A solution to Illegal immigration- A modest proposal.

I usually don't engage you, because you are shallow, but let's try,

Except it won't stop them. So let's say you stop 90% today. That's still 10% that got through. The other 90% try again tomorrow. That means now 81% are waiting. Next day, that number goes down to 72%. Walls don't work.

You can dig under them, climb over them, cut through them, or bribe a border guard to let you through.

What can you determine in five minutes? "Not white enough?" There's a German family that has been here for 17 years on a bullshit asylum claim that they can't homeschool their kids. SOmeone facing rape and murder in El Salvador has a valid claim.

Except not what our laws say. The law says, if they claim asylum, they are entitled to a hearing.

Except it won't stop them. So let's say you stop 90% today. That's still 10% that got through. The other 90% try again tomorrow. That means now 81% are waiting. Next day, that number goes down to 72%

So instead of 5 million a year, you get 500,000 a year.

You can dig under them, climb over them, cut through them, or bribe a border guard to let you through.

It's true, you need things in addition to a wall.

What can you determine in five minutes?

"I claim asylum"
"What happened?"
"The government was mean to me"
"That's awful! You have any evidence?"
"Good luck! Buh bye."

SOmeone facing rape and murder in El Salvador has a valid claim.

Coming from a shithole shouldn't be a legitimate claim.

Except not what our laws say.

If only there was some way to pass a new law.
What can you determine in five minutes? "Not white enough?" There's a German family that has been here for 17 years on a bullshit asylum claim that they can't homeschool their kids.
Why is that bullshit? Big government insists on teaching kids certain things, the parents object on ideological ground, big government says, no, you have to teach your kids that stuff because we the government say so. And if you don't comply, we send you to jail.

This is a form of persecution based on one's beliefs. The parents definitely have an asylum claim.

Someone facing rape and murder in El Salvador has a valid claim.
The US is not the world's guardian angel. Let the El Salvadorians figure out how to govern their society properly.
Except not what our laws say. The law says, if they claim asylum, they are entitled to a hearing.
How about you pay for those hearings on your own dime? Why should Americans pay for some third-worlder's asylum hearing?
So instead of 5 million a year, you get 500,000 a year.

Not really. Again, if they try every day, they are eventually going to get through. Especially if a "wall" is really just a fence that can be defeated with a few tools.

"I claim asylum"
"What happened?"
"The government was mean to me"
"That's awful! You have any evidence?"
"Good luck! Buh bye."

Not how our laws work, buddy. Just like the cop can't shoot you during a traffic stop because he feels like it. (Well, if you are white, anyway.) You actually HAVE to have a hearing. Any hearing would find these people are really entitled to asylum under the way the law is written.

Coming from a shithole shouldn't be a legitimate claim.
No, but having a reasonable fear of persecution does.
Another twit heard from.

So you are essentially saying, since we all already have microchip technology in our lives, we should go whole hog and embrace your biometric ID idea?

Um, yeah, it's foolish not to. We have 1.75 million cases of identity theft a year, most of them NOT related to undocumented aliens. Being able to establish who people are is a good idea. The Credit Card companies spend Billions on identity protection for their members, and guess what? Every credit card I have in my wallet has a microchip.

Why is that bullshit? Big government insists on teaching kids certain things, the parents object on ideological ground, big government says, no, you have to teach your kids that stuff because we the government say so. And if you don't comply, we send you to jail.

oooh, big Government... wooo scary.

Germany isn't throwing these thumpers in jail, they are charging them a fine. Also, unlike the US, Germany has school choice. If you want your kid to attend a protestant school, the government gives you a voucher. If you want your kid to attend a Catholic School, the government gives you a voucher.

This is a form of persecution based on one's beliefs. The parents definitely have an asylum claim.
No, it's not persecution if the law is reasonable, applies to everyone fairly, and gives you a lot of latitude on how to comply.

The US is not the world's guardian angel. Let the El Salvadorians figure out how to govern their society properly.
Uh, they wanted to. We spent Billions of dollars propping up the current thugs in charge.

How about you pay for those hearings on your own dime? Why should Americans pay for some third-worlder's asylum hearing?
Because courts are part of the function of a government.

Now, as I have mentioned, my wife initially came here on an asylum claim from China. She made her claim in 2017, but she STILL hasn't gotten a hearing. (They just keep reauthorizing her work permit every two years.) Now that we are married, we are going the family sponsorship route instead. In order to do that, I've had to provide 200 pages of documentation. It's absurd the number of hoops we make people jump through.
Some day, ...you might add something to a conversation.

Today isn't that day.

Tomorrow isn't looking promising.
I have added much, much more to many, many more conversations than you ever have here, bigot troll.
First and foremost, we need to stop foolishly talking about walls, fences, and alligators in a moat. If someone has traveled 2000 miles over deserts and mountains to get here, something built by man isn't going to stop them.

A wall alone will not stop them but it will slow them down enough to arrest them on the US side of the border
Not really. Again, if they try every day, they are eventually going to get through. Especially if a "wall" is really just a fence that can be defeated with a few tools.

Not how our laws work, buddy. Just like the cop can't shoot you during a traffic stop because he feels like it. (Well, if you are white, anyway.) You actually HAVE to have a hearing. Any hearing would find these people are really entitled to asylum under the way the law is written.

No, but having a reasonable fear of persecution does.

Again, if they try every day, they are eventually going to get through.

If 90% are stopped every day, that's still a big reduction.

Especially if a "wall" is really just a fence that can be defeated with a few tools.

We need people on our side of the fence to stop them from doing that.
Or to push them back over if they succeed.

Not how our laws work, buddy.

I agree, we need to change how our laws work.

You actually HAVE to have a hearing.

We can HAVE a hearing when they're outside the US.
Or a 5-minute hearing here.

