Zone1 A solution to AA that still gives underscoring blacks opportunity to go to a prestigious college without disadvantaging whites and Asians

First, I am not talking about black kids whose SAT scores are on par with whites and Asians who would have been accepted even if they werenā€™t black, but the blacks whose scores are substantially lower but are admitted anyway to achieve a pre-determined racial outcome.

Hereā€™s the proposal: instead of being more lenient with blacks with lower SAT scores, where they often struggle to keep up with the class, why not have a ā€œgap yearā€ to bring them (and any other underscoring kid who wants in to a very competitive program) up to a higher standard - a one-year SAT prep course focused on filling in the educational gaps.

Plus, it doesnā€™t have to be full-time. It could be half-days, allowing the kids a chance to work a part-time job. Doing so would not only provide them some spending money, but incentivize them to do well in their prep course so as to go on to a great college.

And once they complete the prep year, they will be in a better position to compete with the kids who had higher academic metrics - because they will be equal to them, in terms of academics, and not ā€œcoming from behind.ā€

The course, for lower-income, would be covered by Pell Grants.

Now please letā€™s discuss this civilly. Itā€˜s a good compromise solution that still gives blacks a chance without discriminating against other races.
White females use the AA also.
Anyone suggest that letting people know the Truth about how the system works was an Inherent Good in of itself?
Nope. That was never discussed. The choice was:

1) We publish the average accepted scores by race, and show blacks that they have a good chance even with scores that are significantly below the white average, and risk anger (and lawsuits) from rejected whites with higher scores, orā€¦.

2) We do not take the chance on having the favoritism toward blacks published for the whole country to see, and thus lower the odds of being sued for racist practices.

I forgot to tell you how they decided this: like usual, it was a compromise. We did NOT publish the metrics of acceptees by race on front pages of the admissions part of the website, but DID have them buried deeper into the website, but NOT linked. Word got around to administrative staff at schools that the metrics showing how much easier it is for blacks to get in were available, and thatā€™s how they were encouraged. A compromise, as I said.
Nope. That was never discussed. The choice was:

1) We publish the average accepted scores by race, and show blacks that they have a good chance even with scores that are significantly below the white average, and risk anger (and lawsuits) from rejected whites with higher scores, orā€¦.

2) We do not take the chance on having the favoritism toward blacks published for the whole country to see, and thus lower the odds of being sued for racist practices.

I forgot to tell you how they decided this: like usual, it was a compromise. We did NOT publish the metrics of acceptees by race on front pages of the admissions part of the website, but DID have them buried deeper into the website, but NOT linked. Word got around to administrative staff at schools that the metrics showing how much easier it is for blacks to get in, and thatā€™s how they were encouraged. A compromise, as I said.

My take away from this, is that this is a fine example of the massive and widespread anti-white discrimination that "AA" calls for,

and why we need to end it completely, ASAP.
First, I am not talking about black kids whose SAT scores are on par with whites and Asians who would have been accepted even if they werenā€™t black, but the blacks whose scores are substantially lower but are admitted anyway to achieve a pre-determined racial outcome.

Hereā€™s the proposal: instead of being more lenient with blacks with lower SAT scores, where they often struggle to keep up with the class, why not have a ā€œgap yearā€ to bring them (and any other underscoring kid who wants in to a very competitive program) up to a higher standard - a one-year SAT prep course focused on filling in the educational gaps.

Plus, it doesnā€™t have to be full-time. It could be half-days, allowing the kids a chance to work a part-time job. Doing so would not only provide them some spending money, but incentivize them to do well in their prep course so as to go on to a great college.

And once they complete the prep year, they will be in a better position to compete with the kids who had higher academic metrics - because they will be equal to them, in terms of academics, and not ā€œcoming from behind.ā€

The course, for lower-income, would be covered by Pell Grants.

Now please letā€™s discuss this civilly. Itā€˜s a good compromise solution that still gives blacks a chance without discriminating against other races.
Why do libs want to place low scoring black students in schools that are over their heads?

A white kid who cant reach the standards cant go to the best colleges and neither should blacks
My take away from this, is that this is a fine example of the massive and widespread anti-white discrimination that "AA" calls for,

and why we need to end it completely, ASAP.
Why it mirrors the massive discrimination practiced by whites against blacks and all other minorities for several hundreds of years.
My take away from this, is that this is a fine example of the massive and widespread anti-white discrimination that "AA" calls for,

and why we need to end it completely, ASAP.
Yes. I think Iā€™m the only one on this forum who had a birdā€™s eye view to what went on.

