A solution to Illegal immigration- A modest proposal.

Our main problem is that they have a manpower surplus and we have a manpower shortage, hence why they come here to do jobs that Americans don't want to do. Period. Our more recent troubles are caused by economic turmoil in Central and South America that we are more than a little responsible for.

So, let's look at some sensible solutions to control the inevitable.

1) Establish a national biometric ID system based on Social Security so everyone knows who they are hiring. You can't get a job or benefits without said ID.

2) Create a Guest-worker program to fill the legitimate labor needs of companies requiring low-skill jobs Americans don't want to do. Such permits will be limited (two years, only renewable after a 1 Year return to your home country).

3) Go after the white people (and yes, it's almost exclusively white people) who hire undocumented laborers who don't have the above. Not just the sweatshop owner but the clown who hires a truckload of day laborers from the Home Depot parking lot when that DIY project turns out to be harder than Chip and Joanna made it look. The Rich asshole (and I always love going after the rich!) who can't be bothered to raise their own spawn, so they've hired Lupe, who is just like a member of the family they don't pay taxes on.

4) Set up a 1-800 number to report people who are hiring undocumented laborers. A few visits from La-Migra and a few fines should straighten them out.

5) Here's the big one- Adequately staff the asylum system with people who can evaluate cases quickly. It should NOT take 4 years to get an asylum hearing. Like it or not, we have laws that state that anyone is entitled to an asylum hearing if they get here and ask for it. If some of those cases are bogus (and I'm sure many of them are) we need to address that quickly.

6) Stop a foreign policy that creates refugees to start with. Most of the current batch are not coming form Mexico, they are coming from Central America or Venezuela, where our policies have caused untold economic and political misery. We need to stop punishing Venezuela because we don't like the form of government they selected 20 years ago, and we need to help the countries of Central America get control over their rampant crime problems that are driving people out.
Mexico absolutely does not have a “manpower surplus“ there is a huge amount of work to be done in Mexico, just to bring it into the 20th century, much less than 21st.

What Mexico lacks, is what all the other countries, whose people see migrating to the United States as there only path to success, lack. They like an economic system that puts that man power to work in a productive, and beneficial way to both the worker and the employer.

In short, Mexico‘s problem is that it is not enough like the United States. That is the reason for nearly all immigration to the United States: that the countries from which they came, are not enough like the United States.

Therefore, common sense tells us that’s a solution is for those countries to become more like the United States. The solution is not for the United States to send our harder money to those countries so they can survive the same failed system they have been following. The answer is certainly not for the United States to be more like them.
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Mexico absolutely does not have a “manpower surplus“ there is a huge amount of work to be done in Mexico, just to bring it into the 20th century, much less than 21st.

What Mexico lacks, is what all the other countries, lack who people seemigrating to the United States as there only path to success. They like an economic system that puts that man power to work in a productive, and beneficial way to both the worker and the employer.

I'm going to cut you off here, because Mexicans aren't necessarily the problem here.

The number of Mexicans trying to jump the border has gone down. Most of the people we are dealing with are refugees from Central and South America, who made a long trek and aren't going to be discouraged by a fence.

They are claiming asylum, and if we followed our own laws, they'd be entitled to it.
I'm going to cut you off here, because Mexicans aren't necessarily the problem here.

The number of Mexicans trying to jump the border has gone down. Most of the people we are dealing with are refugees from Central and South America, who made a long trek and aren't going to be discouraged by a fence.

They are claiming asylum, and if we followed our own laws, they'd be entitled to it.
Don’t forget all the military aged Chinese.

Maybe they’ll leave when they find out they get discriminated against by affirmative action.
Don’t forget all the military aged Chinese.

Maybe they’ll leave when they find out they get discriminated against by affirmative action.
You are right. all those sneaking Chinese are massing in their Nail Salons, Resturants, and Massage Parlors, waiting to leap out and get you!!!

They call it, "Operation Happy Ending!"
If we followed our own laws they'd be turned away at the border before they could make their phony claim.
That's not what our laws say.

Here we are ONE MORE TIME>

To seek asylum, you must already be in the U.S. and believe you will be in danger of persecution if you return to your country. Learn how to seek asylum and sponsor someone else.