Any hearing would find these people are really entitled to asylum under the way the law is written.

Write another law.

No, but having a reasonable fear of persecution does.

We can define reasonable.
If someone has traveled 2000 miles over deserts and mountains to get here, something built by man isn't going to stop them.

Stopping 90%. Would be an excellent start!

2) Create a Guest-worker program to fill the legitimate labor needs of companies requiring low-skill jobs Americans don't want to do. Such permits will be limited (two years, only renewable after a 1 Year return to your home country).

Excellent idea!

3) Go after the white people (and yes, it's almost exclusively white people) who hire undocumented laborers who don't have the above.


4) Set up a 1-800 number to report people who are hiring undocumented laborers. A few visits from La-Migra and a few fines should straighten them out.

Great idea.

5) Here's the big one- Adequately staff the asylum system with people who can evaluate cases quickly. It should NOT take 4 years to get an asylum hearing.

5 minutes should be plenty. And when word of that gets out, the flood turns into a trickle.

6) Stop a foreign policy that creates refugees to start with. Most of the current batch are not coming form Mexico, they are coming from Central America or Venezuela, where our policies have caused untold economic and political misery.

Meh. Corrupt shitholes are gonna be corrupt shitholes, no matter what we do.

One more.......

7) At any contact with government, collect and deport illegal aliens.
Add in a requirement that any employer hiring a "guest worker" has to post a performance bond that is only refundable AFTER the "guest worker" clears customs on his or her way back to his or her home country. That would ensure that the employer would work with ICE to make sure his employee actually leaves the USA after his employment ends.
I usually don't engage you, because you are shallow, but let's try,

Except it won't stop them. So let's say you stop 90% today. That's still 10% that got through. The other 90% try again tomorrow. That means now 81% are waiting. Next day, that number goes down to 72%. Walls don't work.

You can dig under them, climb over them, cut through them, or bribe a border guard to let you through.

What can you determine in five minutes? "Not white enough?" There's a German family that has been here for 17 years on a bullshit asylum claim that they can't homeschool their kids. SOmeone facing rape and murder in El Salvador has a valid claim.

Except not what our laws say. The law says, if they claim asylum, they are entitled to a hearing.
The hearing can be a simple as an ICE employee demanding that the asylum seeker provide documentary proof that he or she is in danger of political harassment. Not a claim, real concrete proof. No proof, no crossing the border.
Add in a requirement that any employer hiring a "guest worker" has to post a performance bond that is only refundable AFTER the "guest worker" clears customs on his or her way back to his or her home country. That would ensure that the employer would work with ICE to make sure his employee actually leaves the USA after his employment ends.

I notice you put Guest Worker in scare quotes. Is the employer supposed to drive them back to the border personally?

The hearing can be a simple as an ICE employee demanding that the asylum seeker provide documentary proof that he or she is in danger of political harassment. Not a claim, real concrete proof. No proof, no crossing the border.
That sounds like it's going to send a lot of people back to be murdered, but why do I get the feeling you aren't bothered by that?

Hey, it should take all of five minutes to determine Trump instigated a riot, he's on tape doing it. But we are STILL going to give him every legal formality.
First and foremost, we need to stop foolishly talking about walls, fences, and alligators in a moat. If someone has traveled 2000 miles over deserts and mountains to get here, something built by man isn't going to stop them.

Our main problem is that they have a manpower surplus and we have a manpower shortage, hence why they come here to do jobs that Americans don't want to do. Period. Our more recent troubles are caused by economic turmoil in Central and South America that we are more than a little responsible for.

So, let's look at some sensible solutions to control the inevitable.

1) Establish a national biometric ID system based on Social Security so everyone knows who they are hiring. You can't get a job or benefits without said ID.

2) Create a Guest-worker program to fill the legitimate labor needs of companies requiring low-skill jobs Americans don't want to do. Such permits will be limited (two years, only renewable after a 1 Year return to your home country).

3) Go after the white people (and yes, it's almost exclusively white people) who hire undocumented laborers who don't have the above. Not just the sweatshop owner but the clown who hires a truckload of day laborers from the Home Depot parking lot when that DIY project turns out to be harder than Chip and Joanna made it look. The Rich asshole (and I always love going after the rich!) who can't be bothered to raise their own spawn, so they've hired Lupe, who is just like a member of the family they don't pay taxes on.

4) Set up a 1-800 number to report people who are hiring undocumented laborers. A few visits from La-Migra and a few fines should straighten them out.

5) Here's the big one- Adequately staff the asylum system with people who can evaluate cases quickly. It should NOT take 4 years to get an asylum hearing. Like it or not, we have laws that state that anyone is entitled to an asylum hearing if they get here and ask for it. If some of those cases are bogus (and I'm sure many of them are) we need to address that quickly.

6) Stop a foreign policy that creates refugees to start with. Most of the current batch are not coming form Mexico, they are coming from Central America or Venezuela, where our policies have caused untold economic and political misery. We need to stop punishing Venezuela because we don't like the form of government they selected 20 years ago, and we need to help the countries of Central America get control over their rampant crime problems that are driving people out.

Just another of your silly tirades aimed at demonizing white people.
I notice you put Guest Worker in scare quotes. Is the employer supposed to drive them back to the border personally?

That sounds like it's going to send a lot of people back to be murdered, but why do I get the feeling you aren't bothered by that?

Hey, it should take all of five minutes to determine Trump instigated a riot, he's on tape doing it. But we are STILL going to give him every legal formality.

That sounds like it's going to send a lot of people back to be murdered,

Dangerous shitholes are dangerous.

Hey, it should take all of five minutes to determine Trump instigated a riot, he's on tape doing it.

When he said protest peacefully? DURR

Post the tape.

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