CDZ a small number of incredibly wealthy and powerful people own and control a significant part of the economy and exert enormous influence


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
Bernie Sanders [email protected]

Thu, Oct 21 at 4:20 PM

In the year 2021, the United States and the rest of the world face two very different political paths. On the one hand, there is a growing movement toward oligarchy in which a small number of incredibly wealthy and powerful people own and control a significant part of the economy and exert enormous influence over the lives of people in this country.
== On the other hand, there is a growing movement of working people and young people who, in increasing numbers, are fighting for justice.
== There are teachers demanding that schools are adequately funded and that their students get a quality education.
== There are coal miners in Alabama who have been on strike for months after losing wages, holidays, paid time off, medical care and their pensions.
== There are nurses on the picket line in Buffalo who are fighting for better wages and working conditions in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.
== There are 1,400+ Kellog's factory workers in Michigan, Tennessee, Pennsylvania and Nebraska who have been on strike since earlier this month fighting back against a plan to give new workers lower wages and inferior benefits.
== And there are 10,000 John Deere workers who are now on strike, who are fighting for decent wages, pensions and retirement and health care benefits.

In solidarity,Bernie Sanders
Paid for by Friends of Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders [email protected]

Thu, Oct 21 at 4:20 PM

In the year 2021, the United States and the rest of the world face two very different political paths. On the one hand, there is a growing movement toward oligarchy in which a small number of incredibly wealthy and powerful people own and control a significant part of the economy and exert enormous influence over the lives of people in this country.
== On the other hand, there is a growing movement of working people and young people who, in increasing numbers, are fighting for justice.
== There are teachers demanding that schools are adequately funded and that their students get a quality education.
== There are coal miners in Alabama who have been on strike for months after losing wages, holidays, paid time off, medical care and their pensions.
== There are nurses on the picket line in Buffalo who are fighting for better wages and working conditions in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.
== There are 1,400+ Kellog's factory workers in Michigan, Tennessee, Pennsylvania and Nebraska who have been on strike since earlier this month fighting back against a plan to give new workers lower wages and inferior benefits.
== And there are 10,000 John Deere workers who are now on strike, who are fighting for decent wages, pensions and retirement and health care benefits.

In solidarity,Bernie Sanders
Paid for by Friends of Bernie Sanders
I love that bernie stopped saying millionaires when he became one,, as soon as he becomes a billionaire he will stop slamming them too,,

the reason there are more of them and things are the way they are is due to democrat and republican policies and wont change as long as they hold power,,
Bernie Sanders [email protected]

Thu, Oct 21 at 4:20 PM

In the year 2021, the United States and the rest of the world face two very different political paths. On the one hand, there is a growing movement toward oligarchy in which a small number of incredibly wealthy and powerful people own and control a significant part of the economy and exert enormous influence over the lives of people in this country.
== On the other hand, there is a growing movement of working people and young people who, in increasing numbers, are fighting for justice.
== There are teachers demanding that schools are adequately funded and that their students get a quality education.
== There are coal miners in Alabama who have been on strike for months after losing wages, holidays, paid time off, medical care and their pensions.
== There are nurses on the picket line in Buffalo who are fighting for better wages and working conditions in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.
== There are 1,400+ Kellog's factory workers in Michigan, Tennessee, Pennsylvania and Nebraska who have been on strike since earlier this month fighting back against a plan to give new workers lower wages and inferior benefits.
== And there are 10,000 John Deere workers who are now on strike, who are fighting for decent wages, pensions and retirement and health care benefits.

In solidarity,Bernie Sanders
Paid for by Friends of Bernie Sanders
== There are teachers demanding that schools are adequately funded and that their students get a quality education.
So Bernie Sanders and friends are raising property taxes and foreclosing and seizing homes from poor folks to pay for rich kids' education.
== There are coal miners in Alabama who have been on strike for months after losing wages, holidays, paid time off, medical care and their pensions.
Gas and electric rates just keep skyrocketing, and the socialists won't let them shut off gas or electric in the winter, so they make utility bills lienable and foreclosable just like the property taxes in the school district.
== There are nurses on the picket line in Buffalo who are fighting for better wages and working conditions in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.
And stop fabricating illnesses and manufactuing pandemics. COVID-19 is pure government propaganda and nothing else.
== There are 1,400+ Kellog's factory workers in Michigan, Tennessee, Pennsylvania and Nebraska who have been on strike since earlier this month fighting back against a plan to give new workers lower wages and inferior benefits.
So lay them all off, skip the cardboard boxes of cold soggy cereal, and cook some hot oatmeal or hot grits, milk and sugar on the side, ham or eggs or sausage or some kind of protein, don't load it up so sickeningly sweet for the kids just before busing them to school in the morning.
Bernie Sanders [email protected]

