A serious question for liberals...


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015
You guys are always bashing Conservatives and capitalism. Many of you believe that Conservatives favor the rich and that capitalism is evil. So here's a simple question. How do you think the richest people in America got rich in the first place? Take Bill Gates, for example. He is rich because of capitalism. So is Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon. Warren Buffet is another example. And let's not forget Mark Zuckerberg. The list goes on. So, tell me. How did these billionaires make their fortunes? It seems, to me, that you people on the Left are simply jealous of the success of others. You are unwilling to work hard and take risks in order to make real money. So you lobby Congress and elect socialists in order to steal the wealth of people who have worked hard all their lives and give it to people who do not deserve it. There is a name for that. It's called socialism. And it hasn't worked anywhere it's been tried.
Dear RWNJ instead of either/or, them vs. us,
there's something called MICROLENDING that works so well,
both BEN CARSON and BARACK OBAMA support it as the
more effective, sustainable reasonable to ending poverty
and political oppression that comes with it which otherwise affects
socieconomic minority classes the most.

So if leaders on BOTH sides of the spectrum, left and right,
both support MICROLENDING as the way to end welfare handouts,
why aren't BOTH PARTIES jumping on this?

The problem isn't rich vs poor, it's fighting politically over power
between parties. The rich/poor diametric opposites are merely
a tactic used to DIVIDE and CONQUER taxpayers and citizens on ALL SIDES.

That's why people are blaming the RICH for this.
It's not all wealthy people who are the problem, as many taxpayers
and businesses in the middle and upper classes are ENSLAVED politically as
well to the whims of the corporate politicians playing BOTH SIDES against the other.

It's the corporate ELITE playing both parties.
So as long as people like you and me, both conservatives and liberals
keep blaming the other party, we are still pawns to the same losing game.
Costing us millions if not billions, while the people PROFITING off this conflict
win REGARDLESS who's in office. The millions that go into media campaigns
still mean profit for those companies REGARDLESS and ESPECIALLY
if we keep fighting this blame game and making them more and more money off us.

So if you really want to end the problem, we cross over party lines
and start organizing microcredit and financing, with business
mentors and lenders on the right with KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE
with running programs OUTSIDE OF GOVT,
to help the liberals on the left to shift all social programs back to the
control of local businesses and nonprofits so they can have what
they want for the people but NOT DEPENDING ON GOVT or welfare handouts!

This can be done.

Nothing is making it illegal to do this.

We are just too distracted blaming and segregating, dividing and
fighting, to put our resources together and do this ourselves.

That's when we take back control of resources and govt.
Instead of letting corporate interests in the media, govt and parties
"dictate" the divisive narrative so they win and still make big bucks,
while everyone else suffers stuck with costs of debts with no solution.
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Dear RWNJ instead of either/or, them vs. us,
there's something called MICROLENDING that works so well,
both BEN CARSON and BARACK OBAMA support it as the
more effective, sustainable reasonable to ending poverty
and political oppression that comes with it which otherwise affects
socieconomic minority classes the most.

So if leaders on BOTH sides of the spectrum, left and right,
both support MICROLENDING as the way to end welfare handouts,
why aren't BOTH PARTIES jumping on this?

The problem isn't rich vs poor, it's fighting politically over power
between parties. The rich/poor diametric opposites are merely
a tactic used to DIVIDE and CONQUER taxpayers and citizens on ALL SIDES.

That's why people are blaming the RICH for this.
It's not all wealthy people who are the problem, as many taxpayers
and businesses in the middle and upper classes are ENSLAVED politically as
well to the whims of the corporate politicians playing BOTH SIDES against the other.

It's the corporate ELITE playing both parties.
So as long as people like you and me, both conservatives and liberals
keep blaming the other party, we are still pawns to the same losing game.
Costing us millions if not billions, while the people PROFITING off this conflict
win REGARDLESS who's in office. The millions that go into media campaigns
still mean profit for those companies REGARDLESS and ESPECIALLY
if we keep fighting this blame game and making them more and more money off us.

So if you really want to end the problem, we cross over party lines
and start organizing microcredit and financing, with business
mentors and lenders on the right with KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE
with running programs OUTSIDE OF GOVT,
to help the liberals on the left to shift all social programs back to the
control of local businesses and nonprofits so they can have what
they want for the people but NOT DEPENDING ON GOVT or welfare handouts!

This can be done.

Nothing is making it illegal to do this.

We are just too distracted blaming and segregating, dividing and
fighting, to put our resources together and do this ourselves.

