can be repeated for others to observe.

By definition God is unprovable, as He is a sovereign being. To be repeatable is to be less than God.
That made no sense on any level.

Think about what you're demanding. You're saying that you have to be able to repeat observations, correct? God is a sovereign being, which means He's not bound by your rules of repeatability.
Is God repeatable?

Different standards of proof?

God is a sovereign being, not an ATM. He decides when, where and how to act.
I hear it all the time. About how evolution is a confirmed fact. Well, many scientists disagree. Here is a list of over 500 scientists who have risked their careers by bucking the establishment and signing this list.

Ooh...a list!

Evolution is still a fact. All of those scientists (I'll wager that there are zero publishing biologists on that list) are welcome to publish science that contradicts evolutionary theory. Yet they aren't.

I guess they just don't feel like it, eh?
Evolution occurs
That is a fact proven by Biological, fossil, geological and DNA evidence

The how and why it occurs involve theories

God is at best a theory. A theory unsupported by any scientific evidence
You are using theory wrong. A theory is supported by facts and observation. A deity is at best a hypothesis, as there are no proven facts concerning any aspects of a deity. And no observations that can be repeated for others to observe.
I find men like Billy Graham were very polite, honest to a fault, and open to discussion. I find atheists tend to be very angry, nasty, narrow-minded, self-righteous and very much like Madeline Murray O'hair to their discredit. That in and of itself is proof that there is a big difference between those that seek after GOD and those that disregard Him. And the reality is that there are many individuals who drank, smoked, cursed, and were general hellraisers. Yet, once they became "Christians" their lives and behavior turned around. Can a leopard change its spots ---- it would seem that GOD can do it; however, if there is no GOD than such an event is impossible. So, why is the impossible ---- possible!
drank, smoked, cursed, and were general hellraisers

I'll drink to that....a good port with my pipe; damn it I've gotta do some stuff for the olds this arvo.....but I'll head out on the town with the missus later tonight...a night of dancing and stuff beckons........and then after a good night's sleep off to mass tomorrow. I don't give a shit about wowserism; neither should any of us.

But as for the goose who said God is a "hypotheses"....dumbest bit of crap I've ever heard. An hypothesis is so because it can be refuted. eg, if I say a cat causes water to boil, remove the cat and the water still boils then the finding is inconsistent with the hypothesis and so the hypothesis is refuted. How does one do that with God??? can't, so The Existence of God is other than a Hypothesis or theory.

I hear it all the time. About how evolution is a confirmed fact. Well, many scientists disagree. Here is a list of over 500 scientists who have risked their careers by bucking the establishment and signing this list.


LOL- your citation doesn't even mention evolution.

Nor are all of them 'scientists'.

A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism - Wikipedia
After more than a decade of effort the Discovery Institute proudly announced in 2007 that it had got some 700 doctoral-level scientists and engineers to sign "A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism." Though the number may strike some observers as rather large, it represented less than 0.023 percent of the world's scientists. On the scientific front of the much ballyhooed "Evolution Wars", the Darwinists were winning handily. The ideological struggle between (methodological) naturalism and supernaturalism continued largely in the fantasies of the faithful and the hyperbole of the press.[38]

In addition, the list was signed by only about 0.01% of scientists in the relevant fields. According to the National Science Foundation, there were approximately 955,300 biological scientists in the United States in 1999.[40] Only about 1/4 of the approximately 700 Darwin Dissenters in 2007 are biologists, according to Kenneth Chang of the New York Times.[10] Approximately 40% of the Darwin Dissenters are not identified as residing in the United States, so in 2007, there were about 105 US biologists among the Darwin Dissenters, representing about 0.01% of the total number of US biologists that existed in 1999. The theory of evolution is overwhelmingly accepted throughout the scientific community.[18] Professor Brian Alters of McGill University, an expert in the creation-evolution controversy, is quoted in an article published by the NIH as stating that "99.9 percent of scientists accept evolution".[41]
Acceptance is not proof of truth.

Exactly- which is why your acceptance of your sky fairy is not proof of truth.

Show me your evidence that God DOES NOT exist?

What part of the Scientific method don't you understand?

Just to clue you knuckleheads in Neither is a Fact. Evolution is the THEORY of evolution and God is part of a belief system -
Hmm, no , evolution is a fact. It is as well known a fact as the fact that the Earth revolves about the Sun.
No, CREATON is a FACT. Diversity within individual species kinds is fact. One species developing into all the various kinds of organisms that exist today is the fantasy.
God is a fantasy

There is no proof of creation. Plenty of proof it never happened
No, there is plenty of proof something happened. You just believe nature is capable of spontaneously erupting and flowering all by itself because it wanted to or had to. But you have no real rational reason why!
Show scientific proof
You have been shown "scientific " proof over and over. You disregard that "scientific" proof and cling to a humanistic theory that suits you. You have been shown more historic, intellectual, and scientific proof for CREATION than you have ever shown for cosmic evolution. Read the Bible. If you don't believe that, why would you believe even if someone returned from the dead?
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