Thu, Oct 21 at 4:20 PM

In the year 2021, the United States and the rest of the world face two very different political paths. On the one hand, there is a growing movement toward oligarchy in which a small number of incredibly wealthy and powerful people own and control a significant part of the economy and exert enormous influence over the lives of people in this country.
== On the other hand, there is a growing movement of working people and young people who, in increasing numbers, are fighting for justice.
== There are teachers demanding that schools are adequately funded and that their students get a quality education.
== There are coal miners in Alabama who have been on strike for months after losing wages, holidays, paid time off, medical care and their pensions.
== There are nurses on the picket line in Buffalo who are fighting for better wages and working conditions in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.
== There are 1,400+ Kellog's factory workers in Michigan, Tennessee, Pennsylvania and Nebraska who have been on strike since earlier this month fighting back against a plan to give new workers lower wages and inferior benefits.
== And there are 10,000 John Deere workers who are now on strike, who are fighting for decent wages, pensions and retirement and health care benefits.

In solidarity,Bernie Sanders
Paid for by Friends of Bernie Sanders

So let them strike, demand, fight and the chips fall where they may. A lot of our ubber wealthy created their businesses and retain most of the stocks from them. Their "wealth" is being measured by the value of the last share of stock sold on the market. It is a temporal illusion. Nobody else has the money to buy out Bezos and Gates and Zuckerburg at today's market valuations and the last price of a share sold is based on supply and demand for that 1 share. Throw all the ubber wealthy's shares onto the market at once and you could buy them to wipe your butt with.
Bernie Sanders [email protected]

Thu, Oct 21 at 4:20 PM

In the year 2021, the United States and the rest of the world face two very different political paths. On the one hand, there is a growing movement toward oligarchy in which a small number of incredibly wealthy and powerful people own and control a significant part of the economy and exert enormous influence over the lives of people in this country.
== On the other hand, there is a growing movement of working people and young people who, in increasing numbers, are fighting for justice.
== There are teachers demanding that schools are adequately funded and that their students get a quality education.
== There are coal miners in Alabama who have been on strike for months after losing wages, holidays, paid time off, medical care and their pensions.
== There are nurses on the picket line in Buffalo who are fighting for better wages and working conditions in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.
== There are 1,400+ Kellog's factory workers in Michigan, Tennessee, Pennsylvania and Nebraska who have been on strike since earlier this month fighting back against a plan to give new workers lower wages and inferior benefits.
== And there are 10,000 John Deere workers who are now on strike, who are fighting for decent wages, pensions and retirement and health care benefits.

In solidarity,Bernie Sanders
Paid for by Friends of Bernie Sanders
Communism Is Capitalism, Jr.

The prep schools are the cradle of Marxism, their university system is its pre-school, and the Law Schools are its kindergarten.
Throw all the ubber wealthy's shares onto the market at once and you could buy them to wipe your butt with.
Not everyone drinks a whole six-pack of beer "with the guys" on Friday night and raises Cain to collect a bloody paycheck. There's people who make do with less, line their walls with stock certificates, and lo and behold, one day they're rich because they weren't drinking and drugging so hard with the Democrats all their working lives.
Not everyone drinks a whole six-pack of beer "with the guys" on Friday night and raises Cain to collect a bloody paycheck. There's people who make do with less, line their walls with stock certificates, and lo and behold, one day they're rich because they weren't drinking and drugging so hard with the Democrats all their working lives.

Speaking only of my city, the people who go on strike most often are the ones who already are at the top end of the pay scale for straight out of high school jobs. They are pulling in $60K plus and have some pretty good benefits but to hear them tell it, they are struggling. They are also the same people who as a group are most likely to be behind on their loan payments per a banker I talked to. Maybe we need to do a better job teaching money management in high school because there sure seems to be plenty of people out of high school who are disasters at it (but it is always someone else's fault).
Speaking only of my city, the people who go on strike most often are the ones who already are at the top end of the pay scale for straight out of high school jobs. They are pulling in $60K plus and have some pretty good benefits but to hear them tell it, they are struggling.
That might well be true. Those aren't the most frugal guys and they don't always have the best money management skills.
That might well be true. Those aren't the most frugal guys and they don't always have the best money management skills.
They think that their pensions are going to make their lives comfortable when they retire, so they spend their money like the "Jones's" buying stuff they dont need, just want so they also can be cool and show off to their friends. Then when they retire, thinking how great they are going to have it, there is Uncle Sugar taxing their pensions as earned income, thus cutting their retirements by at least a third. Then like what is happening today, their fixed pension income, ends up not being as worth as it was when they started due to obscene Joe Biteme Inflatioin, so they they whine like progressive pajama boys that life isnt fair, and live in a 40 year old house, drive a broken down Caddy, and drink cheap beer, wondering what when wrong in their lives. It was trusting Unions and Democrats, who fuck all the workers, and make everyone's life miserable. It is just the way of Progressivism...
They think that their pensions are going to make their lives comfortable when they retire, so they spend their money like the "Jones's" buying stuff they dont need, just want so they also can be cool and show off to their friends.
Don't forget, you've got to "buy local" when you're on the labor union, and they charge you up the ass for that stuff.
Bernie Sanders [email protected]

