A short lived Memorial day observation post.


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Is it me, or is the only war this country seems to want to relive over and over and over is WWII? That's all they seem to want to show each year, are the battles of WWII. Could it possibly be, that's the only damned war, this country with the help of other countries, not to be mention the Russians...that's we've ever triumphed in? And if that is the case, why do we still to this day, think that the US and US alone can carry the worlds conflicts on their shoulders? I find it kinda fucked up, that China the world's new super power, sits back, brings in all the money, while the US does every damned war that comes up.
It's that silly running around advancing technique the British used before their demise...
There is a LOT of WWII stuff. Probably because it was such a major effort on our part, with lives and culture. Lots of women started working outside the home, production really ramped up. It was a major effort and turning point in our history for a very real threat. And there are a lot of vets still alive, but dwindling rapidly at this point.

It only became a federal holiday in '71 so it's tied to the big war historically.
I think it's because we have lots of video footage from WWII and really cool airplanes. The coolest ever airplanes!
Like the NFL acts as if football didn't exist until NFL Films came about in the mid sixties. They only count Super Bowl years which leaves out about fifty years of pro football.
Well its an easy war to support. Clear good vs evil. Our recent wars....of course our guys are the good guys (unless you ask a liberal), but the sides arent as obvious. Corrupt leaders and shady Iintentions. A mess.

We are now the world police unfortunately. I think the days of battalions and waves of tanks on a vast open plain battlefield are over. Conflict now will be urban and much more of a policing effort than just all out war. Technology and population density and global internet to show it all created it.
Modern wars are run by politicians who have no idea what they are doing. Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq are examples of that. If you go to war go to win.

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