A short but interesting conversation

Okay I have said my peace on this thread,given enough evidence that the MSM media is all a propaganda piece on Russia.Putin is not Hitler as the MSM media is painting him to be:rolleyes-41:,zelensk is and NATO with the blessing of commie Biden,is the third reich.

I have seen you many times Buttercup,when talking about the fake virus hoax they need to turn off the idiot box,hmmmmm,seems you dont practice what you preach.

I would think YOU of all people would know not to listen to the idiot box in the living room and go to bitchute the best alternative news site there is for your information

These two videos here are EASILY hands down the best documentary videos on what is REALLY going on in Russia with two people that are on the front lines down there that are whistleblowers.

I think i will listen to whistle blowers over the CIA controlled media, you of all people should know that whatever the CIA media tells you,the OPPOSITE is the case.:auiqs.jpg:

Like I said,here in the states when i try to reason with people that Trump is working Putin to fight the new world order,they got their head buried in the sand and i might as well be talking to a brick wall,its only the people from OTHER COUNTRIES my facebook friends that are awake on all this,they realise this cause they dont listen to the western controlled media and dumbasses like jim corbett.

as i said earlier,I am seeing slowly but surely signs the tide is turning the deep state is being taken down by the white hats in the military that are working with trump to take them down,As I said earlier,this is the first time in my lifetime i can EVER recall the supreme court ruliing in favor of the PEOPLE over the government overturing commir Bidens vaccine mandates.

five to ten years ago,NO WAY IN HELL do those mandates get overturned by the supreme court. If you believe otherwise,then i got some land in a swamp i want to sell you.:cuckoo:

oh one more video,

Okay I’ve posted enough documentary videos here thst has overwhelming evidence thst the demonic thugs of the military in the Ukraine are working with NATO with the blessing of biden to murder the citizens of ukraine and to try and invade Russia and murder Russian citizens as well and putin was just fighting bsck invading them FIRST before THEY git invaded by them cause they were going to do thst to them and murder russian citizens,it’s all there in the videos thst putin is not this generations Hitler as the cia media is painting him to be ,you can either watch them and accept thst reality,or keep,listening to the idiot box in the living room. Makes no differerence to me if your afraid to watch those videos.believe what you want.

im moving on from this thread,the evidence is in the videos I posted is overwhelming that putin is not the evil Hitler the cia controlled media is painting him to be.again,the choice is yours,watch them or don’t watch them and keep your head buried in the sand with the ostrich,the choice is yours.

As I said earlier,what the msm media is not telling anybody is that the demonic thugs in the ukraian government are dressing up as Russian soilders and murdering the Ukrainian citizens there so naturally everybody here in the states has the mindset,it’s russia,russia,russia,Russia,russia,that’s what the CIA media always does,gets the America people into panic mode over Russia,
putin is this generations Hitler.ect ect.

thank god putin did not sit back and take their shit and invaded them first sparing the citizens of Russia from being murdered by their Ukrainian government ,NATO,and the demonic thugs in the Ukraine are getting a major ass kicking by the Russians taking down the deep state,yahoo :yes_text12: putin is not going around trying to start world war three,that’s all invented by the cia media to get everyone into panic mode thst there’s going to be a nuclear war,relax,calm down,none of that’s gonna happen.
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Oh one more thing,I can totally understand why people would think putin is not fighting the new world order and is evil because what is not known by the majority of the population of the world is there have been two putins in our life,yes the original putin WAS evil and friends with Kissinger,thst putin has been taken out by the white hats in the military.he is long gone,the putin we see is a double,you would be amazed how hollywood has masks people can put over their faces and even their own relatives cannot distinguish them from the birth family member,plus with voice morphing you can fool anyone now.

yes the original putin put in thst knew Kissinger WAS evil,the double playing him now is not,he is a good guy fighting the nwo with trump.i don’t expect you to believe any of this the fact it sounds like something out of the movies but I have learned in life truth is stranger than fiction.that’s not going to be something well known.but who would have ever thought thst Washington DC would be a ghosttown which it is now and the White House FBI building boarded up and we would see a fake white house being told to us as the real White House.i never thought I would ever see anything like thst in my life.
the original putin WAS evil and friends with Kissinger,thst putin has been taken out by the white hats in the military.he is long gone,the putin we see is a double
You want me to just believe that?

Got any evidence of such a thing? Who did this? links?


You want me to just believe that?

Got any evidence of such a thing? Who did this? links?


Well his ex wife said this. MisterBeale
”My husband, unfortunately, has long been dead.

“I have to admit it publicly, because I could no longer see what is happening on his behalf. It’s terrible people.” she says he got assassinated.

two really good alternative researchers have also said the putin they have seen this past year,does not look like putin. i can see why they say that because there is also a video out there where it hows these pics of putin and the eye clor is not the same in some,some of them his eyes are blue,the others brown. I cant find that video now but if i find it again i will post it on your stay informed thread

I cant prove that it is not the real putin but it makes perfect sense The fact this putins actions of late are in complete opposite of the evil putin in the past.It is the ONLY explanation that makes any sense. the fact the MSM media itself is making him out to be this generations Hitler should tell you something,its ALL LIES that most here,even trump supporters,have fallen for hook,line and sinker.

also speaking of masks,you going to tell me THIS is not a mask that this person has on here?

why would Harris be wearing a mask of herself unless of course that is NOT the real harris? you can clearly see her neck sagging like a turkey neck,now if she was a 100 year old or something,that would make sense but she is a very young lady so WHY is that nick sagging and you can tell,its so obvious,this is mask.

If there is a double for Harris,then its easy as pie to believe there is one for Putin as well especially sense THIS putin is not doing the evil doings of the OLD putin

with Putin,they have been much more careful with a much more believeable mask than this fake mask on this person coming out in public they say is Harris.LOL
I have proved in spades that the MSM media is lying about Putin being this generations Hitler with all the videos i have posted here,that he is indeed taking out the deep state,not behaving anything liek the old putin,here are a few more people need to look at and turn off the idiot box in the living room.

all the state sponsored terrorism NATO and the CIA commit around the country all the time,its always the same from the media,its always RUSSIA,RUSSIA RUSSIA. Russia is off the dollar so our media of course paints them as being the bad guy as they always do with other countires not on the dollar anymore.

here is a great two hour documentary on putin fightig the deep state.

something the MSM media is not telling the people in their lies about Putin is Russia is OFF the dollar,so the deep state of course wants to destroy them thats why every war started by NATO its always RUSSIA,RUSSIA,RUSSIA and why they paint putin as this generations Hitler and most people here fall for it hook,line and sinker.
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