Thu, Oct 21 at 4:20 PM

In the year 2021, the United States and the rest of the world face two very different political paths. On the one hand, there is a growing movement toward oligarchy in which a small number of incredibly wealthy and powerful people own and control a significant part of the economy and exert enormous influence over the lives of people in this country.
== On the other hand, there is a growing movement of working people and young people who, in increasing numbers, are fighting for justice.
== There are teachers demanding that schools are adequately funded and that their students get a quality education.
== There are coal miners in Alabama who have been on strike for months after losing wages, holidays, paid time off, medical care and their pensions.
== There are nurses on the picket line in Buffalo who are fighting for better wages and working conditions in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.
== There are 1,400+ Kellog's factory workers in Michigan, Tennessee, Pennsylvania and Nebraska who have been on strike since earlier this month fighting back against a plan to give new workers lower wages and inferior benefits.
== And there are 10,000 John Deere workers who are now on strike, who are fighting for decent wages, pensions and retirement and health care benefits.

In solidarity,Bernie Sanders
Paid for by Friends of Bernie Sanders
Image think Sanders is going to do....what?
Bernie Sanders [email protected]

Thu, Oct 21 at 4:20 PM

In the year 2021, the United States and the rest of the world face two very different political paths. On the one hand, there is a growing movement toward oligarchy in which a small number of incredibly wealthy and powerful people own and control a significant part of the economy and exert enormous influence over the lives of people in this country.
== On the other hand, there is a growing movement of working people and young people who, in increasing numbers, are fighting for justice.
== There are teachers demanding that schools are adequately funded and that their students get a quality education.
== There are coal miners in Alabama who have been on strike for months after losing wages, holidays, paid time off, medical care and their pensions.
== There are nurses on the picket line in Buffalo who are fighting for better wages and working conditions in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.
== There are 1,400+ Kellog's factory workers in Michigan, Tennessee, Pennsylvania and Nebraska who have been on strike since earlier this month fighting back against a plan to give new workers lower wages and inferior benefits.
== And there are 10,000 John Deere workers who are now on strike, who are fighting for decent wages, pensions and retirement and health care benefits.

In solidarity,Bernie Sanders
Paid for by Friends of Bernie Sanders
Tough luck. Capitalism is competitive. Some people succeed and some don't. Bernie is a demagogue who cons people into voting for him by promising to get money for them from rich people. He never supplies any proof for his claims no matter how many times I and others ask him for it. He simply lies.
Tough luck. Capitalism is competitive. Some people succeed and some don't.
That's bully-boy cártel communism, not capitalism. You got private property and other people respect it, look, not everything is going to work the first time around, but you really can't fail there. Start living up to your name.
== On the other hand, there is a growing movement of working people and young people who, in increasing numbers, are fighting for justice.
== There are teachers demanding that schools are adequately funded and that their students get a quality education.
== There are coal miners in Alabama who have been on strike for months after losing wages, holidays, paid time off, medical care and their pensions.
== There are nurses on the picket line in Buffalo who are fighting for better wages and working conditions in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.
== There are 1,400+ Kellog's factory workers in Michigan, Tennessee, Pennsylvania and Nebraska who have been on strike since earlier this month fighting back against a plan to give new workers lower wages and inferior benefits.
== And there are 10,000 John Deere workers who are now on strike, who are fighting for decent wages, pensions and retirement and health care benefits.

All of those can be starved out in weeks, no problem. Another Fun Fact about life in America:

" I can hire half the working class to kill the other half."- Jay Gould.
They are pulling in $60K plus and have some pretty good benefits but to hear them tell it, they are struggling.

That's because $60K a year is barely above minimum wage adjusted for real inflation; if we were still on the gold standard MW would be over $30 an hour in today's fiat dollars, or over $62K. You're pretty young if you think their current bennies 'are pretty good'.
That's because $60K a year is barely above minimum wage adjusted for real inflation; if we were still on the gold standard MW would be over $30 an hour in today's fiat dollars, or over $62K. You're pretty young if you think their current bennies 'are pretty good'.

The gold standard was a rigged system with an arbitrary conversion rate. It is what China does with its currency today.

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