That's when we take back control of resources and govt.
Instead of letting corporate interests in the media, govt and parties
"dictate" the divisive narrative so they win and still make big bucks,
while everyone else suffers stuck with costs of debts with no solution.
I agree, in part. But it does not negate my observation that capitalism is the greatest generator of personal wealth that has ever existed. You kinda went off topic there. I agree with taking this out of the hands of government. It only makes sense. But this has nothing to do with capitalism.
I think the common principles that the sides agree on is called free enterprise,
free market and fair trade. There's nothing wrong with profit,
and not depending on govt to micromanage distribution of wealth.

But the problem is when "capitalism" gets abused to lobby for policies
"solely in the name of profit" where revenues are argued as a compelling govt interest
AT THE EXPENSE of the cost to HEALTH the people and the planet,
then THAT leaves a whole lot of COST OUT OF THE EQUATION.

The corporate entities in charge of profit and bottom line
AREN'T held responsible for longterm costs of cancer or pollution
so that ISN'T included in their calculations on how to run their business.

Paying poor laborers less than livable wage, where places like Wal Mart
actually have their workers on Govt welfare at taxpayers expense
ISN'T INCLUDED in the company's calculations because someone else is paying that cost.

So something ends up missing if you go with pure capitalism
if the "numbers are skewed" to leave out costs, such as exposing workers
to unhealthy emissions that will cost them greater medical costs, outside the P&L
the company is responsible for.

The Greens who mentor farmers to manage their own coops
focus on Cooperative Economics and Fair Trade
instead of Unfair Trade practices that are REWARDED in capitalism.

Corporate raiders that do hostile takeovers of companies FOR PROFIT
end up gutting company assets including seizing worker's pensions.

This is legal and rewarded under CAPITALISM but if it costs workers their jobs
and pensions, who is going to pay that cost of their losses and recovery?
It isn't in the equation for the corporate profiteers,
and that's why the raiders make money undercutting companies this way.

Cooperative models of economy and fair trade take into account
the sustainability of the people and communities involved. It's about
investing in those relations, not undercutting them for capitalistic profit.

Do you see the difference RWNJ

You can make capitalistic profit off porn, but how is that helping
the people being exploited?

Instead of illegal trafficking, it's better for the community to invest in
building schools and clinics to overcome poverty. But if there's
less profit in that, then their is in exploiting a village for their oil
and mineral interests, then capitalism is going to say go for the
bigger profits, especially short term to get the FASTER RETURN
and don't get involved in things that require LONG TERM costs and conditions.

The cooperative model is going to focus on building sustainable
community and business relationships, but this takes time.
It doesn't turn a fast profit like the capitalists will focus on.

So that's the bad side of capitalism, and that's why more people
advocate for Conscious capitalism or Creative capitalism
that takes human factors and sustainable living conditions into account
as PART of the equation, instead of only maximizing the
biggest profit in the shortest amount of time to keep more cash flow.
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I think the common principles that the sides agree on is called free enterprise,
free market and fair trade. There's nothing wrong with profit,
and not depending on govt to micromanage distribution of wealth.

But the problem is when "capitalism" gets abused to lobby for policies
"solely in the name of profit" where revenues are argued as a compelling govt interest
AT THE EXPENSE of the cost to HEALTH the people and the planet,
then THAT leaves a whole lot of COST OUT OF THE EQUATION.

The corporate entities in charge of profit and bottom line
AREN'T held responsible for longterm costs of cancer or pollution
so that ISN'T included in their calculations on how to run their business.

Paying poor laborers less than livable wage, where places like Wal Mart
actually have their workers on Govt welfare at taxpayers expense
ISN'T INCLUDED in the company's calculations because someone else is paying that cost.

So something ends up missing if you go with pure capitalism
if the "numbers are skewed" to leave out costs, such as exposing workers
to unhealthy emissions that will cost them greater medical costs, outside the P&L
the company is responsible for.

The Greens who mentor farmers to manage their own coops
focus on Cooperative Economics and Fair Trade
instead of Unfair Trade practices that are REWARDED in capitalism.

Corporate raiders that do hostile takeovers of companies FOR PROFIT
end up gutting company assets including seizing worker's pensions.

This is legal and rewarded under CAPITALISM but if it costs workers their jobs
and pensions, who is going to pay that cost of their losses and recovery?
It isn't in the equation for the corporate profiteers,
and that's why the raiders make money undercutting companies this way.

Cooperative models of economy and fair trade take into account
the sustainability of the people and communities involved. It's about
investing in those relations, not undercutting them for capitalistic profit.

Do you see the difference RWNJ

You can make capitalistic profit off porn, but how is that helping
the people being exploited?

Instead of illegal trafficking, it's better for the community to invest in
building schools and clinics to overcome poverty. But if there's
less profit in that, then their is in exploiting a village for their oil
and mineral interests, then capitalism is going to say go for the
bigger profits, especially short term to get the FASTER RETURN
and don't get involved in things that require LONG TERM costs and conditions.