To be eligible for asylum, you must be:

  • Inside the United States
  • Able to demonstrate that you were persecuted or have a fear of persecution in your home country due to your:
    • Race
    • Religion
    • Nationality
    • Social group
    • Political opinion
In most cases, a decision will be made on your asylum application within 180 days after you file. Learn more about the process of seeking asylum in the U.S., including:

  • Filing asylum application Form I-589 within 1 year of arriving in the U.S.
  • Working in the U.S.
  • Helping family members seek asylum
  • Filing for permanent residence (Green Card)
You are right. all those sneaking Chinese are massing in their Nail Salons, Resturants, and Massage Parlors, waiting to leap out and get you!!!

They call it, "Operation Happy Ending!"
Most racist post I’ve seen all week. I’m sure you have a very good reason. Why so many military aged Chinese would be crossing our southern border. In fact, I’m so sure it’s an excellent explanation that I ask you not to even bother giving it to me. Thank you.
Most racist post I’ve seen all week. I’m sure you have a very good reason. Why so many military aged Chinese would be crossing our southern border. In fact, I’m so sure it’s an excellent explanation that I ask you not to even bother giving it to me. Thank you.
Oh, I'm sorry.


I didn't realize you were this dense.
Never said anything about an electronic chip, but not a bad idea. It's how we verify credit cards.

They wouldn't come here if people weren't giving them jobs.

They wouldn't want to leave if our policies didn't make their homelands hellscapes.

What is insane is hping if you hate them enough, they'll go away.
Utter nonsense. White people and America are to blame for the corrupt leadership in 150 different countries. LOL And of course you try to make it about racial hatred, the old Democrat 'go to'. We need legal VETTED immigrants, we cannot and should not process 10,000 illegal NON-VETTED immigrants ever single day for a dozen different reasons. Any elementary school kid can see that.
Most racist post I’ve seen all week. I’m sure you have a very good reason. Why so many military aged Chinese would be crossing our southern border. In fact, I’m so sure it’s an excellent explanation that I ask you not to even bother giving it to me. Thank you.
We know that it is much easier for the CCP to wage cyber-terrorism from within the US than outside the US.
Utter nonsense. White people and America are to blame for the corrupt leadership in 150 different countries. LOL And of course you try to make it about racial hatred, the old Democrat 'go to'. We need legal VETTED immigrants, we cannot and should not process 10,000 illegal NON-VETTED immigrants ever single day for a dozen different reasons. Any elementary school kid can see that.

Then put on the staff to vet them. They aren't going away because you don't like them.

Not sure about the 150 countries; most of them are coming from four countries (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Venezuela), countries we definitely have a lot of responsibility for making miserable places.

Because I’m Asian?
Are you?

Because that absurd comment about "Military Age Chinese" was just laughable and deserving of mocking.

The Chinese don't sneak across the border. They come here on tourist visas and claim asylum. Which the law totally allows them to do.
That's not what our laws say.

Here we are ONE MORE TIME>

To seek asylum, you must already be in the U.S. and believe you will be in danger of persecution if you return to your country. Learn how to seek asylum and sponsor someone else.

To be eligible for asylum, you must be:

  • Inside the United States
  • Able to demonstrate that you were persecuted or have a fear of persecution in your home country due to your:
    • Race
    • Religion
    • Nationality
    • Social group
    • Political opinion
In most cases, a decision will be made on your asylum application within 180 days after you file. Learn more about the process of seeking asylum in the U.S., including:

  • Filing asylum application Form I-589 within 1 year of arriving in the U.S.
  • Working in the U.S.
  • Helping family members seek asylum
  • Filing for permanent residence (Green Card)

To be eligible for asylum, you must be:

  • Inside the United States

Aren't you supposed to have entered at a port of entry, not just crossed illegally?

Able to demonstrate that you were persecuted or have a fear of persecution in your home country

There you go. Can you demonstrate that right now? Sorry, back to Mexico.
Then put on the staff to vet them. They aren't going away because you don't like them.

Not sure about the 150 countries; most of them are coming from four countries (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Venezuela), countries we definitely have a lot of responsibility for making miserable places.

Are you?

Because that absurd comment about "Military Age Chinese" was just laughable and deserving of mocking.

The Chinese don't sneak across the border. They come here on tourist visas and claim asylum. Which the law totally allows them to do.

Not sure about the 150 countries; most of them are coming from four countries (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Venezuela), countries we definitely have a lot of responsibility for making miserable places.

How much are we responsible? 5%? 10%?
Was it because we resisted the commies?
Then put on the staff to vet them. They aren't going away because you don't like them.

Not sure about the 150 countries; most of them are coming from four countries (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Venezuela), countries we definitely have a lot of responsibility for making miserable places.

