A sensible Muslim....


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
This is an extremely sensible article. Please read it completely before replying, if you reply.

Hatred of Jews :: Gatestone Institute

We Muslims make the mistake of thinking Europeans really care about is, especially the Palestinians. We are wrong. Europeans simply hate the Jews more than they hate and fear us. The bitter truth is that Europeans usually intervene in a crisis only if it gives them an opportunity for Jew-bashing. It does not even mention Syria, or the rapes of women and children, and the beheadings, to say nothing of exploitation, discrimination, slavery, and other crimes against humanity.
Nina Rosenwald is founder of the Gatestone Institute—a New York-based offshoot of the neoconservative Hudson Institute—and an important funder of a panoply of right-wing “pro-Israel” and anti-Islamic organizations.

Dubbed the “Sugar Mama of Anti-Muslim Hate” by journalist Max Blumenthal, Rosenwald is an heir to the Sears Roebuck fortune, a co-chair of the board at the equity firm American Securities.

Along with her sister Elizabeth Varet, a principal at the right-wing Anchorage Fund, Rosenwald has helped funnel millions of dollars to rightwing “pro-Israel” causes. In its 2011 report on the U.S. “Islamophobia network,” the Center for American Progress identified the Anchorage and Rosenwald foundations as key financial backers of anti-Islamic messaging in the United States.

“Between 2001 and 2008,” it noted, “the Anchorage Charitable Fund and William Rosenwald Family Fund contributed $2,818,229 to Islamophobic organizations.

Nina Rosenwald - Profile - Right Web - Institute for Policy Studies
I read the article which came off as pretty extreme.

Then I looked up Gatestone and Rosenwald.

What I read about her was very disturbing and makes me question the articles she promotes and distributes.

The Sugar Mama of Anti-Muslim Hate | The Nation
Over the past decade, Rosenwald’s generosity has helped sustain the pet projects of “Islamofascism Awareness Week” organizer and Stalinist apostate David Horowitz. Her largesse has also supported former Lebanese Maronite TV anchor Brigitte Gabriel, who told an evangelical audience in 2006 that Muslims “have no souls—they are dead set on killing and destruction.” The Center for Security Policy (CSP), a Washington-based think tank directed by neoconservative former Pentagon official Frank Gaffney, has also thrived as a result of Rosenwald’s beneficence. The $437,000 in donations Gaffney reaped from the Rosenwald family enabled him to churn out conspiratorial pamphlets like his 2010 “Shariah: The Threat to America,” in which he warned that American Muslims were engaged in a “stealth jihad” to place the country under the control of Sharia, or Islamic law. At the Conservative Political Action Conference the following year, Gaffney sent his cadres to distribute fliers accusing top Republican anti-tax activists Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan of organizing a secret campaign dedicated to “the replacement of our constitutional republic…with a theocratic Islamic caliphate governing according to Shari’ah.” (David Steinmann, president of the Fund, sits on the board of Gaffney’s CSP.) Norquist is married to an Arab-American, and Khan, a former Republican Party official, is a fellow for Muslim-Christian Understanding at the Institute for Global Engagement. The American Conservative Union investigated Gaffney’s charges and declared them “reprehensible.”

I'm glad I read the article.
Nina Rosenwald is founder of the Gatestone Institute—a New York-based offshoot of the neoconservative Hudson Institute—and an important funder of a panoply of right-wing “pro-Israel” and anti-Islamic organizations.

Dubbed the “Sugar Mama of Anti-Muslim Hate” by journalist Max Blumenthal, Rosenwald is an heir to the Sears Roebuck fortune, a co-chair of the board at the equity firm American Securities.

Along with her sister Elizabeth Varet, a principal at the right-wing Anchorage Fund, Rosenwald has helped funnel millions of dollars to rightwing “pro-Israel” causes. In its 2011 report on the U.S. “Islamophobia network,” the Center for American Progress identified the Anchorage and Rosenwald foundations as key financial backers of anti-Islamic messaging in the United States.

“Between 2001 and 2008,” it noted, “the Anchorage Charitable Fund and William Rosenwald Family Fund contributed $2,818,229 to Islamophobic organizations.

Nina Rosenwald - Profile - Right Web - Institute for Policy Studies

Interesting article...she apparently donates to a lot of groups considered Hate Groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Charming lady.
Well, that explains why a Muslim wrote the article! :lol:
The alleged 'muslim' author is someone I have never heard of......if he exists at all. .. :cuckoo:

There are billions of them. I doubt you will ever hear of them all.
Believe me, any muslim author who wrote such specious garbage as you posted in the OP would definitely draw attention and be talked about within the Islamic community. .. :cool:
Most articles, you can find some sort of bio on the author - an idea of his background, what he's written, what his views are.

But this guy, you click on the "biography" link and this is all you get:

Ali Salim

Ali Salim is based in the Middle East.

Is he a real writer or a sock?
The alleged 'muslim' author is someone I have never heard of......if he exists at all. .. :cuckoo:

There are billions of them. I doubt you will ever hear of them all.
Believe me, any muslim author who wrote such specious garbage as you posted in the OP would definitely draw attention and be talked about within the Islamic community. .. :cool:
...as would non-radical Muslims that dared to criticize or condemn the terrorism promoted and carried out by their radical brethren. It is puzzling that very few do that!
A sensible Muslim and a truthful Jew. :)

I remember when Sherri posted the truthful Jew thread.

It made the badlands. so should this one find such an inglorious transfer. (imo)

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A sensible Muslim and a truthful Jew. :)

I remember when Sherri posted the truthful Jew thread.

It made the badlands. so should this one find such an inglorious transfer. (imo)

Sent from my C6616 using Forum Fiend v1.0.

How can I possibly take a post seriously coming from a Forum Fiend:eek:
There are billions of them. I doubt you will ever hear of them all.
Believe me, any muslim author who wrote such specious garbage as you posted in the OP would definitely draw attention and be talked about within the Islamic community. .. :cool:
...as would non-radical Muslims that dared to criticize or condemn the terrorism promoted and carried out by their radical brethren. It is puzzling that very few do that!

Actually, many do and it's quite easy to find their words via google :)
There are billions of them. I doubt you will ever hear of them all.
Believe me, any muslim author who wrote such specious garbage as you posted in the OP would definitely draw attention and be talked about within the Islamic community. .. :cool:
...as would non-radical Muslims that dared to criticize or condemn the terrorism promoted and carried out by their radical brethren. It is puzzling that very few do that!
Most haters of muslims and Islam like you think we are silenced and afraid to discuss issues or have independent opinions.

When in reality, Islam has a very long tradition of 'Ijtihad' which is the discussing and debating various issues concerning the religion and community. .. :cool:

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