The cooperative model is going to focus on building sustainable
community and business relationships, but this takes time.
It doesn't turn a fast profit like the capitalists will focus on.

So that's the bad side of capitalism, and that's why more people
advocate for Conscious capitalism or Creative capitalism
that takes human factors and sustainable living conditions into account
as PART of the equation, instead of only maximizing the
biggest profit in the shortest amount of time to keep more cash flow.
There is an easy way to keep most of this check. It's called a boycott. Unfortunately, most Americans are unaware, or simply don't care enough to participate. Every ill of capitalism could be cured if consumers were educated and aware of what was going on, and cared to inconvenience themselves in order to punish those who participate in unethical practices. Unfortunately, this is not the case.
You guys are always bashing Conservatives and capitalism. Many of you believe that Conservatives favor the rich and that capitalism is evil. So here's a simple question. How do you think the richest people in America got rich in the first place? Take Bill Gates, for example. He is rich because of capitalism. So is Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon. Warren Buffet is another example. And let's not forget Mark Zuckerberg. The list goes on. So, tell me. How did these billionaires make their fortunes? It seems, to me, that you people on the Left are simply jealous of the success of others. You are unwilling to work hard and take risks in order to make real money. So you lobby Congress and elect socialists in order to steal the wealth of people who have worked hard all their lives and give it to people who do not deserve it. There is a name for that. It's called socialism. And it hasn't worked anywhere it's been tried.

Liberals aren’t opposed to capitalism...they are opposed to unregulated capitalism.
You guys are always bashing Conservatives and capitalism. Many of you believe that Conservatives favor the rich and that capitalism is evil. So here's a simple question. How do you think the richest people in America got rich in the first place? Take Bill Gates, for example. He is rich because of capitalism. So is Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon. Warren Buffet is another example. And let's not forget Mark Zuckerberg. The list goes on. So, tell me. How did these billionaires make their fortunes? It seems, to me, that you people on the Left are simply jealous of the success of others. You are unwilling to work hard and take risks in order to make real money. So you lobby Congress and elect socialists in order to steal the wealth of people who have worked hard all their lives and give it to people who do not deserve it. There is a name for that. It's called socialism. And it hasn't worked anywhere it's been tried.

Liberals aren’t opposed to capitalism...they are opposed to unregulated capitalism.

Have you been to a college lately? Have you seen the occupy signs.???

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You guys are always bashing Conservatives and capitalism. Many of you believe that Conservatives favor the rich and that capitalism is evil. So here's a simple question. How do you think the richest people in America got rich in the first place? Take Bill Gates, for example. He is rich because of capitalism. So is Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon. Warren Buffet is another example. And let's not forget Mark Zuckerberg. The list goes on. So, tell me. How did these billionaires make their fortunes? It seems, to me, that you people on the Left are simply jealous of the success of others. You are unwilling to work hard and take risks in order to make real money. So you lobby Congress and elect socialists in order to steal the wealth of people who have worked hard all their lives and give it to people who do not deserve it. There is a name for that. It's called socialism. And it hasn't worked anywhere it's been tried.

Liberals aren’t opposed to capitalism...they are opposed to unregulated capitalism.
Yeah. They want to regulate it to death. BTW, have you noticed how well the economy is doing since Trump revoked all those Obama regulations? Liberals want to regulate everything. Hell, if there was a profit involved, they'd try to regulate our bowel movements.
You guys are always bashing Conservatives and capitalism. Many of you believe that Conservatives favor the rich and that capitalism is evil. So here's a simple question. How do you think the richest people in America got rich in the first place? Take Bill Gates, for example. He is rich because of capitalism. So is Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon. Warren Buffet is another example. And let's not forget Mark Zuckerberg. The list goes on. So, tell me. How did these billionaires make their fortunes? It seems, to me, that you people on the Left are simply jealous of the success of others. You are unwilling to work hard and take risks in order to make real money. So you lobby Congress and elect socialists in order to steal the wealth of people who have worked hard all their lives and give it to people who do not deserve it. There is a name for that. It's called socialism. And it hasn't worked anywhere it's been tried.

Liberals aren’t opposed to capitalism...they are opposed to unregulated capitalism.
Yeah. They want to regulate it to death. BTW, have you noticed how well the economy is doing since Trump revoked all those Obama regulations? Liberals want to regulate everything. Hell, if there was a profit involved, they'd try to regulate our bowel movements.

When has capitalism been 'regulated to death'? That would make a great bumper sticker, not much more.
How do you think the richest people in America got rich in the first place?

Trump inherited mega-millions and a successful business from Daddy Fred. He then proceeded to run them into the ground, start an fail at dozens more, declare 6 bankruptcies and pretend that he is a self-made millionaire.

Hope that helped

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