Are you?

Because that absurd comment about "Military Age Chinese" was just laughable and deserving of mocking.

The Chinese don't sneak across the border. They come here on tourist visas and claim asylum. Which the law totally allows them to do.

As usual, your buffoonish comments are nonsense.

So what's the fastest growing group among them? Chinese migrants. Yes, you heard that right…Chinese. We saw large groups, including many from the middle class, come through a 4-foot gap at the end of a border fence 60 miles east of San Diego.
Then put on the staff to vet them. They aren't going away because you don't like them.

Not sure about the 150 countries; most of them are coming from four countries (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Venezuela), countries we definitely have a lot of responsibility for making miserable places.

Are you?
No, I am not Asian. That’s why it made no sense for you to say that your racist Comment about Asians was mocking me. You are mocking Asians, but I don’t happen to be one. Unless you are mocking me because of all the support I’ve shown to Asians in their struggle against affirmative action?
Because that absurd comment about "Military Age Chinese" was just laughable and deserving of mocking.
Oh, well that certainly explains it… not!

What are you claiming? Are you claiming that military age men from China are not crossing our southern border? If so, you need to watch some other kind of news besides, Rachel Maddow, and Joe coffee or whatever his name is.
The Chinese don't sneak across the border. They come here on tourist visas and claim asylum. Which the law totally allows them to do.
Oh, so you really are unaware?

Well, I’ve always said arguing with an ignorant person is like trying to go on a date with a pig. Some people might enjoy it, but they wouldn’t want their friends to see them doing it.
o be eligible for asylum, you must be:

  • Inside the United States

Aren't you supposed to have entered at a port of entry, not just crossed illegally?
Nope, the law makes no such distinction. And this was by design, because the US was still ashamed how restrictive laws in the 1930's condemned the Jews of Europe to the gas chambers when they could have escaped.

How much are we responsible? 5%? 10%?
Was it because we resisted the commies?
Probably more like 50+%, because we funded truly awful governments that murdered people.
No, I am not Asian. That’s why it made no sense for you to say that your racist Comment about Asians was mocking me. You are mocking Asians, but I don’t happen to be one. Unless you are mocking me because of all the support I’ve shown to Asians in their struggle against affirmative action?

You mean you enjoy using Asians to screw black people. That's awesome; the days of my not thinking you are a racist douche-noodle are definitely coming to a middle.

For the record, my wife is Chinese.... that's why I find your comments that the "Chinese are out to get us!" so absurdly silly.

Oh, well that certainly explains it… not!

What are you claiming? Are you claiming that military age men from China are not crossing our southern border? If so, you need to watch some other kind of news besides, Rachel Maddow, and Joe coffee or whatever his name is.

You need to stop getting your news from Whackadoodle Fox News. (Actually, the only google references I find come from the companies owned by Rupert. He must still be really upset Wife Number Three took him to the cleaners.)

What are you claiming? Are you claiming that military age men from China are not crossing our southern border? If so, you need to watch some other kind of news besides, Rachel Maddow, and Joe coffee or whatever his name is.
Yes, that's what I'm claiming.... It's a lot of bizarre paranoia I really don't have time for.

So what do you think these guys are going to do when they get here, exactly? Form a quick unit and take over Houston or something? Throw on their PLA uniforms? Start reading from the quotations of Chairman Mao?

Oh, so you really are unaware?

Well, I’ve always said arguing with an ignorant person is like trying to go on a date with a pig. Some people might enjoy it, but they wouldn’t want their friends to see them doing it.
Arguing with a racist asshole is often like banging your head against a wall. They always invent new things to be afraid of.
Nope, the law makes no such distinction. And this was by design, because the US was still ashamed how restrictive laws in the 1930's condemned the Jews of Europe to the gas chambers when they could have escaped.

Probably more like 50+%, because we funded truly awful governments that murdered people.

Nope, the law makes no such distinction.

Are you sure it doesn't make a distinction?

The Biden administration’s rule makes refugees largely ineligible for asylum based on how they entered the United States, and whether they applied for protection in a country they passed through along the way. Specifically, with narrow exception, asylum seekers must now come to an official port of entry with a prescheduled appointment using a mobile app called “CBPOne.” If they arrive without a CBPOne-scheduled appointment, they must prove that they applied for, and were denied, protection in a country through which they transited on their journey to the United States.

Probably more like 50+%, because we funded truly awful governments that murdered people.

Like 40 years ago. Stay home, fix your country.

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