I was completely disgusted by the racism among admissions people, as were some others. Two of them spoke up and were forced out. I kept my mouth shut, but ended up quitting. The straw that broke the camelā€™s back was when a very bright, top-scoring white boy who had lost his mother as a child (to death) and grew up under difficult circumstances was rejected, while dozens of blacks with far inferior scores and grades were accepted. The racism was so blatant that I no longer could be a part of it.
Why do libs want to place low scoring black students in schools that are over their heads?

A white kid who cant reach the standards cant go to the best colleges and neither should blacks
We saw the same thing with the prestigious TJ High School of the Sciences in northern Virginia - the bastion of liberaville. The Asians were acing the entrance exam, and blacks were scoring so low that very few got in. So the libs ELIMINATED the exam, and celebrated that they quintupled the number of blacks accepted. Problem is, they dumbed down the school.
For a number of reasons.

1. It's morally wrong.

2. We whites should not support policy that fucks us.
3. You donā€™t respond to historic racism by instituting it against another race whose members werenā€™t even BORN during that time.
We saw the same thing with the prestigious TJ High School of the Sciences here in northern Virginia - the bastion of liberaville. The Asians were acing the entrance exam, and blacks were scoring so low that very few got in. So the libs ELIMINATED the exam, and celebrated that they quintupled the number of blacks accepted. Problem is, they dumbed down the school.
The teacher's became bereft of knowledge?
Yes. I think Iā€™m the only one on this forum who had a birdā€™s eye view to what went on.

I was completely disgusted by the racism among admissions people, as were some others. Two of them spoke up and were forced out. I kept my mouth shut, but ended up quitting. The straw that broke the camelā€™s back was when a very bright, top-scoring white boy who had lost his mother as a child (to death) and grew up under difficult circumstances was rejected, while dozens of blacks with far inferior scores and grades were accepted. The racism was so blatant that I no longer could be a part of it.

I've had an inside view on such discrimination in promotions in a large business style setting. Upper management wanted more minority representation in management. So a slot opened up, (mine) and one of the staff was to be picked to be promoted.

They were only interested in hearing about the blacks. They ignored more qualified whites, to promote a black. Who could not handle it and got fired.
I've had an inside view on such discrimination in promotions in a large business style setting. Upper management wanted more minority representation in management. So a slot opened up, (mine) and one of the staff was to be picked to be promoted.

They were only interested in hearing about the blacks. They ignored more qualified whites, to promote a black. Who could not handle it and got fired.
If you had been self employed like myself you would have never had to go through that.
The teacher's became bereft of knowledge?
First of all, thereā€™s no need for an apostrophe for the plural form of teachers.

Second, the teachers have to teach to the lowest common denominator. That level dropped when they eliminated the competitive entrance exam in order to get in blacks who werenā€™t as academically successful.
First of all, thereā€™s no need for an apostrophe for the plural form of teachers.

Second, the teachers have to teach to the lowest common denominator. That level dropped when they eliminated the competitive entrance exam in order to get in blacks who werenā€™t as academically successful.
And the teachers had no idea how to teach these humans, you can blame autocorrect for the errant apostrophe.
If you had been self employed like myself you would have never had to go through that.

Very true. My career "plans" did not work out so well. That being said, the anti-white racism we see in such situations is morally wrong and hurts us as a people and we should fight against it.
I've had an inside view on such discrimination in promotions in a large business style setting. Upper management wanted more minority representation in management. So a slot opened up, (mine) and one of the staff was to be picked to be promoted.

They were only interested in hearing about the blacks. They ignored more qualified whites, to promote a black. Who could not handle it and got fired.
That happened to me in my last job, at a liberal non-profit. They only wanted blacks for promotions, and kicked them up to higher management even if they couldnā€™t do the job. The professional staff under them had to do their work for them, without the pay or recognition that came with the higher job. What happened is that there was a constant revolving door of white staff supporting black directors, who left because they were fed up covering for an incompetent boss without being paid for it.
If you had been self employed like myself you would have never had to go through that.
So thatā€™s the response to the anti-white racism liberals are advancing in the workplace? Just leave and start your own business? What about CORRECTING the racism in the workplace?
Why it mirrors the massive discrimination practiced by whites against blacks and all other minorities for several hundreds of years
If you are going to claim to support actual equality (or equity), you cannot hold past grievances against any group going forward.

We Conservatives make no such claims of interest in equslity or equity, so itā€™s not a concern for us.

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